Gauss Seidel convergence in Scilab - scilab

A=[4 1;4 6 ]
while (P==0)
for i=1:1m
for j=1:1:m
if i~=j then
printf("\t %f",x)
mprintf ("\n\nThe approximate solutions are: %.3f",x)
What should I put on my convergence criterion before Iter+Iter+1 to stop the while loop at the tolerance error 0.0001 if I subtract the latest values of approximation to the previous approximations

The most used criterion measures the norm of the difference between successive iterates, hence, you could just save the previous x at the begining of your while loop and update it after the new x is computed:
A=[4 1;4 6]
for Iter = 0:MaxIter
prev_x = x;
for i=1:m
for j=1:m
if i~=j then
mprintf("\t %f",x)
if norm(x-prev_x) < 0.0001
prev_x = x;
mprintf ("\n\nThe approximate solutions are:");
mprintf("\t %f",x)


Julia: How to introduce binary integers for mixed integers optimization problems with JuMP?

Problem description
I am trying to do a mixed-integer optimization for a "Unit Commitment" problem in Julia with Jump. But JuMP expects my introduction of the unit activation variable, x[1:N], to be a number and not a variable. However, the unit activation is a binary integer decision variable for the optimization problem so I have trouble including the variable into the optimization problem.
What am I doing wrong?
My approaches have been:
Approach 1: Include x[1:N] as part of #variable macro for P_G.
m = Model(Cbc.Optimizer) # Model
#variable(m, x[1:N], Bin) # Unit activation
#variable(m, P_C[i,1]*x[i] <= P_G[i=1:N,1:T] <= P_C[i,2]*x[i]) # Unit generation limit
for i in 1:T # Load balance
#constraint(m, sum(P_G[:,i]) == P_D[i])
#objective(m,Min,sum(P_G[:,1:T].*F[1:N]*x[1:N])) # Objective function
optimize!(m) # Solve
This leads to the following error:
LoadError: InexactError: convert(Float64, 50 x[1]).
Approach 2: Define the feasible region for P_G as a constraint including x[1:N]:
m = Model(Cbc.Optimizer) # Model
#variable(m, x[1:N]) # Unit activation
#variable(m, P_G[i=1:N,1:T] ) # Unit generation limit
for i in 1:T # Load balance
#constraint(m, sum(P_G[:,i]) == P_D[i])
for i in 1:N # Unit generation limit
for j in 1:T
#constraint(m, P_C[i,1]*x[i] <= P_G[i,j] <= P_C[i,2]*x[i])
#objective(m,Min,sum(P_G[:,1:T].*F[1:N]*x[1:N])) # Objective function
optimize!(m) # Solve
This leads to: LoadError: [..] '#constraint(m, $(Expr(:escape, :(P_C[i, 1]))) * $(Expr(:escape, :(x[i]))) <= P_G[i, j] <= $(Expr(:escape, :(P_C[i, 2]))) * $(Expr(:escape, :(x[i]))))': Expected 50 x[1] to be a number.
NB: there might be more proper iteration methods but this should be idiot proof to Julia and JuMP newbies like me.
Working code without mixed-integer optimization
using JuMP, Cbc # Optimization and modelling
using Plots, LaTeXStrings # Plotting
P_C = [50 200; # Power capacity [:, (min, max)]
25 200;
100 200;
120 500;
10 500;
20 500;
200 800;
200 800;
100 800;
200 1000;]
P_D = LinRange(sum(P_C[:,1]), sum(P_C[:,2]), 100) # Power demand
F = rand(100:500,10) # Random prod. prices
T = length(P_D) # Number of time steps
N = length(P_C[:,1]) # Number of generators
m = Model(Cbc.Optimizer) # Model
#variable(m, x[1:N], Bin) # Unit activation
#variable(m, P_C[i,1] <= P_G[i=1:N,1:T] <= P_C[i,2]) # Unit generation limit
for i in 1:T # Load balance
#constraint(m, sum(P_G[:,i]) == P_D[i])
#objective(m,Min,sum(P_G[:,1:T].*F[1:N])) # Objective function
optimize!(m) # Solve
plt = plot(P_D[:],value.(P_G[:,1:T])', xlab = L"P_{load} [MW]", ylab = L"P_{unit} [MW]")
#show plt
Which should produce something similar:
The expected outcome of introducing the unit activation variable would be that each unit is not required to generate power in the the lower region of the P_load.
I have introduced the basics of the problem with success:
Objective function: Minimize the cost of power generation
Variable, P_G: for power generation (feasible region defined by min and max capacity, P_C)
Production cost, F (as constant only!)
Power demand, P_D, is set to be a linear space from the min power cap. to the max cap.
Mathematically expressed:
Variable bounds cannot include other variables. Do:
m = Model(Cbc.Optimizer)
#variable(m, x[1:N], Bin)
#variable(m, P_G[i=1:N,1:T])
#constraint(m, [i=1:N, t=1:T], P_C[i, 1] * x[i] <= P_G[i, t])
#constraint(m, [i=1:N, t=1:T], P_G[i, t] <= P_C[I, 2] * x[i])

