Organize application SASS files using Bootstrap - css

I'm starting to work on a large application styling files. As Bootstrap 4 offers SASS files, I decided to follow that path.
I have built the following files structure:
theme.scss: general definitios for the theme like colors and fonts. Today there is just one but there could be more in the future.
global.scss: includes Bootstrap, some Bootstrap overrides and application componentes -i.e. a field with its label as part of the top border.
site.scss: general application styles.
additional page-specific SCSS files. I.e.: login.scss.
The problem I'm having is that global.scss -the one that imports Bootstrap- is then imported by site.scss as well as other files like page-specific SCSS files. So, Bootstrap styles end up in more than one compiled CSS. Compiled CSS files are what the application actually references.
I've previously used LESS and I could solve this using #import (reference) "bootstrap" instead of just plain #import "bootstrap". With SASS I haven't been able to find any solution to this problem without modifying Bootstrap core files.
Is there any other recommended way to organize the files and avoid this problem? Am I missing something or doing anything wrong?
Here are the files contents (they are large files but I'm posting only enough contents to show the problem I'm having):
$my-primary-color: #04459a;
#import "../theme.scss";
$primary: $my-primary-color;
#import "../../third-party/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
// [...]
#import "global.scss";
div.field {
#extend %field;
// [...]
login.scss (or many other)
#import "global.scss";
// [...]
In the application I'm referencing site.css and login.css (in the loign page, of course) and both of them include Bootstrap styles.

I've built something that works for me, not sure if it's the best solution or which drawbacks it has, though.
I took some ideas from this article: My favored SCSS setup with Bootstrap 4. Here's what I've built:
First I created two SASS files for importing Bootstrap (similar to what the article does with bootstrap/_config.scss but splitted):
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_variables";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_mixins";
#import "_sass-componentes.scss";
// Every other bootstrap file I want to include:
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_root";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_reboot";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_type";
// [...]
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_utilities";
#import "../../terceros/bootstrap/scss/_print";
Then in global.scss I changed the bootstrap.scss import line to import only bootstrap/_sass-componentes.scss
Finally, in site.scss I included global.scss (such as it was before) and then full Bootstrap files trough bootstrap/_config.scss. **
** After importing _config.scss I also import my Bootstrap customizations. For doing them I followed the recomendation of the linked article although they do not apply directly to my own question.


React - importing css/sass in order

I'm trying to import my css/sass files in order. Somehow my css gets messed up as my bulma framework imports, overwrites all classes coming later.
in my index.scss i Import bulma (framerwork) first and after this an entryPoint.scss which imports other sass/css files from the assets directory.
#import '~bulma/bulma';
#import 'app/assets/sass/entryPoint.scss';
and my entryPoint.scss
#import "helper/_helper.scss";
#import "helper/_spacing.scss";
#import "global/global.scss";
Somehow later imported classes are overwritten my the main classes imported by bulma in my index.scss. All classes in "helper" are overwritten by the main classes in the bulma framework.
Any ideas? I'm using the create-react-app npm script.
What classes are being overriden? My hunch is that you are trying to compete with Bulma classes that are marked with the important rule. If you intend to override these classes in a later file, you will likewise have to mark them as !important. That being sad, I would avoid throwing around the important rule unless absolutely necessary as it is easy to misuse.
In your case, I would try the following:
#import "../node_modules/bulma/bulma";
#import "./helpers";
.is-marginless {
margin: 3em !important;

How to avoid multiple #imports of SASS variables?

The site I'm working on uses the rails asset pipeline and an application.scss file to import and process different CSS files.
However, some stylesheets are used in specific places, and for those, it makes little sense to import them into the global manifest. But not so importing them requires importing variables.scss, and possibly mixins.scss into the sheet itself (so they'll process correctly), resulting in duplicate code in the final CSS.
Is there a way to basically tell the preprocessor - "trust me, the variable/mixin you're seeing will be defined by the time everything gets processed"?
Otherwise, I don't see how to avoid importing every sheet into a single manifest, which seems bloated.
The short answer to your question is no. The variables need to be defined in a logical order from when they are called in compilation. It's like a "chicken and the egg" scenario.
From what I can ascertain in your description, the project you're working on is not compiling into a unified workflow, but chunking out into modular portions relational to your file structure. IF this is the case, what you can do at the beginning of each file is reference the variables file from the root.
In a normal workflow, you would import your scss files based on your defined hierarchy like so:
/* Main Stylesheet */
#import "variables";
#import "mixins";
/* Modular Sections */
#import "layout/header";
#import "layout/body";
#import "layout/footer";
would compile out to one stylesheet style.css with a command sass sass/style.scss:style.css
What I'm assuming your project does is have all the /* Modular Sections */ files compile out into their own CSS files.
/* Header Stylesheet */
#import "../variables";
#import "../mixins";
Given a files structure that resembles:
This all seems kinda silly though. I don't know all the parameters that go into your current sass compilation, but I'd recommend using a unified workflow.
You can use Partials so the compiler will not try to interpret variables etc.
Basically, rename the files that you do not want the compiler to interpret -- but will be available when compiled -- with an underscore before the filename.
If I understood well you want to avoid copies of the same css in css files caused by using #import in scss. I solved this problems by doing a hierarchical three.
For exemple consider the home.scss file, where you import header.scss and footer.scss.
Both header.scss and footer.scss use specific colors that you import from a file named colors.scss:
// colors.scss
$MidnightBlue: #00478f;
$RedOrange: #ff5d00;
$MistyBlue: #d8e1e7;
$Ebony: #2a231f;
Now you could import colors in header.scss, footer.scss and maybe even in home.scss. The result is that in home.css the code of colors.scss is repeated 3 times.
A solution is importing colors.scss only in header.scss. Then in home.scss the first #import that you specify is #import "header.scss"; and then #import "footer.scss";, thus you can use the colors variables in footer.scss and in home.scss even if you don't import them directly in footer.scss and home.scss. That's because the variables of colors are imported before the footer and compiled before the rest of the code in home.scss.
Now if you check home.css you shouldn't see repeated code
When at first you write the color variables in footer you will receive an error because they are not defined, but it disappear when you import footer in home.scss
If you #import the same SASS file (e.g. variables.sass) in multiple files and then #import those files in the one main.sass file, the resulting main.css file will contain the content of variables multiple times.
A good way of structuring SASS files is to obey the rule of importing each file only once. Iconic architecture is the 7-1 Pattern. You basically decompose your SASS files into atomic parts and then import those in appropriate order only once in the main file.

