I have the following code for a random walk, in which I start from i and add up cumulatively for each line.
However, I need to limit my random walk on each line. One way I thought of doing this, would be from the index j (where the value in the position is less than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to t) of each line replace with null.
simulate_binomial = function(cenarios, rodadas, p){
return(matrix(data=rbinom(cenarios*rodadas, 1, p), nrow=cenarios, ncol=rodadas))
i = 2
t = 10
p = 0.8
max_walk = 100
samples = simulate_binomial(1000, max_walk, p)
samples[samples==0] = -1
walk = t(apply(cbind(i, samples), 1, cumsum))
walk1 = apply(walk, 1, function(x) (which((x <= 0) | (x >= t))[1]))
So my walk1 would be the indices of each line that would have a value less than or equal to zero or greater than or equal to t. However, I don't know how to assign null for this index onwards in the line.
My intention is to assign null so that I can plot precisely without this null part and see the effect of the ruin on each line / "scenario".
Can anyone help me plz?
You can change your last apply to :
walk1 <- t(apply(walk, 1, function(x) {
inds <- (which((x <= 0) | (x >= t))[1])
x[(inds+1):length(x)] <- NA
I want to find the P(X<Y<Z) in r. For each value of z_i, I want to check whether it satisfies the conditions or not. I demonstrated the problem below. Here I used the ifelse function in r. I don't how to put multiple statements within ifelse. When I type ifelse(z[i]>y>x, 1, 0) I get errors. I want to know how to include this.
x = c(1,1)
y = c(2,2)
z = c(3,3)
value = NULL
n1 = length(x)
n2 = length(y)
n3 = length(z)
for(i in 1: length(z)){
value[i] = sum (ifelse(z[i]>y & z[i]> x & y > x, 1, 0))
The desired output should be 4 4. But the above code gives 2 2. Thanks in advance.
What I look for is basically an R-version of the answer to this question: Generating all permutation of numbers that sums up to N. First of all the answer uses java, which I have a really hard time reading. Second of all the code uses "deque", which I cant figure out a way to implement in R.
I have found several algorithms to do this, but they have all been written in programming languages using structures not available in R such as deques, heaps or list-comprehensions.
What I actually need is a way of finding all the vectors v of length N-1 where:
sum(v * 1:(N-1)) == N
and I think I can manage that myself if only I find a way of obtaining all the ordered integer partitions.
As an example for N = 4 all the ordered integer partitions using numbers 1 to N-1 are:
What I effectively need is output of the either form:
Or of the form:
since I should be able to convert the former format to the latter by myself. Any hint as to how to approach this problem using R would be greatly appreciated. The latter format is excactly the vectors v such that sum(v * 1:3) is 4.
My own attempt:
rek = function(mat, id1, id2){
if(id1 + id2 != length(mat) + 1){ #If next state not absorbing
mat[id1] = mat[id1] - 1
mat[id2] = mat[id2] - 1
mat[id1+id2] = mat[id1+id2] + 1
out = mat
id = which(mat > 0)
for(i in id){
for(j in id[id>=i]){
if(j == i & mat[i] == 1){
out = rbind(out, rek(mat,i,j))
start = c(n, rep(0, n-2))
states = rbind(start, rek(start, 1, 1))
states = states[!duplicated(states), ] #only unique states.
This is incredibly inefficient. E. g. when n = 11, my states has over 120,000 rows prior to removing duplicates, which leaves only 55 rows.
Using the parts() function described below I came up with:
temp = partitions::parts(n)
temp = t(temp)
for(i in 1:length(temp[,1])){
row = temp[i,]
if(any(row>(n-1))){#if absorbing state
counts = plyr::count(row[row>0])
newrow = rep(0,n-1)
id = counts$x
numbs = counts$freq
newrow[id] = numbs
states = rbind(states, newrow)
states = states[-1,]#removing the first row, added manually
which excactly gives me the vectors v such that sum(v * 1:(N-1)) is N.
If anyone is interested, this is to be used within coalescent theory, as a way to describe the possible relations between N individuals omitting when all are related. As an example with N = 4:
(4, 0, 0) -- No individuals are related
(2, 1, 0) -- Two individuals are related, the rest are not
(0, 2, 0) -- The individuals are pair-wise related
(1, 0, 1) -- Three individuals are related, the other individual is not.
