Map.change is not defined - dictionary

I'm trying to invoke the Map.change function. It's clearly defined in the documentation but it just doesn't work for me. I've tried opening different namespaces (such as FSharp.Core, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections), with no success.
open FSharp.Collections
let main argv =
let testMap = Map.empty.Add("test", true).Add("otherTest", false)
let newTestMap =
|> Map.change // Here's the error!
(fun v ->
match v with
| Some b -> Some (not b)
| None -> None )
I'm getting the following error when trying to run the sample code above:
error FS0039: The value, constructor, namespace or type 'change' is not defined.
How do I use Map.change?

Your code works (apart from the printf). Maybe check your F# or .NET (Core) version. The Collections namespace doesn't have to be open.
let testMap = Map.empty.Add("test", true).Add("otherTest", false)
let newTestMap =
|> Map.change // Here's the error!
(fun v ->
match v with
| Some b -> Some (not b)
| None -> None )
printf "%A" newTestMap // map [("otherTest", true); ("test", true)]val it : unit = ()


How can I determine the json path to a field within a record without actually hard coding the path?

I would like to work with the following type
type RecordPath<'a,'b> = {
Get: 'a -> 'b
It's purpose is to define a getter for going from record type 'a to some field within 'a of type 'b. It also gives the path to that field for the json representation of the record.
For example, consider the following fields.
type DateWithoutTimeBecauseWeirdlyDotnetDoesNotHaveThisConcept = {
type Person = {
type Team = {
TeamMembers:Person list
An example RecordPath might be
let birthYearPath = {
Get = fun (team:Team) -> team.TeamMembers |> (fun p -> p.BirthDate.Year)
Path = "$.TeamMember[*].BirthDate.Year" //using mariadb format for json path
Is there some way of letting a library user create this record without ever actually needing to specify the string explicitly. Ideally there is some strongly typed way of the user specifying the fields involved. Maybe some kind of clever use of reflection?
It just occurred to me that with a language that supports macros, this would be possible. But can it be done in F#?
PS: I notice that I left out the s in "TeamMembers" in the path. This is the kind of thing I want to guard against to make it easier on the user.
As you noted in the comments, F# has a quotation mechanism that lets you do this. You can create those explicitly using <# ... #> notation or implicitly using a somewhat more elengant automatic quoting mechanism. The quotations are farily close representations of the F# code, so converting them to the desired path format is not going to be easy, but I think it can be done.
I tried to get this to work at least for your small example. First, I needed a helper function that does two transformations on the code and turns:
let x = e1 in e2 into e2[x <- e1] (using the notation e2[x <- e1] to mean a subsitution, i.e. expression e2 with all occurences of x replaced by e1)
e1 |> fun x -> e2 into e2[x <- e1]
This is all I needed for your example, but it's likely you'll need a few more cases:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
let rec simplify dict e =
let e' = simplifyOne dict e
if e' <> e then simplify dict e' else e'
and simplifyOne dict = function
| Patterns.Call(None, op, [e; Patterns.Lambda(v, body)])
when op.Name = "op_PipeRight" ->
simplify (Map.add v e dict) body
| Patterns.Let(v, e, body) -> simplify (Map.add v e dict) body
| ExprShape.ShapeVar(v) when Map.containsKey v dict -> dict.[v]
| ExprShape.ShapeVar(v) -> Expr.Var(v)
| ExprShape.ShapeLambda(v, e) -> Expr.Lambda(v, simplify dict e)
| ExprShape.ShapeCombination(o, es) ->
ExprShape.RebuildShapeCombination(o, (simplify dict) es)
With this pre-processing, I managed to write an extractPath function like this:
let rec extractPath var = function
| Patterns.Call(None, op, [Patterns.Lambda(v, body); inst]) when op.Name = "Map" ->
extractPath var inst + "[*]." + extractPath v.Name body
| Patterns.PropertyGet(Some(Patterns.Var v), p, []) when v.Name = var -> p.Name
| Patterns.PropertyGet(Some e, p, []) -> extractPath var e + "." + p.Name
| e -> failwithf "Unexpected expression: %A" e
This looks for (1) a call to map function, (2) a property access on a variable that represents the data source and (3) a property access where the instance has some more property accesses.
The following now works for your small example (but probably for nothing else!)
type Path =
static member Make([<ReflectedDefinition(true)>] f:Expr<'T -> 'R>) =
match f with
| Patterns.WithValue(f, _, Patterns.Lambda(v, body)) ->
{ Get = f :?> 'T -> 'R
Path = "$." + extractPath v.Name (simplify Map.empty body) }
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected argument"
Path.Make(fun (team:Team) -> team.TeamMembers |> (fun p -> p.BirthDate.Year))
The way I solved this is
let jsonPath userExpr =
let rec innerLoop expr state =
match expr with
|Patterns.Lambda(_, body) ->
innerLoop body state
|Patterns.PropertyGet(Some parent, propInfo, []) ->
sprintf ".%s%s" propInfo.Name state |> innerLoop parent
|Patterns.Call (None, _, expr1::[Patterns.Let (v, expr2, _)]) when v.Name = "mapping"->
let parentPath = innerLoop expr1 "[*]"
let childPath = innerLoop expr2 ""
parentPath + childPath
|ExprShape.ShapeVar x ->
|_ ->
failwithf "Unsupported expression: %A" expr
innerLoop userExpr "" |> sprintf "$%s"
type Path =
static member Make([<ReflectedDefinition(true)>] f:Expr<'T -> 'R>) =
match f with
|Patterns.WithValue(f, _, expr) ->
let path = jsonPath expr
Get = f :?> 'T -> 'R
Path = path
| _ -> failwith "Unexpected argument"
Caveat: I don't know enough about these techniques to tell if Tomas' answer performs better in some edge cases than mine.

F# async workflow / tasks combined with free monad

I'm trying to build pipeline for message handling using free monad pattern, my code looks like that:
module PipeMonad =
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| HandleAsync of 'msgIn * (Async<'msgOut> -> 'a)
| SendOutAsync of 'msgOut * (Async -> 'a)
let private mapInstruction f = function
| HandleAsync (x, next) -> HandleAsync (x, next >> f)
| SendOutAsync (x, next) -> SendOutAsync (x, next >> f)
type PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| Act of PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a>>
| Stop of 'a
let rec bind f = function
| Act x -> x |> mapInstruction (bind f) |> Act
| Stop x -> f x
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop ()
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeBuilder()
let handleAsync msgIn = Act (HandleAsync (msgIn, Stop))
let sendOutAsync msgOut = Act (SendOutAsync (msgOut, Stop))
which I wrote according to this article
However it's important to me to have those methods asynchronous (Task preferably, but Async is acceptable), but when I created a builder for my pipeline, I can't figure out how to use it - how can I await a Task<'msgOut> or Async<'msgOut> so I can send it out and await this "send" task?
Now I have this piece of code:
let pipeline log msgIn =
pipe {
let! msgOut = handleAsync msgIn
let result = async {
let! msgOut = msgOut
log msgOut
return sendOutAsync msgOut
return result
which returns PipeProgram<'b, 'a, Async<PipeProgram<'c, 'a, Async>>>
In my understanding, the whole point of the free monad is that you don't expose effects like Async, so I don't think they should be used in the PipeInstruction type. The interpreter is where the effects get added.
Also, the Free Monad really only makes sense in Haskell, where all you need to do is define a functor, and then you get the rest of the implementation automatically. In F# you have to write the rest of the code as well, so there is not much benefit to using Free over a more traditional interpreter pattern.
That TurtleProgram code you linked to was just an experiment -- I would not recommend using Free for real code at all.
Finally, if you already know the effects you are going to use, and you are not going to have more than one interpretation, then using this approach doesn't make sense. It only makes sense when the benefits outweigh the complexity.
Anyway, if you did want to write an interpreter version (rather than Free) this is how I would do it:
First, define the instructions without any effects.
/// The abstract instruction set
module PipeProgram =
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state> =
| Handle of 'msgIn * ('msgOut -> PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state>)
| SendOut of 'msgOut * (unit -> PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut,'state>)
| Stop of 'state
Then you can write a computation expression for it:
/// A computation expression for a PipeProgram
module PipeProgramCE =
open PipeProgram
let rec bind f instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x,next) -> Handle (x, (next >> bind f))
| SendOut (x, next) -> SendOut (x, (next >> bind f))
| Stop x -> f x
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop ()
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeProgramCE.PipeBuilder()
And then you can start writing your computation expressions. This will help flush out the design before you start on the interpreter.
// helper functions for CE
let stop x = PipeProgram.Stop x
let handle x = PipeProgram.Handle (x,stop)
let sendOut x = PipeProgram.SendOut (x, stop)
let exampleProgram : PipeProgram.PipeInstruction<string,string,string> = pipe {
