Two WordPress sites on a particular host, loading way slower than other WP sites on other hosts - wordpress

I maintain 12 WordPress sites which run on several different hosts. Two of them are very slow loaders in particular, taking up to 30 seconds to load. The person who actually hosts those two for my client uses the same hosting company I use for my four sites. My sites load well, and they are more involved sites. I'm on a VPS setup. He is using a reseller setup for his care.
All the sites I maintain are using the Genesis Framework, and run very well on all the hosts, but these two have sporadic loading times and I cannot seem to get a clear answer from him why those two sites are having trouble being quick. I've installed database optimizers to run at 6 a.m. each day. These are not complicated sites, with just pictures and text. No extensive javascript use. Just pictures and text.
Here is my question... is there something about the initial connection to the site that would be an issue. To use an analogy, it's like trying to go into a house, but the door knobs are greased and you can't get a good grip to do it, but all my other sites have clean dry knobs. Is there something that could happen when there is a site trying to make a connection by DNS that could cause a delay?
What makes this also more confusing is that when I try to do GTMetrix scores, it seems like it's taking a while for the site to get fetched, yet the site scores are coming up at 86% (B), which is pretty good. How am I getting an 86%/B rating when the site is taking so long to connect?
Any thoughts or insights would be appreciated. I feel like I'm getting no satisfactory answers from the host guy, and the client is getting antsy.

Some ways that I used to speed up my sites:
Disabling or limiting the frequency of WP Heartbeat.
Use CloudFlare CDN.
Turn the whole into static HTML (If not e-commerce sites). Good plugin to use WP2Static


Extreamly Slow Wordpress Site

I having a Wordpress site which take more than 5 sec to load out, and is extremely slow performance.
I tried everything i can to speed it up but still no luck.
Any recommended solution for me ?
Here is my Website URL
A quick look at the Network tab in Dev tools show that this is not limited to PHP/WordPress but is equally effecting all static content such as images, JavaScript and CSS. This is a hosting issue, either too small of a virtual host or overly saturated shared hosting. If your hosting the site yourself you may need to upgrade your upload speeds through your ISP. Long story short, WordPress is not generating this content. The time is being spent fetching from disk (or memory in some cases) and then sending the resources to user. The most likely bottleneck in this scenario is the network when looking at full seconds rather than milliseconds, especially on a site serving only a few connected users at a given time.

Very Slow Wordpress Performance after moving to VPS?

We are struggling with the speed on our wordpress website. Have just moved to a VPS and this hasn't helped the speed at all.
Can anyone offer any recommendations on what needs to be done?
link to the website >>
You have some javascript errors, looks like not loading properly. How much ram your vps have, thats other issue might be. Avoid 404 on resources (images, css, js)
Check some tips from here
Provide more information on your setup.
Try install Google PageSpeed and test your site here
Running your site through Pingdom shows a 4 second time to first byte. This suggests you main issue is definitely server side. There's a couple of diagnosis plugins that you can install which will reveal which plugins may be slowing things down*, and which DB queries are expensive:
Query Monitor
Debug Bar
Once you've worked out where the slow downs are coming from, you'll be in a better position to solve them. You might find you have one query in particular that is especially slow.
* I've always found WooCommerce to be on the sluggish side, but them's the breaks.

how to manage the large no of table of multi site in wordpress?

I have one website in wordpress from its I gave access to other user for create their own website but when he crate their site then 11 tables are made in database. And I have almost 10.5 millions user,so when they all create their sites then main database has around 120 millions table due to this our main website has down.
So, please give suggestion how to overcome this problem. Kindly give response as soon as possible.
Rajesh Mishra
I run a multisite with around 20k sites at the moment and add around 7k each year. We deal with the scale in part by using Multi DB but there are a few others like ShardDB that let you split things up. That helps considerably.
I have seen other people use subdomains and chunk their WP multisite installs into more manageable (but separate) installs on an X sites per install per server basis.
I have not pursued the route of having WP generate fewer tables.
Depending on the level of user activity in the dashboard and with authoring content you'll have a really large load on the server. WPMU Dev has at least an introduction to the large scale (although still only 500k sites) multisite conversation.

