Fetching resources from google analytics services using HTTPS by Wix fetch function - fetch

How should I fetch data using Wix-fetch function?
I followed this google analytics API tutorial, this tutorial using post function for getting JSON data, I used WIX fetch function to get JSON file, but the return object is undefined.
What did I miss?
fetch( "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", {
"method": "post",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'body' : JSON.stringify({
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': URLCode,
'client_id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com',
'client_secret': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'redirect_uri': 'https://www.mydomain.or/ga/oauth2callback'
} )
.then( (httpResponse) => {
if (httpResponse.ok) {
return httpResponse.json();
} else {
return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed");
} )
.then( (json) => console.log(json.someKey) )
.catch(err => console.log(err));
I used this URL to generate the CODE
I get the CODE from the callback URL
Step 2
I used this code for the HTTP postman request
The redirect URI in step 1 and 2 is the following (the second one):

Step 1:
There needs to be an exact match between the redirect URI configured in the client id in the google developers console and the URL to get the code authorization.
The URL should be built as shown in the tutorial you linked (if you need a refresh token, you can add the access_type=offline)
After you enter the URL, you will be provided with an authorization window. Once you authorize, you will be redirected to the <redirect_uri> you provided earlier. You will find the code as the first parameter in the URL query. e.g. <redirect_uri>/?code=<auth_code> ...
Since the access token is for one-time use only, if you will need it again, you will have to get a new <auth_code>.
Step 2 (Postman query example):
If you got the access_token correctly and you want to check now with WIX. Get a new <auth_code> (as said, the access token is given once) and set the code as follows:
import { fetch} from 'wix-fetch';
$w.onReady(function () {
const data = `grant_type=authorization_code&code=<your_authorization_code>&client_id=<your_client_id>&client_secret=<your_client_secret>&redirect_uri=<your_redirect_uri>`;
fetch("https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", {
"method": "post",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
'body': data
.then((httpResponse) => {
if (httpResponse.ok) {
return httpResponse.json();
} else {
return Promise.reject("Fetch did not succeed");
.then((json) => console.log(json.access_token))
.catch(err => console.log(err));


RTK-Query meta response always empty object

When using RTK-Query to call an API, I need to access a custom header value. I've tried various options for accessing the response headers from the documentation, but all attempts result in an empty object returned:
meta: {
"request": {},
I can see in the network tab, that the headers are provided in the response. This is part of a refactor from using raw Axios calls where the header was available from the response object as the headers property.
I've tried accessing the headers through the meta parameter on the transformResponse function of the createApi
transformResponse: (response, meta, arg) => {
console.log(`Transform -> meta: ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`)
// dataKey: meta.response.headers['x-company-data-key'],
return {
// dataKey
I've also tried accessing the headers via the meta property of the action parameter from the extraReducers function in the feature slice:
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addMatcher(companyApi.endpoints.getSomeData.matchFulfilled, (state, action) => {
console.log(`action meta: ${JSON.stringify(action.meta)}`)
state.result = action.payload.result
// state.dataKey = action.meta.response.headers['x-company-data-key']
Both instances result in the meta object that looks like this:
meta: {
"request": {},
"response": {}
The API's base query looks like this:
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: process.env.REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT,
prepareHeaders: ( (headers, { getState }) => {
const realm = getState().companyAuth.realm
if (realm) {
const token = readToken(realm)
if (token)
headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token.access_token}`)
return headers
and finally, the endpoints definition for this API endpoint:
getCompanyData: builder.query({
query: (params) => {
const { location, page, pageSize } = params
return {
url: `/companies/${location}`,
params: { page, pageSize }
Based on what I could find in the documentation, GitHub issues, and PRs, it seems that the meta property should automatically add the headers, status, and other additional HTTP properties. I'm not sure what I've missed where the response object is completely empty. Is there an additional setting I need to add to the baseQuery?
I should note, that the response data is working properly. I just need the additional information that is returned in the custom header.

How to implement Wordpress Application Password Authentication in Javascript async fetch?

I'm trying to setup a website using Wordpress as Headless CMS, using the built-in REST API. Using NuxtJS to fetch the data. Now I want to restrict API access so I enabled/created Wordpress Application Password Authentication.
However, I can not seem to find detailed information on how the URL should be assembled with authentication parameters to fetch data from API endpoint.
Credentials have to be added to the URL that's being fetched?
async asyncData ({ $config: { apiUrl, apiUser, apiPassword } }) {
try {
const products = await (await fetch(`${apiUrl}/producten`)).json()
return {
catch (error) {
apiUrl, apiUser, apiPassword are currently in nuxtjs.config.js, under publicRuntimeConfig. But 1) they should come in privateRuntimeConfig?
And 2) getting following as return (which is the correct response from the WP Rest API, because I need to pass auth-credentials somewhere, somehow...)
{ "code": "rest_not_logged_in", "message": "You are not currently logged in.", "data": { "status": 401 } }
Solved by adding options to fetch;
const fetchHeaderOptions = {
cache: 'no-cache',
method: 'GET',
credentials: 'omit', //To instead ensure browsers don't include credentials in the request
mode: 'no-cors',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + encode(`${apiUser}` + ":" + `${apiPassword}`),
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8; application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
const products = await (await fetch(`${apiUrl}/products`, fetchHeaderOptions)).json()

Axios post request to Firebase Auth REST API produces 400 error

I have an instance of Axios:
import axios from 'axios';
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1'
export default instance;
Then I import it in my signup.vue file:
import axios from '../../axios-auth';
In that Vue file I have a signup form, which runs the following method once I hit the Submit button:
onSubmit() {
const formData = {
email: this.email,
age: this.age,
password: this.password,
confirmPassword: this.confirmPassword,
country: this.country,
hobbies: this.hobbyInputs.map(hobby => hobby.value),
terms: this.terms
axios.post('/accounts:signUp?key=my_key_goes_here', {
email: formData.email,
password: formData.password,
returnSecureToken: true
.then(res => {
.catch(error => {
I'm getting a 403 error - forbidden 400 error - bad request.
I tried to change headers:
instance.defaults.headers.post["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "localhost";
instance.defaults.headers.common["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
But that didn't help.
I'm working from localhost and I saw that localhost is allowed by default. I tried also to add to the list, but that also didn't help.
What am I missing? How can I make this request work?
If you get a 400 error it is maybe because you get an error from the API itself:
Common error codes
EMAIL_EXISTS: The email address is already in use by another account.
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED: Password sign-in is disabled for this project.
TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER: We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity. Try again later.
As a matter of fact, those errors return an HTTP Status Code of 400.
You can see the exact response message (e.g. EMAIL_EXISTS) by doing the following with axios:
axios.post('/accounts:signUp?key=my_key_goes_here', {
email: formData.email,
password: formData.password,
returnSecureToken: true
.then(res => {
.catch(error => {
if (error.response) {
// The request was made and the server responded with a status code
// that falls out of the range of 2xx
} else if (error.request) {
} else {
console.log("Error", error.message);
See https://github.com/axios/axios#handling-errors
I agree with you as i have tried many approaches but was not getting the result. Hence i have tried to change the code.
You need to make two changes in your code.
1] You need to comment the instance.defaults.headers.post["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "localhost"; because you are providing the authentication globally. As, firebase provides the feature of authentication and you are connecting the web app with REST API.
2] You need to add { headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json' } in the axios.post() method to prevent it from CORS Error.
Following this approach i hope you can get the respective output.
Happy Coding!
Directly call
No need to keep it in a separate file
Anyone who comes to the thread in future. I faced this issue and lost in debugging and worked with fetch. It was tiresome and took me a day but i made axios work. Here is the code.
const data = JSON.stringify({
idToken: authContext.token,
password: enteredNewPassword,
returnSecureToken: false,
// Send the valid password to the endpoint to change password
"https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:update?key=[Your Key]",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
Remember to Stringify the data you want to send. Stringify it outside of the http request and then pass that variable. Don't know why but this helps!
Lastly remember to add the header when sending the request to firebase. Make sure axios.post is on the same line. My formatter gave a line break which was also cause of error.
Hope it helps :)

Send multiple parameters when axios upload image

I'm uploading images with formdata and axios. I'm using symfony for my back end and I need to access my image file and other parameter both. This is my axios code.
axios.post(testUp, { data: formData, ad: 12 }, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
}).then(response => {
And here is my symfony code.
* #Route("/test_up", name="test_up", methods={"GET","POST"})
public function testUp(Request $request, CarRepository $carRepository) {
Unfortunately I'm getting null as output. I'm getting the formdata from image uploaded and it's a formdata object. It works if I do this but need both parameters.
axios.post(testUp, formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
}).then(response => {
but I need to send other parameter too.
You cant mix FormData with JSON. It is related question
Send FormData object AND an additional parameter via ajax
If you have only one parameter - ad = 12 I recommend to use code:
axios.post(testUp + "?" + (new URLSearchParams({ad: 12})).toString()
, formData, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
}).then(response => {
On Symfony side you should use a form so you can receive many type of data. See documentation here: https://symfony.com/doc/current/forms.html
On vuejs/axios side, you just cant send json content AND form data content at the same time (as it is 2 different type of data). But you can add some content to your form data (just like you can have a file with other fields in your Symfony form).

"415 Error" when querying Spotify for tokens

I've been trying to recreate the spotify oauth connection in MeteorJS. I've gotten as far as requesting the access and refresh tokens, but I keep getting a 415 error now. Here is the relevant code:
var results = HTTP.post(
data: {
code: code,
redirect_uri: redirectURI,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
client_id: clientID,
client_secret: clientSecret
headers: {
I can't seem to find any other good documentation of the problem and the code in this demo:
works perfectly.
I had a similar problem (but in Java). The analogous solution was
headers: {
You need to use params instead of data when sending the JSON object. Related question: Unsupported grant type error when requesting access_token on Spotify API with Meteor HTTP
I have successfully tried getting the access token from Spotify, using the below function. As you can see, you don't need to specify Content-Type, but just need to use params instead of data (as far as axios is concerned). Also make sure that you first combine the client id and the client secret key with a ":" in between them and then convert the combined string into base 64.
let getAccessToken = () => {
let options = {
url: 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': `Basic <base64 encoded client_id:client_secret>`
params: {
grant_type: 'client_credentials'
.then((resp) => {
console.log('resp', resp.data)
.catch((err) => {
If youre doing this clientside its not working because you're not allowed to post to another domain from the client side because of the same origin policy.
If this is server-side I'd recommend using a pre-existing spotify api npm module instead of writing your own requests. There are plenty of spotify api implementations on npmjs.org.
Use arunoda's npm package for integrating npm packages in your meteor application
