For some reason, when I look in Google Analytics, the events that are being registered all have event categories that do not exist anymore in my Google Tag Manager.
I configured the event categories as 'click' when I first started using GTM, but changed these categories later so that they were more informative. I published the most recent version of my workspace and if I look at the settings the event categories are correctly displayed with the new names. GTM settings thus appear to be OK.
Also, when I test my website using the tag assistant in Chrome the tag details linked to my events are correct:
Type - Google Analytics: Universal Analytics
Firing Status - Succeeded
Non-Interaction Hit - false
Enable overriding settings in this tag - false
Category - 'plan'
As you see, the category is registered as 'plan' and not as 'click'.
So how can it be that Google Analytics is still registering events from my website visitors with 'click' as event category, even though it is deleted from the settings? Any idea where I should look? I don't know how to troubleshoot his problem further, so I'm unsure what other details I should share about the issue.
I have installed the google analytics in our e-commerce site using google tag manager. From the product detail page you can click on the colors to see the same product in the different colors. I implemented this using ajax so the page load is not required. I was curious if the google analytics will count as multiple reviews a user clicks on the different colors or do I need to explicitly call something in order for the GA to count as multiple reviews.
First of all, that depends how and what kind of GA you've implemented.
To implement analytics, you have to specify a trigger for the analytics tag. That trigger normally determines if a tag is fired or not.
If you used a page load trigger, then the tag will only be triggered on the real page load. And it won't be triggered on your ajax manipulations.
With only one exception: if you used the GA4 config tag, you had this checkbox there:
The checkbox doesn't only send the pageview on config load, it keeps sending pageviews on every history change. Therefore, if your ajax causes history change and you use the GA4 config tag, then you're getting pageviews.
But this is theory. You can just go and check. Open your network tab, filter the request by collect and see what's sent when. Or alternatively, install the adswerve datalayer debugger and it will log whatever is sent whenever it's sent into the console in a very neat, clean way. This is how it works on this page:
When my form is filled in on the page: it sends to the thanks page:
But in Google Analytics it shows 3 pages loading at the same time: and and
But the url in the browser is only: and there are no redirects on that page or one of the other pages.
Do you have any idea why Google Analytics sees 3 url's when filling in the form?
Thanks for your time!
After setup the proper Google Tag Manager, you need to follow below process to make sure that you did the proper configration of Google Analytics through the Tag Manager:
Go on the workspace, click new tag, enter the name of tag, click on Universal Analytics here you need to enter Tracking ID and Tracking Type as a pageview.
Now, click on the big icon where it says choose a trigger to make this tag fire and select all pages.
You’ve successfully implemented Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager. Your Google Analytics tag will execute on every page.
Your Google Tag Manager tags and triggers are configured improperly. There are too many triggers tied to different GA Pageview tags that fire on the same condition. This is why you have 3 pages recorded.
I'm having some troubles with GTM and iframe.
My website has a button that redirects to Shore for booking. On mobile a new tag opens.
I can see at Content on Google Analytics:
The problem is that I loose the medium. At the begining is Organic/cpc...
But on step 2 it creates a new sesion (none)/(direct). It's false.
Could you help me keep the medium on the /virtual/{{Event}}?
My GTM configuration is:
Custom Event
Event name: .*
Some custom events: Event -> matches RegEx -> (select)|(success)|(booking)
Tag config:
Track Type: Page View
Enable overriding settings on this tag (checked)
Fields to Set:
Field name: Page -> value: virtual/{{Event}}.
Tag firing options:Once per page
It's strange because medium is ok when the reservation is through Facebook or Instagram. It just fails on the website.
Thank you!
This is very likely an issue with the changing of domains as users navigate to the widget. Unless cross-domain tracking is specifically set up, when a user visits Site A and then Site B, and both sites have the same Google Analytics (or GA through GTM) tag, the visit to Site B will record a source/medium of either direct/none or {Site A}/Referral, depending on your referral exclusion setup. This is regardless of the source/medium was recorded for the visit to Site A.
In your scenario, hit 1 (/) is your own domain, and then (I'm guessing) hits 2-4 are on Shore's domain (probably according to the help page).
To remedy this, you need to setup cross-domain tracking. The official guide for GA through GTM is here, but another excellent resource is Simo Ahava's blog. Note that cross-domain linking needs to be setup with every page in the funnel. This means if you are using GTM to deploy GA for the booking virtual pageviews, but are using the direct embed code to put GA on your own site (step 1), with analytics.js, then you need to follow the guide to enable it there.
I used to work with Google Analytics and build Custom Campaigns with the Campaign URL Builder.
Once I've moved to Google Tag Manager, I've stopped seeing any new campaigns in my Google Analytics page.
some facts:
No I'm not an idiot, and I've triple checked that I'm building the URL right in the Campaign Builder. (
Again, I'm not an idiot, there are no Filters In my GA which hides all the new Campaigns.
I'm getting this error in my GA page:
"Property is not receiving hits. Either your site is not receiving any sessions or it is not tagged correctly."
=> though all the other GA functionalities are working currectly (Events, logged users, Real Time data and so on...)
I did install the Tag assistant chrome extension, and it only gave me warnings which say that I should ignore those warnings :-) :-)
Is there anything specific (Trigger, Tag, Variable) that I should define in GTM so the campaign URL will be sent to GA, because so far I didn't see anything about that.
Again, all the other GA things have migrated successfuly to the GMT ( the GMT sends them correctly to the GA).
All my Tags
GTM is nothing more than an additional layer between site and GA. GTM doesn't do anything by itself, so utm parameters don't reach GA (and we presume they are correct), then you did something wrong setting up GA through GTM. What exactly you did wrong - it is pure guesswork, unless you provide more details. At least, example of a utm-tagged link and screenshot of the settings of you main GA tag in GTM.
I recently set up Tag Manager and Google Analytics.
In Google Analytics
I set up an account
In Tag Manager
I pasted the Tag Manager script just under the body tag of all my pages
I set up a container
I added the "Universal Analytics" tag
I copied my Google Analytics tracking ID "UA-...." to the tag
I added the "All pages" rule to the tag
I published the tag
When I hit one of my web pages, I see
- a call to (with my tag ID)
- a call to
- a call to (with both my tag and analytics ID)
Now when I go to the Google Analytics dashboard, I see no sessions, not even in the Real-Time session dashboard.
Under Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code, it says "Status: Tracking Not Installed" I assume this is ok since I didn't copy the Analytics script to my page, but the Tag Manager script instead.
Is there some delay, or am I setting it up wrong?
I recommend every time you sent up GTM with a analytics tracking tag that you check that it sends data. This can be done by looking at the developer tools with chrome or firefox. Really any web browser.
In your web browser open up developer tools and open network. Find the filter button a and search for "UA-".
If you see something that says pageview, scroll down the headers and you will see your UA Account number and if you used GTM to implement the tag you should see your GTM tag ID.
Reload the page and check again. If you see it means it is sending data to the correct property. If it is not then there is something wrong with your implementation.
If you set everything up correctly and still dont see data check your filters. I always recommend keeping one view unfiltered.