Zsh dependent completion with space in arguments - zsh

I'm trying to implement completion for a function, where the completion for the second argument depends on the first one.
function test_so() {
echo "$1" "$2"
function _test_so() {
local state
_arguments '1: :->arg1' '2: :->arg2'
case $state in
arg1) compadd foo 'bar baz' ;;
echo " - first arg: ${words[2]} - "
if [[ ${words[2]} == 'bar baz' ]]; then
compadd bar-1 bar-2
compadd foo-1 foo-2
compdef _test_so test_so
However, it seems it's passing literal \ & 's in ${words[2]} for an argument with spaces:
$ test_so foo <tab> ... - first arg: foo -
$ test_so bar\ baz <tab> ... - first arg: bar\ baz - # <- Should be - first arg: bar baz -
# These should be bar-1 & bar-2
# Same thing for quotes
$ test_so 'bar baz' <tab> ... - first arg: 'bar baz' -

You can get rid of the \ by "unquoting" the word with the Q parameter expansion flag:
Now both bar\ baz and 'bar baz' on the command line will result in the same string in your code: bar baz.


Using "declare" in Zsh

I am following this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19742842/5057251
for typeset (or declare) in ZSH, not BASH.
#Declare (or typeset) an array of integers
#declare -ai int_array
typeset -ai int_array
int_array=(1 2 3)
echo "${int_array[#]}"
# Attempt to change 1st element to string. (expect to fail)
int_array[1]="Should fail" || echo "error: ${LINENO}"
echo "${int_array[#]}"
Bash finds the error, gracefully reports error and lineno, prints:
1 2 3
But Zsh accepts, prints:
Should fail 2 3
Not sure why different.
There are two problems here:
In bash, and zsh, assigning a string to an integer variable causes that string to be evaluated as an arithmetic expression. Thus, this is not an error:
$ typeset -i foo
$ foo="bar"
If bar was a variable previously set to an arithmetic expression, then bar's expansion would be evaluated as such:
$ bar=10+2
$ typeset -i foo
$ foo="bar"
$ echo "$foo"
The error in your assignment, of course, is that there's no way to expand Should fail like that. If it were, say, Should - fail (an arithmetic expression subtracting the value of the two variables Should and fail, for example, it would still work:
$ foo="Should - fail"
$ echo "$foo"
The second problem is that nothing in the zsh docs indicate that -i may be set for an entire array, and so the -a in -ai is ignored:
bash-5.0$ typeset -ai foo
bash-5.0$ declare -p foo
declare -ai foo=([0]="0") # the previous value was retained in the array
vs zsh:
% typeset -ai foo
% foo[1]=10
% foo[2]=20
% declare -p foo
typeset -i foo=20 # treated as a normal variable, not array
What you're seeing is essentially int_array being redeclared as an array (without any qualifiers) when you do int_array=(1 2 3):
% foo=(1 2 3)
% declare -p foo
typeset -a foo=( 1 2 3 )
Using zsh typeset can produce a few possible outcomes:
- no errors, works (yeah!).
- errors, script fails (fix!).
- no errors, but unexpected behavior. (scratch head)
As an example of last category, this produces no errors, but the typeset -p reveals -i is ignored.
unset int_array
typeset -ia int_array
int_array=(1 2 3)
echo $? "-Point A"
typeset -p int_array
} always {
echo $? "-Point B"
typeset -p int_array
echo $? "-Point C"
echo "survived"
0 -Point A
typeset -a int_array=( 1 2 3 )
0 -Point B
typeset -a int_array=( 1 2 3 )
0 -Point C
The first line unsets int_array. The typeset command declares
int_array to be both an array and int, which is not what zsh allows. The next
line assigns int_array to a value. There is no error as the $? tells us,
but close examination of final typeset -p int_array reveals what actually
With a small change, we can produce errors and use the always block and
typeset -p to find more details.
unset int_array
typeset -ia int_array=(1 2 3) # error
echo $? "-Point A"
typeset -p int_array
} always {
echo $? "-Point B"
typeset -p int_array
echo $? "-Point C"
echo "survived"
040_declare_version2.sh:typeset:135: int_array: inconsistent type for assignment
1 -Point B
040_declare_version2.sh:typeset:140: no such variable: int_array
1 -Point C
The only difference is int_array was given a value in the faulty typeset -ia statement.
This produces errors, and the script jumps to the always block.
The (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR=0)) allows the script to continue
and not terminate, but the error is still reported at "Point C".
To check shell version:
$SHELL --version
zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)

Date Argument format conversion from YYYYMMDD to DD-MON-YYYY

Can anyone let me know how to convert the date argument value YYYYMMDD(i.e. For ex- 20171010) to the date format 'DD-MON-YYYY'(i.e. 10-OCT-2017).
Also i need to validate the date which user specifies as argument while executing the script.
Note: File System will only supports AIX commands. I have got suggestion like below which doesn't supported by AIX File system.
Refer the page -
date -f
date -j
date -d
if [ $St_M -le 0 -o $St_M -gt 12 ];
echo "$St_M is invalid month."
exit 1
case "$St_M" in
01) St_M=JAN ;;
02) St_M=FEB ;;
03) St_M=MAR ;;
04) St_M=APR ;;
05) St_M=MAY ;;
06) St_M=JUN ;;
07) St_M=JUL ;;
08) St_M=AUG ;;
09) St_M=SEP ;;
10) St_M=OCT ;;
11) St_M=NOV ;;
12) St_M=DEC ;;
echo "$Start_dt"
If you have Perl, a script like this should work:
use POSIX;
for (#ARGV ? #ARGV : <STDIN>) {
my ($Y,$m,$d) = m/(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;
my $t = strftime "%d-%b-%Y", 0,0,0,$d,$m,$Y-1900;
print "\U$t\n";
I don't know what features AIX sh provides but this might work:
case "$1" in
case "$M" in
01) M=JAN ;;
02) M=FEB ;;
03) M=MAR ;;
04) M=APR ;;
05) M=MAY ;;
06) M=JUN ;;
07) M=JUL ;;
08) M=AUG ;;
09) M=SEP ;;
10) M=OCT ;;
11) M=NOV ;;
12) M=DEC ;;
echo "${D}-${M}-${Y}"
echo 1>&2 "invalid date"
exit 1 ;;
Consider this ksh93 snippet as a start; it does two simple checks, then rearranges the inputted date as desired:
echo enter date
read d
if [ "${#d}" -ne 8 ]
echo "bogus - not the right length"
case $d in
(*[^0123456789]*) echo "bogus - contains non-numerics"
(*) echo "the new date is: ${d:6:2}-${d:4:2}-${d:0:4}"

How to coerce AWK to evaluate string as math expression?

Is there a way to evaluate a string as a math expression in awk?
balter#spectre3:~$ echo "sin(0.3) 0.3" | awk '{print $1,sin($2)}'
sin(0.3) 0.29552
I would like to know a way to also have the first input evaluated to 0.29552.
You can just create your own eval function which calls awk again to execute whatever command you want it to:
$ cat tst.awk
{ print eval($1), sin($2) }
function eval(str, cmd,line,ret) {
cmd = "awk \047BEGIN{print " str "; exit}\047"
if ( (cmd | getline line) > 0 ) {
ret = line
return ret
$ echo 'sin(0.3) 0.3' | awk -f tst.awk
0.29552 0.29552
$ echo '4*7 0.3' | awk -f tst.awk
28 0.29552
$ echo 'tolower("FOO") 0.3' | awk -f tst.awk
foo 0.29552
awk lacks an eval(...) function. This means that you cannot do string to code translation based on input after the awk program initializes. Ok, perhaps it could be done, but not without writing your own parsing and evaluation engine in awk.
I would recommend using bc for this effort, like
[edwbuck#phoenix ~]$ echo "s(0.3)" | bc -l
Note that this would require sin to be shortened to s as that's the bc sine operation.
Here's a simple one liner!
math(){ awk "BEGIN{printf $1}"; }
Examples of use:
math 1+1
Yields "2"
math 'sqrt(25)'
Yeilds "5"
x=100; y=5; math "sqrt($x) + $y"
Yeilds "15"
With gawk version 4.1.2 :
echo "sin(0.3) 0.3" | awk '{split($1,a,/[()]/);f=a[1];print #f(a[2]),sin($2)}'
It's ok with tolower(FOO) too.
You can try Perl as it has eval() function.
$ echo "sin(0.3)" | perl -ne ' print eval '
For the given input,
$ echo "sin(0.3) 0.3" | perl -ne ' /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ and print eval($1), " ", $2 '
0.29552020666134 0.3

If the last column is equal "R" then... Is it possible? In unix

I need to find the last column from a variable that contains some fields. I need to write something like:
if [ #the last column = "R" ];
value=`echo "'$value'"`
Is it possible?
With awk you can try:
awk '$NF=="R"' <<< "$var"
$ var="this is a var with last as R"
$ awk '$NF=="R"' <<< "$var"
this is a var with last as R
$ var1="This should not be printed"
$ awk '$NF=="R"' <<< "$var1"
The condition can be:
if [[ $value == *' 'R ]]
echo $value
No need for an external language, like awk.
Using the =~ binary operator:
$ var="Some arbitrary string ending in R"
$ unset value
$ [[ "$var" =~ $'R$' ]] && value=${var}
$ echo $value
Some arbitrary string ending in R
$ var="Some arbitrary string ending in Q"
$ unset value
$ [[ "$var" =~ $'R$' ]] && value=${var}
$ echo $value
More universal code assuming separation by spaces:
case $var in
(*\ R) printf "%s\n" "$var"
if [ "${var##* }" = R ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$var"

Get specific lines from a text file

I am working on a UNIX box, and trying to run an application, which gives some debug logs to the standard output. I have redirected this output to a log file, but now wish to get the lines where the error is being shown.
My problem here is that a simple
cat output.log | grep FAIL
does not help out. As this shows only the lines which have FAIL in them. I want some more information along with this. Like the 2-3 lines above this line with FAIL. Is there any way to do this via a simple shell command? I would like to have a single command line (can have pipes) to do the above.
grep -C 3 FAIL output.log
Note that this also gets rid of the useless use of cat (UUOC).
grep -A $NUM
This will print $NUM lines of trailing context after matches.
-B $NUM prints leading context.
man grep is your best friend.
So in your case:
cat log | grep -A 3 -B 3 FAIL
I have two implementations of what I call sgrep, one in Perl, one using just pre-Perl (pre-GNU) standard Unix commands. If you've got GNU grep, you've no particular need of these. It would be more complex to deal with forwards and backwards context searches, but that might be a useful exercise.
Perl solution:
#!/usr/perl/v5.8.8/bin/perl -w
# #(#)$Id: sgrep.pl,v 1.6 2007/09/18 22:55:20 jleffler Exp $
# Perl-based SGREP (special grep) command
# Print lines around the line that matches (by default, 3 before and 3 after).
# By default, include file names if more than one file to search.
# Options:
# -b n1 Print n1 lines before match
# -f n2 Print n2 lines following match
# -n Print line numbers
# -h Do not print file names
# -H Do print file names
use strict;
use constant debug => 0;
use Getopt::Std;
sub usage
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-hnH] [-b n1] [-f n2] pattern [file ...]\n";
exit 1;
usage unless getopts('hnf:b:H', \%opts);
usage unless #ARGV >= 1;
if ($opts{h} && $opts{H})
print STDERR "$0: mutually exclusive options -h and -H specified\n";
exit 1;
my $op = shift;
print "# regex = $op\n" if debug;
# print file names if -h omitted and more than one argument
$opts{F} = (defined $opts{H} || (!defined $opts{h} and scalar #ARGV > 1)) ? 1 : 0;
$opts{n} = 0 unless defined $opts{n};
my $before = (defined $opts{b}) ? $opts{b} + 0 : 3;
my $after = (defined $opts{f}) ? $opts{f} + 0 : 3;
print "# before = $before; after = $after\n" if debug;
my #lines = (); # Accumulated lines
my $tail = 0; # Line number of last line in list
my $tbp_1 = 0; # First line to be printed
my $tbp_2 = 0; # Last line to be printed
# Print lines from #lines in the range $tbp_1 .. $tbp_2,
# leaving $leave lines in the array for future use.
sub print_leaving
