Detecting programmatically whether axis labels overlap - r

Is there a way to detect whether axis labels overlap in ggplot2 programmatically?
Suppose I create the following graph:
dt <- mtcars %>% rownames_to_column("name") %>%
dplyr::filter(cyl == 8)
ggplot(dt, aes(x = name, y = mpg)) + geom_point()
I want to programmatically detect whether x-axis labels are overlapping and apply the following first remedy:
ggplot(dt, aes(x = name, y = mpg)) + geom_point() +
scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( = 2))
Here is the tricky part. Say the dimensions are different and first remedy also overlaps like this:
I want to apply a second remedy like this:
ggplot(dt, aes(x = name, y = mpg)) + geom_point() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
Is it possible without visually inspecting the graph?

Not a definitive solution, but if we consider the margins constant, we can do some simple subtraction:
dt <- mtcars %>% rownames_to_column("name") %>%
dplyr::filter(cyl == 8)
p <- ggplot(dt, aes(x = name, y = mpg)) +
# variable part
font_size <- 9 #points, the ggplot default
full_width <- 15 #cm
full_height <- 10 #cm
cm_to_pt <- 28.35 # 1 cm = 28.35 points
# try varying width
for(full_width in c(30, 40, 45, 50)){
axis_text_length_pt <- ceiling(max(nchar(dt$name))/2)*font_size
axis_available_pt <- full_width/n_distinct(dt$name)*cm_to_pt
do_not_touch <- axis_text_length_pt <= axis_available_pt
p +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=font_size)) +
geom_text(aes(x=5,y=15, label=do_not_touch))
width = full_width, height = full_height, unit = "cm")
At 40 cm we still have the Hornet Sportabout and the Lincoln Continental touching, at 45 cm they separate.


How can I change the size of a bar in a grouped bar chart when one group has no data? [duplicate]

Is there a way to set a constant width for geom_bar() in the event of missing data in the time series example below? I've tried setting width in aes() with no luck. Compare May '11 to June '11 width of bars in the plot below the code example.
colours <- c("#FF0000", "#33CC33", "#CCCCCC", "#FFA500", "#000000" )
iris$Month <- rep(seq(from=as.Date("2011-01-01"), to=as.Date("2011-10-01"), by="month"), 15)
colours <- c("#FF0000", "#33CC33", "#CCCCCC", "#FFA500", "#000000" )
iris$Month <- rep(seq(from=as.Date("2011-01-01"), to=as.Date("2011-10-01"), by="month"), 15)
d<-aggregate(iris$Sepal.Length, by=list(iris$Month, iris$Species), sum)
d$quota<-seq(from=2000, to=60000, by=2000)
colnames(d) <- c("Month", "Species", "Sepal.Width", "Quota")
d$Sepal.Width<-d$Sepal.Width * 1000
g1 <- ggplot(data=d, aes(x=Month, y=Quota, color="Quota")) + geom_line(size=1)
g1 + geom_bar(data=d[c(-1:-5),], aes(x=Month, y=Sepal.Width, width=10, group=Species, fill=Species), stat="identity", position="dodge") + scale_fill_manual(values=colours)
Some new options for position_dodge() and the new position_dodge2(), introduced in ggplot2 3.0.0 can help.
You can use preserve = "single" in position_dodge() to base the widths off a single element, so the widths of all bars will be the same.
ggplot(data = d, aes(x = Month, y = Quota, color = "Quota")) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
geom_col(data = d[c(-1:-5),], aes(y = Sepal.Width, fill = Species),
position = position_dodge(preserve = "single") ) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colours)
Using position_dodge2() changes the way things are centered, centering each set of bars at each x axis location. It has some padding built in, so use padding = 0 to remove.
ggplot(data = d, aes(x = Month, y = Quota, color = "Quota")) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
geom_col(data = d[c(-1:-5),], aes(y = Sepal.Width, fill = Species),
position = position_dodge2(preserve = "single", padding = 0) ) +
scale_fill_manual(values = colours)
The easiest way is to supplement your data set so that every combination is present, even if it has NA as its value. Taking a simpler example (as yours has a lot of unneeded features):
dat <- data.frame(a=rep(LETTERS[1:3],3),
ggplot(dat, aes(x=a, y=v, colour=b)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill=b), stat="identity", position="dodge")
This shows the behavior you are trying to avoid: in group "B", there is no group "a", so the bars are wider. Supplement dat with a dataframe with all the combinations of a and b:
dat.all <- rbind(dat, cbind(expand.grid(a=levels(dat$a), b=levels(dat$b)), v=NA))
ggplot(dat.all, aes(x=a, y=v, colour=b)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill=b), stat="identity", position="dodge")
I had the same problem but was looking for a solution that works with the pipe (%>%). Using tidyr::spread and tidyr::gather from the tidyverse does the trick. I use the same data as #Brian Diggs, but with uppercase variable names to not end up with double variable names when transforming to wide:
dat <- data.frame(A = rep(LETTERS[1:3], 3),
B = rep(letters[1:3], each = 3),
V = 1:9)[-2, ]
dat %>%
spread(key = B, value = V, fill = NA) %>% # turn data to wide, using fill = NA to generate missing values
gather(key = B, value = V, -A) %>% # go back to long, with the missings
ggplot(aes(x = A, y = V, fill = B)) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge())
There actually is a even simpler solution to that problem in combination with the pipe. Use tidyr::complete gives the same result in one line:
dat %>%
complete(A, B) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = A, y = V, fill = B)) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge())

Annotate several regression lines produced with geom_smooth

I have a figure with 16 regression lines and I need to be able to identify them. Using a color gradient or symbols or different line types do not really help.
My idea therefore is, to just (haha) annotate every line.
Therefore, I build a dataset (hpAnnotatedLines) with the different maximum x values. This is the position the text should start. However, I have no idea how to automatically extract the respective y values of the predicted regression lines at the maximum x-axis values, which is different for each line.
Please find a smaller data set using mtcars as an example
#just select the data I need
mtcars1 <- select(mtcars, disp,cyl,hp)
mtcars1$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars1$cyl)
#extract max values
mtcars2 <- mtcars1 %>%
group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise(Max.disp= max(disp))
#build dataset for the annotation layer
#note that hp was done by hand. Here I need help
hpAnnotatedLines <- data.frame(cyl=levels(mtcars2$cyl),
#example plot
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp, y=hp, color = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min(mtcars$disp), max(mtcars$disp) + 50)) +
data = hpAnnotatedLines,
aes(label = cyl),
size = 3,
nudge_x = 1)
Instead of extracting the fitted values you could add the labels via geom_text by switching the stat to smooth and setting the label aesthetic via after_stat such that only the last point of each regression line gets labelled:
myfun <- function(x, color) {
data.frame(x = x, color = color) %>%
group_by(color) %>%
mutate(label = ifelse(x %in% max(x), as.character(color), "")) %>%
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp, y=hp, color = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method=lm) +
geom_text(aes(label = after_stat(myfun(x, color))),
stat = "smooth", method = "lm", hjust = 0, size = 3, nudge_x = 1, show.legend = FALSE) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min(mtcars$disp), max(mtcars$disp) + 50))
It's a bit of a hack, but you can extract the data from the compiled plot object. For example first make the plot without the labels,
myplot <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp, y=hp, color = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min(mtcars$disp), max(mtcars$disp) + 50))
Then use ggplot_build to get the data from the second layer (The geom_smooth layer) and transform it back into the names used by your data. Here we find the largest x value per group, and then take that y value.
pobj <- ggplot_build(myplot)
hpAnnotatedLines <- pobj$data[[2]] %>% group_by(group) %>%
top_n(1, x) %>%
transmute(disp=x, hp=y, cyl=levels(mtcars$cyl)[group])
Then add an additional layer to your plot
myplot +
data = hpAnnotatedLines,
aes(label = cyl),
size = 3,
nudge_x = 1)
If your data is not that huge, you can extract the predictions out using augment() from broom and take that with the largest value:
hpAnn = mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
do(augment(lm(hp ~ disp,data=.))) %>%
top_n(1,disp) %>%
select(cyl,disp,.fitted) %>%
rename(hp = .fitted)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups: cyl [3]
cyl disp hp
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 4 147. 96.7
2 6 258 99.9
3 8 472 220.
Then plot:
ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp, y=hp, color = factor(cyl))) +
geom_point() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(min(mtcars$disp), max(mtcars$disp) + 50))+
data = hpAnn,
aes(label = cyl),
size = 3,
nudge_x = 1)