How to Scale Wordpress on Shared Hosting to Survive a Traffic Surge

So just like any other indie developer, I ran a small personal Wordpress blog on a HostGator shared plan to show case projects and notes.
Now, let's say you have an article that is randomly picked up on HackerNews or Digg, how do you config your Wordpress or the Shared Hosting to survive the sudden surge in visitors and page hits?
I have looked into a few things like: making that article a static page, turn on caching so the page can serve without querying MySQL. Would love to hear from your experience.
I would start with a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache. It has the same effect as the first technique you mentioned, but it does it automatically.
If you want better performance for a few pennies more a month, try Amazon Cloudfront. It is a little more setup, but the benefits are well worth it. I set up my DNS to point to Cloudfront, so all traffic hits their edge servers first. Then I set up my server as and make sure that cache control headers are set (e.g. max-age=3600). When visitors come to my site, they hit the Cloudfront edge server nearest them (there are 22 locations worldwide), and if the page is cached, my server never gets hit. If not, 1 request is made, and for the next hour, all requests are served from the cache on the edge server.
As has been already mentioned, a caching plugin is a must. A CDN helps also for media and static files like js and css, and then your theme is also a crucial factor in your site's performance. Keep it clean, minimize queries, and try to avoid frameworks and the overhead they introduce.
I don't use a cdn, but I have a virtual server where I use Nginx to listen on port 80. It also serves the easy stuff like images, text files, stylesheets, etc. Anything more difficult (wordpress content), it passes on to Apache which listens on a different port. Apache is an awesome webserver but it is a beast as far as resources go. If you have 20 items on a page that need loading, and you can have something svelte like Nginx handle 19 of them, it helps tremendously.
Here is an old optimization article I wrote about a year ago - that might help a bit more also:
Good luck.
I also host with HostGator, and have addressed performance issues with many of my sites.
My advice:
Find a different shared host. Since EIG bought HostGator last year, the performance of their shared accounts has fallen off a cliff. MySQL performance is poor, and support wait times are growing.
Previous to 2013 I had high traffic WP blogs that ran with no issues. The new hardware and policies however have taken even my small/simple WP sites down to very low performance levels.
If you stay with HG...
Disable wp-cron: Here's a good help doc:
Install and use a caching plugin, using mod_rewrite caching (not PHP caching)
A CDN will help the site load faster, and if you host the assets on a different provider, it can help reduce the load on the server.
Honestly, if there's even a remote chance of getting massive traffic, upgrade to a scalable VPS, or a web host that handles traffic surges like WPEngine.

Using multiple Wordpress sites in a Network (MultiSite)

Is it possible to share blogroll links between different Wordpress Multi Network sites? I would like to link all sites to eachother (about 15) in a Network widget/menu on the right. All are pretty much in same niche.
I would not mind being able to manage some content as a Users database and Blogroll links centrally, I have been unable to find out how to do this.
It seems unique tables were generated per site, which makes me doubt if this is possible.
How can I get pretty statistics per subdomain? I don't want to create 15 sites in Analytics or Piwik, if this is no necessary.
Any tips for running Wordpress in an Networked environment are welcome.
There are a number of (unfortunately) premium plugins that will do as you ask:
Sitewide blogroll links
is purely a blogroll that can be centrally published. For something a bit more specific to the network, look into:
WP Social Blogroll
That one takes a little bit of doing to configure it, but it does work in Network mode.
For stats, you don't have a lot of good choices. I would tend to stick with Google Analytics, run a single master UA code and just use filters to shard off each of the network sites for reporting purposes. Depending on how your network is configured, there is (again, unfortunately) another premium plugin that specifically supports WordPress Network mode. If you are running it in sub-domains, that plugin should automatically track by sub-domain.
