Paragraph not working for shortcodes and div - wordpress

I've been looking to use various Youtube video plugins on my Wordpress site in order to be able to automatically make the videos responsive.
Using the standard iframe embed code from Youtube will display the videos fine. Proper paragraph is added relative to the text below. This happens automatically. So, when I use or to display images or videos, all is fine with proper paragraph.
Strangely though, if I use brackets/shortcode or to display image or video, paragraph is not respected.
I tried this on my other page which uses the same theme and the same page builder and all works well there, so obviously something is broken on my site.
For me this is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but I have tried disabling the plugins one by one which did not help. I've also tried to look in my child theme css where I do the changes, but could not see anything directly that seemed related to this.
Any suggestions what else I could try?


Where + how to edit Wordpress CSS to create a dropdown scrollable submenu in Wordpress?

I am a writer and I have menu for my chapters list on my website of 30+ chapters and currently it annoyingly looks like this:
current website
As you can see it cuts off, and Wordpress annoyingly doesn't have a feature that turns it automatically scrollable. There are 30+ chapters and you have to keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling down to see them all.
I have found some good looking solutions on StackOverflow but don't know where and how to apply them on Wordpress.
If anyone could talk me through literally step-by-step 1. where to find the CSS of my Wordpress site 2. the code I'll need 3. where to paste it 4. if there's anything I need to add to the navigation block's inidividual "Additional CSS Classes" part like so: Additional box in the corner and anything else I need to do. I would be super grateful!
One of my fears is just dumping a bit of code somewhere in the middle of editable CSS and screwing up my entire site! My CSS knowledge is super beginner so laymans terms is very much appreciated thanks :)
I tried using Plugins (those seem even more confusing than CSS) and have considered using Elementor too but I have Googled and YouTubed, trying to find a solution and nowhere has something as specific as what I'm looking to achieve frustratingly.
I tried following this youtube video: but didn't know what my "Target Element Selector" was, even when I went into Inspect on Chrome, all I found was this

WordPress Plugin for video banner?

I'd like to have a video banner on my WordPress site pages. I saw the following site ( and they have exactly what I would like to do on my site. However, I'm not sure what plugin they used to accomplish this. Could anyone just point me in the right direction?
I'm fairly new to WordPress, so if anyone can suggest what plugin to use, or if there is functionality already in place in WordPress for this how I can use it to get the effect I want.
As per the requirement to show what has been done so far to achieve the result I want, I have created a PHP page that uses the HTML 5 video tags to embed the video I want, with the PNG overlay. I then embed the page using an iframe tag from within WordPress. The problem is I have to create a new PHP page for each WordPress page I want with this layout when it needs a different video and overlay png image.
Thank you!!!
To avoid an opinionated answer on what I think is the best plugin to use, I just did a simple View Page Source on the site you posted and picked through to find where that video banner is displayed. It references a lot of classes and stuff labeled "mejs" which I think refers to a mediaelement.js plugin found here:

Images won't appear in site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!

Alternative of Video Embedder video plugin in Wordpress

I want to use videos from in WordPress want to to show multiple links for videos in single page and when I click on a link it should the video in popup form.
I tried this " Video Embedder " but this is not opening videos in popup from.
Please Help.
Just take the embed code from the share option and paste that into your post's html. Then go back to the visual mode and adjust the dimensions if necessary to fit your screen (600 px or whatever).
Better yet, when you look at the Screencast site, instead of grabbing the “Embed On Your Page” code, simply look above at the “Share URL.” This is the content you’ll need to add to the Screencast Short Code. Make sure you grab “http:……../” and everything. So your shortcode should look like this;
[screencast url="" width="xxx" height="yyy"]
The next plugin you'll need doesn't get rave reviews, but I do know some people who've used this successfully. I know it's old, but apparently still works. Popup Video Generator. And here's an example of how to use it properly.

Styling/customizing a twitter widget?

Twitter seems to have removed most of the ability to styling the widgets. But thing is I keep seeing websites with custom widgets. Is there any way to still do it? I saw a tutorial on taking the JS and the CSS and placing it on your own server. It doesn't seem to work that way anymore, though. Does anyone have a clue on how to do this? I need my widget to fit the theme of my website perfectly.
I'm talking about like removing the widget header, hide pictures from the feed, etc.
This JS snippet will let you add custom CSS styles to the Twitter embed widget:
