Problem with rendering Hugo/blogdown site - r

I've seen the post about blogdown::serve_site() no longer serving the site and read the release notes for blogdown 0.21, but it didn't help with my problem.
My workflow is/was to write a post, then click "Serve Site" in RStudio and check out the newly generated files in the public/ folder of my project. I have a symbolic link of that folder in my ShinyApps directory so I can view my site via the Shiny server. This is great, because then my colleagues who also use the server can see my site as well.
Now this doesn't work anymore. While I get the updated site in RStudio directly, the files displayed by the Shiny server are not being updated. The only explanation I can find is this one:
The global option blogdown.generator.server has been deprecated. Now blogdown::serve_site() always use the Hugo server (which corresponds to options(blogdown.generator.server = TRUE) in previous version of blogdown), instead of the server created via the servr package (which corresponds to the default options(blogdown.generator.server = FALSE) before).
I don't know much about Hugo but I found that hugo server doesn't update the public/ directory, is that correct? What can I do now to update that?

The question was already answered on GitHub:
I need to build the site with blogdown::build_site(local=TRUE).

Edit: Turns out that the below was not the solution either for me. Therefore I posted an own question with a possible workaround:
Problem (and solution?) with rendering Hugo/blogdown site
Earlier (old) post:
With me this did not help. When updating blogdown and starting-up my R project, blogdown:::preview_site(startup = TRUE) automatically runs. Something I don't recall from earlier start-ups. I now always receive the same Error message:
Launching the server via the command:
hugo server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t hugo-academic -D -F --navigateToChanged
sh: line 0: kill: (3262) - No such process
Error: It took more than 30 seconds to launch the server. There may be something wrong. The process has been killed. If the site needs more time to be built and launched, set options(blogdown.server.timeout) to a larger value.
Running blogdown::build_site(local = TRUE) results in an even longer Error message starting with:
ERROR 2020/11/13 15:55:56 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:6:5: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "page_header.html" .>: error calling partial: execute of template failed: template: partials/page_header.html:92:7: executing "partials/page_header.html" at <partial "page_metadata" (dict "page" $page "is_list" 0 "share" true)>: error calling partial: "/Users/frederick/Dropbox/EUR/R_work/r_website/r_website_project/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/page_metadata.html:63:31": execute of template failed: template: partials/page_metadata.html:63:31: executing "partials/page_metadata.html" at <.>: range can't iterate over R
Solution for me
For me, it helped to roll-back to blogdown version 0.20 like so:
#> [1] '0.21'
#> Loading required package: usethis
install_version("blogdown", version = "0.20", repos = "")
#> Downloading package from url:
#> [1] '0.20'
Created on 2020-11-13 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Now everything is back to "normal".


Error with install.packages using renv|knit|rmarkdown

I'm updating the renv folder from a project in order to adjust the libraries, but it seems I'm having a permission problem. After running renv::init() and trying to installing manually the remaining libraries using install.packages() I always get the message
Error: failed to retrieve '' [error code 23]
1: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
2: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
Using .libPath() I can see that the renv was created in the "AppData" hidden folder
1] "C:/Users/André Ferreira/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/renv/library/MacroBRA_Wrld-09789847/R-4.2/x86_64-w64-mingw32"
So checking my permissions, I couldn't see anything wrong. Any thoughts about this problem? The thing it's that when I open my .Rmd file and try to knit, I receive the same message "1: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination", now from rmarkdown retrieve installation, so it may be a configuration/permission problem.
Adding "C:\rtools42\usr\bin" and "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.1\bin" in the environment variable didn't help.
As I could see, opening an empty file from rstudio, I could use install.packages() without problem.
Although this doesn't solve the problem directly, you can also instruct renv to use a different library path with something like:
# use a project-local library path
RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY = renv/library
in your project's .Renviron file. Depending on your environment, you might also consider placing the library path in an alternate location.
See for more details.

sharing shiny app with renv throws error due to bslib

I wanted to make internally sharing/locally launching a shiny app developed with the {golem} framework a little more robust.
Hence, I used the renv package and installed the shiny app as a local package into a project folder.
I proceeded as follows (thanks #Kat for the suggestion):
initialize renv using renv::init(bare = TRUE)
renv::snapshot(type = "all")
Writing a launch file consisting of:
golempackage::run_app(options = list(launch.browser = TRUE))
Share folder.
However, when launching the shiny app on a different computer (or a docker testing environment), I get the following error caused by the package bslib. Same happens when I delete my cache:
An error has occurred!
File attachments must exist: 'C:/Users/XYZ/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/renv/cache/v5/.../bslib/lib/bs3/assets/fonts'
Note: this error even occurs if I set the cache to be project-local and share it inside the project folder.
However, now the error message does not reference the global but the project-local cache. Unfortunately still as an absolute path which throws an error for other users.
This is all super weird and I have not the slightest idea why this occurs.
I would like to avoid removing bslib.
As far as I can see, the error is coming from the sass package, e.g.
While I don't know exactly know what's going on, you could probably use the R debugger to check why that's failing. (Does the referenced folder exist in both cases? Are you expecting renv to be using the cache in the second case?)

