Qt Installer Framework:Problem to link shortcut to program - qt

I used qt installer framework for create installation for my program. after installing program on my system, i clicked on desktop and start menu shortcut but program did not open and missing shortcut error was shown:
(Manual selection with browse button opens the program)
my config.xml:
<Title>Micom Instalation Setup</Title>
<Publisher>Hana System</Publisher>
<RunProgramDescription>Launch Micom</RunProgramDescription>
my installscript:
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "#TargetDir#/Micom.exe",
"iconId=0", "description=Open Micom");
component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "#TargetDir#/Micom.exe",
"iconId=0", "description=Open Micom");
Any idea how to solve it?


Rpi4 Qt5 Qml drmModeGetResources failed error

I have been created a build with Buildroot. Also did it everthing on this comment -> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=263418#p1614833
Did my research, and dozens of trials, and I get nothing.
My config is:
Rpi4-64, QT5-Qml, Mesa v3d-vc4, opengl es 2.0
When I try to run my qt qml application on this build, I'm getting this error:
QStandardPaths: wrong permission on runtime directory /usr/bin/, 7755 instead of 7700
drmModeGetResources failed (Operation not supported)
no screens available, assuming 24 -bit color
Cannot create window: no screens available.
Summary : I need to run my qt5 qml application on Rpi 4 with hw accelerated.
I found the solution.
I think the Rpi4 with eglfs using default card for card0, and this is not work. Need to force using card1 for eglfs.
Create a file "eglfs.json" with the following content:
{ "device": "/dev/dri/card1" }
export QT_QPA_EGLFS_KMS_CONFIG=/wherever/is/the/file/eglfs.json
and run your qt app!
Also my qt5 qml program is not showing fonts or text on rpi4 buildroot system. Coping /usr/share/fonts/your_program_fonts worked for me.

unable to load DLL 'iaStorAfsServiceApi.dll': The sepcified module couldn't be found

The solution which worked for me ----
go to control panel-> program & features ->click right on Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions -> click on repair.
after the successful process..restart your machine.
The solution which worked for me ---- go to control panel-> program & features ->click right on Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions -> click on repair. after the successful process..restart your machine.

JavaFX codesign issues in Mac bundle

I'm building a javaFX bundle for Mac and am adding an Uninstaller.app to the bundle.
As prt of the code is signed and I insert Uninstaller folder as a fileset into the (among other files).
But, when code is building I always get an error when trying to codesign "Application Stub" under Uninstaller.app->Contents->MacOS.
This is the message I get:
Running [codesign, -s, Developer ID Application: xxx, --prefix, test.com.xxx.yyy., -vvvv, /var/folders/02/6nmx541x4rq4f6mz3n9__px40000gn/T/fxbundler11458933583542045410/images/image-17325795275411389984/xxx-TEST.app/Contents/Java/Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Application Stub]
/var/folders/02/6nmx541x4rq4f6mz3n9__px40000gn/T/fxbundler11458933583542045410/images/image-17325795275411389984/xxx-TEST.app/Contents/Java/Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Application Stub: code object is not signed at all
In subcomponent: /private/var/folders/02/6nmx541x4rq4f6mz3n9__px40000gn/T/fxbundler11458933583542045410/images/image-17325795275411389984/xxx-TEST.app/Contents/Java/Uninstaller.app/Contents/document.wflow
Where document.wflow is an Automator file one folder above Application Stub file.
I'm loosing my hair in here and am trying to solve it for the last 2 weeks.
Any help is appreciated.

RStudio startup error

I am having problems opening RStudio, it worked fine before I got my mouse pad reconfigured. Here goes... When I open the program, it loads but appears blank. The menu tabs appear but do not populate when clicked. I've read a few answers to this one of which involved deleting the 'RStudio-Desktop' within the local files but did not solve the issue. I managed to run the RStudio diagnostic and below is the error message. OS is Windows 7.
I would be grateful if anyone can provide some insight regarding this.
Attempting to launch R session...
PATH=C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.1\bin\x64;C:\WINDOWS\Orant\product\11.2.0\client
32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86;C
:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x64;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\b
in\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\M
icrosoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSy
R session launched, attempting to connect on port 44157...
Connected to R session, attempting to initialize...
13 Oct 2016 16:04:22 [rsession-B859XXXX] ERROR system error 5 (Access is denied)
[path=//mshsrmsapppXXXX/B859XXXX$]; OCCURRED AT: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::
core::FilePath::makeCurrentPath(bool) const C:\Users\Administrator\rstudio\src\c
pp\core\FilePath.cpp:978; LOGGED FROM: int main(int, char* const*) C:\Users\Admi
QApplication::qAppName: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
C:\Program Files\RStudio>
Error 5 would suggest that the application is being written to those directories which does not have write privileges.
Make sure those folders have write privileges.
You can also try running RStudio application as Administrator.
To do so, Click on Start -> RStudio ( right click) -> Run as administrator.
I had similar problems installing R and RStudio on Windows 8.1 in C:\Program Files. From Vista, Windows places multiple restrictions on systems folders such as %windir% and %ProgramFiles%.
Uninstall and re-install in a folder where you are not restricted, such as C:\Apps or similar. You should hopefully have no further issues.

Use qjson in my Qt symbain app

I'm using Qt to develop a Symbian app.
I downloaded qjson from the link. I followed the instructions in that link and yes, I have the qjson.sis file. Now I need to use it in my app. When I tried, I got this error.
Launch failed: Command answer [command error], 1 values(s) to request: 'C|101|Processes|start|""|"MyProject.exe"|[""]|[]|true'
{"Code":-46,Format="Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)"}
Error: 'Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)' Code: -46
And when I press the launch icon, it shows, "Unable to execute file for security reasons".
Then I install the qjson.sis in my mobile and then tried to install my app, I got this error.
:-1: error: Installation failed: 'Failed to overwrite file owned by another package: c:\sys\bin\qjson.dll in ' Code: 131073; see http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Symbian_OS_Error_Codes for descriptions of the error codes
In my .pro file I have this.
symbian: {
addFiles.sources = qjson.dll
addFiles.path = /sys/bin
DEPLOYMENT += addFiles
symbian: {
LIBS += -lqjson
Any ideas...?
Ok, I've just resolved a similar issue: it seems that your current build of QJson's library has different UID3 than the previous one that you installed on the phone.
Each .SIS file that is installed on the device has an identifier. The phone OS tracks which file was installed by which packacge, and if some new package wants to overwrite an existing file, the OS checks whether the new package has the same 'identity' than the previous owner of the file to be overwritten.
If the identity does not match, this error pops up.
There are number of reasons why this could have happened. For example, you could have simply changed the UID3 of the QJson before the build. Or, maybe you have forgot to set the library's UID3? Check the "src.pro' in the QJson project and go to the half of the file, you'd see lines:
TARGET.CAPABILITY = ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData
If there's #, then you have forgot to set it and the build process assumed, well, letssay 'a random value'. So, now, set it to something, ie. TARGET.UID3 = 0xE0123456. Remember to correct that once you are ready to publish the application.
If a package with broken UID3 gets onto your phone and is blocking something - simply: uninstall it. Go to Settings/Installations/Installed, then find "qjson" and uninstall it. Afterwards, next installtion of qjson should succeed with no problems.
