UWP: NavigationView.MenuItems results empty if populated programmatically - data-binding

I created a new UWP project with a NavigationView (winui 2.4) in MainPage.xaml.
I proceeded by binding a hierarchical ObservableCollection to populate the NavigationView menu items (1 parent, 4 children)
Launching the application, the hierarchical structure renders as expected, and seem to be working fine.
My next objective would be to collapse every expanded menu item clicking on a button. To do so, the docs suggest using NavigationView.Collapse(NavigationViewItem): my intention would be to iterate through NavigationView.MenuItems and collapse them.
The issue is that it seems NavigationView.MenuItems returns empty and I cannot figure out why.
I included a Button that prints NavigationView.MenuItems.Count(), which returns 0.
On the other hand, hard-coding the hierarchical menu items and repeating said procedure seem to work fine.
<muxc:NavigationView x:Name="MainNavigation" MenuItemsSource="{x:Bind categories, Mode=OneWay}">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="data:Category" >
<muxc:NavigationViewItem Content="{x:Bind Name}" MenuItemsSource="{x:Bind Children}" />
<Button Content="Do Something" Click="Button_Click" />
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
ObservableCollection<Category> categories = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
public MainPage()
categories = PopulateHierarchy();
private ObservableCollection<Category> PopulateHierarchy()
ObservableCollection<Category> list = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
ObservableCollection<Category> children = new ObservableCollection<Category>();
children.Add(new Category { Name = "Child 1" });
children.Add(new Category { Name = "Child 2" });
children.Add(new Category { Name = "Child 3" });
children.Add(new Category { Name = "Child 4" });
list.Add(new Category { Name = "Test1", Children=children });
return list;
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int itemsCount = MainNavigation.MenuItems.Count();
public class Category
public string Name { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Category> Children { get; set; }
Edit: it seems like this is a known bug, I found a closed issue on GitHub but the problem persists.

UWP: NavigationView.MenuItems results empty if populated programmatically
I can reproduce your problem that MenuItems.Count is zero. As your provide link said, you could also get the items with MenuItemsSource property.
The parameter of Collapse method is NavigationViewItem, and we could not pass MenuItems element (data source type) into it directly. We need use the data source to find the matched NavigationViewItem, the ContainerFromMenuItem method is right choice for getting NavigationViewItem with data source. And then MenuItems is not necessary for this scenario. Because categories has been decaled previously. we could use it directly. So the code could be written like below.
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var container = MainNavigation.ContainerFromMenuItem(categories.First()) as Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.NavigationViewItem;


Xamarin.Forms Update Label Text From a Service

I have a Label on MainPage.xaml. I can edit Label Text from MainPage.xaml.cs.
There is a foregroung service running as well. There is function in this service to check a value from SQLite DB for every 10 secs. When value changes, Label text should be updated. I tried binding but it is a bit confusing. I manage updating by using like this: (foreground service timer changes App.SomeValue)
protected override void OnAppearing()
lblSyncID.Text = App.SomeValue;
But I need to see changes without OnAppearing or any other navigation change.
With #Jason's suggestion I used Messaging Center (and also binding) and it works now:
<Label Text="{Binding AppWaitingRecordValue}" ...
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
private string appWaitingRecordValue;
public string AppWaitingRecordValue
get { return appWaitingRecordValue; }
appWaitingRecordValue = value;
public MainPage()
BindingContext = this;
AppWaitingRecordValue = "0";
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<App>((App)Application.Current, "AppRecord", (sender) =>
AppWaitingRecordValue = App.recordWaiting.ToString();
TimestampService.cs (from Project.Android):
// get i from DB
App.recordWaiting = i;
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Send<App>((App)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current, "AppRecord");