How to halt a loop in Julia and printing the ErrorMsg at the same time without using any macros?

I am writing a simple newton method
x_(n+1) = x_n - f(x_n) / f_prime(x_n)
to find the roots (can be a real number or a complex number) of a quadratic function:
f(x) = a*x*x + b*x + c
(a, b, c are given constants and are all real numbers). I know Newton method will fail if the start point or some iteration point in the loop has a zero derivative. I want to use a if statement inside my for/while loop to avoid this situation. Does Julia have something like stop 0 syntax in Fortran ?
The generic Newton's Method root-finding code:
function newton_root_finding(f, f_diff, x0, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8)
f_x0 = f(x0)
f_diff_x0 = f_diff(x0)
x1 = x0 - f_x0 / f_diff_x0
f_diff_x1 = f_diff(x1)
#assert abs(f_diff_x0) > atol + rtol * abs(f_diff_x0) "Zero derivative. No solution found."
while abs(f_x0) > atol + rtol * (abs(f_x0))
x0 = x1
f_x0 = f(x0)
f_diff_x0 = f_diff(x0)
x1 = x0 - f_x0 / f_diff_x0
return x1
function quadratic_func(x)
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 2.0
return a*x*x + b*x + c
function quadratic_func_diff(x)
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 2.0
return 2.0*a*x + 1.0*b + 0.0*c
newton_root_finding(quadratic_func, quadratic_func_diff, 1.0 + 0.5im)
In the above code I used a #assert macro to make it happens, but I don't want to use any macro. I want to use a if statement inside my while loop to halt it. Another thing I've noticed is that if I change to #assert abs(f_diff_x0) != 0 this test will be ignored. Is that because of some round-off errors that "zero derivative" doesn't exactly equal to 0?
The way to exit from the inside of a loop in general is a break statement; a return fulfills the same purpose, because it just exits the whole function.
For the comparisons you can use Base.isapprox(x, y; atol=atol, rtol=rtol). It's documentation starts with:
Inexact equality comparison: true if norm(x-y) <= max(atol, rtol*max(norm(x), norm(y))).
norm falls back to abs for numbers. And I think you might have a bug in both comparisons, always comparing the value at x0 to itself.
As for the breaking on zero derivatives, an #assert is, I think, appropriate here: if you get zero derivative, you don't stop iteration and return the result, but you throw an error to signify an infeasible condition. I'd thus write your function as follows:
function newton_root_finding(f, ∂f, x0, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8)
x_old = x0
y_old = f(x0)
while true
df_old = ∂f(x_old)
#assert !isapprox(df_old, 0, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) "Zero derivative. No solution found."
x_new = x_old - y_old / df_old
y_new = f(x_new)
isapprox(y_old, y_new, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) && return x_new
x_old, y_old = x_new, y_new
This returns 3.357392012620626e-26 + 1.4142135623730951im on your test case, approximately sqrt(2)im.
To address your first question, you can use break to exit the while loop, like
function test()
i = 0
while true
i += 1
if i > 10
return i
As to your second question, when comparing floating point numbers it is often better to use isapprox (provide an atol if you compare against zero) instead of == or !=.

How can I add results of a computing to a Dictionary in parallel in Julia?

