R calculating time differences in a (layered) long dataset - r

I've been struggling with a bit of timestamp data (haven't had to work with dates much until now, and it shows). Hope you can help out.
I'm working with data from a website showing for each customer (ID) their respective visits and the timestamp for those visits. It's grouped in the sense that one customer might have multiple visits/timestamps.
The df is structured as follows, in a long format:
df <- data.frame("Customer" = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3),
"Visit" =c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2), # e.g. customer ID #1 has visited the site three times.
"Timestamp" = c("2019-12-31 12:13:25", "2019-12-31 16:13:25", "2020-01-05 10:13:25", "2019-11-12 15:18:42", "2019-11-13 19:22:35", "2019-12-10 19:43:55"))
Note: In the real dataset the timestamp isn't a factor but some other haggard character-type abomination which I should probably first try to convert into a POSIXct format somehow.
What I would like to do here is to create a df that displays per customer their average time between visits (let's say in minutes, or hours). Visitors with only a single visit (e.g., second customer in my example) could be filtered out in advance or should display a 0. My final goal is to visualize that distribution, and possibly calculate a grand mean across all customers.
Because the number of visits can vary drastically (e.g. one or 256 visits) I can't just use a 'wide' version of the dataset where a fixed number of visits are the columns which I could then subtract and average.
I'm at a bit of a loss how to best approach this type of problem, thanks a bunch!

Using dplyr:
df %>%
arrange(Customer, Timestamp) %>%
group_by(Customer) %>%
mutate(Difference = Timestamp - lag(Timestamp)) %>%
summarise(mean(Difference, na.rm = TRUE))
Due to the the grouping, the first value of difference for any costumer should be NA (including those with only one visit), so they will be dropped with the mean.

Using base R (no extra packages):
sort the data, ordering by customer Id, then by timestamp.
calculate the time difference between consecutive rows (using the diff() function), grouping by customer id (tapply() does the grouping).
find the average
squish that into a data.frame.
# 1 sort the data
df$Timestamp <- as.POSIXct(df$Timestamp)
# not debugged
df <- df[order(df$Customer, df$Timestamp),]
# 2 apply a diff.
# if you want to force the time units to seconds, convert
# the timestamp to numeric first.
# without conversion
diffs <- tapply(df$Timestamp, df$Customer, diff)
# ======OR======
# convert to seconds
diffs <- tapply(as.numeric(df$Timestamp), df$Customer, diff)
# 3 find the averages
diffs.mean <- lapply(diffs, mean)
# 4 squish that into a data.frame
diffs.df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, diffs.mean))
diffs.df$Customer <- names(diffs.mean)
# 4a tidy up the data.frame names
names(diffs.df)[1] <- "Avg_Interval"
You haven't shown your timestamp strings, but when you need to wrangle them, the lubridate package is your friend.


R function for finding difference of dates with exceptions?

I was wondering if there was a function for finding the difference between and issue date and a maturity date, but with 2 maturity date. For example, I want to prioritize the dates in maturity date source 1 and subtract it from the issue date to find the difference. Then, if my dataset is missing dates from maturity date source 1, such as in lines 5 & 6, I want to use dates from maturity date source 2 to fill in the rest. I have tried the code below, but am unsure how to incorporate the data from maturity date source 2 without changing everything else. I have attached a picture for reference. Thank you in advance.
df$Maturity_Date_source_1 <- as.Date(c(df$Maturity_Date_source_1))
df$Issue_Date <- as.Date(c(df$Issue_Date))
df$difference <- (df$Maturity_Date_source_1 - df$Issue_Date) / 365.25
df$difference <- as.numeric(c(df$difference))
An option would be to coalesce the columns and then do the difference
df %>%
mutate(difference = as.numeric((coalesce(Maturity_Date_source_1,
Maturity_Date_source_2) - Issue_Date)/365.25))

