How to calculate a hash like SHA1 on a school calculator? - math

Is it possible to calculate a hash (like SHA-1, SHA-256 or MD5) on a "normal" school calculator?
If I could not generate this hash, could calculate it with some math a hash self on the calculator?
(I using in school a "TI-30X Plus", cost 20$ or so...)
(sry for my bad english)


Decrypting MD5 hashed text when salt is known

Let's say I have the following MD5 hashed password:
If I know that the original password was salted and hashed and know that instead of typical salt it was just wrapped in 'flag{}' before MD5 summing it.
How may I decrypt MD5 in this case?
The other answer is not correct in the definition of what you are trying. Let's begin with the formal definitions of Cryptographical hash functions' required resistances. The below from Cryptographic Hash-Function Basics: Definitions, Implications, and Separations for Preimage Resistance, Second-Preimage Resistance, and Collision Resistance by P. Rogaway and T. Shrimpton;
preimage-resistance — for essentially all pre-specified outputs, it is computationally infeasible to find any input which hashes to that output, i.e., to find any preimage x' such that h(x') = y when given any y for which a corresponding input is not known.
2nd-preimage resistance, weak-collision — it is computationally infeasible to find any second input which has the same output as any specified input, i.e., given x, to find a 2nd-preimage x' != x such that h(x) = h(x').
collision resistance, strong-collision — it is computationally infeasible to find any two distinct inputs x, x' which hash to the same output, i.e., such that h(x) = h(x').
Collisions and password cracking is not related. Actually, you are trying to find a pre-image that works with the given hash value and the salt. The cost of generic pre-image attacks is O(2^n) in the case of MD5 n=128 that is O(2^128). There is a pre-image attack on the MD5 that is better than the generic with a cost of 2^123.4
Finding Preimages in Full MD5 Faster Than Exhaustive Search
This attack still beyond the search of everybody (except the QC and that is another story). Even for the supercomputers or the collaborative power of the bitcoin miners.
As pointed above, MD5 is no longer cryptographically secure since its collision resistance is broken, even SHA-1 is no longer secure.
hashing is not encryption/decryption. That is really a long story here a short answer, Encryption is reversible but hashes are not ( consider the pigeonhole principle, and see one-way functions) [ minor note block cipher mode of operation like the CTR mode doesn't requires a PRP it can work with PRF and it is designed in this way]...
What can you do?
First, use the John the Ripper password cracker.
If not found, then
Build a fast pre-image attack on the MD5 up to some limit according to your budget. hashcat is a very powerful tool that you can benefit from it to build it. Here a hashcat performance;
hashcat with Nvidia RTX 3090 one can search for 65322.5 MH/s (Mega Hashes/ Seconds). That is 2^16 MH/s. The calculations - time, device cost, electricity costs - can be done according to target search space if known.
MD5 is a hash function, you cannot really decrypt the result (plz search difference between hash and decryption).
However - you may try to find a collision - an input giving the same hash. With some probability it will match the original input. Cryptographic hash functions are designed to be very difficult (unfeasible) to find a collision, however for the MD5 it is not valid anymore (that's why MD5 is considered as not safe to use)
You may check the resources Vlastimil Klima: Tunnels in Hash Functions: MD5 Collisions Within a Minute, there are some more references and tools linked related to the latest Tunnel attack.

Why must the keys to asymmetric encryption have to be as much longer such as RSA than typical symmetrical encryption algorithms, such as AES?

I'm reading that it is because RSA has to do with math (prime numbers) while Symmetric key encryption is about taking blocks of data and modifying the blocks with replacements and remappings, but I still don't understand why Asymmetric encryption has to have longer keys because of that, or if that's even why?
For symmetric ciphers, the cipher strength depends on the key length assuming the cipher is not broken.
Asymmetric encryption is based on a trapdoor function (not necessarily prime numbers, there are others as well, such as elliptic curves or lattices). It should be one way function (for encryption) with very difficult computation of its inverse (decryption) without some kind of secret. So the strength of the asymmetric cipher depends on key length and as well on how difficult is to compute the function inverse with the specific key length
Example: breaking a 128 bit symmetric key would mean testing 2^128 numbers. Solving discrete logarithm problem (inverse of RSA) for 128 bit key will take much less time (we need to solve a math problem, not find a random key), so much longer key is needed to make up the same level of security

Is there two key symetric commutative encryption function?

I'm wondering if there is some strong (like AES or so.) encryption function that works like this:
2 keys: plaintext -> 2keys ->ciphered text, however it must not matter order of keys, i.e
Key1 (Key2 (plaintext)) == Key2 (Key1(plaintext))
e.g. "commutative"
(also required for decryption - you need two keys, doesn't matter order)
This can be easily done by putting any block encryption algorithm into CTR mode. CTR mode with a single key looks like:
ciphertext = plaintext XOR cipher(key, counter)
Where counter is initialized to your IV and incremented for each block. Decryption is exactly the same operation. As such, if you CTR-encrypt twice with two keys, you get:
ciphertext = plaintext XOR cipher(key0, counter) XOR cipher(key1, counter)
And since XOR is commutative, you can reverse it in either order.
This has the nice property that you don't need to have all keys in the same location. Consider: Alice, Bob, and Charlie are participating in a protocol in which Charlie will double encrypt data for both Alice and Bob (this protocol will assume all point-to-point communication is secured through usual SSL-like channels):
Alice and Bob perform an authenticated Diffie-Hellman exchange to produce the IV. This IV is then sent to Charlie.
Alice computes digest(key0, IV + ctr) for ctr = 0...number-of-ciphertext-blocks, and sends the result KS_A to Charlie
Bob computes digest(key1, IV + ctr) for ctr = 0...number-of-ciphertext-blocks, and sends the result KS_B to Charlie
Charlie computes KS_A XOR KS_B XOR plaintext, and sends the resulting ciphertext to both Alice and Bob.
Alice and Bob each sign a tuple (IV, hash(ciphertext), description-of-encrypted-data). This is attached to the ciphertext.
Later, to decrypt:
Charlie (performing the decryption) sends the signed (IV, hash(ciphertext)) tuples to each of Alice and Bob, as well as the ciphertext.
Alice verifies his signed tuple, computes KS_A, and sends ciphertext XOR KS_A = D_A to Charlie
Bob verifies his signed tuple, computes KS_B, and sends ciphertext XOR KS_B = D_B to Charlie
Charlie computes KS = D_A XOR D_B = KS_A XOR KS_B
Charlie computes plaintext = ciphertext XOR KS
The purpose of the signed tuple here and DH exchange is to ensure Alice and Bob can't be tricked into decryption the wrong stream by sending them a different IV. This may not be relevant in your usage scenario. Also, the role of Charlie may be played by Alice or Bob in a real implementation.
If you're worried about the potential security risks of CTR mode, one other option would be to use CTR-mode encryption on a session key, which in turn is used to encrypt in a more normal mode, such as CBC. That is:
sessionkey = RANDOM
enc_sessionkey = sessionkey XOR cipher(key0, IV_0) XOR cipher(key1, IV_0)
ciphertext = enc_sessionkey + IV_0 + IV_1 + cipherCBC(IV_1, sessionkey, plaintext)
Although some other posters have commented on secret sharing, this is overkill if you don't need the property that only a subset of keys are needed for decryption - ie, with secret sharing you might encrypt with three keys, but require only any two to decrypt. If you want to require all keys, secret sharing schemes aren't really necessary.
It's not a commutative encryption, but there are well-proven algorithms for secret sharing (note, this is not the same thing as "key agreement.")
Two of the best known methods are Shamir's and Blakley's. In general, these algorithms take a secret and produce many "shares". When enough shares are available to reach a threshold, the secret can be recovered. In the simplest case, two shares are required, but the threshold can be higher.
To explain Shamir's method in simple terms, think about a line on a graph. If you know any two points on the line, you know everything about the line. Any string of bytes, like the encryption key of a symmetric cipher, is just a large number, in base-256. Shamir's algorithm treats this secret as the line's "y-intercept" (the y-coordinate of the line when x=0). Then the line's slope chosen randomly. The y-coordinates of the line at x=1, x=2, x=3, … are computed, and each point is given to a different share-holder.
If any two of these share-holders get together, they can draw a line through their two points, back to the y-axis. The y-coordinate at where it crosses the axis is the original secret. However, each share-holder has only one point; by themselves, they can't guess anything about the original secret.
The threshold can be increased by increasing the degree of the polynomial. For example, if a parabola is used instead of a line, three shares are needed instead of two.
There's more to a real implementation, like the use of modular arithmetic, but this is the concept behind it. Blakley's approach is similar, but it uses the intersection of planes to encode the secret.
You can play around with an implementation of Shamir's method online.
You can make a commutative encryption algorithm, but the encryption methods must then be limited to commutative operations. This will limit the strength of the encryption function because it greatly reduces the possible encryption methods that can be used. Thus, if a hacker wanted to break your algorithm and new it was commutative, it would greatly improve his chances of breaking it because of the reduction in decryption methods he would need to try. However, it might be okay for your purposes, depending on how much hacking you expect.
Also, I'm not sure if "secret splitting" is what you are going for, as mentioned by atk. I've looked at it briefly, but from what I've seen (at least for the basic case) you can't perform the operations separately, as both keys need to be provided together to perform the encrypt/decrypt actions. In other words you can't call encrypt with one person's key to get a result that you can call encrypt on with a second key. However, if you have both keys available at once, this might be a good method to try.
You're talking about secret splitting. Yes, there's been a lot of research on it. Wikipedia would be a good starting point.

