Copy Paste feature on R Studio experiencing bugs on M1 Mac mini running big sur - r

I tried to copy code from a blog on Data-flair training. The R Studio seems to have a bug where in the backspace and delete do not work as required. These two actions end up deleting more characters. However typing the code on the R Studio IDE seems to have no issues as far as backspace and delete functionality is concerned. Same action has no issues on macos bug sur running on intel based mac book pro.


Why would R Shiny app run indefinitely in R Studio?

I wanted to learn how to build Shiny Apps in R so I started this beginner-level tutorial. However, when I run the app on my desktop (Windows 10 x64, 16GB RAM, 500 GB SSD, i5-3470 CPU, Dual Display) in R Studio 1.3.1093) using R 4.0.3, it loads indefinitely with no error output. I tried running even the basic built-in examples (which you could find here) and they also failed to load. The exact same scripts and examples run on my laptop (Windows 10 x64, 8GB RAM, 250 GB SSD; R & R Studio specs the same) without issue. I've reinstalled the shiny package, reinstalled R and R Studio, and changed whether the app runs internally or externally with no success. I did find this post which seems to have encountered the same issue, but with no solution.
I know it's not much to go on, but I'm at a loss as to the next thing I should check. Any suggestions?
I figured out from this mostly unrelated post that there was a file at the path C:/ Users/.../Documents\R\win-library\4.0/ called 00LOCK which was giving R trouble downloading and updating new packages. I'm not sure how it got there or why R was not telling me there were issues in updating the packages, but the shiny app seems to work perfectly fine now.

R 3.4.1 Console Interface Very Slow on Mac

I have upgraded R from 3.3.3 to 3.4.1 and am finding that typing text directly into the R Console quickly becomes very laggy, even when R isn't using a lot of resources. I have observed this behavior running the last couple versions of macos sierra (10.12.6, etc.).
It is notable that R functions are not particularly slow when executed. Most of the time I use Textmate 2 to pass code to the console and the code passed in this fashion runs without delay.
I've done extensive searching, but I haven't found anyone else reporting this problem. I've found this behavior on two different macs: 2013 Macbook 13" and 2017 Macbook 15" and have encountered the same problem.
Is there an easy solution to this problem that I'm missing?
The only answer I have been able to find is to roll back R to version 3.3.3, which is the last version before R began using Clang and GNU Fortran to compile the executable ( for more info).
This is not an optimal solution since I have to go back to previous versions of some packages I use (which is further complicated by the hunt for the right version of problematic dependencies). I have been looking through the r-devel threads and don't see a discussion of this, which surprises me because I know that I can't be the only person dealing with this. I will contact the r-devel folks and will update here if I get any additional info.
The discussion on this question has identified that the issue is with the macos R GUI. Unfortunately, it appears that the R GUI developers are aware of this issue, but it is not being listed as a bug. The developers suggest clearing the console – not a workable solution for me given how quickly the problem crops up.
I have come up with a better solution, though it is kind of odd. I realized that since the problem is with the GUI and not R, you can take an old version of the GUI (they are available from the R macos development page). I was hoping to be able to use GUI version 1.69, but this caused a crash immediately. version 1.68 on the other hand does work.
I installed R 3.4.1 on my computer and then downloaded the binary file for GUI version 1.68 and copied it into my applications folder (you don't have to do this, but if you do, make sure to rename the program because otherwise you will replace R). I think opened R via the GUI and loaded R 3.4.1 on R Mac GUI version 1.68. So far it seems to be working fine, confirming that the problem is indeed in the GUI.
The issue actually appeared long ago (at R3.1.2 release) once the developers started to use a newer version of Xcode (I think they moved from v.5 to v.8 and above). At that time Simon told me that this is Xcode and Apple's problem, so they can't do anything about it. He did however forced the compilation with an older Xcode which "avoided" the issue till R3.4. I presume they can no longer use this work-around.
Possible solution:
Try running: rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) This should remove everything from your R console, including hidden objects.
Then run .rs.restartR(), which will restart R. Hopefully, whatever is clogging up the program will be gone.
Have you tried RStudio? I highly recommend that GUI to work with R.
If you need more speed you should considering using R with modified matrix products. For example, to use R with openBLAS I wrote a tutorial here:

Can't install BI Publisher for desktop

I'm having problems installing BI Publisher for Desktop 32bit(11g) on Win7 64 bit system (Office 2013). Previously I successfully installed it but there was no add-on visible in Office, so tried with 64 bit version but with no luck. After that I've uninstalled it but now it keeps giving me these errors, "INSTALL DIR get falied!" and "TBMenusSetup.msi!"
Any idea hoe to solve this?
This is what I did on Windows 7 (64-bit) and Office 2013 (32-bit):
Download: Oracle BI Publisher Desktop for 32 bit Office on Windows (244 MB) -
Run BIPublisherDesktop32.exe
If Add-In doesn't show up at this point, run step 4
Run setup.exe from here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\DotNetInstallFiles\setup.exe
I also check the following conditions if I have trouble with installing BIP (which I often have)
Make sure that the versions on your system are matching
(JRE,Office,BIP). That means: If you have Office in 64bit you need
JRE(64bit) and BIP(64bit).
Check if the addon is deactivated by word and activate it in case.
Use "Run as Administrator" with the BIP Installer.
Hope this helps :)
download bi publisher desktop and do a fresh install.
if you are not getting the add on then go to Microsoft office icon-->word option-->add ins-->then check in manage drop down(disabled items).If its Bi Publisher then click on that.You will get this in MS word.
Personally, until next time, not sure what worked, as above step I did earlier with no resolution.
But, I have been installing, troubleshooting BIP Desktop for few years and each time it is broken, fix do not exist and there are threads which leads to absolutely nothing. This time around, O365 was rolled out to Pilot Users and yes BIP toolbar gone. Uninstalled O365, re-installed Office 2010, repair/remove/reinstall - none worked. Ran MS Debug/ Sysinternals - Procmon/ProcessXP - found leak threads but nothing to suggest which components is missing or corrupted. Finally, I started running all msi and pre-req sw in BIP dir and DotNetInstallFiles, and it did come back the elusive toolbar, which MS Word fails to load or kept in Inactive add-ins.

Running R / RStudio on Windows 10

I've been using R / RStudio for several months on Windows 7 & 8. Now I've received the upgrade invitation from Microsoft but at the same time, I've heard that there were serious compatibility issues between ancient versions of Windows and Windows 10.
I would need to know if it's possible to run R / RStudio on Windows 10 without major issues.
I have personally tried to run R and Rstudio with Windows with no problems (at the moment). Needless to say, I am on a split setup where my work machine is a windows 10 OS and my home is a Windows 7 OS. However, I find myself using my Windows 7 OS due to familiarity (with the GUI) and potential compatibility issues (that I might not be aware of at the moment). I guess this is a personal gimmick of mine, but as with all 'new' OS, expect to be disappointed.
I'm currently running R/Rstudio on Windows 10 at home. Haven't hit any snags yet. I wouldn't rush to deploy in an Enterprise environment, but as far as I can tell it seems stable enough where R operation is concerned.
Plus, you get Cortana (which, judging by the name, sounds a bit frumpier than Siri, but it is Windows after all)
I installed Win 10 on my laptop (i7, 16g Ram) last week and so far it is working OK with R studio. My desk computer is nearly the same specs as my laptop, but I am keeping it with Win 8.1 for now.
I've been running R and RStudio on Windows 10 (both Home and Pro editions) with no fuss at all yet.
I had also been working with both R and Rstudio in windows 7 and 8. However, Rstudio stopped working after upgrading to windows 10. R is still working appropriately. So, you could expect problems or no problems after upgrading to windows 10. Try holding down the control key while starting R studio.

How can I revert R Studio for Mac editor to default?

I just installed R Studio on my mac (was previously using on my virtual Windows machine). I am taking a class in which we learn to use R. The fix() function was demonstrated and when I ran it on my dataset it opened up an editor that was pretty ugly and done in X11 - that is, X11 launched automatically. The person next to me ran the same function but on her computer the pretty and I assume default R editor popped up. I have searched the internet and the options/preferences within R but cannot figure out how to both find out what the default would be if I did not have X11 installed AND change the editor in R Studio back to that program.
I can handle basic command line stuff if this is buried in a file I have to access through terminal/fancy preferences.
Has anyone run into this or have an idea of where to look? I don't want to use a text editor; just that nice-looking default program. Thanks!