Can't understand the error message from blogdown

I am trying to make a blog with blogdown using my windows machine, but get this error message when I use RStudio (File/New Project/New Directory/Website using blogdown/ ... and enter Directory name: "new"):
setwd("C:/Users/AndrésLagerlöf/OneDrive - Andrés Lagerlöf Konsulttjänst AB/R/blog")
'C:\Users\Andr‚sLagerl”f\AppData\Roaming\Hugo\hugo.exe" new site "new' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error in shell(cmd, mustWork = TRUE, intern = intern) :
'"C:\Users\AndrésLagerlöf\AppData\Roaming\Hugo\hugo.exe" new site "new" --force -f toml' execution failed with error code 1
I do not know what to make out of this error message. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I use R version 4.0.0 and RStudio Version 1.2.5033.
Kind regards,
You may consider installing Hugo to a path that does not contain multibyte characters. Per documentation ?blogdown::install_hugo:
If you want to install Hugo to a custom path, you can set the global option blogdown.hugo.dir to a directory to store the Hugo executable before you call install_hugo(), e.g., options(blogdown.hugo.dir = '~/Downloads/hugo_0.20.1/').
This is also mentioned in Appendix D.1 in the blogdown book. You'd better set this option in your .Rprofile (see Section 1.4 for how), so the setting won't be lost after you restart R.

Installing a package from private GitLab server on Windows

I am struggling with installing a package from a GitLab repository on a Windows computer.
I found different hints but still have problems to install my package from GitLab. First of all, I generated a public and private key with puttygen.exe. The files need to be changed afterwards, I had to remove comments and stuff so they look like my the file on my Unix system. So now, both public and private key files have just a single line.
I tried to install my package via devtools::install_git which takes very long and I get the error message
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from Git:
Error in 'git2r_remote_ls': Failed to authenticate SSH session: Unable to send userauth-publickey request
And with devtools::install_gitlab I get a different error message and I somehow have the feeling, the link which gets generated doesn't fit to my GitLab server.
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitLab:
cannot open URL ''
My complete code to test at the moment is
creds <- git2r::cred_ssh_key(publickey="~/.ssh/",
My file looks like this and is just a single line:
ssh-rsa AAAA....fiwbw== rsa-key-20200121
The id_rsa_gitlab file has just the code:
On my Mac system it works as expected after installing the libssh2 library via homebrew and and recompiling git2r with install.packages("git2r", type = "source").
So the working code on my machine is:
creds <- git2r::cred_ssh_key(publickey="~/.ssh/",
For some strange reason, the devtools::install_git call needs about a minute to fail in the end. I have no idea where the problem here is.
After struggling for almost a day, I found a solution I can live with...
I first created a PAT (Personal Access Token) in my gitlab account and granted full API access. For some reason the read_only access didn't worked and I am now tired to figure out what the problem is.
After this I had still problems to install my package and for some reason, the wininet setting for downloading doesn't work.
I used the command capabilities("libcurl") to check if libcurl is available on my windows, which was and tried to overwrite wininet to libcurl by using method='libcurl' in the install function. Somehow, this was not enough so I overwrote the options variable download.file.method directly.
quiet=FALSE, force=TRUE

Shiny App Error: /v1/applications/ 400 - Validation Error Execution halted

Hi I'm having a million problems trying to publish my app to
Firstly, I have Rtools 3.2 installed in my computer and set to the Path, but it is not recognized in the registry. Nevermind, this code should fix it:
install.Rtools(choose_version = FALSE, check = TRUE, use_GUI = TRUE,
page_with_download_url = ", keep_install_file=TRUE")
Next, to deploy my app to my account:
shinyapps::setAccountInfo(name='xxxx', token='xxxxxxxxxx', secret='xxxxxxxx')
Then my app starts running in a browser, and I click publish to my shiny account. However, when the app is being deployed, it shows the following error:
Preparing to deploy application...Error: /v1/applications/ 400 - Validation Error
Execution halted
Any ideas what the problems may be? Thank you.
I had the same error returned. In my case the problem was the name of the app itself. Deployed apps must have names at least 4 characters long with no spaces.
Setting an application name solved this problem for me. My application directory contained a space.
deployApp(appName = "myapp")
I had the same problem, however, my app name was fine and even adding 'appName =' did not help. Just a side note that this issue came up because I changed the name of my folder in effort to change the name of my app in
The only thing that worked for me is publishing through the "Publish" button of Rstudio on upper right. I would recommend publishing using that instead of command. You can select files you do not want to publish within the App folder and you can publish the app under a different name then your local name.
I also had similar errors and the issue was resolved after I changed the name of the directory that holds the "app.R" file from only 3 characters to more than 4 characters.