Update display of one item in a ListView's ObservableCollection

I have a ListView which is bound to an ObservableCollection.
Is there a way to update a single cell whenever a property of a SomeModel item changed, without reloading the ListView by changing the ObservableCollection?
(Question is copied from https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/40084/update-item-properties-in-a-listviews-observablecollection, as is my answer there.)
As I can see you are trying to use MVVM as a pattern for your Xamarin.Forms app. You are already using the ObservableCollection for displaying a list of the data. When a new item is added or removed from collection UI will be refreshed accordingly and that is because the ObserverbleCollection is implementing INotifyCollectionChanged.
What you want to achieve with this question is next behaviour, when you want to change the particular value for the item in the collection and update the UI the best and simplest way to achieve that is to implement INotifyPropertyChanged for a model of the item from your collection.
Bellow, I have a simple demo example on how to achieve that, your answer is working as I can see but I am sure this example would be nicer for you to use it.
I have simple Button with command and ListView which holds my collection data.
Here is my page, SimpleMvvmExamplePage.xaml:
<Button Text="Set status"
Command="{Binding SetStatusCommand}"
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Cars}"
<StackLayout Orientation="Vertical"
<Label Text="{Binding Name}"
FontAttributes="Bold" />
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
<Label Text="Seen?"
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Seen}"
IsEnabled="False" />
The basic idea from this demo is to change the value of the property Seen and set value for the CheckBox when the user clicks on that Button above the ListView.
This is my Car.cs class.
public class Car : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
name = value;
private bool seen;
public bool Seen
get { return seen; }
seen = value;
// Make base class for this logic, something like BindableBase
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
In the full demo example which is on my Github, I am using my BindableBase class where I handle raising the INotifyPropertyChanged when some property value is changed with this SetProperty method in the setter of the props.
You can find the implementation here: https://github.com/almirvuk/Theatrum/tree/master/Theatrum.Mobile/Theatrum.Mobile
The last thing to show is my ViewModel for this page, and inside of the ViewModel, I will change the value of Seen property to True for items in the collection when the user clicks on the Button above the ListView. Here is my SimpleMvvmExamplePageViewModel.cs
public class SimpleMvvmExamplePageViewModel
public ObservableCollection<Car> Cars { get; set; }
public ICommand SetStatusCommand { get; private set; }
public SimpleMvvmExamplePageViewModel()
// Set simple dummy data for our ObservableCollection of Cars
Cars = new ObservableCollection<Car>()
new Car()
Name = "Audi R8",
Seen = false
new Car()
Name = "BMW M5",
Seen = false
new Car()
Name = "Ferrari 430 Scuderia",
Seen = false
new Car()
Name = "Lamborghini Veneno",
Seen = false
new Car()
Name = "Mercedes-AMG GT R",
Seen = false
SetStatusCommand = new Command(SetStatus);
private void SetStatus()
Car selectedCar = Cars.Where(c => c.Seen == false)
if (selectedCar != null)
// Change the value and update UI automatically
selectedCar.Seen = true;
This code will help us to achieve this kind of behaviour: When the user clicks on the Button we will change value of the property of the item from collection and UI will be refreshed, checkbox value will be checked.
The final result of this demo could be seen on this gif bellow.
P.S. I could combine this with ItemTapped event from ListView but I wanted to make this very simple so this example is like this.
Hope this was helpful for you, wishing you lots of luck with coding!
Any UI associated with a model item will be refreshed, if replace the item with itself, in the Observable Collection.
In ViewModel, given property:
public ObservableCollection<Item> Items { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<Item>();
Where Item is your model class.
After adding some items (not shown), suppose you want to cause item "item" to refresh itself:
public void RefreshMe(Item item)
// Replace the item with itself.
Items[Items.IndexOf(item)] = item;
NOTE: The above code assumes "item" is known to be in "Items". If this is not known, test that IndexOf returns >= 0 before performing the replacement.
In my case, I had a DataTemplateSelector on the collection, and the item was changed in such a way that a different template was required. (Specifically, clicking on the item toggled it between collapsed view and expanded/detailed view, by the TemplateSelector reading an IsExpanded property from the model item.)
NOTE: tested with a CollectionView, but AFAIK will also work with the older ListView class.
Tested on iOS and Android.
Technical Note:
This replacement of an item presumably triggers a Replace NotifyCollectionChangedEvent, with newItems and oldItems both containing only item.

