Outlier for function runtime in R - r

I am trying to look at system runtime for computationally heavy math functions, but when I run my code I end up with a outlier at n=13.
Wilsons Theorem Runtime in R
(I can't upload photos directly yet)
wilson_r <- (function(x) factorial(x-1)%%x==x-1)
r_wilson_runtime <- c(1:22)
#R cannot compute `wilson_r(23)` or any $n>22$. As R has a 64 bit limit and $log_2(23!)>64$.
for (x in c(1:22)){
holder_times <- c(1:10000)
for (y in c(1:10000)){
start_time <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
end_time <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
holder_times[y]<- end_time-start_time
r_wilson_runtime[x] <-mean(holder_times*(10**6))
I have tried knitting the document several times, and the outlier remains. Is there a particular reason for the oultier?

The result can be sometimes noisy. If it always happens at the same n (be sure knitr is regenerating the whole document) it is just a coincidence. You can easily get rid of the noise (outstanding measurements) in your example by taking a median not mean.
That said, R has a special function system.time, which is designed for measuring time of execution. It is also better to include the inner repetition loop inside of the measurement, like this:
wilson_r <- (function(x) factorial(x-1)%%x==x-1)
r_wilson_n = 1:22
r_wilson_runtime = sapply(r_wilson_n, function(x) {
N = 100000
ret = system.time({for (y in c(1:N)) wilson_r(x)})
plot(r_wilson_n, r_wilson_runtime)
Nevertheless, the result can be still sometimes noisy for such cheap functions (R is a language with automatic gc).
As for your wilson_r for higher n, it is not a good idea to use large integers if you use modulo at the end. It is better to do a modulo at every multiplication. You can use the inline package to make a small C function, to calculate this efficiently:
factorial_modulo = inline::cfunction(
" int n=v[0], ret=1, i;
for (i=2; i<n; i++)
ret = (ret * i) % n;
v[0] = ret;",
wilson_r <- (function(x) factorial_modulo(x)==x-1)


How is R able to sum an integer sequence so fast?

Create a large contiguous sequence of integers:
x <- 1:1e20
How is R able to compute the sum so fast?
Doesn't it have to loop over 1e20 elements in the vector and sum each element?
Summing up the comments:
R introduced something called ALTREP, or ALternate REPresentation for R objects. Its intent is to do some things more efficiently. From https://www.r-project.org/dsc/2017/slides/dsc2017.pdf, some examples include:
allow vector data to be in a memory-mapped file or distributed
allow compact representation of arithmetic sequences;
allow adding meta-data to objects;
allow computations/allocations to be deferred;
support alternative representations of environments.
The second and fourth bullets seem appropriate here.
We can see a hint of this in action by looking at what I'm inferring is at the core of the R sum primitive for altreps, at https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/7c0449d81c853f781fb13e9c7118065aedaf2f7f/src/main/altclasses.c#L262:
static SEXP compact_intseq_Sum(SEXP x, Rboolean narm)
/* If the vector has been expanded it may have been modified. */
if (COMPACT_SEQ_EXPANDED(x) != R_NilValue)
return NULL;
double tmp;
R_xlen_t size = COMPACT_INTSEQ_INFO_LENGTH(info);
R_xlen_t n1 = COMPACT_INTSEQ_INFO_FIRST(info);
tmp = (size / 2.0) * (n1 + n1 + inc * (size - 1));
if(tmp > INT_MAX || tmp < R_INT_MIN)
/**** check for overflow of exact integer range? */
return ScalarReal(tmp);
return ScalarInteger((int) tmp);
Namely, the reduction of an integer sequence without gaps is trivial. It's when there are gaps or NAs that things become a bit more complicated.
In action:
vec <- 1:1e10
# [1] 5e+19
# Error: cannot allocate vector of size 37.3 Gb
### win11, R-4.2.2
Where ideally we would see that sum(vec) == (sum(vec[-10]) + 10), but we cannot since we can't use the optimization of sequence-summing.

Get out of infinite while loop

What is the best way to have a while loop recognize when it is stuck in an infinite loop in R?
Here's my situation:
diff_val = Inf
last_val = 0
while(diff_val > 0.1){
### calculate val from data subset that is greater than the previous iteration's val
val = foo(subset(data, col1 > last_val))
diff_val = abs(val - last_val) ### how much did this change val?
last_val = val ### set last_val for the next iteration
The goal is to have val get progressively closer and closer to a stable value, and when val is within 0.1 of the val from the last iteration, then it is deemed sufficiently stable and is released from the while loop. My problem is that with some data sets, val gets stuck alternating back and forth between two values. For example, iterating back and forth between 27.0 and 27.7. Thus, it never stabilizes. How can I break the while loop if this occurs?
I know of break but do not know how to tell the loop when to use it. I imagine holding onto the value from two iterations before would work, but I do not know of a way to keep values two iterations ago...
while(diff_val > 0.1){
val = foo(subset(data, col1 > last_val))
diff_val = abs(val - last_val)
last_val = val
if(val == val_2_iterations_ago) break
How can I create val_2_iterations_ago?
Apologies for the non-reproducible code. The real foo() and data that are needed to replicate the situation are not mine to share... they aren't key to figuring out this issue with control flow, though.
I don't know if just keeping track of the previous two iterations will actually suffice, but it isn't too much trouble to add logic for this.
The logic is that at each iteration, the second to last value becomes the last value, the last value becomes the current value, and the current value is derived from foo(). Consider this code:
while (diff_val > 0.1) {
val <- foo(subset(data, col1 > last_val))
if (val == val_2_iterations_ago) break
diff_val = abs(val - last_val)
val_2_iterations_ago <- last_val
last_val <- val
Another approach, perhaps a little more general, would be to track your iterations and set a maximum.
Pairing this with Tim's nice answer:
iter = 0
max_iter = 1e6
while (diff_val > 0.1 & iter < max_iter) {
val <- foo(subset(data, col1 > last_val))
if (val == val_2_iterations_ago) break
diff_val = abs(val - last_val)
val_2_iterations_ago <- last_val
last_val <- val
iter = iter + 1
How this is generally done is that you have:
A convergence tolerance, so that when your objective function doesn't change appreciably, the algorithm is deemed to have converged
A limit on the number of iterations, so that the code is guaranteed to terminate eventually
A check that the objective function is actually decreasing, to catch the situation where it's diverging/cyclic (many optimisation algorithms are designed so this shouldn't happen, but in your case it does happen)
oldVal <- Inf
for(i in 1:NITERS)
val <- objective(x)
diffVal <- val - oldVal
converged <- (diffVal <= 0 && abs(diffVal) < TOL)
if(converged || diffVal > 0)
oldVal <- val