let! msgOut1 = handle "In1"
do! sendOut msgOut1
let! msgOut2 = handle "In2"
do! sendOut msgOut2
return msgOut2
Once you have described the the instructions, you can then write the interpreters. And as I said, if you are not writing multiple interpreters, then perhaps you don't need to do this at all.
Here's an interpreter for a non-async version (the "Id monad", as it were):
module PipeInterpreterSync =
open PipeProgram
let handle msgIn =
printfn "In: %A" msgIn
let msgOut = System.Console.ReadLine()
let sendOut msgOut =
printfn "Out: %A" msgOut
let rec interpret instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x, next) ->
let result = handle x
result |> next |> interpret
| SendOut (x, next) ->
let result = sendOut x
result |> next |> interpret
| Stop x ->
and here's the async version:
module PipeInterpreterAsync =
open PipeProgram
/// Implementation of "handle" uses async/IO
let handleAsync msgIn = async {
printfn "In: %A" msgIn
let msgOut = System.Console.ReadLine()
return msgOut
/// Implementation of "sendOut" uses async/IO
let sendOutAsync msgOut = async {
printfn "Out: %A" msgOut
return ()
let rec interpret instruction =
match instruction with
| Handle (x, next) -> async {
let! result = handleAsync x
return! result |> next |> interpret
| SendOut (x, next) -> async {
do! sendOutAsync x
return! () |> next |> interpret
| Stop x -> x
First of all, I think that using free monads in F# is very close to being an anti-pattern. It is a very abstract construction that does not fit all that great with idiomatic F# style - but that is a matter of preference and if you (and your team) finds this way of writing code readable and easy to understand, then you can certainly go in this direction.
Out of curiosity, I spent a bit of time playing with your example - although I have not quite figured out how to fix your example completely, I hope the following might help to steer you in the right direction. The summary is that I think you will need to integrate Async into your PipeProgram so that the pipe program is inherently asynchronous:
type PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| HandleAsync of 'msgIn * (Async<'msgOut> -> 'a)
| SendOutAsync of 'msgOut * (Async<unit> -> 'a)
| Continue of 'a
type PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a> =
| Act of Async<PipeInstruction<'msgIn, 'msgOut, PipeProgram<'msgIn, 'msgOut, 'a>>>
| Stop of Async<'a>
Note that I had to add Continue to make my functions type-check, but I think that's probably a wrong hack and you might need to remote that. With these definitions, you can then do:
let private mapInstruction f = function
| HandleAsync (x, next) -> HandleAsync (x, next >> f)
| SendOutAsync (x, next) -> SendOutAsync (x, next >> f)
| Continue v -> Continue v
let rec bind (f:'a -> PipeProgram<_, _, _>) = function
| Act x ->
let w = async {
let! x = x
return mapInstruction (bind f) x }
Act w
| Stop x ->
let w = async {
let! x = x
let pg = f x
return Continue pg
Act w
type PipeBuilder() =
member __.Bind (x, f) = bind f x
member __.Return x = Stop x
member __.Zero () = Stop (async.Return())
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
let pipe = PipeBuilder()
let handleAsync msgIn = Act (async.Return(HandleAsync (msgIn, Stop)))
let sendOutAsync msgOut = Act (async.Return(SendOutAsync (msgOut, Stop)))
let pipeline log msgIn =
pipe {
let! msgOut = handleAsync msgIn
log msgOut
return! sendOutAsync msgOut
pipeline ignore 0
This now gives you just plain PipeProgram<int, unit, unit> which you should be able to evaluate by having a recursive asynchronous functions that acts on the commands.

