I built an extension plugin in release mode with MinGW 32bits (Qt 5.13.1).
When I run qmlplugindump everything works as expected and my .qmltypes file is well generated.
But when I build my plugin in release mode with MinGW 64bits (Qt 5.13.1) the qmlplugindump leads to the following error:
17:10:24: Starting: "C:\Qt\QtFramework\5.13.1\mingw73_64\bin\qmlplugindump.exe" -nonrelocatable NXSharedControllers 1.0 ...\NXSharedControllers > NXSharedControllers\nxsharedcontrollers.qmltypes
QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
file:///C:/Users/Documents/Qt_Main-d_5_13_1_MinGW_64bit/NX_SharedControllers/typelist.qml:3:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "NXSharedControllers": Cannot load library C:\Users\Documents\Qt_Main-d_5_13_1_MinGW_64bit\NX_SharedControllers\NXSharedControllers\NXSharedControllersPlugin.dll: Unknown error 0x000000c1.
17:10:24: The process "C:\Qt\QtFramework\5.13.1\mingw73_64\bin\qmlplugindump.exe" exited with code 3.
Error while building/deploying project Qt_Main (kit: Desktop Qt 5.13.1 MinGW 64-bit)
When executing step "Custom Process Step"
Does it mean anything to someone ?
I have found the cause of this issue. A dependency file was missing from the plugin build folder. I created a custom target with QMake in order to copy the dependency file to this folder.
I am using FileDialog from Qt.labs.platform 1.1 on win 10 in Qt creator, compilator I use is Desktop Qt 5.15.2. MinGW 64 bit.
In the debug mode is working everthing fine but when I change to release mode I get following error in from the compilator:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:6:1: module "Qt.labs.platform" is not installed
I tried things like clean and rebuild or restart the computer and also change the number of import version but nothing helps. Any ideas how to solve that, please?
Check folder, where you are building your release (where *.exe is generated):
does it contains some Qt's *.dll's?
If yes: there is two ways to resolve your problem:
Remove all Qt *.dll's and run your application from Qt Creator (then Qt Creator will take all Qt *.dll's from folder, where Qt is installed).
Or add all needed Qt *.dll's with correct folder structure to folder with your release *.exe (to do it for Windows release use windeployqt tool: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/windows-deployment.html )
Why you have such error from the compilator?
Because you have some Qt *.dll's in your release folder (beside the *.exe), but not all needed (e.g. you have only Qt6Core.dll). So Qt Creator will find this dll and will try to find other dll's in your release folder. Qt Creator will not check its installation directory to get dll's.
But if you have no Qt *.dll's in your release folder, then Qt Creator will find them in its installation directory.
I'm trying to build a project with MSVC 2013 and Qt Creator 4.4.0 with JOM and was having issues to configure JOM. So, I tried to erase Qt Creator's configuration files completely and start from scratch.
In the fresh Qt configuration, after I opened the project, I set the CMake (3.9.3) location and ran CMake on the project. Unfortunately, by default, the Qt 5.6.3 Kit seems to choose the NMake generator instead of the NMake JOM generator. After deleting the build directory, I changed the generator to NMake JOM in the Kit configurations, but met the following error message:
CMake Error: Generator: execution of make failed. Make command was: "jom" "/NOLOGO" "cmTC_276f9\fast"
Any idea of why this is happening? As far as I remember, Qt Creator is supposed to build the projects with JOM by default.
I had the same exact problem. Add the location of jom.exe (typically it is path like [...]\Qt5.12.1\Tools\QtCreator\bin\) to your PATH.
When i run my first project in QT creator 5.5.1 and then it appears this in Issue "Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options." and in output it appears "21:12:35: Configuration is faulty. Check the Issues view for details.
Error while building/deploying project Bunthai (kit: Desktop)
When executing step "Make" ".
You only installed Qt Creator, which is only an IDE, but does not contain any compiler or library.
Install the integrated suite instead : http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/
Under windows, it includes a preconfigured compiler (MinGW)
I used to build the QtCreator from source as a 64 bit application for my machine to do development tasks. Recently, I restored the OS and attempted to re-build the QtCreator from source but faced a weird problem. The fresh building process for the Qt library and the QtCreator completed nicely, but when I try to build a previously working project, the tool complains the following message:
09:39:55: Running steps for project HKPopSim...
09:39:55: Starting: "C:\QtSuite\qt-4.8-gcc-4.8\bin\qmake.exe" C:\workspace\HKPopSim\GUI\HKPopSim.pro -r -spec win32-g++ "CONFIG+=declarative_debug"
09:39:55: The process "C:\QtSuite\qt-4.8-gcc-4.8\bin\qmake.exe" exited normally.
09:39:55: Starting: "make" qtcreator_ctrlc_stub: Command line failed: make
09:39:55: The process "make" crashed.
Error while building/deploying project HKPopSim (kit: Desktop)
When executing step 'Make'
09:39:55: Elapsed time: 00:01.
To start the Qtcreator, (as not to pollute the PATH env. variable), I wrote the following batch script.
#SET QTCBIN=C:\QtSuite\QtCreator-2.7.1-gcc-4.8\bin
#SET QTDIR=C:\QtSuite\qt-4.8-gcc-4.8
#SET "PATH=C:\MinGW\rubenvb-4.8.0-64\bin"
#START %QTCBIN%\qtcreator.exe
I don't know how come the QtCreator claims that it needs 'make.exe' for building process. I do have a 'make.exe' at C:\GNUWin32\bin, but as shown in the script, it should never be detected by the Creator.
What have been verified:
I once verified that with similar configuration on another machine, the tool call 'mingw32-make.exe' for building process.
The 'Compilers' setting in the QtCreator correctly (auto-)detected the only gcc compilers in the path (C:\MinGW\rubenvb-4.8.0-64\bin)
The 'Qt Version' setting in the QtCreator correctly (manually) detected the only qmake in the path (C:\QtSuite\qt-4.8-gcc-4.8\bin)
Please suggest anything I missed. Thanks
Win 7 x64
MinGW x64 (rubenvb-4.8.0)
Qt library (4.8.5, not the latest src)
Qt creator (2.7.1)
I have just purchased a Macbook (yes I am a complete noob on Mac though I have some considerable experience with Linux) and I'm trying to build my Qt application on it. I have installed XCode and the Qt SDK but when I try to build my project on Qt Creator all I get is the following error during qmake:
Running build steps for project TimeTracker...
Starting: "/usr/bin/qmake" /Users/raphaelcruzeiro/Documents/Projects/Timely/Widget/TimeTracker/TimeTracker.pro -r -spec macx-g++
Failure to open file: /Developer/Applications/Qt/Makefile
Unable to generate makefile for: /Users/raphaelcruzeiro/Documents/Projects/Timely/Widget/TimeTracker/TimeTracker.pro
The process "/usr/bin/qmake" exited with code %2.
Error while building project TimeTracker (target: Desktop)
When executing build step 'qmake'
Any ideas on what is going on? /Developer/Applications/Qt/Makefile indeed does not exist.
Ok, I know what is going on but I don't know how to fix it. When I ran qmake from the terminal everything went just fine. I believe that Qt Creator is trying to build my application on the Qt directory itself and it does nt have permission for it (it shouldn't anyway).
How do I tell Qt Creator where to build my application? I didn't find it anywhere and setting the DESTDIR variable isn't helping.
Deleting the .pro.user file made Qt Creator build the application to the directory specified in DESTDIR
Deleting the .pro.user file made Qt Creator build the application to the directory specified in DESTDIR
I was battling with the same thing. What helped eventually was resetting the default build directory here: