"sbt server is already booting." error when launching sbt from wsl2 ubuntu - sbt

I've installed sbt using sdkman on wsl2 ubuntu setup. Currently sbt 1.4.2 is installed. When I try to launch it from the terminal it gives
sbt server is already booting. Create a new server? y/n (default y) if I choose n, nothing happens. If I choose y, then sbt starts. What I want to do is to be able to start sbt without that error message. Because this behaviour breaks metals on visual studio code.
I checked the sbt source code and found that the method below prints the error message - in sbt/main/src/main/scala/sbt/Main.scala
private def getSocketOrExit(
configuration: xsbti.AppConfiguration
): (Option[BootServerSocket], Option[Exit]) =
try (Some(new BootServerSocket(configuration)) -> None)
catch {
case _: ServerAlreadyBootingException
if System.console != null && !ITerminal.startedByRemoteClient =>
println("sbt server is already booting. Create a new server? y/n (default y)")
val exit = ITerminal.get.withRawInput(System.in.read) match {
case 110 => Some(Exit(1))
case _ => None
(None, exit)
case _: ServerAlreadyBootingException =>
if (SysProp.forceServerStart) (None, None)
else (None, Some(Exit(2)))
So, calling new BootServerSocket(configuration) throws an exception. Exception source is the method below from BootServerSocket.java;
static ServerSocket newSocket(final String sock) throws ServerAlreadyBootingException {
ServerSocket socket = null;
String name = socketName(sock);
try {
if (!isWindows) Files.deleteIfExists(Paths.get(sock));
socket =
? new Win32NamedPipeServerSocket(name, false, Win32SecurityLevel.OWNER_DACL)
: new UnixDomainServerSocket(name);
return socket;
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new ServerAlreadyBootingException();
I checked the isWindows method and it returns false. So the new UnixDomainServerSocket(name) part is running. And somehow it can't create a unix domain server socket. That's all I found out. Is there a way to fix this? Or is this a bug?

After moving my project files to a directory within wsl2, problem is solved. My project files were in a Windows directory before.


Corda - Failed to find a store at certificates\sslkeystore.jks

Corda open source on Linux. Node RPC SSL enabled. I am getting error "Failed to find a store at certificates\sslkeystore.jks". Any ideas? I have entered absolute path in keyStorePath.
You must follow the steps of this paragraph: https://docs.corda.net/clientrpc.html#wire-security which I detailed for you below.
When you enable RPC SSL, you must run this command one time (you will be asked to supply 2 new passwords):
java -jar corda.jar generate-rpc-ssl-settings
It will create the rpcsslkeystore.jks under certificates folder, and rpcssltruststore.jks under certificates/export folder.
Inside your node.conf supply the path and password of rpcsslkeystore.jks:
rpcSettings {
ssl {
standAloneBroker = false
address = ""
adminAddress = ""
Now if you have a webserver, inside NodeRPCConnection you must use the constructor that takes a ClientRpcSslOptions parameter:
// RPC SSL properties.
private String trustStorePath;
private String trustStorePassword;
public void initialiseNodeRPCConnection() {
NetworkHostAndPort rpcAddress = new NetworkHostAndPort(host, rpcPort);
ClientRpcSslOptions clientRpcSslOptions = new ClientRpcSslOptions(Paths.get(trustStorePath),
trustStorePassword, "JKS");
CordaRPCClient rpcClient = new CordaRPCClient(rpcAddress, clientRpcSslOptions, null);
rpcConnection = rpcClient.start(username, password);
proxy = rpcConnection.getProxy();
We added above 2 extra attributes that you must now supply when starting the webserver, for that; modify your clients module build.gradle:
task runNodeServer(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: jar) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'com.example.server.ServerKt'
args '--server.port=50005', '--config.rpc.host=localhost',
'--config.rpc.port=10005', '--config.rpc.username=user1', '--config.rpc.password=test',
If you're planning to connect to the node with a standalone shell, you must do something similar, but it didn't work for me; I reported the following bug: https://github.com/corda/corda/issues/5955

