Jupyter notebook uploaded horizontally - jupyter-notebook

I was trying to upload one of my projects (with Jupiter notebook) on Github.
Out of seven files, one file is uploaded in horizontal format rather than vertical.
I deleted twice and reuploaded but the problem persists.
It might sound silly, but unable to figure out the actual problem.
Please view the attached image.


Is there a way to fix problems with jupyter font

I installed anaconda on my system a few days ago and have this weird looking font in my jupyter notebookenter image description here that makes it hard to view the output of my code. is there any way around this?enter image description here

Jupyter notebook opens slowly and extensions don't show up - [MathJax] issue

I'm trying to open a jupyter notebook and it takes a long time and I see at the bottom it's trying to load various [MathJax] extension, e.g. at the bottom left of the safari browser it says:
Loading [MathJax]/extensions/safe.js
Eventually, the notebook loads, but the extensions I used to have, don't show up (like table of contents and others)
I tried to run nbstripout with the relevant filename but it didn't change anything.
I also tried to reinstall jupyter.
I'm having the same issue with timing (but my extensions all seem to work OK). After a lot of experiments with MathJax options in the Jupyter configuration file it seems to be... not related to MathJax.
My guess is that's the last notice displayed, and it stays there while the rest of the notebook loads.
In my experiments, the time to load is directly related to the number of cells in the notebook.

Holoviews (Bokeh) with reveal.js

I have a presentation with Holoviews (Bokeh) interactive plots. The presentation works fine with rise (inside the notebook), but when I convert it to slides with reveal.js (v3.6.0) locally, the output doesn't show up. Even post serving through the CDN doesn't fix the issue. Anyone encountered this before?
I raised an issue on the RISE site about this problem once I was able to reproduce it, and the RISE author pointed me to this issue on the Bokeh site that let me get it working in my case. The solution is simply not to tell RISE to skip the cell that contains hv.extension("bokeh"). That cell loads BokehJS, which is needed for any Bokeh-based plots to show up, and skipping it works fine for a live presentation but apparently not for any exported version. After telling RISE not to skip that cell, my example notebook now works fine when converted to .html using jupyter nbconvert --to slides Bednar_INDEX_2018.ipynb, and it can be converted to PDF as described in the RISE documentation. The PDF output isn't formatted perfectly, but the plots do all show up at least.

Silverstripe image moving from one folder to another freezes screen and no operations can be performed after that

I am using Silverstripe 3.0 and everything is running fine. Suddenly I faced an issue while moving images from one folder to another from admin/assets section.
In this section when we click on the folder it takes us inside the folder and shows all the images inside that in grid view. When we click on any image then it takes us to the image details page (for example admin/assets/EditForm/field/File/item/1917/edit) where we have the details of the image such as File name, Title, Owner and a drop down Folder which shows the folder in which the image is located.
When I change the folder from the drop down and want to move the image to selected folder, then during the process the screen freezes and none of the actions happen though in console all the ajax calls can be seen working and no error in console. Once I refresh the page then all the things work normal and the image which I moved to other folder is there in other folder.
Any help or Idea where I can look for the issue ??
Your question is quite explanatory but it is not possible to give a perfect solution to your answer. As a guess I can say that you have some issue with redirection in your code in framework/forms/gridfield/GridFieldDetailForm.php page.
As you said you are using 3.0 so I have tested this issue in 3.15 and found that there is no such issue. I would suggest you to replace the old file with this new one in Silverstripe 3.15 and see if that works. If it does work than you can compare these two files and pin point the cause of the issue.
But always remember to take a backup first and then do such thing.

Storyboard file missing

I'm new to xCode 4 and have playing with storyboards for most of the day. I was making an edit to one of the segue's and didn't realize that the entire file was selected, not just the arrow on the right side. This deleted my ENTIRE storyboard, which usually isn't a big deal as it's either still in the folder if i only deleted the reference, or in the trash if the file was actually deleted.
Strangely, it's in neither. I created a storyboard to test this out and sure enough, xCode warns "this can not be undone"....and it's gone. No where in finder or the trash bin.
Now, the weirdest part. My application is still running fine. I can't make any edits obviously as i can't bring it up, but xCode is still running fine. I've reset my computer and done everything else to clear it out but i can't my storyboard nor find it anywhere!
any help would be greatly appreciated...
This happened to me as well - very alarming! However I searched for "storyboard" using SearchLight on the desktop. This found the file as the top hit! I was then able to track its location to a folder called en.lproj within the project folder and use File > Add to bring this folder back in.
Everything seemed fined except I had a problem every time I tried to delete the same image that caused the problem in the first place. The image was just sitting in a viewcontroller as a background image and each time I deleted it the whole storyboard vanished (temporarily).
So, I simply removed this viewcontroller altogether and created a new one and that worked. Much better than recreating the whole storyboard!
