How to access the Domain Shared API when the Contacts API will be deprecated in 2021? - google-shared-contacts

The Google Contact API is considered obsolete as of June 15, 2021. The Domain Shared API uses the Contacts API to edit directory contacts. Will a solution be available to replace the contacts?

Domain Shared Contacts API won't be affected by Contacts API deprecation, and it will still be available for use after June 2021, according to the deprecation announcement:
Please note that the Domain Shared Contacts API is not affected by these changes.
Action Required: Legacy Google Contacts API will be shut down on June 15, 2021


How to gain access to LinkedIn Live Video API?

The LinkedIn Live Video API documentation appears to be under the Marketing Developer Platform (MDP), however the MDP API documentation regarding available permissions does not mention the r_member_live and w_member_live scopes required for the Live Video API. Are the r_member_live and w_member_live scopes included in the MDP API, or is there a separate application process for the Live Video API?
You should find more information on accessing API through this link :
Also appreciate if you can please send in your query to our developer support from here
You can also contact our Development Team at

Would analytics.js be affected by Google Analytics mobile apps reporting and the legacy Google Analytics Services SDK sunset

We have a web application that uses analytics.js of google analytics, and we received an email from google analytics team stating that:
This is a reminder that your Google Analytics account(s) XYZ and their
properties listed below use the older style of Google Analytics mobile
apps reporting and the legacy Google Analytics Services SDK, which
will be sunset starting this October when we will stop collecting data
for your property
What will happen to my Google Analytics properties listed above?
• Starting in October, we will begin to decommission properties that
were identified at the time of our first notice as receiving data
exclusively from the Google Analytics Services SDK.
• Data collection and processing for such properties will stop October
31, 2019.
• Reporting access through our UI and API access will remain available
for these properties’ historical data until January 31, 2020.
• After our service is fully turned down in February 2020, these
legacy properties will no longer be accessible via our Google
Analytics UI or API, and their data will be removed from Google
Analytics servers. You will receive additional notification as these
deadlines approach.
My questions are:
would analytics.js be affected by Google Analytics mobile apps
reporting and the legacy Google Analytics Services SDK sunset?
If I create a new Apps property or (Apps and web) property today, will it be decommission on October?
Thanks in advance
No, analytics.js won't be affected. Analytics.js is the library you're using to send data to GA.
If you create a new apps property, the wizard would walk you through and create a Firebase property, which is what it is suggested migration path in the sunset. There is also the new "Web and App" property type that would allow you to track app and web users in the same property.

Sharing a calendar with a service account

We are trying to share a calendar with a service account.
We created a project and a Service Account (for said project) on the Google Developers Console. Then we tried sharing a calendar with this Service Account ID email
I noticed google service accounts have a domain of the form so we can't share a calendar from one of our company's account
Our company's policy dictates we shouldn't set the 'external sharing options' to other than 'sharing busy/free' but we need more data. As stated in the previous paragraph, we can't share the calendar with our internal service account because of the domain mismatch
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found a workaround:
First create a calendar in the service account (with the API)
Then share the calendar with the organization (with the API)
Export/Import the events of the existing calendar (remove old)
Now you can access the calendar through the API, and edit it in the organization's accounts

How to become a developer approved by LinkedIn to use LinkedIn's Connections API?

I would like to use LinkedIn's Connections API to retrieve the 1st degree connections of users registering on my application. But, "The use of this API is restricted to those developers approved by LinkedIn and subject to applicable data restrictions in their agreements.". Has anyone experience in getting approved and what are the main points to consider before applying? And, how can we apply? Thanks!
To access any APIs you'll first need to setup a business page on LinkedIn (instructions here) for app verification then head to the developer page to create an app
To access their restricted APIs you'll want to reach out to their support team via the contact us page and request access; specifically looking for a Relationship Manager if you have an existing business relationship or a Business Development contact per the compliance docs:
The use of these APIs is restricted to developers approved by LinkedIn.
Reach out to your LinkedIn Relationship Manager or
Business Development contact as you will need to meet certain criteria and sign an API agreement with data restrictions
in order to use this integration.

Marketo REST API - Company API disabled error

I am having trouble getting company information using the Marketo REST Apis. (Describe Company » Marketo Developers )
Everytime I use the call
I always get the Error
[{\"code\":\"1018\",\"message\":\"Company API disabled\"}]}
However when I check on the User Role permissions I have enabled I seem to have access to all of the APIs.
Is there any other permissions I need to use the Company API?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
The Company API is only available on instances where there is no native CRM sync, such as Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce, enabled. Your instance probably has one of these enabled and so the company API is not available.
sometimes the company information is wrapped up with the person/lead object. Maybe you can get it from a lead from a company?