Hope parts from package partitions could help
N <- 4
res <- unique(lapply(asplit(parts(N),2),function(x) sort(x[x>0])))[-1]
which gives
> res
[1] 1 3
[1] 2 2
[1] 1 1 2
[1] 1 1 1 1
If you would like to write a custom base R function, here is a recursive version
f <- function(n, vhead = n, v = c()) {
if (n == 0) return(list(v))
unlist(lapply(seq_len(min(n, vhead)), function(k) f(n - k, k, c(k,v))), recursive = FALSE)
then we can run
res <- Filter(function(x) length(x)>1,f(N))
I am writing a Monte Carlo simulation to check how many times y was not immediately next to another y. I conjured up a vector of 40 x's and 10 y's placed at random position in the vector. My goal is to calculate the probabilities of not having any adjacent y's in the vector. Here is what I tried:
nrep = 100000
count = 0
for (i in 1:nrep) {
x = sample(c(rep('x', 40), c(rep('y', 10))))
if (x[i]!=x[i+1] && x[i+1]!=x[i+2]) count = count + 1
The result is a very small number, which doesn't seem to make sense to me.
The if part is not correct. We can use head/tail to check for consecutive elements and see if there are any two consecutive 'y's in one iteration.
nrep = 100000
count = 0
for (i in 1:nrep) {
x = sample(rep(c('x', 'y'), c(40, 10)))
if(any(head(x, -1) == 'y' & tail(x, -1) == 'y')) count = count + 1
#[1] 0.891
I need to count how many times a variable inverts its growth pattern - from increasing values to decreasing values (as well as from decreasing values to increasing values). In the following example, I should be able to find 4 such inversions. How can I create a new dummy variable that shows such inversions?
x <- c(1:20,19:5,6:15,12:9,10:11)
You're effectively asking "when is the second derivative of x not equal to zero?", so you could just do a double diff:
x <- c(1:20,19:5,6:15,12:9,10:11)
plot(seq_along(x), x)
changes <- c(0, diff(diff(x)), 0) != 0
To show it picks the right points, colour them red.
points(seq_along(x)[changes], x[changes], col = "red")
This function will return the indices at which the direction changed:
get_change_indices <- function(x){
# return 0 if x contains one (or none, if NULL) unique elements
if(length(unique(x)) <= 1) return(NULL)
# make x named, so we can recapture its indices later
x <- setNames(x, paste0("a", seq_along(x)))
# calculate diff between successive elements
diff_x <- diff(x)
# remove points that are equal to zero
diff_x <- diff_x[!diff_x==0]
# identify indices of changepoints
diff_x <- c(diff_x[1], diff_x)
change_ind <- NULL
for(i in 2:length(diff_x)){
if(sign(diff_x[i]) != sign(diff_x[i-1])){
change_ind_curr <- as.numeric(gsub("a", "", names(diff_x[i]))) - 1
change_ind <- c(change_ind, change_ind_curr)
The length of its output is the number of changes.
Note that it also works when the change in x is non-linear, e.g. if x <- c(1, 4, 9, 1).
Lets assume
x = c(1, 2, 3.5, 4, 6, 7.5, 8, 9, 10, 11.5, 12)
y = c(2.5, 6.5)
I = split(x, findInterval(x, y))
f = function(I$'i', x) {
d = pmax(outer(x, I$'i', "-"), 0)
colSums(d - d^2/2)
I want to calculate the value of f(I$'i', x) in each values of each interval and then find which I$'i' actual value have the maximum value of f(I$'i', x ) in each interval. for example if we have three intervals , my result should be three values of x which f(I$'i', x) is maximum in each interval. how can i find these values?
In addition, it should be mentioned that in each iteration of my code the value of vector y changes.
I wrote this code but i can not find the actual values of the maximum value in each interval:
for(i in 0:length(I)-1){
max.value = I$'i'[which.max(f(I$'i', x))]
and i got this error:
Error in pmax(outer(x, I, "-"), 0) :
cannot mix 0-length vectors with others
The problem is attempting to index the ith element of the list. Doing I$'i' is trying to get the element of the list corresponding to the string 'i', which doesn't exist:
> i <- 1
> I$'i'
To fix this, you should index a list using the [[..]] notation (which indexes them in order, i.e. I[[1]] = I$'0'):
> i <- 1
> I[[i]]
[1] 1 2
> I$'0' # to illustrate the indexing
[1] 1 2
Assuming that f is just meant to take a vector (rather than an index into I), its definition should be something like:
f = function(vec, x) {
d = pmax(outer(x, vec, "-"), 0)
colSums(d - d^2/2)
And the loop like:
for (i in 1:length(i)) {
max.value = I[[i]][which.max(f(I[[i]], x))]
Note that you can iterate directly over the elements of a list, you don't need to index each one individually, so we could also do:
for (vec in I) {
max.value = vec[which.max(f(vec, x))]
(Also, you might want something slightly different to what you have, since in each loop max.value is overwritten.)