Tail recursion in R

I seem to misunderstand tail recursion; according to this stackoverflow question R does not support tail recursion. However, let's consider the following functions to compute the nth fibonacci number:
Iterative version:
Fibo <- function(n){
a <- 0
b <- 1
for (i in 1:n){
temp <- b
b <- a
a <- a + temp
"Naive" recursive version:
FiboRecur <- function(n){
if (n == 0 || n == 1){
} else {
return(FiboRecur(n-1) + FiboRecur(n-2))
And finally an example I found that should be tail call recursive:
FiboRecurTail <- function(n){
fib_help <- function(a, b, n){
if(n > 0){
return(fib_help(b, a+b, n-1))
} else {
return(fib_help(0, 1, n))
Now if we take a look at the traces when these functions are called, here is what we get:
trace: Fibo(25)
[1] 75025
Thousands of calls to FiboRecur and takes a lot of time to run
trace: FiboRecurTail(25)
[1] 75025
In the cases of Fibo(25) and FiboRecurTail(25), the answer is displayed instantaneously and only one call is made. For FiboRecur(25), thousands of calls are made and it runs for some seconds before showing the result.
We can also take a look at the run times using the benchmark function from the package rbenchmark:
benchmark(Fibo(30), FiboRecur(30), FiboRecurTail(30), replications = 5)
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 Fibo(30) 5 0.00 NA 0.000 0 0 0
2 FiboRecur(30) 5 13.79 NA 13.792 0 0 0
3 FiboRecurTail(30) 5 0.00 NA 0.000 0 0 0
So if R does not support tail recursion, what is happening in FiboRecurTail(25) that makes it run as fast as the iterative version while the "naive" recursive function runs like molasses? Is it rather that R supports tail recursion, but does not optimize a "naive" recursive version of a function to be tail-call recursive like other programming languages (Haskell for instance) do? This is what I understand from this post in R's mailing list.
I would greatly appreciate if someone would shed some light into this. Thanks!
The difference is that for each recursion, FiboRecur calls itself twice. Within FiboRecurTail, fib_help calls itself only once.
Thus you have a whole lot more function calls with the former. In the case of FiboRecurTail(25) you have a recursion depth of ~25 calls. FiboRecur(25) results in 242,785 function calls (including the first).
I didn't time any of the routines, but note that you show 0.00 for both of the faster routines. You should see some difference with a higher input value, but note that Fibo iterates exactly as much as FiboRecurTail recurses.
In the naive recursive approach, you repetitively calculated a lot of values. For example, when you calculate FiboRecur(30) you will calculate FiboRecur(29) and FiboRecur(28), and each of these two calls are independent. And in FiboRecur(29) you will calculate FiboRecur(28) again and FiboRecur(27) even though FiboRecur(28) has already been calculated somewhere else as above. And this happens for every stage of recursion. Or simply put, for every increase of n, the calculation effort almost doubles but obviously, in reality it should just be as simple as add the last two calculated numbers together.
A little summary of FiboRecur(4): FiboRecur(0) is calculated twice, FiboRecur(1) is calculated three times, FiboRecur(2) is calculated twice and FiboRecur(3) is calculated once. The former three should really be calculated once and stored somewhere so that you can extract the values whenever they are needed. And that's why you see so many function calls even though it's not a large number.
In the tail recursive version, however, every previously calculated values are passed to the next stage via a + b parameter, which avoids countless repetitive calculations as in the naive recursive version, and thus more efficient.
The following algorithm uses accumulator parameter technique to make things tail recursive, then wraps it in a memoization function.
Number of function calls shouldn't necessarily differ for tail-recursion. This is mostly about managing stack memory, not speed. Every call to fib(n) generates calls to fib(n - 1) and fib(n - 2), expect in tail-recursive cases, the stack frame is reused rather than a new one being allocated for each call.
Memoization is what gives a speed-boost. Results are cached for future use.
# Generate Fibonacci numbers
# Tail Recursive Algorithm using Accumulator Parameter Technique
fibTR <- function(n) {
fibLoop <- function(acc, m, k) {
if (k == 0)
fibLoop(acc = m, m = acc + m, k = k - 1)
fibLoop(acc = 0, m = 1, k = n)
# A generic memoization function for function fn taking integer input
memoize <- function(fn, inp) {
cache <- hash::hash()
key <- as.character(inp)
if (hash::has.key(key = key, hash = cache))
else {
cache[[key]] <- inp %>% fn
# Partial Application of a Function
# Memoized and Tail Recursive Fibonacci Number Generator
fib <- partial(.f = memoize, fn = fibTR)
# Get the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
map(.x = 0:9, .f = fib) %>% unlist
Running fibAux(10000) yields
Error: C stack usage 15927040 is too close to the limit
So, I doubt R does efficient tail call optimization.
Another issue is the construction of the cache or lookaside table. In functional languages such as Haskell, ML, ..., that intermediary data structures get built when you first partially call the function. Assuming the same effect in R, another issue is that memory allocation in R is very expensive so is growing vectors, matrices, etc: Here, we are growing a dictionary, and if we pre-allocate the dictionary of appropriate size, then we have to supply the n argument and the cache gets constructed every time we call the function which defeats the purpose.
// Here is F# code to do the same:
// A generate Fibonacci numbers: Tail Recursive Algorithm
let fibTR n =
let rec fibLoop acc m k =
match k with
| 0 -> acc
| n -> fibLoop m (acc + m) (n - 1)
fibLoop 0 1 n
// A generic memoization function
let memoize (fn: 'T -> 'U) =
let cache = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_, _>()
fun inp ->
match cache.TryGetValue inp with
| true, res -> res
| false, _ ->
let res = inp |> fn
cache.Add(inp, res)
// A tail recursive and
let fib = fibTR |> memoize
// Get the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
[ 0..9 ] |> List.map fib

(in R) Why is result of ksvm using user-defined linear kernel different from that of ksvm using "vanilladot"?