How to define your encryption algorithm's strength in terms of bits?

I'm in the process of designing an encryption algorithm. The algorithm is symmetric (single key).
How do you measure an algorithms strength in terms of bits? Is the key length the strength of the algorithm?
Lesson 1: Don't design an encryption algorithm, AES and others are
designed and standardized by academics for a reason
Lesson 2: An encryption algorithms strength is not measured in bits, key sizes are. An algorithm's strength is determined by its design. In general, an algorithm using a larger key size is harder to brute-force, and thus stronger.
First of all, is this for anything serious? If it is, stop right now. Don't do it. Designing algorithms is one of the hardest things in the world. Unless you have years and years of experience breaking ciphers, you will not design anything remotely secure.
AES and RSA serve two very different purposes. The difference is more than just signing. RSA is a public key algorithm. We use it for encryption, key exchange, digital signatures. AES is a symmetric block cipher. We use it for bulk encryption. RSA is very slow. AES is very fast. Most modern cryptosystems use a hybrid approach of using RSA for key exchange, and then AES for the bulk encryption.
Typically when we say "128-bit strength", we mean the size of the key. This is incredibly deceptive though, in that there is much more to the strength of an algorithm than the size of it's key. In other words, just because you have a million bit key, it means nothing.
The strength of an algorithm, is defined both in terms of it's key size, as well as it's resistance to cryptanalytic attacks. We say an algorithm is broken if there exists an attack better than brute force.
So, with AES and a 128-bit key, AES is considered "secure" if there is no attack that less than 2^128 work. If there is, we consider it "broken" (in an academic sense). Some of these attacks (for your searching) include differential cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis, and related key attacks.
How we brute force an algorithm also depends on it's type. A symmetric block cipher like AES is brute forced by trying every possible key. For RSA though, the size of the key is the size of the modulus. We don't break that by trying every possible key, but rather factoring. So the strength of RSA then is dependent on the current state of number theory. Thus, the size of the key doesn't always tell you it's actual strength. RSA-128 is horribly insecure. Typically RSA key sizes are 1024-bits+.
DES with a 56-bit key is stronger than pretty much EVERY amateur cipher ever designed.
If you are interested in designing algorithms, you should start by breaking other peoples. Bruce Schenier has a self-study course in cryptanalysis that can get you started:
FEAL is one of the most broken ciphers of all time. It makes for a great starting place of learning block cipher cryptanalysis. The source code is available, and there are countless published papers on it, so you can always "look up the answer" if you get stuck.
You can compare key lengths for the same algorithm. Between algorithms it does not make too much sense.
If the algorithm is any good (and it would be very hard to prove that for something homegrown), then it gets more secure with a longer key size. Adding one bit should (again, if the algorithm is good) double the effort it takes to brute-force it (because there are now twice as many possible keys).
The more important point, though, is that this only works for "good" algorithms. If your algorithm is broken (i.e. it can be decrypted without trying all the keys because of some design flaws in it), then making the key longer probably does not help much.
If you tell me you have invented an algorithm with a 1024-bit key, I have no way to judge if that is better or worse than a published 256-bit algorithm (I'd err on the safe side and assume worse).
If you have two algorithms in your competition, telling the judge the key size is not helping them to decide which one is better.
Oh man, this is a really difficult problem. One is for sure - key length shows nothing about encryption algorithm strength.
I can only think of two measures of encryption algorithm strength:
Show your algorithm to professional cryptanalyst. Algorithm strength will be proportional to the time cryptanalyst has taken to break your encryption.
Strong encryption algorithms makes encrypted data look pretty much random. So - measure randomness of your encrypted data. Algorithm strength should be proportional to encrypted data randomness degree. Warning - this criteria is just for playing arround, doesn't shows real encryption scheme strength !
So real measure is first, but with second you can play around for fun.
Assuming the algorithm is sound and that it uses the entire key range...
Raise the number of unique byte values for each key byte to the power of the number of bytes.
So if you are using only ASCII characters A-Z,a-z,0-9, that's 62 unique values - a 10 byte key using these values is 62^10. If you are using all 256 values, 0x00 - 0xFF, a 10 byte key is 256^10 (or 10 * 8 bits per byte = 2 ^ 80).
"Bits of security" is defined by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), in:
NIST SP 800-57 Part 1, section 5.6.1 "Comparable Algorithm Strengths".
Various revisions of SP 800-57 Part 1 from NIST:
Current version:
The "strength" is defined as "the amount of work needed to “break the algorithms”", and 5.6.1 goes on to describe that criterion at some length.
Table 2, in the same section, lays out the "bits of security" achieved by different key sizes of various algorithms, including AES, RSA, and ECC.
Rigorously determining the relative strength of a novel algorithm will require serious work.
My quick and dirty definition is "the number of bits that AES would require to have the same average cracking time". You can use any measure you like for time, like operations, wall time, whatever. If yours takes as long to crack as a theoretical 40-bit AES message would (2^88 less time than 128-bit AES), then it's 40 bits strong, regardless of whether you used 64,000 bit keys.
That's being honest, and honestly is hard to find in the crypto world, of course. For hilarity, compare it to plain RSA keys instead.
Obviously it's in no way hard and fast, and it goes down every time someone finds a better crack, but that's the nature of an arbitrary "strength-in-terms-of-bits" measure. Strength-in-terms-of-operations is a much more concrete measure.