Create efficient week over week calculation with subsetting

In my working dataset, I'm trying to calculate week-over-week values for the changes in wholesale and revenue. The code seems to work, but my estimates show it'll take about 75hrs to run what is a seemingly simple calculation. Below is the generic reproducible version which takes about 2m to run on this smaller dataset:
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
exampleData$week_ending[i] <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
# loop through the wholesale and revenue numbers and append the week-over-week changes
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
# set a condition where the loop only appends the week-over-week values if it's not the first week
# set temporary values for the current and past week's wholesale value
currentWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[i]
lastWeekWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$wholesale_wow[i] <- currentWholesale/lastWeekWholesale -1
# set temporary values for the current and past week's revenue
currentRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[i]
lastWeekRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$revenue_wow[i] <- currentRevenue/lastWeekRevenue -1
Any help understanding why this takes so long or how to cut down the time would be much appreciated!
The first for loop can be simplified with the following for:
exampleData$week_ending2 <- as.Date("2016-09-04") + 7 * floor((seq_len(nrow(exampleData)) - 1) / 26)
setequal(exampleData$week_ending, exampleData$week_ending2)
[1] TRUE
Replacing second for loop
dt1 <- as.data.table(exampleData)
dt1[, wholesale_wow := wholesale / shift(wholesale) - 1 , by = product]
dt1[, revenue_wow := revenue / shift(revenue) - 1 , by = product]
setequal(exampleData, dt1)
[1] TRUE
This takes about 4 milliseconds to run on my laptop
Here is a vectorized solution using the tidyr package.
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
#vectorize the creating of the data
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
#find the index of rows of interest (ie removing the first week)
#create temp variables and convert into wide format
# the rows are product and the columns are the ending weeks
Wholesale<-exampleData[ ,c(1,2,4)]
Wholesale<-spread(Wholesale, week_ending, wholesale)
Revenue<-exampleData[ ,c(1,3,4)]
Revenue<-spread(Revenue, week_ending, revenue)
#number of columns
#remove the first two columns for current wholesale
#remove the first and last column for last week's wholesale
#perform calculation on ever element in dataframe (divide this week/lastweek)
Wholesale_wow<- Wholesale[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Wholesale[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#repeat for revenue
Revenue_wow<- Revenue[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Revenue[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#assemble calculated values back into the original dataframe
The strategy was to convert the original data into a wide format where the rows were the product id and the columns were the weeks. Then divide the data frames by each other. Convert back into a long format and add the newly calculated values to the exampleData data frame. This works, not very clean but very much faster than the loop. The dplyr package is another tool for this type of work.
To compare this results of this code with you test case use:
print(identical(goldendata, exampleData))
Where goldendata is your known good results, be sure to use the same random numbers with the set.seed() function.

Mean Returns in Time Series - Restarting after NA values - rstudio

Has anyone encountered calculating historical mean log returns in time series datasets?
The dataset is ordered by individual security first and by time for each respective security. I am trying to form a historical mean log return, i.e. the mean log return for the security from its first appearance in the dataset to date, for each point in time for each security.
Luckily, the return time series contains NAs between returns for differing securities. My idea is to calculate a historical mean that restarts after each NA that appears.
A simple cumsum() probably will not do it, as the NAs will have to be dropped.
I thought about using rollmean(), if I only knew an efficient way to specify the 'width' parameter to the length of the vector of consecutive preceding non-NAs.
The current approach I am taking, based on Count how many consecutive values are true, takes significantly too much time, given the size of the data set I am working with.
For any x of the form x : [r(1) r(2) ... r(N)], where r(2) is the log return in period 2:
df <- data.frame(x, zcount = NA)
df[1,2] = 0 #df$x[1]=NA by construction of the data set
for(i in 2:nrow(df))
df$zcount[i] <- ifelse(!is.na(df$x[i]), df$zcount[i-1]+1, 0)
Any idea how to speed this up would be highly appreciated!
You will need to reshape the data.frame to apply the cumsum function
over each security. Here's how:
First, I'll generate some data on 100 securities over 100 months which I think corresponds to your description of the data set
securities <- 100
months <- 100
time <- seq.Date(as.Date("2010/1/1"), by = "months", length.out = months)
ID <- rep(paste0("sec", 1:months), each = securities)
returns <- rnorm(securities * months, mean = 0.08, sd = 2)
df <- data.frame(time, ID, returns)
time ID returns
1 2010-01-01 sec1 -3.0114466
2 2010-02-01 sec1 -1.7566112
3 2010-03-01 sec1 1.6615731
4 2010-04-01 sec1 0.9692533
5 2010-05-01 sec1 1.3075774
6 2010-06-01 sec1 0.6323768
Now, you must reshape your data so that each security column contains its
returns, and each row represents the date.
df_wide <- spread(df, ID, returns)
Once this is done, you can use the apply function to sum every column which now represents each security. Or use the cumsum function. Notice the data object df_wide[-1], which drops the time column. This is necessary to avoid the sum or cumsum functions throwing an error.
matrix_sum <- apply(df_wide[-1], 2, FUN = sum)
matrix_cumsum <- apply(df_wide[-1], 2, FUN = cumsum)
Now, add the time column back as a data.frame if you like:
df_final <- data.frame(time = df_wide[,1], matrix_cumsum)

How to match dates in 2 data frames in R, then sum specific range of values up to that date?