Elasticsearch not starting, but throwing ReceiveTimeoutTransportException

I am trying to use elastic search with java api, but when i try to run application, i am getting following exception.
18:13:52.378 [elasticsearch[Fallen One][generic][T#1]] INFO org.elasticsearch.client.transport - [Fallen One] failed to get local cluster state for [#transport#-1][integra][inet[/]], disconnecting...
org.elasticsearch.transport.ReceiveTimeoutTransportException: [][inet[/]][cluster/state] request_id [52] timed out after [5001ms]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$TimeoutHandler.run(TransportService.java:356) [elasticsearch-1.0.1.jar:na]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145) [na:1.7.0_51]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615) [na:1.7.0_51]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744) [na:1.7.0_51]
18:13:52.381 [elasticsearch[Fallen One][generic][T#1]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Fallen One] disconnected from [[#transport#-1][integra][inet[/]]]
18:13:52.391 [elasticsearch[Fallen One][generic][T#3]] DEBUG org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [Fallen One] connected to node [[#transport#-1][integra][inet[/]]]
Code for connecting to elastic search is
private String[] esNodes = { "" };
protected TransportClient buildClient() throws Exception {
Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("client.transport.sniff", true)
TransportClient client = new TransportClient(settings);
for (int i = 0; i < esNodes.length; i++) {
return client;
private InetSocketTransportAddress toAddress(String address) {
if (address == null) return null;
String[] splitted = address.split(":");
int port = 9300;
if (splitted.length > 1) {
port = Integer.parseInt(splitted[1]);
return new InetSocketTransportAddress(splitted[0], port);
can any one kindly help me, i am new to elastic search and have no idea how to resolve the issue.
I am using this code to connect to my elasticsearch and its pretty well working.
Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("cluster.name", clusterName).build();
this.client = new TransportClient(settings)
.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(ipAddress,9300));
Where ipAddress and Clustername are argument of my function.
You should have a look at the network on your laptop. Check if you can connect to localhost. Another thing you could try is start two elasticsearch instances with the same configuration to see if they connect. Finally have a look at the network part of elasticsearch.yml. When having network problems on a local machine I usually try the following two options:
network.host: localhost
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["localhost"]
I think Elastic search server is Not started.. Try to hit in browser or curl comments.. If it works.. Try the above code..
NOTE:IF YOUR JAVA API JAR VERSION DIFFERS ALSO LL RAISE PROB.. ( get java api version same as ES version
Note : elasticsearch java api helps you connect to with elasticsearch.. But its can't start a elasticsearch node using api..
Your code is good.. It's Vry standard too..

