Here is a graph to display the type of function i'd like, I'm not incredible at mathematics so this is quite a difficult wall for me.
It looks like a steady decrease but I was thinking more of a negative exponent?
You're right, it does look like a negative exponential plot.
As a quick approximation I came up with:
f( x ) = -e ^ ( x / 20 ) + 16
It's not perfect though:
I am given 3 values y0, y1, y2. They are supposed to be evenly spaced, say x0 = -0.5, x1 = 0.5, x2 = 1.5. And to be able to draw a spline through all of them, the derivatives at all points are said to be dy/dx = 0.
Now the result of rendering two Catmull-Rom-Splines (which is done via GLSL fragment shader, including a nonlinear transformation) looks pretty rigit. I.e. where the curve bends, it does so smoothly, though, but the bending area is very small. Zooming out makes the bends look too sharp.
I wanted to switch to TCB-Splines (aka. Kochanek-Bartels Splines), as those provide a tension parameter - thus I hoped I could smooth the look. But I realized that all TCB-Parameters applied to a zero tangent won't do any good.
Any ideas how I could get a smoother looking curve?
The tangent vector for a 2d parametric curve f(t)=(x(t), y(t)) is defined as f'(t)=(dx(t)/dt, dy(t)/dt). When you require your curve to have dy/dx = 0 at some points, it simply means the tangent vector at those points will go horizontally (i.e., dy/dt = 0). It does not necessarily mean the tangent vector itself is a zero vector. So, you should still be able to use TCB spline to do whatever you want to do.
Obviously nobody had a good answer, but as it's my job, I found a solution: The Points are evenly spaced, and the idea is to make transitions smoother. Now it's given, that the tangents are zero at all given Points, so it is most likely that close to the points we get the strongest curvature y''(x). This means, we'd like to stretch these "areas around the points".
Considering that currently we use Catmull-Rom-Splines, sectioned between the points. That makes y(x) => y(t) , t(x) = x-x0.
This t(x) needs to be stretched around the 0- and the 1-areas. So the cosine function jumped into my mind:
Replacing t(x) = x-x0 with t(x) = 0.5 * (1.0 - cos( PI * ( x-x0 ) ) did the job for me.
Short explanation:
cosine in the range [0,PI] runs smoothly from 1 to -1.
we want to run from 0 to 1, though
so flip it: 1-cos() -> now it runs from 0 to 2
halve that: 0.5*xxx -> now it runs from 0 to 1
Another problem was to find the correct tangents. Normally, calculating such a spline using Matrix-Vector-Math, you simply derive your t-vector to get the tangents, so deriving [t³ t² t 1] yields [3t² 2t 1 0]. But here, t is not simple. Using this I found the right derived vector:
| 0.375*PI*sin(PI*t)(1-cos(PI*t))² |
| 0.500*PI*sin(PI*t)(1-cos(PI*t)) |
| 0.500*PI*sin(PI*t) |
| 0 |
How should I interpret
How do I interpret this? One way is to take it as logn(logn) and other is . Both would be giving different answers.
For eg:
Taking base 2 and n=1024, in first case we get 10*10 as ans. In the second case, we get 10^10 as ans or am I doing something wrong?
From a programmer's viewpoing a good way to better understand a function is to plot it at different parts of its domain.
But what is the domain of f(x) := ln(x)^ln(x)? Well, given that the exponent is not an integer, the base cannot be smaller than 1. Why? Because ln(x) is negative for 0 < x < 1 and it is not even defined for x <= 0.
But what about x = 1. Given that ln(1) = 0, we would get 0^0, which is not defined either. So, let's plot f(x) for x between: 1.000001 and 1.1. We get:
The plot reveals that there would be no harm in extending the definition of f(x) at 1 in this way (let me use pseudocode here):
f(x) := if x = 1 then 1 else ln(x)^ln(x)
Now, let's see what happens for larger values of x. Here is a plot between 1 and 10:
This plot is also interesting because it exposes a singular behavior between 1 and 3, so let's plot that part of the domain to see it better:
There are a couple of questions that one could ask by looking at this plot. For instance, what is the value of x such that f(x)=1? Mm... this value is visibly between 2.7 and 2.8 (much closer to 2.7). And what number do we know that is a little bit larger than 2.7? This number should be related to the ln function, right? Well, ln is logarithm in base e and the number e is something like 2.71828182845904.... So, it looks like a good candidate, doesn't it? Let's see:
f(e) = ln(e)^ln(e) = 1^1 = 1!
