Firestore, Array vs documents list - firebase

Assuming a user has a thousand friends, but when calling a friend list on a specific screen, bringing in a thousand documents is expensive and time consuming. Even if pagination is performed, there will be a speed delay due to additional requests.
And according to the official documentation, you can put 1MB in documents, that is, about 1 million characters. However, what I worry about when using Arrays is that there will be situations where things get complicated in many ways.
Are there any exact standards?

You seem to be fully aware of the limitations of Firestore in this case. There is no new information that will help you here.
If you have a list of things to store in Firestore, and that list could exceed the max size of a document (1MB, as you correctly state), then you are going to have a problem. On the other hand, if you put all of those items in other documents, you're going to have to pay for all of those reads. That's the tradeoff -- you will have to decide which problem is worse. Typically, people choose to use separately document so they are limited by the size of a document. But that's your call to make.
You could try to shard that list across multiple documents somehow, but that will add much complexity to your code. Again, your call to make.


Should I create a duplicate collection/document for each use-case? (Firebase/Firestore)

I'm trying to build an ecommerce app with firebase on the backend. I have a collection of 1000+ products, each of which is stored as a separate document, which have product specific info such as price, title etc.
title: 'Some Title',
price: '$99.99',
genres: ['Horror', 'Action']
So in my app I need to display these products in many places, such as product carousels(similar to a bookshelf with arrow buttons at the ends), and also in a search results page.
At any given page, I assume that I will need to display at least 50 products, either as search results, or multiple carousels. I understand that I can use queries to get this data from firebase. But since each document I retrieve counts as (at least)one firestore read, I assume that a typical user session would run into 100+ reads, if not thousands.
It seems a little inefficient to me that I need to read multiple documents to get this data, when I could just all that data in a single array, as its own document. That would mean I get charged for one document read, not 50, per page.
Is this how it is expected to be done? Should I create a new document containing the data I need for each specific use case?
P.S. I'm pretty new to backend dev, let alone firebase.
TL;DR Yes, you should create a new document with the needed data for each specific use case, but it’s not recommended to make it as a document with nested objects like arrays with 1000+ elements.
From a technical point of view, Cloud Firestore is optimized for storing large collections of small documents.
Depending on the use case, you can select the most appropriate Cloud Firestore data structure.
For example, the 10 most buyed books of the month can be a document with nested complex objects like arrays or maps. This structure could be useful for use cases with a small or predefined number of elements, but as stated here, if your data expands over time with larger or growing lists, the document also grows, which can lead to slower document retrieval times.
In plus thousand registers, a better choice can be structure your data as subcollections. It is, you can create collections within documents when you have data that might expand over time, with the main advantage that, as your lists grow, the size of the parent document doesn't change.
Cloud Firestore also has several features to help you manage queries that return a large number of results:
Cursors, which allow you to resume a long-running query.
Page tokens, which help you paginate the query results.
Limits, which specify how many results to retrieve.
Offsets, which allow you
to skip a fixed number of documents.
There are no additional costs for using cursors, page tokens, and limits. In fact, these features can help you save money by reading only the documents that you actually need.
As a best practice, do not use offsets. Instead, use cursors. Using an offset only avoids returning the skipped documents to your application, but these documents are still retrieved internally. The skipped documents affect the latency of the query, and your application is billed for the read operations required to retrieve them.

Firestore: Is it feasible to handle replies to a conversation thread in a property (map/array) instead of a subcollection?

I have a collection of "Chats", each of which has a number of "Threads" subcollections. (Think of Microsoft Teams, or Slack threads, or Discord threads)
Each "Thread" can have a number of replies, and I was wondering whether it was feasible to make these replies a property of the "Thread" document rather than using a "Replies" subcollection. According to the pricing table, this would reduce costs but from what I can see this would be a bad practice and testing it out has shown that it's harder to implement.
It is, just ensure that messages use a transaction to complete as multiple writes can collide in the wrong circumstance. Additionally, including a server timestamp to maintain the order and time of creation.
Using one document does potentially limit you to ~7000-10k lines of text.
Ultimately, there is no clean way of handling multiple sub comments, and you will have to use a service that best suits your needs. Personally, I prefer realtime database with a limit/orderby query and paginating comments.
Each "Thread" can have a number of replies, and I was wondering whether it was feasible to make these replies a property of the "Thread" document rather than using a "Replies" subcollection.
This solution will work as long as the size of the document is less than 1 MiB. In my opinion, storing the replies that correspond to a conversation into an array is the best option you can go ahead with. Since the replies are always strings, you can store a lot of them, maybe hundreds, or even thousands. If you think that a single conversation might get a number of replies that is bigger than the number that fits into a single document, then try to consider sharding them over multiple documents.
Find a predictable name for each document, maybe a date or a date and time frame and that's it. You can reduce the number of reads consistently. Imagine you have 2k replies to a conversation. Are you willing to pay 2k reads instead of only one or maybe two document reads?
Storing the replies in the Firebase Realtime Database is also an option to take into consideration, as it's more suited to such smaller pieces of information, as your replies are. And indeed it doesn't have the cost of document reads. However, it will be costly in terms of bandwidth if there will be lots of replies.
So in the end it's up to you to do the math and choose which option is cheaper. If you choose to have the conversations in Firestore and the replies in the Realtime Database, please note that both work really well together.

Determining number of Firebase reads for nested sub-collection

I have a mobile solution (iOS) that is using Firebase to aid in syncing of data between a users devices. What I have works and allows me to keep clients in sync as I wanted to. However from testing, my reads are a bit out of control for larger data sets and I need to do some optimization. To that end, I wanted to make sure that my understanding of how reads are counted was correct (I am still a newbie at Firebase).
My data is structured like this:
Its a bit nested I agree, but for all the uses cases it seems to be the best way to do things to minimize redundancy, e.g. there are relationship between Cats and Dogs and Birds, but I only store one copy of each, not multiple. In addition, each users data is segregated from the other users and I need the ability to version the data. Put that all together and with the requirement to alternate collections and documents, you get what you see.
Based on this structure, I can create queries like this:
Firestore.firestore().collection("userid1").document("data").collection("version0").document("Cats").collection("data").whereField("modifiedDate" isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: someDoubleValue).getDocuments(completionCallback)
This gets me the data I need and seems to only return the number of items I think it should. However, am I correct in saying that if there are 100 Cat type documents (Cat1...Cat100), but only 3 of them have a modifiedDate that is greater than my query parameter, when the data is returned to me, I will only be "charged" for 3 reads? Or have I don't something completely silly here and I am getting charged for all 100 even though I only get 3 documents back in the callback.
The billing doesn't work any different for subcollections than it does for top-level collections. You are only billed for the documents transferred, not the entire set of documents in the collection (unless you do request every document).
Cloud Firestore scales massively, and it's expected that you might have a massive number of documents in a collection. Billing a read for each and every document in a collection for each query against that collection would be insanely expensive.

Maxing out document storage in Firestore

I'm working on some posting forum projects and trying to figure out the ideal Firestore database structure.
I read that documents have a max size of 1 mg but what are the pros and cons to maxing out the storage space of each document by having multiple posts stored in a document rather than using a single document for each post?
I think it would be cheaper. Assuming that the app would make use of all the data in a document, the bandwidth costs would be the same but rather than multiple reads, I would be charged for only one document. Does this make sense?
Would it also be faster?
You can likely store many posts in a single document, and depending on your application, there may be good reasons for doing so. Just keep a few things in mind:
Firestore always reads complete documents. So if you store 100 posts in a single 1MB document, to only display 10 of those posts, you may have reduced the read operations by 10x, but you've increased the bandwidth consumption by 10x. And your mobile users will likely also pay for that bandwidth.
Implementing your own sharding strategy is not always hard, but it's seldom related to application functionality.
My guidelines when modeling data in any NoSQL database is:
model application screens in your database
I tend to model the data in my database after the screens that I have in my application. So if you typically show a list of headlines of recent articles when a user starts the app, I might actually create a document that contains just the headlines of recent articles. That way the app only has to read a single document with just the headlines, instead of having to read each individual post. This reduces not only the number of documents the app needs to read, but also the bandwidth it consumes.
don't be afraid to duplicate data
This goes hand-in-hand with the previous guideline, and is very normal across all NoSQL databases, but goes against the core of what many of us have learned from relational databases. It is sometimes also referred to as denormalizing, as it counters the database normalization of relations database models.
Continuing the example from before: you'll probably have a separate document for each post, just to make sure that each post has its own single point of definition. But you'll store parts of that post in many other places, such as in the document-of-recent-headlines that we had before. This means that we'll have to duplicate the data for each new post into that document, and possibly multiple other places. This process is known as fan-out, and there are some common strategies for updating this denormalized data.
I find that this duplication leads to no concerns, as long as it is clear what the main point of definition for each entity is. So in our example: if there ever is a difference between the headline of a post in the post-document itself, and the document-of-recent-headlines, I know that I should update the document-of-recent-headlines, since the post-document itself is my point-of-definition for the post.
The result of all this is that I often see my database as part actual data storage, part prerendered fragments of application screens. As long as the points of definition are clear, that works quite well and allows me to define data models that scale efficiently both for users of the applications that consume the data and for the cost to operate them.
To learn more about NoSQL data modeling:
NoSQL data modeling
Getting to know Cloud Firestore, which contains many more examples of these prerendered application screens.