javafx CheckBoxTreeItem update parents programmatically

I have to retrieve some data from my database to dynamically create a TreeView and select some CheckBoxTreeItems from this TreeView. This TreeView represents permissions to a menu structure.
My doubt is when I create the TreeView and select specific items from the Tree according to the user's permissions programmatically, the parents items don't have any status change (selected or indeterminate). But when I select any item directly from the interface, the parents get updated.
For example, here I have my screen when I select the items programmatically:
You can see that I have two menu items selected, but the parents aren't.
On this image, I have selected the same menu items using the screen, and the parents were updated with indeterminate status or selected if I select all children inside the submenu.
I have gone through the documentation, google and here on Stack Overflow, but only found examples to update the children.
Is there a way to update the parents programmatically or to call the event executed from the screen when an item is selected?
All items from the Tree have the independent property set to false.
I came with a workaround for this problem.
I had to first create all the TreeView structure, and change the selected property after using this code snippet:
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Here is the code to verify the TreeItems:
private void selectItems(){
TreeItem root = tree.getRoot();
if (root != null) {
private void selectChildren(TreeItem<TesteVO> root){
for(TreeItem<TesteVO> child: root.getChildren()){
if (child.getValue().id == 4) {
((CheckBoxTreeItem) child).setSelected(true);
if(!child.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
If there is a simpler way, please let me know!
This is not the case. Parent items do get automatically get set to the indeterminate state when you select a child item. I'm not sure if this is something that got corrected from the time that this question was posted, probably not.
My guess is that there's a programming bug in how the node was selected or how the TableView was constructed and initialized.
Here's some code that shows what I'm doing, and it works! In my case, I'm using a CheckBoxTreeItem<File> for the TreeItem.
How the treeview was created
treeView = new TreeView(root);
treeView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void changed(ObservableValue observableValue, Object o, Object t1) {
CheckBoxTreeItem<File> node = (CheckBoxTreeItem<File>)t1;
if (node.getValue() != currentFile) {
treeView.setCellFactory(new CallBackWrapper());
Below show the CallBackWrapper class.
private class CallBackWrapper implements Callback<TreeView<File>, TreeCell<File>> {
Callback<TreeView<File>, TreeCell<File>> theCallback;
private CallBackWrapper() {
theCallback = CheckBoxTreeCell.<File>forTreeView(getSelectedProperty, converter);
public TreeCell<File> call(TreeView<File> fileTreeView) {
return theCallback.call(fileTreeView);
final Callback<TreeItem<File>, ObservableValue<Boolean>> getSelectedProperty = (TreeItem<File> item) -> {
if (item instanceof CheckBoxTreeItem<?>) {
return ((CheckBoxTreeItem<?>) item).selectedProperty();
return null;
final StringConverter<TreeItem<File>> converter = new StringConverter<TreeItem<File>>() {
public String toString(TreeItem<File> object) {
File item = object.getValue();
return fileSystemView.getSystemDisplayName(item);
public TreeItem<File> fromString(String string) {
return new TreeItem<File>(new File(string));
And lastly here some code that the selection was made in:
boolean selectNode(CheckBoxTreeItem<File> parentNode, String name) {
Object[] children = parentNode.getChildren().toArray();
for (Object child : children) {
CheckBoxTreeItem<File> childItem = (CheckBoxTreeItem<File>) child;
if (name.equals(childItem.getValue().getName())) {
//treeView.getSelectionModel().select(child); <-- this does not work!
return true;
return false;