So, yes, the answer to our question is e.
Another interesting value of x is the one where the curve has a minimum, which lies somewhere between 1.4 and 1.5. But since this answer is getting too long, I will stop here. Of course, you can keep plotting and answering your own questions as you happen to encounter them. And remember, you can use iterative numeric algorithms to find values of x or f(x) that, for whatever reason, appear interesting to you.
Because log(n^log n)=(log n)^2, I would assume that log n^log n should be interpreted as (log n)^(log n). Otherwise, there's no point in the exponentiation. But whoever wrote that down for you should have clarified.
I've written a a little function that gives me out a value based on a sine wave when I put in a float between 0 and 1. I'm using it to lerp things around in a game.
public static class Utilities
public static float SineMe(float prop)
float output = (prop*180f)-90f;
output = Mathf.Sin(output*Mathf.Deg2Rad);
output = (output+1f)/2f;
return output;
It works fine.. But I was wondering is there a mathematical way of altering the sine wave so I can make it 'steeper' or 'shallower' in the middle?
In the diagram below the blue curve is a sine wave, I'm wondering if I can make it more like the green line.
What you're showing already isn't really sine - the range of sine is between -1 and +1. You're applying the linear function f(x) = (x+1)/2 to change that range. So place another function between the sine and that transform.
To change the shape, you need a non-linear function. So, here's a cubic equation you might try...
g(x) = Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx + D
D = 0
C = p
B = 3 - 3C
A = 1 - (B + C)
The parameter p should be given a value between 0.0 and 9.0. If it's 1.0, g(x) is the identity function (the output is the unmodified input). With values between 0.0 and 1.0, it will tend to "fatten" your sine wave (push it away from 0.0 and towards 1.0 or -1.0) which is what you seem to require.
I once "designed" this function as a way to get "fractal waveforms". Using values of p between 1.0 and 9.0 (and particularly between around 3.0 and 6.0) iterative application of this formula is chaotic. I stole the idea from the population fluctuation modelling chaotic function by R. M. May, but that's a quadratic - I wanted something symmetric, so I needed a cubic function. Not really relevant here, and a pretty aweful idea as it happens. Although you certainly get chaotic waveforms, what that really means is huge problems with aliassing - change the sample rate and you get a very different sound. Still, without the iteration, maybe this will give you what you need.
If you iterate enough times with p between 0.0 and 1.0, you end up with a square wave with slightly rounded corners.
Most likely you can just choose a value of p between 0.0 and 1.0, apply that function once, then apply your function to change the range and you'll get what you want.
By the way, there's already a comment suggesting a cheat sheet of "easing functions". "Easing" is a term from animation, and computer animation software often uses Bezier curves for that purpose - the same Bezier curves that vector graphics software often uses. Bezier curves come in quadratic and cubic variants, with cubic being the more common. So what this is doing probably isn't that different. However, cubic Bezier easing gives you more control - you can control the "ease-in" independently of the "ease-out", where my function only provides one parameter.
You can use the y(x) = 1-(1-x)^n function when x = [0..1], as a transform function.
You will just have to replace x by the absolute value of your sinus and report the sign of sinus to the result. In that way you can tweak the sinus slope by increasing n. So what you want is this:
float sinus = Mathf.Sin(output*Mathf.Deg2Rad);
int sign = (sinus >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
int n = 4; // slope parameter
float waveform = sign * ( 1-Mathf.Pow(1-Mathf.Abs(sinus), n) );
You can root the sine function to make it steeper (only working for positive values). The higher the root, the steeper the sine.
Graph of a steeper sine wave function
I discovered this nifty trick for a steeper sine wave (0..1).
f(x) = cos(sin(x)^3)^10
If you need (-1..1):
2 * (f(x) - 0.5)
I think I found the solution.
in the interval x = [0.0, 1.0]
with k that control the steepness.
k=0.0 for the unmodified sinus (purple)
k=1.0 (green)
k=2.0 (blue)
I was looking for a similar function, not for the whole sine but just half the period.