I wanted to use user-defined kernel function for Ksvm in R.
so, I tried to make a vanilladot kernel and compare with "vanilladot" which is built in "kernlab" as practice.
I write my kernel as follow.
###vanilla kernel with class "kernel"
kfunction.k <- function(){
k <- function (x,y){crossprod(x,y)}
class(k) <- "kernel"
l<-0.1 ; C<-1/(2*l)
###use kfunction.k
tmp<-ksvm(x,factor(y),scaled=FALSE, type = "C-svc", kernel=kfunction.k(), C = C)
x.s<-x[ind,] ; y.s<-y[ind]
I thouhgt result of this operation is eqaul to that of following.
However It dosn't.
###use "vanilladot"
l<-0.1 ; C<-1/(2*l)
tmp1<-ksvm(x,factor(y),scaled=FALSE, type = "C-svc", kernel="vanilladot", C = C)
x.s<-x[ind1,] ; y.s<-y[ind1]
I think maybe this problem is related to kernel class.
When class is set to "kernel", this problem is occured.
However When class is set to "vanillakernel", the result of ksvm using user-defined kernel is equal to that of ksvm using "vanilladot" which is built in Kernlab.
###vanilla kernel with class "vanillakernel"
kfunction.v.k <- function(){
k <- function (x,y){crossprod(x,y)}
class(k) <- "vanillakernel"
# The only difference between kfunction.k and kfunction.v.k is "class(k)".
l<-0.1 ; C<-1/(2*l)
###use kfunction.v.k
tmp<-ksvm(x,factor(y),scaled=FALSE, type = "C-svc", kernel=kfunction.v.k(), C = C)
x.s<-x[ind,] ; y.s<-y[ind]
I don't understand why the result is different from "vanilladot", when setting the class to "kernel".
Is there an error in my operation?
First, it seems like a really good question!
Now to the point. In the sources of ksvm we can find when is a line drawn between using user-defined kernel, and the built-ins:
if (type(ret) == "spoc-svc") {
if (!is.null(class.weights))
weightedC <- class.weights[weightlabels] * rep(C,
else weightedC <- rep(C, nclass(ret))
yd <- sort(y, method = "quick", index.return = TRUE)
xd <- matrix(x[yd$ix, ], nrow = dim(x)[1])
count <- 0
if (ktype == 4)
K <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x)
resv <- .Call("tron_optim", as.double(t(xd)), as.integer(nrow(xd)),
as.integer(ncol(xd)), as.double(rep(yd$x - 1,
2)), as.double(K), as.integer(if (sparse) xd#ia else 0),
as.integer(if (sparse) xd#ja else 0), as.integer(sparse),
as.integer(nclass(ret)), as.integer(count), as.integer(ktype),
as.integer(7), as.double(C), as.double(epsilon),
as.double(sigma), as.integer(degree), as.double(offset),
as.double(C), as.double(2), as.integer(0), as.double(0),
as.integer(0), as.double(weightedC), as.double(cache),
as.double(tol), as.integer(10), as.integer(shrinking),
PACKAGE = "kernlab")
reind <- sort(yd$ix, method = "quick", index.return = TRUE)$ix
alpha(ret) <- t(matrix(resv[-(nclass(ret) * nrow(xd) +
1)], nclass(ret)))[reind, , drop = FALSE]
coef(ret) <- lapply(1:nclass(ret), function(x) alpha(ret)[,
x][alpha(ret)[, x] != 0])
names(coef(ret)) <- lev(ret)
alphaindex(ret) <- lapply(sort(unique(y)), function(x)
x] != 0))
xmatrix(ret) <- x
obj(ret) <- resv[(nclass(ret) * nrow(xd) + 1)]
names(alphaindex(ret)) <- lev(ret)
svindex <- which(rowSums(alpha(ret) != 0) != 0)
b(ret) <- 0
param(ret)$C <- C
The important parts are two things, first, if we provide ksvm with our own kernel, then ktype=4 (while for vanillakernel, ktype=0) so it makes two changes:
in case of user-defined kernel, the kernel matrix is computed instead of actually using the kernel
tron_optim routine is ran with the information regarding the kernel
Now, in the svm.cpp we can find the tron routines, and in the tron_run (called from tron_optim), that LINEAR kernel has a separate optimization routine
if (param->kernel_type == LINEAR)
/* lots of code here */
while (Cpj < Cp)
totaliter += s.Solve(l, prob->x, minus_ones, y, alpha, w,
Cpj, Cnj, param->eps, sii, param->shrinking,
/* lots of code here */
totaliter += s.Solve(l, prob->x, minus_ones, y, alpha, w, Cp, Cn,
param->eps, sii, param->shrinking, param->qpsize);
delete[] w;
Solver_B s;
s.Solve(l, BSVC_Q(*prob,*param,y), minus_ones, y, alpha, Cp, Cn,
param->eps, sii, param->shrinking, param->qpsize);
As you can see, the linear case is treated in the more complex, more detailed way. There is an inner optimization loop calling the solver many times. It would require really deep analysis of actual optimization being performed here, but at this step one can answer your question in a following way:
There is no error in your operation
kernlab's svm has a separate routine for training SVM with linear kernel, which is based on the type of kernel passed to the code, changing "kernel" to "vanillakernel" made the ksvm think it is actually working with vanillakernel, and so performed this separate optimization routine
It does not seem as a bug in fact, as the linear SVM is in fact very different from the kernelized version in terms of efficient optimization techniques. Amount of heuristic as well as numerical issues that has to be taken care of is really big. As a result, some approximations are required and can lead to the different results. While for the rich feature space (like those induced by RBF kernel) it should not really matter, for simple kernels line linear ones - this simplifications can lead to significant output changes.

