Ok, it's known
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_checkout_url',
function ( $checkout_url ) {
return '/checkout2/';
}, 300);
and I get to /checkout2 after pressing "Add to cart" button. But there's a 404!
How to make WC process this new url as checkout? I should do it dynamically, depending on the source of the traffic. There actually will be a number of urls.
You would need an actual page with the checkout shortcode inside I believe, Woocommerce won't generate pages that don't exist just be filtering it's checkout url.
You seem to be changing the url successfully but the url you're changing to doesn't exist.
At the moment if the user navigates to the default logout page it looks like this:
This is not consistent with the theme of my website so I would like this content inside my own custom page. Can this be done?
I have a plugin installed My Theme Plugin which is designed to let me specify a logout page but I do not know how to construct it.
Since this may help others, I'm adding my comments as an answer.
You need to initially use the logout_url filter - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/logout_url/
This will allow you to set up a page when a user clicks on the logout link. Next, you simply create the page however you need to (basic WordPress page, special template, etc.).
On that page you would use wp_logout_url() to set the link for the Are you sure you want to logout text. e.g.
This would redirect the user to the home page after they've logged out.
Edit: shortcode to add to content:
function wpso58817718_add_logout_link( $atts ){
return 'Logout';
add_shortcode( 'logout_link', 'wpso58817718_add_logout_link' );
Then you can do [logout_link]
You'll have to update the end URL wp_logout_url( home_url() ) if you don't want it to go to the home page.
You can use below code to redirect user to your specific url after logout
function ps_redirect_after_logout(){
wp_redirect( 'your url here' );
I would like to modify my WordPress/WooCommerce website, so that my Product Images have the following conditions:
Logged in site visitors:
I would like logged in visitors, to be able to see all of the WooCommerce Product Images.
Logged out site visitors:
I would like logged out visitors, to see an alternative image. Therefore, hide the Product Image. This alternative image, will be the same for every Product.
Firstly, you are going to need to create a Child Theme, for your WordPress/WooCommerce website.
Once created, simply insert the following code, into the functions.php file, within your Child Theme:
// Remove Default WooCommerce Product Images/Placeholders.
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_show_product_images', 20 );
// Create conditional logic function.
function logged_in_images(){
// If site visitor is Logged in, display Default WooCommerce Product Images/Placeholder.
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
echo woocommerce_show_product_images();
// If site visitor is not logged in, display the following Image instead.
else {
echo '<img src=http://vaporcenter.be/theme/Wholesale/img/placeholders/default.jpg?1504084579>';
// We are inserting ('Hooking' into) the above function into where the Default WooCommerce Product Image/Placeholder was, before we removed it.
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'logged_in_images', 20 );
Be sure to replace http://vaporcenter.be/theme/Wholesale/img/placeholders/default.jpg?1504084579 with your desired image.
Don't forget, you can remove the comments (// ...) from the code. They are there, to just help explain what is happening.
I have tested the above code and it does work.
Best of luck!
If you receive an error
Step One: Using an FTP client, such as Filezilla, go into your Root Folder (Where you installed WordPress).
Look for a file entitled wp-config.php and drag this to your computer.
Open the file, using Notepad/Notepad++ and look for the line define('WP_DEBUG', false); and change 'false' to 'true'.
Drag the wp-config.php file back from where you got it from.
Refresh the page you are having an issue. You should then see an error message, which will be helpful in addressing how to resolve any issues.
Once you have resolved your issue, and your website is back in working order, head back into your wp-config.php and change 'true' back to 'false'.
I am using Woocommerce wordpress plugin in my site. When I am in the Cart page and click "proceed to checkout" I am now going to checkout page. I want to change this flow as below.
If the user is not logged in, he should be taken to a different url. If user is logged in he will go to checkout page as usual.
Any help is appreciated.
First you create a page where you want to redirect the guest user, for example register
then write this code in your functions.php
function restrict_user() {
if (! is_user_logged_in() && (is_checkout())) {
wp_redirect("http://your site url.com/register/");
add_action('template_redirect', 'restrict_user');
Hope this will help you...
I am creating a single page Wordpress site and I would like disable/delete/remove all other pages so that they just return a 404.
So if the user tries to go to an archive page or a single post page it does not work. I only want one working page on the entire site.
You can simply force all pages to be redirected to the front page by putting the following code in your functions.php:
function redirect_to_homepage() {
if ( ! is_front_page() ) {
wp_redirect( home_url( '/' ), 302 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_to_homepage' );
Just a quick note: is_front_page() checks if the user is trying to access the page that is set for the front page in Settings > Reading. If no such page is set, use is_home() instead.
Instructions for what I think you want to have done. This will remove all other pages/posts, and make the page you did not delete into the home page of your website.
Log into your site
In the admin panel go to pages
Select all of the pages except the one you want to keep as the home
In the "Bulk Actions" select move to trash and click apply
Go into the trash section of pages
Select all of the pages
In the "Bulk Actions" select move to delete permanently and click apply
Repeat steps 2-7 for the "posts"
Go to the settings reading page in the admin panel
Check off static page
In the front page drop down select the page you did not delete
Click save at the bottom of the page.
I have a custom template file, rendering some products and their Add To Cart buttons, that I am trying to implement manually. When Add to Cart is pressed, the page is reloaded and a $_POST variable containing some data adds the new products. 'cart_contents_count' also reflects the added item. However, when I go to the cart page, it's empty. Please see the following code.
global $woocommerce;
if ( isset( $_POST['AddedToCart'] ) ) {
$woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart($_POST['event'], $_POST['qty']);
$cart_total = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count;
When I however go to the normal default shop page ( /shop/ ) and add a product from there, my cart page indicates that this product has been added. When I NOW go to my custom page and add products from that Add To Cart button, it works perfectly.
It seems to me that, before I run the above-mentioned code, I must check if a Cart Session has been initialized, and if not, initialize it. Could someone please confirm for me that I understand it right and show me how to initialize the cart?
Here is a solution if your custom form is on a page template. This code goes in your functions.php file. Be sure to change yourtheme_template to something more unique. Also, change the items in the $session_templates array to the template filenames where you want this filter to be used. It uses the template_include filter, which isn't an easy filter to track down, let alone $woocommerce->session->set_customer_session_cookie(true) - Special thanks to #vrazer (on twitter) for the help.
function yourtheme_template($template) {
//List of template file names that require WooCommerce session creation
$session_templates = array(
'page-template-file-name.php', 'another-page-template-filename.php'
//Split up the template path into parts so the template file name can be retrieved
$parts = explode('/', $template);
//Check the template file name against the session_templates list and instantiate the session if the
//template is in the list and the user is not already logged in. If the session already exists from
//having created a cart, WooCommerce will not destroy the active session
if (in_array($parts[count($parts) - 1], $session_templates) && !is_user_logged_in()) {
global $woocommerce;
return $template;
//Filter to run the WooCommerce conditional session instantiation code
add_filter('template_include', 'yourtheme_template');
I resolved this problem by making sure the $woocommerce->cart->add_to_cart() line is positioned before any headers are sent. I.E, before get_header() is called on my custom template.
In the WooCommerce version 2.5 they change the way the sessions works. https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/new-session-handler-in-2-5/
What i did was install this plugin https://github.com/kloon/woocommerce-large-sessions then my cart is not empty any more with guess users.
I hope it helps someone else.