Structuring a MonoTouch.Dialog application

From the examples at Xamarin.com you can build basic M.T. Dialog apps, but how do you build a real life application?
Do you:
1) Create a single DialogViewController and tree every view/RootElement from there or,
2) Create a DialogViewController for every view and use the UINavigationController and push it on as needed?
Depending on your answer, the better response is how? I've built the example task app, so I understand adding elements to a table, click it to go to the 'next' view for editing, but how to click for non-editing? How to click a button, go next view if answer is number 1?
There is probably no one right answer, but what I've come up with seems to work for us. Number 2 from above is what was chosen, below is an example of the code as it currently exists. What we did was create a navigation controller in AppDelegate and give access to it throughout the whole application like this:
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
public UIWindow window { get; private set; }
//< There's a Window property/field which we chose not to bother with
public static AppDelegate Current { get; private set; }
public UINavigationController NavController { get; private set; }
public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
Current = this;
window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
NavController = new UINavigationController();
// See About Controller below
DialogViewController about = new AboutController();
NavController.PushViewController(about, true);
window.RootViewController = NavController;
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
return true;
Then every Dialog has a structure like this:
public class AboutController : DialogViewController
public delegate void D(AboutController dvc);
public event D ViewLoaded = delegate { };
static About about;
public AboutController()
: base(about = new About())
Autorotate = true;
public override void LoadView()
public class About : RootElement
static AboutModel about = AboutVM.About;
public About()
: base(about.Title)
string[] message = about.Text.Split(...);
Add(new Section(){
new AboutMessage(message[0]),
new About_Image(about),
new AboutMessage(message[1]),
internal void SetDialogViewController(AboutController dvc)
var next = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Play);
dvc.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = next;
dvc.ViewLoaded += new AboutController.D(dvc_ViewLoaded);
next.Clicked += new System.EventHandler(next_Clicked);
void next_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Load next controller
AppDelegate.Current.NavController.PushViewController(new IssuesController(), true);
void dvc_ViewLoaded(AboutController dvc)
// Swipe location: https://gist.github.com/2884348
dvc.View.Swipe(UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirection.Left).Event +=
delegate { next_Clicked(null, null); };
Create a sub-class of elements as needed:
public class About_Image : Element, IElementSizing
static NSString skey = new NSString("About_Image");
AboutModel about;
UIImage image;
public About_Image(AboutModel about)
: base(string.Empty)
this.about = about;
FileInfo imageFile = App.LibraryFile(about.Image ?? "filler.png");
if (imageFile.Exists)
float size = 240;
image = UIImage.FromFile(imageFile.FullName);
var resizer = new ImageResizer(image);
resizer.Resize(size, size);
image = resizer.ModifiedImage;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tv)
var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell(skey);
if (cell == null)
cell = new UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, skey)
SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None,
Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.None,
if (null != image)
cell.ImageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.Center;
cell.ImageView.Image = image;
return cell;
public float GetHeight(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
float height = 100;
if (null != image)
height = image.Size.Height;
return height;
public override void Selected(DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
//base.Selected(dvc, tableView, path);
tableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, true);
The current idea of a workflow is an app that starts with a jpg of the Default.png that fades into the first view, with a flow control button(s) that would move to the main app. This view, which I had working previous to M.T.D. (MonoTouch.Dialog), which is a table of text rows with an image. When each row is clicked, it moves to another view that has the row/text in more detail.
The app also supports in-app-purchasing, so if the client wishes to purchase more of the product, then switch to another view to transact the purchase(s). This part was the main reason for switching to M.T.D., as I thought M.T.D. would be perfect for it.
Lastly there would be a settings view to re-enable purchases, etc.
PS How does one know when the app is un-minimized? We would like to show the fade in image again.
I have been asking myself the same questions. I've used the Funq Dependency Injection framework and I create a new DialogViewController for each view. It's effectively the same approach I've used previously developing ASP.NET MVC applications and means I can keep the controller logic nicely separated. I subclass DialogViewController for each view which allows me to pass in to the controller any application data required for that particular controller. I'm not sure if this is the recommended approach but so far it's working for me.
I too have looked at the TweetStation application and I find it a useful reference but the associated documentation specifically says that it isn't trying to be an example of how to structure a MonoTouch application.
I use option 2 that you stated as well, it works pretty nicely as you're able to edit the toolbar options on a per-root-view basis and such.
Option 2 is more feasible, as it also gives you more control on each DialogViewController. It can also helps if you want to conditionally load the view.

Add ability to provide list items to composite control with DropDownLIst

I'm creating a composite control for a DropDownList (that also includes a Label).
The idea being that I can use my control like a dropdown list, but also have it toss a Label onto the page in front of the DDL.
I have this working perfectly for TextBoxes, but am struggling with the DDL because of the Collection (or Datasource) component to populate the DDL.
Basically I want to be able to do something like this:
<ecc:MyDropDownList ID="AnimalType" runat="server" LabelText="this is what will be in the label">
<asp:ListItem Text="dog" Value="dog" />
<asp:ListItem Text="cat" Value="cat" />
The problem is, I'm not extending the DropDownList class for my control, so I can't simply work it with that magic. I need some pointers to figure out how I can turn my control (MyDropDownList), which is currently just a System.Web.UI.UserControl, into something that will accept List items within the tag and ideally, I'd like to be able to plug it into a datasource (the same functions that the regular DDL offers).
I tried with no luck just extending the regular DDL, but couldn't get the Label component to fly with it.
After doing some digging and searching I found a solution that works. Hopefully this will help someone else out in the future:
[ParseChildren(true, "Items")]
public class EDropDownList : CompositeControl, IValidatedFields
public string PromptingText { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public Label __Label { get; set; }
private ListItemCollection _items;
public DropDownList __DropDownList;
public ListItemCollection Items
get { return _items; }
if (_items != value)
_items = value;
public string Type { get { return "DropDownList"; } }
public EDropDownList()
__Label = new Label();
protected override void CreateChildControls()
__DropDownList = new DropDownList();
foreach (ListItem myItem in _items)
Controls.AddAt(0, __Label);
Controls.AddAt(1, __DropDownList);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
// label section
__Label.Text = PromptingText+"<br />";
__Label.ForeColor = Color.Red;
__Label.Visible = false;
// ddl section
if (Page.IsPostBack)
Value = __DropDownList.SelectedValue;
The easiest thing would be to go back to your original option of extending the DropDownList control. What problems did you have getting the label to work with it? Those problems are probably easier to solve?