Why do i get this error - MATLAB

I have the image and the vector
a = imread('Lena.tiff');
v = [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25];
and this M-file
function y = Funks(I, gama, c)
[m n] = size(I);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
J(i, j) = (I(i, j) ^ gama) * c;
y = J;
when I'm trying to do this:
f = Funks(a,v,2)
I am getting this error:
??? Error using ==> mpower
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
Error in ==> Funks at 5
J(i, j) = (I(i, j) ^ gama) * c;
Can anybody help me, with this please?
The error is caused because you're trying to raise a number to a vector power. Translated (i.e. replacing formal arguments with actual arguments in the function call), it would be something like:
J(i, j) = (a(i, j) ^ [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25]) * 2
Element-wise power .^ won't work either, because you'll try to "stuck" a vector into a scalar container.
Later edit: If you want to apply each gamma to your image, maybe this loop is more intuitive (though not the most efficient):
a = imread('Lena.tiff'); % Pics or GTFO
v = [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25]; % Gamma (ar)ray -- this will burn any picture
f = cell(1, numel(v)); % Prepare container for your results
for k=1:numel(v)
f{k} = Funks(a, v(k), 2); % Save result from your function
% (Afterwards you use cell array f for further processing)
Or you may take a look at the other (more efficient if maybe not clearer) solutions posted here.
Later(er?) edit: If your tiff file is CYMK, then the result of imread is a MxNx4 color matrix, which must be handled differently than usual (because it 3-dimensional).
There are two ways I would follow:
1) arrayfun
results = arrayfun(#(i) I(:).^gama(i)*c,1:numel(gama),'UniformOutput',false);
J = cellfun(#(x) reshape(x,size(I)),results,'UniformOutput',false);
2) bsxfun
results = bsxfun(#power,I(:),gama)*c;
results = num2cell(results,1);
J = cellfun(#(x) reshape(x,size(I)),results,'UniformOutput',false);
What you're trying to do makes no sense mathematically. You're trying to assign a vector to a number. Your problem is not the MATLAB programming, it's in the definition of what you're trying to do.
If you're trying to produce several images J, each of which corresponds to a certain gamma applied to the image, you should do it as follows:
function J = Funks(I, gama, c)
[m n] = size(I);
% get the number of images to produce
k = length(gama);
% Pre-allocate the output
J = zeros(m,n,k);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
J(i, j, :) = (I(i, j) .^ gama) * c;
In the end you will get images J(:,:,1), J(:,:,2), etc.
If this is not what you want to do, then figure out your equations first.