Firestore subcollection vs array

First of, I know how Firestore works and have spent a lot of time, evaluating different approaches for a good structure. Still I am considering following scenario:
There is a database of known recipes. Users can add recipes, but they have to be confirmed to be real recipes and not just some variations. So every user can choose receipes from the user-generated list of recipes to state, that they know how to cook them (or add new ones).
Now I want users to share their list of receipes with others, but this is where I am not sure how this can be best accomplished using Firestore. The trick is, that I want to show all the recipes at once, and don't want to paginate them.
I am currently evaluating two possibilities:
Whenever a user shares his list, the user looking at said list will have to load the entire list of the recipes which can result in a high amount of document reads (I suppose realistically ~50, in very rare cases maybe 1000).
More natural structure
Easier to maintain (e.g. deleting a recipe, checking if a specific one exists)
Easier to add fields (e.g. timeOfCreation, comment, personalRating, ...)
Can result in a high amount of reads on the long run
I could save every known recipe (the id and an imageURL) inside the user's document (or as a single subdocument "KnownRecipes") within an array. This array could be in form of
recipesKnown: [{rid: 293ndwa, imageURL:, timeAdded: 8371201332},
{rid: 9012831, imageURL:, timeAdded: 8371201871},
{rid: jd812da, imageURL:, timeAdded: 8371201118},
I only need one document read whenever someone wants to see another user's list
Reading a user's list is probably faster
It's hard to update a specific recipe (e.g. someone wants to change the imageURL: I need to change the list locally and send the entire document as an update to the server - since I cannot just change a single element in the array)
When a user decides to have around 1000 recipes (this will maybe never happen, but it could), the 1MiB limit of the Firestore limit could be reached. A possible workaround would be to create a seperate document and split those two arrays into these two documents.
For me, the idea with Subcollections seems to be the more "clean" solution to this problem, but maybe I am missing some arguments on why one of those solutions would be superior over the other.
My most common queries are as follows (ordered descending by importance):
Which recipes can a user cook
Add a recipe a user can cook to the user's list
Who can cook a specific recipe (there is a Recipe -> Cooks subcollection)
Update an existing recipe a user can cook
The answer to your question depends on the level of scalability you want to achieve.
If by design the amount of sub-data you want to store is limited and very low, you should use arrays, since you reduce the number of document reads, which means lower costs.
If your sub-data is supposed to increase "unlimitedly" over time, you should use sub-collections.
If you're building a database which is not supposed to scale in any direction (Proof of concept, very small business, etc.) just go with what you feel more comfortable with.
I'm researching the same question...
One of the questions is whether the data held in the document will be ever go pass 1MB that is the limit for a document. Researching a bit on how much it can be held in plain text in 1MB well it's a hell of a lot. Still if it were to be incredible bigger it would crash in the end. Thus if you think in a big-big way sub-collections.
If we had to use the Firebase element logic the answer would be sub-collections.
Still I guess the major point is the data pulled. If you call the user you will directly be pulling out that MB of data. Instead with a sub-collection it won't load, even if you loaded it you can still lazy-load.
I guess for the kind of setup you are doing sub-collections.
key is an additional collection's con/pro
key could help to avoid duplicates; but this requires thinking of what is duplicate's definition (which might change);
array's no-key behavior could be emulated via auto-id.
p.s. #Thomas's list of pros/cons in the question has been quite helpful.