How does being able to factor large numbers determine the security of popular encryption algorithms?

How is the encryption algorithm's security dependent on factoring large numbers?
For example, I've read on some math-programming forums that by using the Quadratic Sieve or the General Number Field Sieve, one can factor a 256 bit number with relative ease on commercially available hardware.
How does this translate to being able to break the security of algorithms such as RSA, AES, etc? Is being able to factor numbers the length of the key enough?
Is there anyone knowledgeable in cryptography and encryption algorithms who could shed a little light on it?
RSA, the cryptoalgorithm, relies on number theory, specifically the multiplication of two large primes and the fact this is difficult to factor, to differentiate between public and private keys.
Here's a question on Yahoo answers where someone has given some detail:
It relies on a few facts:
n=p.q is easy to calculate but hard to reverse
Fermat's little theorem:
Various results of number theory.
It is not factoring large numbers that is difficult, it is factoring two large numbers whose only factors are themselves large primes, because finding those primes is difficult.
A quick search through my bookmarks gives me this: the mathematical guts of rsa encryption if you're interested in how it works. Also, some explanation here too - just re-read my num-theory notes to be clear.
n = p*q gives you a large number given p,q prime.
phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1). This is an extension of Fermat's little theorem More on why we need this and why it works on my blog here:
Which means, if we choose a number E coprime (no common prime factors) to (p-1)(q-1) we can find Es inverse mod phi(n).
Which we do, we find DE = 1(p-1)(q-1) or rather we solve using euclid's greatest common divisor algorithm, extended version.
Now, given all of the above, if we take T^E (pq) we get C. However, if we take (T^E)^D (pq) we get T back again.
AES isn't the same - it isn't public key cryptography. AES takes one key and uses that in both directions, encryption and decryption. The process is basically very difficult to undo, rather like a hash but designed to be reversible. It however, does not rely on factoring large numbers into primes for its security; it relies entirely on the strength of the key and the inability to deduce either the key from the algorithm or the key given known plaintext and the algorithm.
Wikipedia has a good article on AES for high level with a good link that shows you how it works - see here and here. I particularly like the latter link.
How is the an encryption algorithm's security dependent on factoring large numbers?
The missing phrase is "public-key", as in "How is the public key encryption algorithm's security..."
In modern cryptography there two major categories of ciphers, symmetric (secret key) and public-key (which uses a public/private key pair).
Within each category, you will find the key sizes relatively close. For public-key systems like RSA and DH/DSA, both used in OpenPGP e-mail encryption, common key sizes are 1024-bit and larger these days (early 2010). This has to do with the mathematical requirements of suitable keys used to encryption and decrypt messages. For RSA, in short, it is many time easier to generate a factor of two random large prime numbers and do multiplication with them, compared to factoring of very large number that has no small factors. As you've discovered the factoring of very large numbers is the "problem" or approach needed to break RSA via brute force.
Diffie-Hellman / Digital Signature Algorithm (DH/DSA) are based on a different mathematical problem, calculating discrete logarithms.
Due to properties of the public and private key pairs, the search space is limited to factors of large primes numbers, which becomes incredibly sparse, so it makes sense to try to be far more intelligent then simply trying to factor every very large number.
Whereas with symmetric ciphers like AES, RC6, RC4, Twofish, DES and Triple-DES, these algorithms use a random key of a given bit length. Any non-trivial (i.e. 0x000...000 may be a poor key choice) random key is suitable. So these systems, if there is no attack against the algorithm itself, you can simply search brute force through the key space (i.e. try all 2^256 possible keys) to decrypt a message without the secret key. Since any key is suitable, the density of keys is 2^256.
