how to create an nginx rewrite to add / to url - nginx

I'm trying to create an nginx rewrite that will rewrite /pagename to /pagename/
I've tried using:
location ~ "^/test$" {
rewrite /test /test/ break;
but that doesn't seem to work...
any help would be appreciated.

The first parameter of a rewrite statement is a regular expression, and the flag you should use is probably permanent (see this document for details), for example:
location ~ "^/test$" {
rewrite ^(/test)$ $1/ permanent;
But you do not need to match the regular expression twice, once in the location and again in the rewrite, so a return would be more efficient, for example:
location ~ "^(/test)$" {
return 301 $1/$is_args$args;
Also, the location matches a single URI, to the = operator would be better than a regular expression (see this document for details). So the preferred solution is:
location = /test {
return 301 $uri/$is_args$args;

I ended up using return:
return 301 /test/;


Location redirect all /*.xml to /*

I want to redirect all /filename.xml files to /filename.
I can redirect an individual file like this
location = /mascus-export.xml {
rewrite .* /mascus-export redirect;
but rather than listing each .xml file like individually, I want redirect all. Something like this:
location = /*.xml {
rewrite .* /* redirect;
I've tried this type of thing in every combination
location = /(*)$.xml {
rewrite .* /$1 redirect;
but nothing seems to work.
You are trying to write a regular expression location block, which begins with ~ and not =. See this document for details.
For example:
location ~ \.xml$ { ... }
The rewrite needs to capture part of the URI using parentheses. For example:
rewrite ^(.*)\.xml$ $1 redirect;
The rewrite will work perfectly well either enclosed within the above location block, or just naked within the enclosing server block.
If you are going to use a regular expression location block, you do not need to use a rewrite statement too. Use a return statement instead. For example:
location ~ ^(.*)\.xml$ {
return 302 $1;

Removing only a specific URL parameter in Nginx with rewrite

I'm trying to make Nginx remove only a specific parameter from the requested URL. Let's say that the parameter name is par2. Here are the examples of requested URLs:
Those pages should redirect to:
Here is what I have in conf file at the moment:
location / {
if ($args ~* "par2") {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $request_uri permanent;
This partly works - it does remove par2 parameter, but it removes all of the other parameters as well and redirects to:
How to make it remove only a specific parameter (par2 in this case)?
As far as I know, it's recommended to use if only if it's followed by rewrite, so I'd prefer such a solution.
This should work for your use case when parameter can be anywhere
location /page {
if ($request_uri ~ ^(/page)(.par2=[0-9a-zA-Z]&?)$){
return 302 $1;
if ($request_uri ~ ^(/page\?.+)(.par2=[0-9a-zA-Z])(.*)$){
return 302 $1$3;
if ($request_uri ~ ^(/page\?)(par2=[0-9a-zA-Z]&?)(.+)$){
return 302 $1$3;

nginx rewrite not working - returning 404

I'm trying to rewrite :
http://example/test/ -> http://example/new/
http://example/test/check -> http://example/new/check
location ~/test/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^/new/$1?$args permanent;
What am I doing wrong?
Your rewrite statement is incorrect. See this document for more.
To use rewrite to capture the latter part of the URI, try:
rewrite ^/test/(.*)$ /new/$1 permanent;
Alternatively, to use location to capture the latter part of the URI, try:
location ~ ^/test/(.*)$ {
return 301 /new/$1?$args;

How to group different rewrite rules in nginx?

I would like to have a lighter code for one of my NGINX configurations. I need to write the following four lines in only one (if possible!):
location /en/contact {
rewrite ^/.* https://$server_name/contact permanent;
location /en/quality {
rewrite ^/.* https://$server_name/quality permanent;
location /de/contact {
rewrite ^/.* https://$server_name/contact permanent;
location /de/quality {
rewrite ^/.* https://$server_name/quality permanent;
Using minimal typing, you could use a rewrite statement outside of any location block:
rewrite ^/(en|de)/(contact|quality) https://$server_name/$2 permanent;
If the scheme and server name does not change, the second parameter can be replaced with just /$2. See this document for more.
Alternatively, you could use a regular expression location block:
location ~ ^/(en|de)/(contact|quality) {
return 301 https://$server_name/$2;
Same as above, regarding the scheme and server name. Note that the evaluation order for regular expression location blocks is significant - the first rule that matches wins. See this document for more.

If Is Evil - Nginx

I'm using Nginx 1.6.2. I read that if () is evil and it's not good using it so I need a bit help, because I can't do what I want without using if(). I will post the rules I have with if and would ask if somebody could help me and tell me how to not use if () and use something else and get the same result.
if ($http_host != "") {
rewrite ^$request_uri permanent;
if ($request_uri ~ "/index.php") {
rewrite ^ /$1 permanent;
if ($request_uri ~* "\/\/") {
rewrite ^/(.*) $scheme://$host/$1 permanent;
First rule should be replaced with separate server blocks
server {
listen 80 default_server;
return 301$request_uri;
server {
listen 80;
# normal config
Other ifs usually are not necessary. Just don't generate links with index.php and you will not need to strip it.
In the official wiki introduction it says that there are some cases which are ok. Have a look at this quote:
The only 100% safe things which may be done inside if in location
context are:
return ...; rewrite ... last;
At the end of the introduction there is an example which also features a rewrite command. So your code looks ok, too.
EDIT: You should also have a look at how the if works.
You can replace this block
if ($request_uri ~ "/index.php") {
rewrite ^ /$1 permanent;
with this
location ~ ^/index.php/(.*[^/])$ { return 301 $scheme://$host/$1/$is_args$args; }
location ~ ^/index.php/(.*)/$ { return 301 $scheme://$host/$1/$is_args$args; }
I also don't think you need to worry about the last rule for double // because nginx by default automatically takes care of that before it even gets to the point of matching location blocks