I bumped into the Logistic function:
f(x) = L / (1 + e^(-k(x-x0)))
e = the natural logarithm base (also known as Euler's number),
x0 = the x-value of the sigmoid's midpoint,
L = the curve's maximum value, and
k = the steepness of the curve.
Works for me
what about
I am looking for an (almost everywhere) differentiable function f(p1, p2, p3, p4) that given four points will give me a scale-agnostic measure for co-planarity. It is zero if the four points lie on the same plane and positive otherwise. Scale-agnostic means that, when I uniformly scale all points the planarity measure will return the same.
I came up with something that is quite complex and not easy to optimize. Define u=p2-p1, v=p3-p1, w=p4-p1. Then the planarity measure is:
[(u x v) * w]² / (|u x v|² |w|²)
where x means cross product and '*' means dot product.
The numerator is simply (the square of) the volume of the tetrahedron defined by the four points, and the denominator is a normalizing factor that makes this measure become simply the cosine of an angle. Because angles do not changed under uniform scale, this function satisfies all my requirements.
Does anybody know of something simpler?
I eventually used an Augmented Lagrangian method to perform optimization, so I don't need it to be scale agnostic. Just using the constraint (u x v) * w = 0 is enough, as the optimization procedure finds the correct Lagrange multiplier to compensate for the scale.
Your methods seems ok, I'd do something like this for efficient implementation:
Take u, v, w as you did
Normalize them: various tricks exist to evaluate the inverse square root efficiently with whatever precision you want, like this jewel. Most modern processors have builtins for this operation.
Take f = |det(u, v, w)| ( = (u x v) . w ). There are fast direct implementations for 3x3 matrices; see #batty's answer to this question.
This amounts to what you do without the squares. It is still homogeneous and almost everywhere differentiable. Take the square of the determinant if you want something differentiable everywhere.
EDIT: #phkahler implicitly suggested using the ratio of the radius of the inscribed sphere to the radius of the circumscribed sphere as a measure of planarity. This is a bounded differentiable function of the points, invariant by scaling. However, this is at least as difficult to compute as what you (and I) suggest. Especially computing the radius of the circumscribed sphere is very sensitive to roundoff errors.
A measure that should be symmetric with respect to point reorderings is:
((u x v).w)^2/(|u||v||w||u-v||u-w||v-w|)
which is proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron squared divided by all 6 edge lengths. It is not simpler than your formula or Alexandre C.'s, but it is not much more complicated. However, it does become unnecessarily singular when any two points coincide.
A better-behaved, order-insensitive formula is:
let a = u x v
b = v x w
c = w x u
(a.w)^2/(|a| + |b| + |c| + |a+b+c|)^3
which is something like the volume of the tetrahedron divided by the surface area, but raised to appropriate powers to make the whole thing scale-insensitive. This is also a bit more complex than your formula, but it works unless all 4 points are collinear.
How about
|(u x v) * w| / |u|^3
(and you can change |x| to (x)^2 if you think it's simpler).
I am looking for a way to convert any number to a percentage in the following way:
1.00 is 50%
numbers below 1.00 approach 0% logarithmically
numbers above 1.00 approach 100% logarithmically.
x > 0. So y needs to approach 0 as x becomes infinitely small on the positive side.
I'm sure this is simple to do, but I can't recall how to do it.
try 1 / (1 + e^(1-x))
it's the logistic function shifted by 1 unit
If you want it to approach faster, you can change e to something higher
to have f(0) = 0 you could use 1 - 2^(-x)
When you say logarithmically, do you mean asymptotically? If so, then "y needs to approach 0 as x becomes infinitely small on the positive side" just means f(0)=0 if f is continuous. In that case x/(x+1) will work:
how about y = f(t) = 1 - exp(-t/tau) ?
For t near 0, y is approximately t/tau. For t approaching infinity, y asymptotically approaches 1.
As for the f(1)=0.5 approach, this can be used to solve for tau = 1/log(2).
From what you're describing, I'm hearing the graph of x cubed -- very basic, and should be efficient in most languages.
This was graphed with y=(x-1)^3+1 (transforms to make (1,1) the origin). You can, of course, make the results a percentage by simply scaling by 50.
You are, ultimately, trying to have an efficient solution to give you a rough percentage behavior in a programming language and not Mathematica, right?