nginx rewrite url to remove subdirectory - nginx

I would like to rewrite an URL to remove recurring parts from the URL by nginx. Is that possible?
example: -->
Is a nginx rewrite rule the right way to solve this problem?
location /sub1/sub2 {
rewrite ^/sub1/sub2/(.*)$ $1 last;

Solution was to put a proxy_pass in location /
location / {
proxy_pass 123.456.789.0:81/sub1/sub2/;
A rewrite was not necessary


How can I use nginx to set a vhost and webroot on a URI of an existing vhost?

I want to send a vhost's requests to git.domain1.tld to sub.domain2.tld/git
I suppose that would conflict with overwritten files so how can I get that domain to point to that location?
You can try this:
location / {
proxy_pass https://sub.domain2.tld/git;
rewrite ^/$ https://sub.domain2.tld/git permanent;
rewrite ^/(.*)$ https://sub.domain2.tld/git/$1 permanent;

NGINX Rewrite is encoding querystring as a path

I want to rewrite internally several locations /customers/foo?bar=2 to an existing location in my nginx configuration at /blah so that it's as if the request was to /blah/customers/foo?bar=2.
location /blah {
# View in fiddler
# Lots of config here I don't want to repeat everywhere else
location /customers/ {
rewrite ^/customers/(.*) /blah/customers/$1$is_args$args;
location /other/ {
rewrite ^/other/(.*) /blah/other/$1$is_args$args;
# etc...
Nginx is rewriting the URL with the querystring encoded as a path /blah/customers/foo%34bar=2.
The same thing happens with rewrite ^ /blah$request_uri;. It encodes the ? as %3F effectively garbling the URL.
If I do a client redirect rewrite ^ /blah$request_uri permanent; the URL is correct and contains the ? but I want an internal redirect inside my NGINX config.
Don't use $is_args$args, because the rewrite directive will automatically append any existing query string.
For example:
rewrite ^/customers/(.*) /blah/customers/$1 last;
Although, I would prefer:
rewrite ^(.*)$ /blah$1 last;
Or even:
rewrite ^ /blah$uri last;

nginx location rewrite not matching

In our nginx configuration we have defined the following rewrite to forward requests to another domain:
location /service {
rewrite ^/service/(.*)$$1 redirect;
It matches URLs like but the following URL does not match:
Yes there is a second URL after /ext_css/ and we now that's not correct but at the moment there is no way to change that.
Is there a way to completely forward the whole path to the new server?
Doing it outside of the location block did the trick.
Instead of
location /service {
rewrite ^/service/(.*)$$1 redirect;
we now have just
rewrite ^/service/(.*)$$1 redirect;
Now it matches everything written after /service/

How to rewrite nginx to proxy?

New to rewrites. Running 2 services on my host:
location /{
#this works fine
proxy_pass http://myMainServiceIp/;
location /wordpress{
#works but redirects to
#rather than
proxy_pass http://wordpressServiceIp/;
How can I forward /blog/*params*/*etc*/*etc* to my wordpress service correctly?
There are two separate but related issues. The location needs a trailing / so that proxy_pass can alias the URIs correctly.
location /blog/ {
proxy_pass http://wordpressServiceIp/;
location = /blog {
rewrite ^ /blog/ last;
I have added the second location block to handle the one special case.
The second issue is HOME and SITEURL needs to point to See this document for more.

Nginx rewrite to proxy_pass server/path

Is it possible to use Nginx proxy_pass to rewrite URL as below:
location /foo {
proxy_pass http://external-server-IP:8080/some/path/;
Just in case someone still needs this, the easy way to do this:
location ~ ^/foo/.* {
rewrite ^/foo(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_pass https://external-server:8080/remote-path/;
rewrite ^/foo$ /foo/ redirect;
What this does is that it sends the request to the external server, masquerading it under your own domain.
rewrite ^/foo(.*) /$1 break;
The first rewrite is just to remove the added URL path (the remote server is not expecting that.
rewrite ^/foo$ /foo/ redirect;
And the 2nd rewrite is just in case you want to use the index page, so that it actually goes to the remote index page as well.