Adding a single label per group in ggplot with stat_summary and text geoms

I would like to add counts to a ggplot that uses stat_summary().
I am having an issue with the requirement that the text vector be the same length as the data.
With the examples below, you can see that what is being plotted is the same label multiple times.
The workaround to set the location on the y axis has the effect that multiple labels are stacked up. The visual effect is a bit strange (particularly when you have thousands of observations) and not sufficiently professional for my purposes. You will have to trust me on this one - the attached picture doesn't fully convey the weirdness of it.
I was wondering if someone else has worked out another way. It is for a plot in shiny that has dynamic input, so text cannot be overlaid in a hardcoded fashion.
I'm pretty sure ggplot wasn't designed for the kind of behaviour with stat_summary that I am looking for, and I may have to abandon stat_summary and create a new summary dataframe, but thought I would first check if someone else has some wizardry to offer up.
This is the plot without setting the y location:
df_x <- data.frame("Group" = c(rep("A",1000), rep("B",2) ),
"Value" = rnorm(1002))
df_x <- df_x %>%
group_by(Group) %>%
mutate(w_count = n())
ggplot(df_x, aes(x = Group, y = Value)) +
stat_summary("mean_cl_boot", size = 1.2) +
geom_text(aes(label = w_count)) +
coord_flip() +
and this is with my hack
ggplot(df_x, aes(x = Group, y = Value)) +
stat_summary("mean_cl_boot", size = 1.2) +
geom_text(aes(y = 1, label = w_count)) +
coord_flip() +
Create a df_text that has the grouped info for your labels. Then use annotate:
df_x <- data.frame("Group" = c(rep("A",1000), rep("B",2) ),
"Value" = rnorm(1002))
df_text <- df_x %>%
group_by(Group) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(Value),
n = n()) %>%
yoff <- 0.0
xoff <- -0.1
ggplot(df_x, aes(x = Group, y = Value)) +
stat_summary("mean_cl_boot", size = 1.2) +
x = 1:2 + xoff,
y = df_text$avg + yoff,
label = df_text$n) +
coord_flip() +
I found another way which is a little more robust for when the plot is dynamic in its ordering and filtering, and works well for faceting. More robust, because it uses stat_summary for the text.
df_x <- data.frame("Group" = c(rep("A",1000), rep("B",2) ),
"Value" = rnorm(1002))
counts_df <- function(y) {
return( data.frame( y = 1, label = paste0('n=', length(y)) ) )
ggplot(df_x, aes(x = Group, y = Value)) +
stat_summary("mean_cl_boot", size = 1.2) +
coord_flip() +
p + stat_summary(geom="text",