F# stop when a predicate evaluates true

I'm currently generating a sequence in a similar way to:
|> (fun m -> m())
The migrator function is ultimately returning a discriminated union like:
type MigratorResult =
| Success of string * TimeSpan
| Error of string * Exception
I want to stop the map once I encounter my first Error but I need to include the Error in the final sequence.
I have something like the following to display a final message to the user
match results |> List.rev with
| [] -> "No results equals no migrators"
| head :: _ ->
match head with
| Success (dt, t) -> "All migrators succeeded"
| Error (dt, ex) -> "Migration halted owing to error"
So I need:
A way to stop the mapping when one of the map steps produces an Error
A way to have that error be the final element added to the sequence
I appreciate there may be a different sequence method other than map that will do this, I'm new to F# and searching online hasn't yielded anything as yet!
I guess there are multiple approaches here, but one way would be to use unfold:
|> Seq.unfold (fun ms ->
match ms with
| m :: tl ->
match m () with
| Success res -> Some (Success res, tl)
| Error res -> Some (Error res, [])
| [] -> None)
|> List.ofSeq
Note the List.ofSeq at the end, that's just there for realizing the sequence. A different way to go would be to use sequence comprehensions, some might say it results in a clearer code.
The ugly things Tomaš alludes to are 1) mutable state, and 2) manipulation of the underlying enumerator. A higher-order function which returns up to and including when the predicate holds would then look like this:
module Seq =
let takeUntil pred (xs : _ seq) = seq{
use en = xs.GetEnumerator()
let flag = ref true
while !flag && en.MoveNext() do
flag := not <| pred en.Current
yield en.Current }
seq{1..10} |> Seq.takeUntil (fun x -> x % 5 = 0)
|> Seq.toList
// val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
For your specific application, you'd map the cases of the DU to a boolean.
(migrators : seq<MigratorResult>)
|> Seq.takeUntil (function Success _ -> false | Error _ -> true)
I think the answer from #scrwtp is probably the nicest way to do this if your input is reasonably small (and you can turn it into an F# list to use pattern matching). I'll add one more version, which works when your input is just a sequence and you do not want to turn it into a list.
Essentially, you want to do something that's almost like Seq.takeWhile, but it gives you one additional item at the end (the one, for which the predicate fails).
To use a simpler example, the following returns all numbers from a sequence until one that is divisible by 5:
let nums = [ 2 .. 10 ]
|> (fun m -> m % 5)
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun n -> n <> 0)
So, you basically just need to look one element ahead - to do this, you could use Seq.pairwise which gives you the current and the next element in the sequence"
|> (fun m -> m % 5)
|> Seq.pairwise // Get sequence of pairs with the next value
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun (p, n) -> p <> 0) // Look at the next value for test
|> Seq.mapi (fun i (p, n) -> // For the first item, we return both
if i = 0 then [p;n] else [n]) // for all other, we return the second
|> Seq.concat
The only ugly thing here is that you then need to flatten the sequence again using mapi and concat.
This is not very nice, so a good thing to do would be to define your own higher-order function like Seq.takeUntilAfter that encapsulates the behavior you need (and hides all the ugly things). Then your code could just use the function and look nice & readable (and you can experiment with other ways of implementing this).

How do I use the F# Reflection library?

I am trying to follow this example (from p137 of Rob Pickering's "Foundations of F#" book) but I can't get it to work with the latest F# CTP.
I appear to be missing the definition of 'Value' on the 3rd line where it does
This generates :
error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Value' is not defined.
Can anyone tell me where this is coming from or what the new syntax is if this is now done differently? (be gentle - this is my first play with F#)
Here's the example I am working from:-
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let printTupleValues x =
match Value.GetInfo(x) with
| TupleValue vals ->
print_string "("
|> List.iteri
(fun i v ->
if i <> List.length vals - 1 then
Printf.printf " %s, " (any_to_string v)
print_any v)
print_string " )"
| _ -> print_string "not a tuple"
printTupleValues ("hello world", 1)
The F# reflection library was rewritten for either Beta 1 or the CTP. Here is your code slightly changed to use the new library, and to avoid using the F# PlusPack (print_string is for OCaml compatibility).
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let printTupleValues x =
if FSharpType.IsTuple( x.GetType() ) then
let s =
FSharpValue.GetTupleFields( x )
|> (fun a -> a.ToString())
|> Array.reduce (fun a b -> sprintf "%s, %s" a b)
printfn "(%s)" s
printfn "not a tuple"
printTupleValues ("hello world", 1)
Or, if you prefer using match to decompose the tuple, then try this using an active pattern. Advantage is you can add support for additional types pretty easily.
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let (|ParseTuple|_|) = function
| o when FSharpType.IsTuple( o.GetType() ) ->
Some( FSharpValue.GetTupleFields(o) )
| _ -> None
let printTupleValues = function
| ParseTuple vals ->
let s =
|> (fun a -> a.ToString())
|> Array.reduce (fun a b -> sprintf "%s, %s" a b)
printfn "(%s)" s
| _ ->
printf "not a tuple"
printTupleValues ("hello world", 1)
I don't know whether your function has been renamed or removed in the current F# versions.
You should take a look at FSharp.Reflection in your IDE's object explorer to check that and maybe read this page.

Getting all let bindings of module with reflection

I've tried to get all let binding fields of an F# module but am struggling.
|> Seq.collect(fun t -> t.GetFields())
but it doesn't seem to return the bindings. (the code is abbreviated and the types are only modules)
Assuming you want just the let bindings and not any types defined inside the module, you can use the following filters on the module type members:
open System.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
module Test =
type Marker = interface end
let x = 3
let f x = x * x
let m =
let moduleType = typeof<Test.Marker>.DeclaringType
|> Array.filter (fun m -> m.DeclaringType = moduleType)
|> Array.filter (fun m -> m.IsDefined(typeof<CompilerGeneratedAttribute>, true) |> not)
|> Array.filter (fun m -> m.MemberType <> MemberTypes.NestedType)
|> (fun m -> m.Name)
This will give you back: [|"f"; "m"; "x"|]
