Uninstall WPS Hide Login - wordpress

I was working on a project (just for fun) some weeks ago and Ive installed the WPS Hide Login for security purposes. Unfortunately, Ive forgot the admin address and I would like to know how to uninstall this plugin without accessing the control panel (with I do not have access).
It`s possible to do only accessing the phpMyadmin?

Either go to your MySQL database and look for the value of rwl_page in the options table, or remove the rename-wp-login folder from your plugins folder, log in through wp-login.php and reinstall the plugin.
From the project git page


Wordpress: deleted page automatically restored

I got this problem on my WordPress site. When I delete the page and also delete it in the trash permanently it automatically restored even though I didn't restore the page. Can someone help me with this?
hope your having a great day ,It seems your issues is a little unclear , Are you able to download your theme and debug it into a local development environment , instead of your live website , you can even try it on a free web-hosting service that offers you a subdomain so you don't break your website
Setting up a local development environment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru3KjHP5vxw
1.Xammp🔗LINK : https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
2.Wordpress 🔗LINK : https://wordpress.org/download/
Download Xampp and wordpress
Install Xampp to C:\
Extract WordPress archive
Copy word press extracted folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
Go to localhost on browser
Click on phpmyAdmin on top right
Choose user authentication from the top tab
Select a new user
Make sure you select create a new database with this username
go to localhost/word press
Install db and start installing word press
create new credentials for word press admin panel
finish installation and login.
Possible fixes for your website
updating WordPress to latest version https://wordpress.org/download/
Plugin conflict with WordPress like a page builder for example Element or
try disabling each plugin one by one to understand which one causes the error by adding a new page if any of those plugins break the page editor
try to reinstall it but backup first .

WordPress will not delete plugins or install any new themes or plugins

I have installed WordPress and the Admin console is working. However any plugin I try to delete will stay no matter what as well as the themes. Any time I try to install a theme I get "Update Failed". If I delete the plugins from within my File Manager in cPanel, my plugins still remain in the admin console of WordPress. My permissions are set to 7-5-5 in general for WordPress. I have tried installing WordPress in a different directory and that does not work as well. I am installing this with Softaculous located in my cPanel.
Sounds like you might have some serious server-side/database related issues going on. Generally speaking, if you are in cPanel, or have FTP access you can go ahead and delete the plugins you want to from the /wp-content/plugins folder. Upon doing so this will 100% remove all the dependencies from the respective plugin(s) you're looking to remove.
If you go back into the WP plugin dashboard a fatal error will be thrown by those plugins since they no longer have the core files needed to run, and will automatically de-activate.
Another thing you can do is look inside the database, a simple SQL query will pull up your current active plugins, which you can then manipulate and remove from the database with another SQL query, or by using PHPMYADMIN or whatever other database management utility to have w/ your cPanel dashboard.
Example of the query:
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins'
There's numerous resources out there which will help you 'hack' your way into the database and extract/remove the information you no longer need for your WP environment. Here's an example of one that does so via SQL queries:

I am redirected to my site homepage when I login using mysite/wp-admin instead of getting to the wordpress admin page

I am getting redirected to my website homepage when I login to the admin area in Wordpress or I get an error message saying 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page'
I just migrated my website from one host provider to another using the All in One WP migration plugin. I was able to access the admin area but once the backup, I am either being redirected to my homepage or getting the above error when I try to login. I have already tried to create a new user with admin privileges, modified the wp-config and htaccess files and even updating and changing the prefixes of the database. I have also tried disabling the plugin and theme files and none of them seem to work.
I just want to be able to login to the admin area of my WordPress site.
In such cases the steps I follow to resolve this case are:
Set .htaccess with only the default WordPress redirect rules, which you can check here.
Set the default TwentyNineteen theme as active. Since you do not have access to your admin dashboard you can perform this change by altering the "template" and "stylesheet" rows in your application database which both are located in the "_options" table.
The other option is via SSH. From the WordPress root directory you can execute the following command, which will change the currently active theme to TwentyNineteen:
wp theme activate twentynineteen
NOTE: No matter which option you choose the TwentyNineteen theme should be installed. If you have other WordPress default theme installed rather than TwentyNineteen, you can switch to it.
Deactivate all of the plugins. This can also be performed in two ways without access to the admin dashboard. The first option is to rename the wp-content/plugins folder to:
The other option is once again via the WP CLI tool with the next command:
wp plugin deactivate --all
Another NOTE: In order to use the WP CLI tool, please note that the same should be installed on the server. If you write the command and the terminal respond is:
-bash: wp: command not found
Or something similar ending with "command not found" this means that the tool in question is not installed. In this case you will be unable to use the WP CLI tool or you can ask your hosting provider to install this tool for you.
In my experience with this issue, after all of these changes are performed the access to the admin dashboard is restored. If the issue still persist even after the changes are applied, I would recommend you to contact your current host provider in order to understand if they have any custom Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, default plugins/optimizations that could cause such issue.

Wordpress on IIS - Plugins were successfully installed but they don't show

I have installed WordPress on IIS 8.5 (Windows server 2012 R2) by installing PHP and MySQL without any problem. The WordPress website works normally and plugins (like any kind of sliders) installed with no error. but the installed plugin doesn't show on WordPress website.
-PHP have set on PHP Manager.
-Directory Browsing is enable.
-Full Permission granted on folders to : IUSR, IIS_IUSRS, windows current user.
-Various plugins have been tested: MetaSlider, LayerSlider, MasterSlider, NextGenGallery and so on.
as you said that "MetaSlider, LayerSlider, MasterSlider, NextGenGallery" these plugins are not working. I made a test with the MetaSlider plugin.
first thing you need to change in WordPress permalink setting.
make sure you use this setting in permalink:
then select the plugins and click on add new and installed the MetaSlider plugin.
and active that plugin.
add slide show using that and create a new page and added the slideshow.
after doing this publish the site and check the page by using preview.
if you still face some problem than clear the cache and the history of the browser and try to access the page again.

WordPress website pages are redirecting to adult site pages

I have a website built on WordPress platform. Today, when I opened the website and when I clicked anywhere on the website, adult site pages are opening up continuously.
Can anyone please suggest what could be done to resolve the issue?
Your site is hacked by someone and some script injected in your WordPress installation or database which causing to load this video your website need to scan your website using plugin like SECURI You can get this on Securi.net
Here are some solutions that you can try(Remember to take a backup before using this)
Check and clean all your recently modified files
Contact your hosting provider if you are not using dedicated server.
If you have some inactive themes and plugins which you don't need more remove them.Hackers can hide script there.
-You can upload new word-press core files which you haven't customised.
Install fresh copy of themes and plugins if you not customised them.
Change your secret keys in your wp-config file.
Check users in your word-press and delete suspected ones.
Check permission of your installation directory .if not secure them make changes.
Change you WordPress password
If this all not works to solve problem let me i will look into it.