ggplot2 - a custom histogram with a rug plot

I am trying to create a custom histogram with a rug plot showing the original values on the X axis.
I am going to use the mtcars dataset to illustrate. Its not be best dataset for this question...but hopefully the reader will understand what I am trying to achieve...
Below shows the basic histogram, without any rug plot attempt.
I want to create the histogram using geom_bar as this allows for more flexibility with custom bins.
I also want a small gap between the histgram bars (i.e width = 0.95) .... which adds to this
problem's complexity.
# create custom bins
vct_seq <- c(seq(from = 10, to = 25, by = 5), 34)
mtcars$bin <- cut(mtcars$mpg, breaks = vct_seq)
# create data.frame for the ggplot graph..using bins above
df_mtcars_count <- mtcars %>% group_by(bin) %>% summarise(count = n())
# indicative labels
vct_labels <- c("bin 1", "bin 2", "bin 3", "bin 4")
# attempt 1 - basic plot -- no rug plot
p <- ggplot(data = df_mtcars_count, aes(x = bin, y = count))
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.95)
p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = count), vjust = -0.5)
p <- p + scale_x_discrete("x title to go here", labels = df_mtcars_count$bin, breaks = df_mtcars_count$bin)
Next, try and add a basic rug plot on the X axis. This obviously doesn't work as the geom_bar and geom_rug have completely different scales.
# attempt 2 with no scaling.... doesn't work as x scale for ordinal (bins) and
# x scale for continuous (mpg) do not match
p <- ggplot(data = df_mtcars_count, aes(x = bin, y = count))
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.95)
p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = count), vjust = -0.5)
p <- p + scale_x_discrete("x title to go here", labels = df_mtcars_count$bin, breaks = df_mtcars_count$bin)
p <- p + geom_rug(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg), inherit.aes = F, alpha = 0.3)
Now, try and rescale the mpg column to match with the ordinal scale....
First define a linear mapping function...
fn_linear_map <- function(vct_existing_val, vct_new_range) {
# example....converts 1:20 into the range 1 to 10 like this:
# fn_linear_map(1:20, c(1, 10))
fn_r_diff <- function(x) x %>% range() %>% diff()
flt_ratio <- fn_r_diff(vct_new_range) / fn_r_diff(vct_existing_val)
vct_old_min_offset <- vct_existing_val - min(vct_existing_val)
vct_new_range_val <- (vct_old_min_offset * flt_ratio) + min(vct_new_range)
Now apply the function...we try and map mpg to the range 1 to 4 (which is an attempt to match
the ordinal scale)
mtcars$mpg_remap <- fn_linear_map(mtcars$mpg, c(1, 4))
Try the plot again.... getting closer ... but not really accurate...
# attempt 3: getting closer but doesn't really match the ordinal scale
p <- ggplot(data = df_mtcars_count, aes(x = bin, y = count))
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.95)
p <- p + geom_text(aes(label = count), vjust = -0.5)
p <- p + scale_x_discrete("x title to go here", labels = df_mtcars_count$bin, breaks = df_mtcars_count$bin)
p <- p + geom_rug(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg_remap), inherit.aes = F, alpha = 0.3)
The graph above is getting close to what I want....but rug plot does not line up
with the actual data ... example the max observation (33.9) should be displayed
almost aligning with the right hand side of the bar.. see below:
mtcars %>% filter(bin == "(25,34]") %>% arrange(mpg) %>% dplyr::select(mpg, mpg_remap)
Your scale makes no sense to me, as you are showing a bin that is twice as wide using the same bar width. Doing that in combination with a rug strikes me as confusing as best and misleading at worst. I suggest you plot the bars with their correct widths, after which the rug is trivial.
I think the best solution is to just use geom_histogram:
ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg)) +
geom_histogram(breaks = vct_seq, col = 'grey80') +
geom_rug(aes(mpg, y = NULL))
If you really want the gaps between the bars you'll have to do more work:
d <- mtcars %>%
count(bin) %>%
separate(bin, c('min', 'max'), sep = ',', remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate_at(vars('min', 'max'), readr::parse_number) %>%
middle = min + (max - min) / 2,
width = 0.9 * (max - min)
ggplot(d, aes(middle, n)) +
geom_col(width = d$width) +
geom_rug(aes(mpg, y = NULL), mtcars)

How to do an association plot in ggplot2?

I have a table with two categorical values and I want to visualise their association; the number of times that they are found together in the same row.
For instance, let's take this data frame:
d <-data.frame(cbind(sample(1:5,100,replace=T), sample(1:10,100,replace=T)))
How can generate a heatmap like this:
Where the colour of the squares represent the number of times that X1 and X2 are found in a given combination.
It would be even better to know how to plot this with a dot plot instead, where the size of the dot represent the count of the combination occurrence between X1 and X2.
If you can guide me how to do this on ggplot2 or any other way in R, it would be really helpful.
Here's how I would do it:
d <-data.frame(x = sample(1:5,100,replace=T), y = sample(1:10,100,replace=T))
d_sum <- d %>%
group_by(x, y) %>%
summarise(count = n())
For the heatmap:
ggplot(d_sum, aes(x, y)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = count))
For the dotplot:
ggplot(d_sum, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(aes(size = count))
d <-data.frame(x = sample(1:20,1000,replace=T), y = sample(1:20,1000,replace=T))
d %>% count(x, y) %>% ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = n)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_gradient2(low='white', mid='steelblue', high='red') +
guides(fill=guide_legend("Count")) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) + theme_bw()