Rails application.css.scss not aware of other scss files in use?

I'm following M Hartl's Rails Tutorial, and trying to add a bootswatch theme.
I have succeeded by using the boostrap-sass gem as defined in the tutorial, and twitter-bootswatch-rails gem from the net.
However, in Hartl's tutorial, all the CSS that we write in addition to default bootstrap is in a separate custom.css.scss file.
My application.css.scss file (Renamed from Rails default .css) contains
#import "bootstrap-sprockets";
// Import cerulean variables
#import "bootswatch/cerulean/variables";
// Then bootstrap itself
#import "bootstrap";
// And finally bootswatch style itself
#import "bootswatch/cerulean/bootswatch";
#import "custom";
Which works, however the custom.css.scss file has a reference to $gray-light, a variable set in bootstrap. The server will return an error at the variable reference in the css file, unless I add
#import "boostrap-sprockets";
#import "bootstrap";
to custom.css.
End result though, is I now have two gigantic CSS files being used, for what I would think is no reason.
I thought the idea of
#import "custom";
was to include my custom.css.scss file into the application.css.scss file so that it would all be in one place, and variables would work nicely.
The other method that works is to dump my entire custom.css.scss contents into application.css.scss but that defeats the point of having separate files.
Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: To add more fuel to the fire, I deleted the two lines from custom.css, and instead `#import bootswatch/cerulean/variables"; and it works. However, the resulting CSS that's on the website itself has NOTHING from that file.
This could well be wrong, but I post an answer to my own question as follows:
It appears that the sprockets lines //= require_self and //= require_tree, even when listed inside the comment section of the manifest as they are by default, are actually running.
This then causes each of the files "required" to be compiled separately. As a result, instead of getting a single application-FINGERPRINT.css file, I was getting an application, a custom, and a static_pages one. I assume this is the "require_tree" line.
After removing these lines, the #import "custom"; line works as I expected it to. The files are all combined into an application-FINGERPRINT.css file and I no longer need to #import anything at the top of custom.scss.

Least LESS files for Bootstrap (latest)

I couldn't find anywhere which less files are required for a minimum Bootstrap website design.
I just want to download the LESS files from github, modify to get my own theme and compile the CSS.
The website should be responsive of course and have only navigation, grid system, typography and buttons.
What are the minimum required LESS files to compile the right CSS? No fuss such as panels, wells, tables etc is needed!
Many thanks for any recommendations.
As you have it in its sources as well, they are the following:
// Core variables and mixins
#import "variables.lessimport";
#import "mixins.lessimport";
// Reset
#import "normalize.lessimport";
#import "print.lessimport";
// Core CSS
#import "scaffolding.lessimport";
#import "type.lessimport";
#import "code.lessimport";
#import "grid.lessimport";
#import "tables.lessimport";
#import "forms.lessimport";
#import "buttons.lessimport";
So you'd only have to comment out the rest of the file and recompile the whole thing. And you should get the desired results

SCSS Partials for .css files without changing the filename

I'm looking for ways to optimize my WordPress instance. The theme has about 8-10 CSS files that are rendered in the functions.php. Consequently, I do not want to change any file names because that would mean that I have to hack the theme and I want to keep that to a bare minimum.
I want to use SCSS to combine these CSS files into one CSS file and include the new file in the theme instead. When I try...
#import "style.css";
#import "reset.css";
#import "shortcodes-styles.css";
It renders as
#import url(style.css);
#import url(reset.css);
#import url(shortcodes-styles.css);
How can I get SCSS to import the CSS as partials without changing the file names? I'm also using CodeKit if that makes a difference.
Not possible. Sass only compiles Sass files:
