R retreive information from Eikon cloud - r

I am trying to get data from Eikon Elektron cloud platform.
I ran following codes from https://github.com/Refinitiv/websocket-api/blob/master/Applications/Examples/R/market_price_authentication.R:
> content = paste("grant_type=", "password","&username=", user, "&password=", password, sep="")
> h <- new_handle(copypostfields = content)
> h
<curl handle> (empty)
> handle_setheaders(h,
+ "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ )
> handle_setopt(h, ssl_verifypeer = FALSE, ssl_verifyhost = FALSE)
> auth_url = paste("https://", auth_hostname, sep="")# ":", auth_port, "/getToken", sep="")
> auth_url
[1] "https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token"
> req <- curl_fetch_memory(auth_url, **handle = h**)
> req
[1] "https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token"
[1] 400
[1] "application/json"
**> h
<curl handle> (https://api.refinitiv.com/auth/oauth2/v1/token)**
> res_headers = parse_headers(req$headers)
> auth_json_string = rawToChar(req$content)
> auth_json = fromJSON(auth_json_string)
> cat(toJSON(auth_json, pretty=TRUE, auto_unbox=TRUE))
"error": "invalid_request"
As you can see, I got invalid request error. I think the problem lies in curl_fetch_memory and that the handle=h is using same input as auth_url, however it should use something similiar to the input of content. What can I change in my code to make it work?

I found solution how to access the URL. In github was wrongly written that app_id in R file should equal to the code from the App Key generator in Reuters. However, app_id and client_id are different things and you should add client_id=value from App Key generator (not app_id).+ also do not forget to include trapi and etc.. to your content.


I'm trying to get some tweets with academictwitteR, but the code points to an error with endpoint_url

I'm trying to get some tweets with academictwitteR, but the code throws the following error:
tweets_espn <- get_all_tweets( query = "fluminense",
+ user = "ESPNBrasil",
+ start_tweets = "2020-01-01T00: 00: 00Z " ,
+ end_tweets = "2020-31-12T00 : 00: 00Z " ,
+ n = 10000)
query: fluminense (from:ESPNBrasil) Error in make_query(url =
endpoint_url, params = params, bearer_token = bearer_token, :
something went wrong. Status code: 403 In addition: Warning messages:
1: Recommended to specify a data path in order to mitigate data loss
when ingesting large amounts of data. 2: Tweets will not be stored as
JSONs or as a .rds file and will only be available in local memory if
assigned to an object.
it seems to me that you can only access the Twitter API via academictwitteR if you have been awarded the "academic research" access from the Twitter developer portal. So i dont think it works with the essential or elevated access.

Uploading a file to Figshare using rapiclient swagger api

I am trying to programmatically update my Figshare repository using rapiclient.
Following the answer to this question, I managed to authenticate and see my repository by:
# figshare repo id
id = 3761562
fs_api <- get_api("https://docs.figshare.com/swagger.json")
header <- c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT")))
fs_api <- list(operations = get_operations(fs_api, header),
schemas = get_schemas(fs_api))
reply <- fs_api$operations$article_files(id)
I also managed to delete a file using:
fs_api$operations$private_article_file_delete(article_id = id, file_id = F)
Now, I would like to upload a new file to the repository. There seem to be two methods I need:
But I do not understand the documentation. According to fs_api$operations$private_article_upload_initiate help:
> fs_api$operations$private_article_upload_initiate
Initiate Upload
Initiate new file upload within the article. Either use link to
provide only an existing file that will not be uploaded on figshare
or use the other 3 parameters(md5, name, size)
link (string)
Url for an existing file that will not be uploaded on figshare
md5 (string)
MD5 sum pre computed on the client side
name (string)
File name including the extension; can be omitted only for linked
size (integer)
File size in bytes; can be omitted only for linked files.
What does "file that will not be uploaded on Figshare" mean? How would I use the API to upload a local file ~/foo.txt?
returns HTTP 400.
I feel like I sent you down a bad path with my previous answer because I am not sure how to edit some of the api endpoints when using rapiclient. For example, the corresponding endpoint for fs_api$operations$private_article_upload_initiate() will be https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/{article_id}/files, and I am not sure how to substitute for {article_id} prior to sending the request.
You may have to define your own client for operations you cannot get working any other way.
Here is an example of uploading a file to an existing private article as per the goal of your question.
# id of previously created figshare article
my_article_id <- 99999999
# make example file to upload
my_file <- tempfile("my_file", fileext = ".txt")
writeLines("Hello World!", my_file)
# Step 1 initiate upload
# https://docs.figshare.com/#private_article_upload_initiate
r <- POST(
url = sprintf("https://api.figshare.com/v2/account/articles/%s/files", my_article_id),
add_headers(c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT")))),
body = list(
md5 = tools::md5sum(my_file)[[1]],
name = basename(my_file),
size = file.size(my_file)
encode = "json"
initiate_upload_response <- content(r)
# Step 2 single file info (get upload url)
# https://docs.figshare.com/#private_article_file
r <- GET(url = initiate_upload_response$location,
add_headers(c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT"))))
single_file_response <- content(r)
# Step 3 uploader service (get number of upload parts required)
# https://docs.figshare.com/#endpoints
r <- GET(url = single_file_response$upload_url,
add_headers(c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT"))))
upload_service_response <- content(r)
# Step 4 upload parts (this example only has one part)
# https://docs.figshare.com/#endpoints_1
r <- PUT(url = single_file_response$upload_url, path = 1,
add_headers(c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT")))),
body = upload_file(my_file)
upload_parts_response <- content(r)
# Step 5 complete upload (after all part uploads are successful)
# https://docs.figshare.com/#private_article_upload_complete
r <- POST(
url = initiate_upload_response$location,
add_headers(c(Authorization = sprintf("token %s", Sys.getenv("RFIGSHARE_PAT"))))
complete_upload_response <- content(r)

R: Httr package - connection with API, Error 1200: description" : "__all__ : img or url parameter is needed

I am very newbie in HTTR and connection with API by R. I cannot connect with F.A.C.E API (documentation: https://face-api.sightcorp.com/dev-documentation/)
key = 'XXX'
img = 'C:\\my_image.jpg'
The query:
my_json <- POST('https://api-face.sightcorp.com/api/detect/', add_headers(app_key = key, img = img, ethnicity = TRUE ))
and the answer:
Response [https://api-face.sightcorp.com/api/detect/]
Date: 2019-02-19 20:26
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json
Size: 88 B
"error_code" : 1200,
"description" : "__all__ : img or url parameter is needed."
How shall I implement img or url adress into the code to obtain API analysis?
The solution is as follows:
my_body = list('app_key'=key, 'img'= upload_file(img.url))
my_json <- POST('https://api-face.sightcorp.com/api/detect/',body = my_body)

Authenticating API in R

I'm trying to access Bitfinex via api but struggling to properly authenticate my request. There is a Python example of what I want to do (https://gist.github.com/jordanbaucke/5812039) but I can't seem to get it to work in R.
key <- c("MY API KEY")
secret = c("MY API SECRET")
req <- GET("https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/balances",
authenticate(key, secret))
add_headers(X-BFX-APIKEY = key))
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
/v1/balances is a Bitfinex authenticated endpoints, thus it requires the POST request with a proper handling of payload and headers.
Here is a working example from my own script:
key <- "..."
secret <- "..."
# payload JSON object, the request should refer to the URL
# nonce should always be greater than for previous calls
payload_json <- list(request = '/v1/account_infos', nonce = as.character(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))))
# creating string from JSON payload
payload <- jsonlite::toJSON(payload_json, auto_unbox = TRUE)
# encoding payload string
payload_str <- base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(as.character(payload)))
# adding three Bitfinex headers:
# X-BFX-APIKEY = key
# X-BFX-PAYLOAD = base64 encoded payload string
# X-BFX-SIGNATURE = sha384 encrypted payload string with the secret key
req <- POST("https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/account_infos",
add_headers('X-BFX-APIKEY' = key,
'X-BFX-PAYLOAD' = payload_str,
'X-BFX-SIGNATURE' = openssl::sha384(payload_str, key = secret))
For creating "New Order" you only need to change the payload to something, like this:
payload_json <- list(request = '/v1/account_infos',
nonce = as.character(as.numeric(as.POSIXct(Sys.time()))),
symbol = 'BTCUSD',
amount = '0.3',
price = '1000',
exchange = 'bitfinex',
side = 'sell',
type = 'exchange market'
The rest of the code will work without changes.
For list of payload parameters check the Bitfinex API docs, e.g. "New Order".

Error running R Instagram example from R-Bloggers?

I'm getting an error running the R Instagram query example here: https://www.r-bloggers.com/analyze-instagram-with-r/
I'm guessing it has something to do with my Instagram client (status is "Sandbox Mode"), but not sure what to do. Here's the R code and output:
full_url <- oauth_callback()
full_url <- gsub("(.*localhost:[0-9]{1,5}/).*", x=full_url, replacement="\1")
app_name <- "teamusainrio"
client_id <- "a36424058cdf424c8e8b2d5cc2af1b15"
client_secret <- "398863caad6a4171ad10eb201870065b"
scope = "basic"
instagram <- oauth_endpoint(
authorize = "https://api.instagram.com/oauth/authorize",
access = "https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token")
myapp <- oauth_app(app_name, client_id, client_secret)
ig_oauth <- oauth2.0_token(instagram, myapp,scope="basic", type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",cache=FALSE)
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
Authentication complete.
tmp <- strsplit(toString(names(ig_oauth$credentials)), '"')
token <- tmp[[1]][4]
username <- "therock"
user_info <- fromJSON(getURL(paste('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?q=',username,'&access_token=',token,sep="")),unexpected.escape = "keep")
received_profile <- user_info$data[[1]]
Error in user_info$data[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
If I run the query from the above code directly into my browser,
I receive the following:
{"meta": {"code": 200}, "data": []}
