Integromat Iterator - Bundles Versus Operations? -

In Integromat, I am updating a Trello dropdown by iterating an array of Google Contact names. I am successfully seeing multiple Bundles in the Output I am NOT getting multiple runs of the Trello "Make and API Call" module.
Perhaps I need multiple Operations rather than multiple Bundles?

OK, it turns out I was setup correctly...
I had another Trello API call I was trying to make after iterating all the bundles.
That subsequent API call seems to have haltted the bundle iteration due to an error.


Recommended way to maintain stored procedures, user defined functions, indexes, etc. in source control and for CI/CD

For our stored procedures, we were using an approach that was working rather well during CD which was making use of the javascript v2 SDK to call container.storedProcedures.upsert. Upsert has now been removed from the API on v3 as it's not supported on non-partitioned collections (which are the only ones you'll be able to create from now on).
I supposed that the v3 SDK would have a way to at least delete and re-create these objects, but for what I can see it only allows creation:
We followed a similar approach for maintaing the index definitions updated and this is the main reason we now need to migrate to the v3 SDK as otherwise updating some kind of indexes fail through v2.
Given that what we want (if possible) is to be able to maintain all of these objects in soure control and automatically deploy them during CD, what would be the recommended way to do this?
(Meanwhile I'm exploring using these powershell commands for it: but attempting to create a UDF through them caused a very bizzarre outcome in which Azure Portal stopped showing me any UDF on the collection until I removed the one I had created using New-CosmosDbUserDefinedFunction)
There are a few options today and your choices will get better here over the next couple of months.
Cosmos now has support for creating stored procedures, triggers and UDFs using ARM Templates. The second sample on this page has an ARM template that shows this. Cosmos DB ARM Template Samples. This PS tool you are using is not officially supported so you'll need to file an issue there for any questions. We will be releasing PS Cmdlets to create stored procedures, triggers and UDF's but there is no ETA to share at this time.

Telepat API Doc -Create App

I have probably multiple newbie questions but I am unsure about how to work with telepat based on just the document.
While creating an APP, we are expected to give a Key. However the field name is keys. Is there any reason for it? I am assuming that it would have to be unique but document does not mention if that is the case or the error we should expect in case the rule is violated.
Referring to Admin Create does not seem to require authentication even when doing it from API. It also misses the response on success. Just a 200 may be sufficient but..
There is no way to get App ID. What am I missing?
First of all, what version of Telepat are you using ? Changes to the infrastructure happen often. The latest version is 0.2.5 (although I'd try to download from develop branch since improvements and bug-fixes appear on a day-by-day basis).
You can add multiple API keys for an application and distribute them in whatever way you want. The system is not bothered if you add a key that already exists at the moment.
May be because of old Telepat build. Can't get into detail with this.
admin/app/create returns the application object, including its ID. Also /admin/apps returns a list of all applications you have.

Symfony2 adding tests for saving api feed to database

I'm working on my first major symfony2 project.
I have updated an api that's no longer being maintained by the original author.
The updated API contains all the necessary Unit and Integration Tests for the different API Calls. Including Mocks of the data feeds that come from the API.
I've now written a symfony2 bundle that uses this api via console commands and saves the data from the feeds to the database. FP_DataBundle
My question is about testing:
Can i use the same mocks that are in my FantasyDataAPI library to test that the correct data is being saved to the database?
I'm thinking that i need the tests to execute the console commands and then fetch the data from the database and then go through the mocks and check that that the data in the DB Matches.
Can i create a database version that just holds the mock data and then test against that db? How can i do that?
Is my thinking askew and i need to do it another way, the feeds contain a lot of fields in json format, and duplicating all these in my bundle again seems like overkill.

How should I implement a runonce script for Symfony 2?

I use Scrum methodology and deploy functionality in builds every sprint.
There is necessity to perform different changes in the stored data (I mean data in database and on filesystem). I'd like to implement it as a PHP scripts invoked from console. But they should be executed only once, during the deployment.
Is there any way to implement it through app/console without listing it in the list of registered Console commands? Or is there any other way to implement runonce scripts?
DoctrineMigrations covers some part of my requirements, but it's hard to implement complex changes in Model. And it does not cover changes in files on the filesystem.
I don't think symfony has a facility for that, and besides, hiding the command is not the same as securing the command.
Instead, I would make the script determine if it has been run already (could be as simple as adding a version number to a file and checking that number before running) and stop if it detects it has already run before.

Real time collaboration with CodeMirror

I started this little project where I would do real time collaboration on code using CodeMirror.
I have a msgs system setup such its easy to pass objects from one user to another. My problem is getting it integrated with CodeMirror. I found out that it have events for onchange and a replaceRange(string, from, to).
I pass the onchange objects to the other users and uses the replaceRange to update the view. Problem is then when using replaceRange, it triggers an new onchange and it sends msgs back and forward. Anyone know if there are some way of updating the local view without it triggering an onchange. Or suggestings for other paths to take. (the msgs system is already set up and its easy to pass javascript objects to other clients).
You Can Use Firepad
FirePad is an open-source (on GitHub) realtime collaborative plug-in to codemirror. You can get it setup with codemirror in 4 extra lines of code and a few minutes. It's uses Firebase for the backend.
To get this to work properly, you'll have to merge changes as well. See for a demo of an open-source solution (also using CodeMirror).
