How to save file into a path containing special characters such as '&'? ('&' which is different from '&' typed in English Keyboard) - r

I need to write out a file to a certain path that contains a special character in R. the path is something like this: C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data
It works totally fine when I access this path through python, but I cannot access the same path in R. And I cannot change this path name or remove '&' as this path is used by a lot of people. Does anyone have a good idea on how to solve it?
I found out it is '&' which has subtle difference from '&' that we usually type in through English Keyboard. May be that's the reason causing the problem?
Here is what I have tried:
write.csv(df, 'C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data/file.csv').
write.csv(df, 'C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data/data/file.csv')
Not matter whether I try to read or write a file, it is not working in my case.
I also tried reset the working directory path and got the error message:
Error in setwd("C:/Users/Technology & Innovation/Webscraping files/US_data/data") : cannot change working directory

Write it like this
C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data\\data
also, you can change your current directory.
Changing your current directory will help you because you can write read.csv("filename.csv") or write.csv(name_of_file, "filename.csv") as it is without mentioning path.
If you have to write a file you have to use syntax properly.
write.csv(C:\\Users\\Technology & Innovation\\Webscraping files\\US_data\\data,"filename.csv")


How do I tell Vim to use any/all dictionary files that fit a filepath wildcard glob?

I am trying to set the dictionary option (to allow autocompletion of certain words of my choosing) using wildcards in a filename glob, as follows:
:set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict*.lst
The hope is that, with this line in the initially sourced .vimrc (or, in my case of Windows 10, _vimrc), I can add different dictionary files to my $VIM/dict directory later, and each new invocation of Vim will use those dictionary files, without me needing to modify my .vimrc settings.
However, an error message says that there is no such file. When I give a specific filename (as in :set dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst ), then it works.
The thing is, I could swear that this used to work. I had this setting in my .vimrc files since I started using Vim 7.1, and I don't recall any such error message until recently. Now it shows up on my Linux laptop as well as my Windows 7 and Windows 10 laptops. I can't remember exactly when this started happening.
Yes, I tried using backslashes (as in :set dict+=$VIM\dict\dict*.lst ) in case it was a Windows compatibility issue, but that still doesn't work. (Also this is happening on my Linux laptop, too, and that doesn't use backslashes for filepaths.)
Am I going senile? Or is there some other mysterious force going on?
Assuming for now that it is a change in the latest version of Vim, is there some way to specify "use all the dictionary files that fit this glob"?
-- Edited 2021-02-14 06:17:07
I also checked to see if it was due to having more than one file that fits the wildcard glob. (I thought that if I had more than one file that fit the wildcard, the glob would turn into two filenames, equivalent to saying dict+=$VIM/dict/dict01.lst dict02.lst which would not be syntactically valid.) But it still did not working after removing extra files so that only one file fit my pathname of $VIM/dict/dict*.lst . (I had previously put another Addendum here happily explaining that this was how I solved my problem, but it turned out to be premature.)
You must expand wildcards before setting an option. Multiple file names must be separated by commas. For example,
let &dictionary = tr(expand("$VIM/dict/dict*.lst"), "\n", ",")
If adding a value to a non-empty option, don't forget to add comma too (let is more universal than set, so it's less forgiving):
let &dictionary .= "," . tr(expand(...)...)

Avoid rendering of specific .md files from blogdown::serve_site()

I have a file located at
I have it there because it's quite easy to do htmltools::includeMarkdown("data_for_posts/") and recycle this file in different posts.
My problem is that when I serve_site() this creates a public/post/data_for_posts/index.html, which means, it gets posted to my website (as a January 1 of 0001). I guess I could change the date to year 10000, but I would rather handle it the way I handle the .Rmd and other files, as suggested here
I have tried to modify my config.toml but have not managed to solve the issue.
ignoreFiles = ["\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$", "content/post/data_for_posts/"]
Here are a couple techniques that I use to do this:
Rename data_for_posts/ so it uses a file extension that hugo does not interpret as a known markup language, for example change .md to .markd or mdn.[*]
Rename data_for_posts/ so it includes a string that you will never use in a real content file, for example data_for_posts-UNPUBLISHED/ Then add that string (UNPUBLISHED or whatever) to your config ignoreFiles list.[**]
[*] In the content/ directory, a file with one of the following file extensions will be interpreted by hugo as containing a known markup language: .ad, .adoc, .asciidoc, .htm, .html, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mmark, .pdc, .pandoc, .org, or .rst (this is an excerpt of something I wrote).
[**] The strings listed in ignoreFiles seem to be case sensitive so I like to use all-upper-case characters in my ignored file names (because I never use upper-case chars in real content file names). Also note that there is no need to specify the path and my experience is that path delimiters (/ or \) cause problems.

Fatal error: UnCSS: could not open

I'm trying to remove all of the unused css in the framework I'm using by using uncss. But when I try I get the error:
file:///C:/Users/Angus/Desktop/FTTL%20website%20submit/index.html:15 in onload
Fatal error: UnCSS: could not open C:\Users\Angus\Desktop\FTTL website%20submit\css\main.css
Does anyone know why this is?
Iyou forget to handle the first space properly (FTTL website%20submit) in the path, if you change the folder name or escape it properly (like FTTL%20website%20submit) it might work.
Edit: Or the other way around and the %20 substitution for the path was not working for the second space. (I am not familiar with uncss.)
(In my opinion it is best not using spaces in file and folder names.)

where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix files?

I am quite new to postgresql full text search and I am setting up the configuration as where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix filefollowing (exactly as in docs):
TEMPLATE = ispell,
DictFile = english,
AffFile = english,
StopWords = english
So, this I think expects files english.dict and english.affix on for example:
But these files are not there. I just have ispell_sample.dict and ispell_sample.affix - which when included above work fine - no problem.
So... I followed this post and downloaded the required dictionary from the open office people and renamed the .dic to .dict and .aff to .affix. Then I have checked (using file -bi dict.affix and file -bi english.dict and they are UTF8 encoded).
When I run the above text search dictionary, I get the error:
ERROR: wrong affix file format for flag
CONTEXT: line 2778 of configuration file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.2/tsearch_data/english.affix": "COMPOUNDMIN 1
I was wondering if anyone had clues on how to solve this problem or if anyone had encountered this before..
UPDATE:1: I guess the question can be rephrased as follows:
where can I download the ispell *.dict and *.affix file for postgres
Here's a good reference: This is a good resource for those dictionaries of any language.

Installscript CopyFile Function Error

I am trying to copy a file using Installscript copy file function:
bRet=CopyFile( szUnattendIni, szStatusFile );
where the file referred by szUnattendIni is passed as command line argument.
When I pass this file from commandline using double quotes, bRet returns an error saying "System cannot find the file specified"...but when I pass the same name without double quotes, it works fine.
I tried adding a check before copying to verify whether source file exists using:
if(Is( FILE_EXISTS,szUnattendIni)) then
MessageBox("File Exists",INFORMATION);
In both the cases, the message box is displayed saying the file exists.
I want to support paths with directory name containing spaces for which double quotes is required. But I am not able to. How can I fix this problem.
I found the answer, it is an issue with the Installscript CopyFile function.
Refer to the link below:
