Is there a way to enable Firebase Auth via Email through an API/CLI? - firebase

We are transitioning to using Terraform to create our architecture on Google Compute, and part of it utilises Firebase for the front-end. So far, I have managed to get this all working fine, but have hit a snag on Firebase Auth. Essentially, I want to allow 'Email/Password' authentication on a Firbase project programmatically.
The above shows where you find the setting in the UI console, but I want to be able to do that via an API/CLI, and also set the 'Authorised Domain'.

Yes, as of November 2022, this is now possible, either using Terraform, or the gcloud CLI and a bit of scripting. Both methods make use of the REST Identity Toolkit API.
If using Terraform: Your config file needs to specify a google_identity_platform_project_default_config resource: the documentation for it is available here. By way of example – assuming you've already declared a google_project resource called my_project, you could add the google_identity_platform_project_default_config resource as follows:
resource "google_identity_platform_project_default_config" "myconfig" {
project = google_project.myproject.project_id
sign_in {
allow_duplicate_emails = false
anonymous {
enabled = false
email {
enabled = true
password_required = false
This would enable email+password authentication, disallow anonymous access, and disallow duplicate email addresses.
If using the gcloud CLI: This would be a good deal fiddlier. I haven't tested it out completely, but it is presumably equivalent to what Terraform is doing behind the scenes. You need to obtain a service account access token, then use cURL (or a similar tool/API) to amend the Identity Toolkit configuration using the PATCH method (documentation here), supplying the token in the "Authorization" header.
gcloud lets you get an access token using the command gcloud auth print-access-token, but according to this 2021 blog post1 by #DazWilkin, the token obtained using your regular human credentials can't perform the necessary PATCH operation; you need to use a token backed by a service account that has the correct permissions.
The blog post gives further details, but roughly, the steps are:
Create a service account and give it the correct permissions. (Not necessary if you already have an appropriate service account; such an account can be created either using the Firebase console or Terraform's google_service_account resource.)
Create a JSON service account key file. (Not necessary if you already have a key created, plus a JSON file for it. These JSON files contain an object with the keys "project_id", "private_key_id", and "private_key", and are exactly the same sort of file as gets generated from the Firebase console if you go to "Project Overview" / "Project Settings" / "Service Accounts" / "Generate new private key". They can also be created programmatically using Terraform's google_service_account_key resource.)
Allow gcloud to perform operations using the service account's permissions, by running gcloud's "auth activate-service-account" subcommand: something like
$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/path/to/key-file.json EMAIL_ADDRESS_OF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
Obtain an access token for the service account by running gcloud auth print-access-token EMAIL_ADDRESS_OF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT.
Supply that token in the header of an HTTP PATCH request using cURL.
For more details, see the blog post; it's concerned with amending the "authorized domains" list for a Firebase project, but enabling email/password authentication would be very similar.
1 Also mentioned in this stackoverflow answer.


Is it possible to hack and Update a firebase realtime database data

Recently i build a app using Firebase, But after i got Some users through advertisement, Someone just hacked Firebase database and Updated all user datas like .
Profile pic path
They set it to a bad word and bad pic.
So then i Also Checked the Firebase rules and redefined them..
Only Authenticated users can read/write.
But problem is.
The hacker is still updated the Value on firebase db.
and i want to know what i am missing.
Is it possible to update a Firebase db without the whole secure key and things..
using a browser may be?
User data of a single user ...
email : ""
lastseen : "1617987743"
pic : " cannot be posted publically it contains nude images)"
privacy : "PU"
state : "offline"
status : "Lets watch some movies"
type : "FREE USER"
username : "FU*KED BY DreamPLAY"
Here the hacker updated the 3 fields.
email :
You have to know that as soon as (1) someone has the apiKey of your Firebase Project and (2) the email/password sign-in method is enabled, this person can use the Firebase Auth REST API and sign-up to your project (i.e. create a new account).
Getting the apiKey is not very difficult if you deploy an app linked to your Firebase project (Android, iOS, Web...).
Consequently, rules only based on auth != null allow anyone that has signed-up through the REST API accessing your Realtime Database. No need to use any GUI: after having been identified through the Auth REST API, the user can use the RTDB REST API.
One classical approach to avoid "non-desired" users to access data, is to add one or more Custom Claims to the desired accounts and use these claims in the Security Rules: See the doc for more details.
I will answer as parts :
Reason of Problem :
The Hacker found your API then created project and added your API to it then he
created authenticated user then he updated the fields , So this the reason of
Solution :
First : is to create unique Fields (e.g Email to 1234567890Email as
Example but more secure)
Second : is to connect to Google Cloud Platform then setup Google Cloud Platform HTTP with your Domain (As Firebase will only accept data from your Domain ONLY)
Third : Is to create more secure rules as to denied access to Entire Database but just
give access to some collections or even documents So it will be more
I just covered the most famous actions (You can see more but by google your problem)
& Wish I helped you :)
I just thought of a way to secure Firebase credentials so thought of a way to use a custom cloud functions authentication function (URL based function) to accept user credentials like username and password via URL encoded parameters. This method will only use database(firestore would be preferable). The function will only have to create custom tokens and send it to the user while keeping the user's temporary data like IP addresses etc. So request to write or read to the database will only be granted to this function.
You CAN prevent all those non authencated activities right from your firebase console.
GO to your firebase console, Open your project's android app.
Add SHA fingerprints of your app's SHA signing certificate fingerprints.

Calling Microsoft Graph API from AAD Authenticated .NET Core API

I currently have a web application that uses Azure AD to authenticate a user. This generates a JWT token which is then sent to my .NET Core Web API, which authenticates and authorizes successfully. The relevant parts of the JWT token that is sent across looks like this when put into (if you need more on this let me know and I can update this):
"aud": "api://<api-clientid>",
"appid": "<webapp-clientid>",
"hasgroups": "true",
"oid": "<userid">,
"tid": "<tenantid>"
I need to get to the groups that the user is a part of, and as the user is part of more than 6 groups, I need to make a call to the Graph API in order to return all groups for the user. This is documented in the description of the access tokens here, which states I should make a call to{userID}/getMemberObjects.
I have tried using Postman to create a token to authenticate with the Graph API through the on-behalf-of flow, but I get the below error (removed irrelevant parts):
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '<api-clientId>' named '<api-displayName>'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource...",
"error_codes": [
"suberror": "consent_required",
I've tried following the web API that calls web APIs guide which seems to do exactly what I want to, using the Microsoft.Identity.Web. When I have tried this, I run into a similar issue with a MicrosoftIdentityWebChallengeUserException saying that I require more consent from the user. I tried changing the audience of the token to be for but this then fails the authorisation to my web API, and I cannot have multiple endpoints in the audience of the JWT. I also tried using ITokenAcquisition as described here, but this did not work either, with a similar error to Postman.
Finally, I tried following this sample which also appears to do what I require, where I made sure my web API and my web client were set up in the same way that they do. The only change I had to make was a small change to the manifest of the API to include the client application Id in the "knownClientApplications", but this doesn't seem to have made any difference.
I feel like I'm missing something simple here, where either my web application needs to know that my web API might need permission to the Graph API, or I'm missing more configuration on my Azure AD. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and if more information is needed I'll provide as much as I can!
The error message says that admin has didn't consent the application.
Login to Azure AD as Global Administrator and Grant admin consent API permission via App registrations -> API Permissions -> Add a permission -> My APIs -> A -> Application permissions to fix this issue.To fix this issue.

Firebase (Firestore) custom authentication with SSO controlled by a third party

I am building a Firebase application (using Firestore) which needs to support custom authentication via single sign on through a third party system.
In the past, I have done this type of integration with my own authentication system. To do this, I installed the Firebase Admin SDK on my own server and used the secret key to sign a JWT that was passed back to the client, which then could be used to grant access to the Firebase application.
However, since the Admin SDK grants full access to the Firebase app, I have concerns about handing those keys over to another party. Is there a way that I can provide a secret key that grants more limited privileges to the third party? I want them to be able mint JWTs for their users to access the app, but I don't want them to be able to directly read/write from my database.
I think I've solved this by taking the following steps...
1) Access the Firebase project's IAM admin tools
2) Create a new service account for the project in the "Service Accounts" section.
3) Create a custom role in the "Roles" section and give it access to all of the Firebase Authentication privileges:
4) Assign the custom role to the service account in the "IAM" section of the admin interface.
5) Go back to the "Service Accounts" section and create/download a private key for this service account.
6) Use this key as the credentials for the Firebase Admin SDK and create a custom token using the process detailed here:
The SDK should permit creating a custom token, but it will return errors when trying to do other actions such as accessing the project's database.

Evernote SDK - How can I get the permission to access all notebooks' metadata?

I'm writing a chrome extension for quick search notes in fuzzy match model. So I need to cache all notes' metadata(title, url, createdTime,etc) in local storage.
According to evernote offical doc, there are two ways to authenticate to the Evernote API, developer tokens and OAuth.
But right now,
1. developer token has been deprecated.(if you go to the application URL you will get Update: the creation of developer tokens is temporarily disabled.
2. OAuth can only access one specific notebook(depend on user authentication)
So my question is : is there any way can work around to get all notes' metadata?
OAuth can only access one specific notebook(depend on user authentication)
This is not the case. By default, Evernote API keys are scoped to the account level; so you'll have access to all notebooks in the account of the user who authenticates using your OAuth process.
Evernote does also have an optional type of API key available, called an App Notebook key, that can be requested. But you have to specifically request that type of key when you request your API key; otherwise it'll be a full account access key.

How to use app secret with REST protocol to access firebase realtime database

According to google documentation all request types of firebase realtime database can use App secret, but documentation only covers authentication by token.
Should be simple but i can't find an example for API version 3.
Also it is not clear to me if App key will be accepted by rule "auth != null" since requests using App secret don't use any account and auth is filled with user information like userid(uid).
I tried many things but, since i don't have a reference point, i don't know if the errors i am getting are because the request is malformed (not specifying App secret properly) or because the request is ok but the rule reject it.
what is the correct syntax for passing app secret and how rules apply to requests using app secret?
And yes, i am building a app Server, so app secret is not distributed.
Basically you want to access Firebase from your server side code if I understand correctly.
From new console click gear icon on top left corner, next to project name, and go to Permissions tab.
That takes you to IAM-Admin page. There you need to go to Service Accounts tab.
On top you have a plus sign and Create Service Account button. Click that and fill the form, and download JSON file. You'll use it in your server side code.
Be careful, accessing Firebase from server by using Service Account file gives full access without any limitations defined in Rules.
All of this is described in new docs:
Add Firebase to your Server