my ($leave) = #_;
while (scalar(#lines) > $leave)
my $line = shift #lines;
my $curr = $tail - scalar(#lines);
if ($tbp_1 <= $curr && $curr <= $tbp_2)
print "$ARGV:" if $opts{F};
print "$curr:" if $opts{n};
print $line;
# General logic:
# Accumulate each line at end of #lines.
# ** If current line matches, record range that needs printing
# ** When the line array contains enough lines, pop line off front and,
# if it needs printing, print it.
# At end of file, empty line array, printing requisite accumulated lines.
while (<>)
# Add this line to the accumulated lines
push #lines, $_;
$tail = $.;
printf "# array: N = %d, last = $tail: %s", scalar(#lines), $_ if debug > 1;
if (m/$op/o)
# This line matches - set range to be printed
my $lo = $. - $before;
$tbp_1 = $lo if ($lo > $tbp_2);
$tbp_2 = $. + $after;
print "# $. MATCH: print range $tbp_1 .. $tbp_2\n" if debug;
# Print out any accumulated lines that need printing
# Leave $before lines in array.
if (eof)
# Print out any accumulated lines that need printing
# Reset for next file
close ARGV;
$tbp_1 = 0;
$tbp_2 = 0;
$tail = 0;
#lines = ();
Pre-Perl Unix solution (using plain ed, sed, and sort - though it uses getopt which was not necessarily available back then):
# #(#)$Id: old.sgrep.sh,v 1.5 2007/09/15 22:15:43 jleffler Exp $
# Special grep
# Finds a pattern and prints lines either side of the pattern
# Line numbers are always produced by ed (substitute for grep),
# which allows us to eliminate duplicate lines cleanly. If the
# user did not ask for numbers, these are then stripped out.
# BUG: if the pattern occurs in in the first line or two and
# the number of lines to go back is larger than the line number,
# it fails dismally.
set -- `getopt "f:b:hn" "$#"`
case $# in
0) echo "Usage: $0 [-hn] [-f x] [-b y] pattern [files]" >&2
exit 1;;
# Tab required - at least with sed (perl would be different)
# But then the whole problem would be different if implemented in Perl.
number="'s/^\\([0-9][0-9]*\\) /\\1:/'"
filename="'s%^%%'" # No-op for sed
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case $1 in
-f) f=$2; shift 2;;
-b) b=$2; shift 2;;
-n) nflag=yes; shift;;
-h) hflag=yes; shift;;
--) shift; break;;
*) echo "Unknown option $1" >&2
exit 1;;
pattern="${1:?'No pattern'}"
case $# in
0) tmp=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/`basename $0`.$$
trap "rm -f $tmp ; exit 1" 0
cat - >$tmp
set -- $tmp
sort="sort -t: -u +0n -1"
*) filename="'s%^%'\$file:%"
sort="sort -t: -u +1n -2"
case $nflag in
yes) num_remove='s/[0-9][0-9]*://';;
no) num_remove='s/^//';;
case $hflag in
yes) fileremove='s%^$file:%%';;
no) fileremove='s/^//';;
for file in $*
echo "g/$pattern/.-${b},.+${f}n" |
ed - $file |
eval sed -e "$number" -e "$filename" |
$sort |
eval sed -e "$fileremove" -e "$num_remove"
rm -f $tmp
trap 0
exit 0
The shell version of sgrep was written in February 1989, and bug fixed in May 1989. It then remained unchanged except for an administrative change (SCCS to RCS transition) in 1997 until 2007, when I added the -h option. I switched to the Perl version in 2007.
You can use sed to print specific lines, lets say you want line 20
-n prevents echoing lines from the file. The part in quotes is a sed rule to apply, it specifies that you want the rule to apply to line 20, and you want to print.
With GNU grep on Windows:
$ grep --context 3 FAIL output.log
$ grep --help | grep context
-B, --before-context=NUM print NUM lines of leading context
-A, --after-context=NUM print NUM lines of trailing context
-C, --context=NUM print NUM lines of output context
-NUM same as --context=NUM