I'm ignoring Quantum Computing (theoretic and practical), mainly because a) I can't give a solid answer, and b) it represents a large paradigm shift that turns much applied mathematics and computer science of computational complexity potentially on its head, that basic understanding is still a moving target. Oh, and most of my enemies don't have a quantum computer yet. :)
I hope that explains the general difference between the two types of crypto systems, such as RSA and AES.
Sidebar: Cryptography is a rich and complex topic, where the basics may be simple enough to understand, and even write a naive ("textbook") implementation, the complex subtleties of a secure implementation makes it best for programmers who are not cryptography experts to use high level crypto-systems including using well-known standard protocols to improve your chances that the cryptography of a system is not the exploitable flaw in a system.
AES is much different, AES creates a SPN, Substitution Permutation Network. It generates s-boxes (substitution boxes) based on polynomial functions generated at encryption time. It runs it through 10-14 rounds of byte-level substitution and bit-level permuting, the bit length of the key determining the number of rounds and the round keys.
RSA is based on factors of large prime numbers which are extremely hard to do computationally, but quite easy to initially encrypt.
RSA is broken by factoring. Actually, RSA is two algorithms, one for (asymmetric) encryption and one for digital signatures; both use the same primitive. In RSA, there is a public value (the modulus, often noted n) which is a product of two (or more) distinct prime factors. Factoring n reveals the private key. Factoring becomes harder when the size of n increases. The current record (published earlier this year) is for a 768-bit integer; it took four years of big computing and hard work by very smart people. The same people openly admit that they have little clue of how they could try the same stunt on a 1024-bit integer (there is a part of the best known factorization algorithm which requires an awful lot of fast RAM, and for a 1024-bit integer that would require a ludicrously huge machine). Current recommendations of key length for RSA are 1024 bits for short term, 2048 bits for long term security. Note that computational cost of RSA increases with key size as well, so we do not want to use really big keys without a good reason. A basic PC will produce about 1000 RSA signatures per second (and per core) with a 1024-bit key, and eight times less with a 2048-bit key. This is still quite good.
There are other asymmetric encryption algorithms, and digital signature algorithms. Somewhat related to RSA is the Rabin-Williams encryption algorithm; factoring also breaks it. Then there are algorithms based on discrete logarithm (in the multiplicative group of numbers modulo a big prime): Diffie-Hellman (key exchange), DSA (signature), El Gamal (encryption)... for these algorithms, factorization is no direct threat; but they rely on the same parts of number theory, and the best known algorithm for discrete logarithm is very similar to the best known algorithm for factorization (and has the same name: GNFS -- as General Number Field Sieve). So it is suspected that an advance in factorization would result from an advance in number theory which would be likely to shed some light on discrete logarithm as well.
The discrete logarithm algorithms can be applied to other groups, the most popular being elliptic curves. Elliptic curves are not impacted by factorization. If factorization became easy, thus scraping RSA and indirectly jeopardizing DSA and Diffie-Hellman, then we would switch to ECDH and ECDSA; standards and implementations exist and are deployed.
"Symmetric cryptography", i.e. hash functions (MD5, SHA-256...), authentication code (HMAC, CBC-MAC...), symmetric encryption (AES, 3DES...), random number generation (RC4...) and related activities, are totally unaffected by factorization. For these algorithms, keys are mere bunches of bits, without any special structure; there is nothing to factor.
