Can not install default library in agda - functional-programming

Trying to follow this guide:
On the part after "Check if the Agda standard library was installed correctly" get this:
$ agda -v 2 nats.agda
Checking nats (C:\Users\AuSeR\agda\nats.agda).
Failed to find source of module Data.Nat in any of the following
when scope checking the declaration
open import Data.Nat
Trying to see the location of libraries file:
$ agda -l fjdsk Dummy.agda
Library 'fjdsk' not found.
Add the path to its .agda-lib file to
to install.
Installed libraries:
libraries file looks like this:
defaults like this:


Installing from Archive of Formal Proofs

I'm trying to install Grothendieck_Schemes from
I downloaded the tar and uncompressed it. The contents are
$ ls -l
Then I run
$ isabelle components -u ./Downloads/Grothendieck_Schemes/
Added component "/home/username/Downloads/Grothendieck_Schemes"
but when I start Isabelle I get error
Cannot start:
*** Bad imports session "Jacobson_Basic_Algebra" for "Grothendieck_Schemes" (line 3 of "/home/username/Downloads/Grothendieck_Schemes/ROOT")
So I suppose I should install the dependency "Jacobson_Basic_Algebra"? But there is no such package on AFP. I'm thinking that maybe I should have removed the ROOT file. It's contents are
chapter AFP
session "Grothendieck_Schemes" (AFP) = HOL +
options [timeout = 600]
I tried running this instead but it fails
$ isabelle components -u ./Downloads/Grothendieck_Schemes/*.thy
*** Bad component directory: "/home/username/Downloads/Grothendieck_Schemes/Comm_Ring.thy"
How do I install these packages properly?

Why is blogdown putting a mamba command through normalizePath?

Here's what I'm doing:
I have a blog that uses blogdown to render .Rmd files.
Some of the code snippets in the blog are in Python. I'm using reticulate for that.
I'm using a GitHub workflow to build and publish the blog as part of a larger website. This workflow sets up the environment and package dependencies in miniconda.
The last time this ran was six months ago. At that time, it worked. Now, it does not. I can't seem to replicate the behavior locally for more detailed debugging.
It seems to be trying to put a mamba command into normalizePath instead of a filesystem path (www-main is the name of the repository):
conda activate www-main
Rscript -e 'blogdown::build_site(local=FALSE, run_hugo=FALSE, build_rmd="content/blog/2020-08-28-api.Rmd")'
shell: /usr/bin/bash -l {0}
CONDA_PKGS_DIR: /home/runner/conda_pkgs_dir
Rendering content/blog/2020-08-28-api.Rmd...
Quitting from lines 401-410 (2020-08-28-api.Rmd)
Error in normalizePath(conda, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE) :
path[1]="# cmd: /usr/share/miniconda/condabin/mamba update --name www-main --file /home/runner/work/www-main/www-main/conda": No such file or directory
Calls: local ... python_munge_path -> get_python_conda_info -> normalizePath
Execution halted
Error: Failed to render content/blog/2020-08-28-api.Rmd
Execution halted
Lines 401-410 of 2020-08-28-api.Rmd are a Python code block:
400 ```{python python-data, dev='svg'}
401 import covidcast
402 from datetime import date
403 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
405 data = covidcast.signal("fb-survey", "smoothed_hh_cmnty_cli",
406 date(2020, 9, 8), date(2020, 9, 8),
407 geo_type="state")
408 covidcast.plot_choropleth(data, figsize=(7, 5))
409 plt.title("% who know someone who is sick, Sept 8, 2020")
410 ```
The useful bits of the output of conda info, in case it helps:
active environment : www-main
active env location : /usr/share/miniconda/envs/www-main
shell level : 1
user config file : /home/runner/.condarc
populated config files : /home/runner/.condarc
conda version : 4.12.0
conda-build version : not installed
python version :
virtual packages : __linux=5.15.0=0
base environment : /usr/share/miniconda (writable)
conda av data dir : /usr/share/miniconda/etc/conda
conda av metadata url : None
channel URLs :
package cache : /home/runner/conda_pkgs_dir
envs directories : /usr/share/miniconda/envs
platform : linux-64
user-agent : conda/4.12.0 requests/2.27.1 CPython/3.9.12 Linux/5.15.0-1020-azure ubuntu/20.04.5 glibc/2.31
UID:GID : 1001:121
netrc file : None
offline mode : False
I found this, but their workaround doesn't make sense for me since I'm not using papermill:
I found this, but my paths don't have spaces:
I found this, but their problem includes an entirely reasonable value for path[1], unlike mine: How can I tell R where the conda environment is via a docker image?
The build environment for this is a bit of a bear but I can probably put together a minimum working (/nonworking) example if needed, lmk
I tracked this down to at least two bits of weird/buggy behavior in reticulate and found a workaround: switch from vanilla miniconda to Mambaforge.
The TL;DR seems to be that whatever wacky ubuntu-latest setup-miniconda#v2 environment started putting into meta/history doesn't include a create line, which is what reticulate needs in order to figure out which conda goes with which python, because (1) it ignores the reticulate.conda_binary setting for some reason, and (2) it uses a more restrictive regex to parse the lines of the history file than the regex it uses to select them. Mambaforge does include the create line, so reticulate is happy.
- uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda#v2
python-version: 3.9
activate-environment: www-main
miniforge-variant: Mambaforge
miniforge-version: latest
use-mamba: true
use-only-tar-bz2: true # (for caching support)
- name: Update environment
run: mamba env update -n www-main -f environment.yml

GNU/GUIX fails to locate custom modules specified in a manifest

I'm trying run guix package install for following manifest:
'("noguix-hugo" ;; A CUSTOM MODULE implemented in /module/root-1/site-lisp/nonguix-hugo.scm
The custom module in the manifest is declared as follows:
(define-module (nonguix-hugo)
;; implementation detail
;; ....
And the installation command looks like:
guix package --load-path="/module/root1/site-lisp" \
--load-path="/module/root-2/site-lisp" \
--manifest="/path/to/manifest.scm" \
The command fails with error message:
guix package: error: noguix-hugo: unknown package
However, building the noguix-hugo using guix build command works just fine
guix build --load-path="/module/root1/site-lisp" \
--load-path="/module/root-2/site-lisp" \
# The command builds and outputs the module location as expected
# /gnu/store/7js349wb17371225njzll9gma8kmwf-nonguix-hugo-1.0
My question:
Why does Guix succeed to locate the module when building it,
but can't seem to locate it when specified in a manifest file.
I even tried adding a (use-modules (nonguix-hugo)) to the manifest and setting GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH as specified in[1], yet the install still fails.
Okay, turns out this was a typo in the manifest:
which should be corrected to:
'("nonguix-hugo" ;; <= this line

Haskell: Could not find module ‘Network.HTTP’

I am trying to write a simple script that takes as input a URL (or set of URLs) and as output it downloads the contents of that page to a file (in particular I am trying to download hundreds of JSON files, which ultimately I wish to diff against other JSON files).
In a file, download.hs, I have import "HTTP" Network.HTTP.
When I run: $ ghc -o download download.hs
I get the following error:
download.hs:24:1: error:
Could not find module ‘Network.HTTP’
Perhaps you meant Network.TLS (needs flag -package-key tls-1.5.2)
24 | import "HTTP" Network.HTTP
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
My GHC version is:
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.6.5
I also get errors like:
download.hs:22:1: error:
Could not load module ‘Control.Concurrent.Async’
It is a member of the hidden package ‘async-2.2.2’.
You can run ‘:set -package async’ to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
22 | import "async" Control.Concurrent.Async (mapConcurrently)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I think it's possible there have been breaking changes between the ghc versions, and the examples I am finding online to start with may be outdated.
Any pointers on doing started with Haskell, and particularly easy ways to download and diff JSON files in Haskell?
I have been following this example: Running parallel URL downloads in Haskell, this is where I got the code that is erroring now.

Fail to link to standard library of Ocaml-java (or Cafesterol)

I am a new user of Ocaml-java (or Cafesterol) which compiles primtive Ocaml program to executable jar that is allowed run on JVM. However when I try to compile a test program into executable jar I got error info as follow:
>java -jar ~/ocaml-project/ocamljava-bin-1.4/bin/ocamljava.jar -standalone -o regexdna.jar
File "", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: No implementations provided for the following modules:
Str referenced from regexdna.cmj
Unix referenced from regexdna.cmj
It seems module Str and Unix is missing from Ocaml-java. However, str.jar and unix.jar do exist under ~/ocaml-project/ocamljava-bin-1.4/lib/others/ when I install Ocaml-java, and within these jars we do have Str.class and Unix.class. (I suppose this directory is on the path of the standard library of Ocaml-java, so it should be included in default search path)
Can any Ocaml-java user tell me how Ocaml-java search for dependency libraries?
Quoting Xavier Clerc on this :
Well it should work, but you have to pass explicitly the referenced
library (just as in vanilla OCaml). Leading in your case to:
$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar ~/opt/ocamljava-2.0-early-access9/lib/ocamljava.jar str.cmja
Note that I am using the latest ocamljava preview.