I have two data frames: rainfall data collected daily and nitrate concentrations of water samples collected irregularly, approximately once a month. I would like to create a vector of values for each nitrate concentration that is the sum of the previous 5 days' rainfall. Basically, I need to match the nitrate date with the rain date, sum the previous 5 days' rainfall, then print the sum with the nitrate data.
I think I need to either make a function, a for loop, or use tapply to do this, but I don't know how. I'm not an expert at any of those, though I've used them in simple cases. I've searched for similar posts, but none get at this exactly. This one deals with summing by factor groups. This one deals with summing each possible pair of rows. This one deals with summing by aggregate.
Here are 2 example data frames:
# rainfall df
mm<- c(0,0,0,0,5, 0,0,2,0,0, 10,0,0,0,0)
date<- c(1:15)
rain <- data.frame(cbind(mm, date))
# b/c sums of rainfall depend on correct chronological order, make sure the data are in order by date.
rain[ do.call(order, list(rain$date)),]
# nitrate df
nconc <- c(15, 12, 14, 20, 8.5) # nitrate concentration
ndate<- c(6,8,11,13,14)
nitrate <- data.frame(cbind(nconc, ndate))
I would like to have a way of finding the matching rainfall date for each nitrate measurement, such as:
match(nitrate$date[i] %in% rain$date)
(Note: Will match work with as.Date dates?) And then sum the preceding 5 days' rainfall (not including the measurement date), such as:
And prints the sum in a new column in nitrate
To make sure it's clear what result I'm looking for, here's how to do the calculation 'by hand'. The first nitrate concentration was collected on day 6, so the sum of rainfall on days 1-5 is 5mm.
Many thanks in advance.
You were more or less there!
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall = NA
for (i in 1:length(nitrate$ndate)) {
day = nitrate$ndate[i]
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall[i] = sum(rain$mm[(day-6):(day-1)])
Step by step explanation:
Initialize empty result column:
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall = NA
For each line in the nitrate df: (i = 1,2,3,4,5)
for (i in 1:length(nitrate$ndate)) {
Grab the day we want final result for:
day = nitrate$ndate[i]
Take the rainfull sum and it put in in the results column
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall[i] = sum(rain$mm[(day-6):(day-1)])
Close the for loop :)
Disclaimer: This answer is basic in that:
It will break if nitrate's ndate < 6
It will be incorrect if some dates are missing in the rain dataframe
It will be slow on larger data
As you get more experience with R, you might use data manipulation packages like dplyr or data.table for these types of manipulations.
#nelsonauner's answer does all the heavy lifting. But one thing to note, in my actual data my dates are not numerical like they are in the example above, they are dates listed as MM/DD/YYYY with the appropriate as.Date(nitrate$date, "%m/%d/%Y").
I found that the for loop above gave me all zeros for nitrate$prev_five_rainfall and I suspected it was a problem with the dates.
So I changed my dates in both data sets to numerical using the difference in number of days between a common start date and the recorded date, so that the for loop would look for a matching number of days in each data frame rather than a date. First, make a column of the start date using rep_len() and format it:
nitrate$startdate <- rep_len("01/01/1980", nrow(nitrate))
nitrate$startdate <- as.Date(all$startdate, "%m/%d/%Y")
Then, calculate the difference using difftime():
nitrate$diffdays <- as.numeric(difftime(nitrate$date, nitrate$startdate, units="days"))
Do the same for the rain data frame. Finally, the for loop looks like this:
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall = NA
for (i in 1:length(nitrate$diffdays)) {
day = nitrate$diffdays[i]
nitrate$prev_five_rainfall[i] = sum(rain$mm[(day-5):(day-1)]) # 5 days

Timeline Event Concentration

Given a series of events, is there an algorithm for determining if a certain number of events occur in a certain period of time? For example, given list of user logins, are there any thirty day periods that contain more than 10 logins?
I can come up with a few brute force ways to do this, just wondering if there is an algorithm or name for this kind of problem that I havent turned up with the usual google searching.
In general it is called binning. It is basically aggregating one variable (e.g. events) over an index (e.g. time) using count as a summary function.
Since you didn't provide data I'll just show a simple example:
# Start with a dataframe of dates and number of events
data <- data.frame(date=paste('2013', rep(1:12, each=20), rep(1:20, times=12), sep='-'),
logins=rpois(12*20, 5))
# Make sure to store dates as class Date, it can be useful for other purposes
data$date <- as.Date(data$date)
# Now bin it. This is just a dirty trick, exactly how you do it depends on what you want.
# Lets just sum the number of events for each month
data$month <- sub('-', '', substr(data$date, 6, 7))
aggregate(logins~month, data=data, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
Is that what you wanted?