I would like to parallelize the computation of the function solveZeros for the different elements in S. The function are written below:
function solveZeros(S)
Solves for zeros of a linear equation for each element in S and returns
a dictionary with arguments k as keys and the solution as item
results = Dict{}()
for (a,b) in S
solution = bisect(a, b)
results[(a,b)] = solution
return results
function bisect(a,b)
Uses bisection to find the root of the linear function. a is the slope
and b the intercept
low, high = 0, 100
while (high - low) > 1E-2
mid = low + (high - low ) / 2
if abs(linearEquation(a, b, mid)) < 1E-1
return mid
elseif linearEquation(a, b, mid) > 0
high = mid
low = mid
return nothing
function linearEquation(a, b, x)
return a * x + b
S = Array([(1., -10), (1., -20)])
Can somebody kindly explain how to parallelize the computation of the function solveZeros? This is a working example. In my actual computation, the functions solveZero and bisect and linearEqauation are drawn from different modules. How can I initialize these functions accordingly for parallel computation?

Octave - Mark zero crossings with an red X mark

Hi have made this code to plot a function.
I need to mark with an red X all the crossings between x = 0 and the blue wave line in the graph.
I have made some tries but with '-xr' in the plot function but it places X marks out of the crossings.
Anyone knows how to do it. Many thanks.
% entrada
a = input('Introduza o valor de a: ');
% ficheiro fonte para a função
% chamada à função
x = 0:.1:50;
or = x;
or(:) = 0;
h = #(x) cos(x);
g = #(x) exp(a*x)-1;
f = #(x) h(x) - g(x);
zeros = fzero(f,0);
hold on
hold off
Graph (it only marks one zero, i need all the zero crossings):
As mentioned in the comments above, you need to look for the zeros of your function before you can plot them. You can do this mathematically (in this case set f(x) = g(x) and solve for x) or you can do this analytically with something like fsolve.
If you read the documentation for fsolve, you will see that it searches for the zero closest to the provided x0 if passed a scalar or the first zero if passed an interval. What we can do for a quick attempt at a solution is to pass our x values into fsolve as initial guesses and filter out the unique values.
% Set up sample data
a = .05;
x = 0:.1:50;
% Set up equations
h = #(x) cos(x);
g = #(x) exp(a*x)-1;
f = #(x) h(x) - g(x);
% Find zeros of f(x)
crossingpoints = zeros(length(x), 1); % Initialize array
for ii = 1:length(x) % Use x data points as guesses for fzero
crossingpoints(ii) = fzero(f, x(ii)); % Find zero closest to guess
crossingpoints(crossingpoints < 0) = []; % Throw out zeros where x < 0
% Find unique zeros
tol = 10^-8;
crossingpoints = sort(crossingpoints(:)); % Sort data for easier diff
temp = false(size(crossingpoints)); % Initialize testing array
% Find where the difference between 'zeros' is less than or equal to the
% tolerance and throw them out
temp(1:end-1) = abs(diff(crossingpoints)) <= tol;
crossingpoints(temp) = [];
% Sometimes catches beginning of the data set, filter it out if this happens
if abs(f(crossingpoints(1))) >= (0 + tol)
crossingpoints(1) = [];
% Plot data
plot(x, f(x))
hold on
plot(crossingpoints, f(crossingpoints), 'rx')
hold off
grid on
axis([0 20 -2 2]);
Which gives us the following:
Note that due to errors arising from floating point arithmetic we have to utilize a tolerance to filter our zeros rather than utilizing a function like unique.

Running SCIMP for various n

I have a linear program where I can put in numbers for n and it gives me the ouput of the LP for this specific n. I want to do this now for various n=10...1000. Is there a technique where I dont have to do it manually fpr each n and instead does this automatically and outputs the solution of the LP for each n in a file? I like to plot the graph later on.
This is my linear program:
#Specify the number of n for the linear program.
param n := 5000;
#This is the set of probabilities of
set N := {1 .. n};
#We specify the variables for the probabilities p_1,...p_n.
var p[<i> in N] real >= 0;
#These are the values of the vector c. It specifies a constant for each p_i.
param c[<i> in N] := i/n ;
#We define the entries a_{ij} of the Matrix A.
defnumb a(i,j) :=
if i < j then 0
else if i == j then i
else 1 end end;
#The objective function.
maximize prob: sum <i> in N : c[i] * p[i];
#The condition which needs to be fulfilled.
subto condition:
forall <i> in N:
sum <j> in N: a(i,j) * p[j] <= 1;
You can give arguments via the console with:
-D n=[number you want] -o [output file]
Then you could iterate several n by just using a shell script, e.g.,
for i in {1..100}
zimpl -D n=$i -o 'output_'$i yourfile.zpl