Thread aborting issue with Sharp Svn with C#.Net 4.0

I have developed ASP.net application using VS-2010, C#.Net 4.0 with SharpSvn dll. When I'm working with dev server(don't have 3-Tier Architecture), it works fine. But when we are working with QA environment(have 3-Tier Architecture) it gives thread abort exception most of the time.Following shows the code and error log I have. Any help on this really appreciate.
public bool Checkout(string svnurl, string target)
using (_client = new SharpSvn.SvnClient())
_client.LoadConfiguration(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "Svn"), true);
_client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new TNetworkCredential(_username, _password);
_client.Authentication.SslServerTrustHandlers += SvnSslOveride;
var targetsvn = new SvnUriTarget(svnurl);
if (_client.CheckOut(targetsvn, target))
Log.Info("Successfully checked out to following location : " );
return true;
Log.Info("Unable to checkout "+ svnurl +" Svn location to target location : ");
return false;
catch (Exception ee)
Log.Error("Error:SvnClient checkout....");
throw ee;
return false;
private static void SvnSslOveride(object sender, SvnSslServerTrustEventArgs e)
e.AcceptedFailures = e.Failures;
e.Save = true;
error log
ERROR 2013-08-12 12:13:37,714 3223821ms SvnClient Checkout -
Error:SvnClient checkout.... ERROR 2013-08-12 12:13:37,730 3223837ms
SvnClient Checkout - System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was
being aborted. at svn_client_checkout3(Int32* , SByte* , SByte* ,
svn_opt_revision_t* , svn_opt_revision_t* , svn_depth_t , Int32 ,
Int32 , svn_client_ctx_t* , apr_pool_t* ) at
SharpSvn.SvnClient.CheckOut(SvnUriTarget url, String path,
SvnCheckOutArgs args, SvnUpdateResult& result) at
SharpSvn.SvnClient.CheckOut(SvnUriTarget url, String path)
I missed <httpRuntime executionTimeout="(time in seconds)">
tag in web config and it automatically set by IIS server. The default is 110 seconds.
Note :In the .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1, the default is 90 seconds.
After I added following line to web.config and it works fine.
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600">
Previously it works sometimes because the time taken to SVN checkout in DEV server is less than in other environment because of the size of the repositories and network connections. Thanks all for your answers
As per my comment above, I've seen this issue. It appears to be related to plink authentication.
I resolved it by upgrading to the latest build of SharpSVN v1.7, at which point the error changed from a null-ref exception in the C++, to an SVN exception with the message "Can't create tunnel: The parameter is incorrect".
There are a few articles which explain how to resolve this, the best of which I've found here:
SVN+SSH and Sourceforge
In my case, changing the backslashes to forwardslashes in the SVN_SSH env var resolved the problem. Worth giving a shot.

HaspDotNetDllBroken error

I am using Safenet Sentinel key, I have created a webservice for login but when i run it the first time it throws an error HASPDotNetDllBroken but runs fine if i run it the second time or consecutively after that.
I am using the following dlls:
and my webservice is:
public string Log()
HaspFeature feature = HaspFeature.Default;
string vendorCode="Az........";
Hasp hasp = new Hasp(feature);
HaspStatus status = hasp.Login(vendorCode);
if (HaspStatus.StatusOk != status)
return("Login Failed with status "+status.ToString());
return ("Login Successful with status "+status.ToString());
From the dll's you mention it seems your webservice is 32-bit. In that case you have to put the apidsp_windows.dll and the hasp_windows_.dll in the System32 directory on 32-bit machines and in the SysWOW64 directory on 64-bit machines. is your numeric vendorid, or demo if you're running in evaluation mode.
I hope that helps.

gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Application?

void connect ( String portName ) throws Exception
CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName);
if ( portIdentifier.isCurrentlyOwned() )
System.out.println("Error: Port is currently in use");
CommPort commPort = portIdentifier.open(this.getClass().getName(),2000);
if ( commPort instanceof SerialPort )
SerialPort serialPort = (SerialPort) commPort;
InputStream in = serialPort.getInputStream();
OutputStream out = serialPort.getOutputStream();
(new Thread(new SerialReader(in))).start();
(new Thread(new SerialWriter(out))).start();
System.out.println("Error: Only serial ports are handled by this example.");
is giving
gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Application
at gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.open(CommPortIdentifier.java:354)
i am using RXTX with Java in windows 7 home 64-bit.
Check that /var/lock folder exist on your machine.
mkdir /var/lock
chmod go+rwx /var/lock
Reboot the system / disable the port.
Actual problem is when the program runs port is opened and it didn't close after the program terminates.
it works.
I ran into this problem because the port was actually in use. A previous instance of javaw.exe appeared in the Windows task manager, it hogged the port.
The reason why that previous java process hung was a hardware issue: When plugging the USB-2-serial converter that I happened to use into a USB-2 port, all worked fine. When plugged into a USB-3 port, RXTX CommPortIdentifier code would hang, and then subsequent instances of Java received the PortInUseException.
I used Process Explorer to find a process with the handle \Device\PCISerial0 and closed the handle. If your com ports aren't on a PCI card, the name might be different.
For Windows
Open Task Manager
under Eclipse (or your ide) find Java application.
Right click on it -> End Task
May be useful, I solved such problem by remove gateway from service and stop it , gateway is instance of SerialModemGateway.
