Julia: segfault when assigning DataFrame column while using threads - julia

The following code creates a segfault for me - is this a bug? And if so, in which component?
using DataFrames
function test()
Threads.#threads for i in 1:50
df = DataFrame()
df.foo = 1
(need to start Julia with multithreading support for this to work, eg JULIA_NUM_THREADS=50; julia)
It only generates a segfault if the number of iterations / threads is sufficiently high, eg 50. For lower numbers it only sporadically / never does so.
My environment:
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.4.2
Commit 44fa15b150* (2020-05-23 18:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-redhat-linux)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6254 CPU # 3.10GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

It is most likely caused by the fact that you are using deprecated syntax so probably something with deprecation handling messes up things (I do not have enough cores to test it).
In general your code uses deprecated syntax (and produces something different than you probably expect):
~$ julia --depwarn=yes --banner=no
julia> using DataFrames
julia> df = DataFrame()
0×0 DataFrame
julia> df.foo=1
┌ Warning: `setproperty!(df::DataFrame, col_ind::Symbol, v)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind] .= v` instead.
│ caller = top-level scope at REPL[3]:1
└ # Core REPL[3]:1
julia> df # note that the resulting deprecated syntax has added the column but it has 0 rows
0×1 DataFrame
julia> df2 = DataFrame()
0×0 DataFrame
julia> df2.foo = [1] # this is a correct syntax - assign a vector
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> df2[:, :foo2] .= 1 # or use broadcasting
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> insertcols!(df2, :foo3 => 1) # or use insertcols! which does broadcasting automatically, see the docstring for details
1×3 DataFrame
│ Row │ foo │ foo2 │ foo3 │
│ │ Int64 │ Int64 │ Int64 │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │
The reason why df.foo = 1 is disallowed and df.foo = [1] is required follows the fact that, as opposed to e.g. R, Julia distinguishes scalars and vectors (in R everything is a vector).
Going back to the original question something e.g. like this should work:
using DataFrames
function test()
Threads.#threads for i in 1:50
df = DataFrame()
df.foo = [1]
please let me know if it causes problems or not. Thank you!


Having trouble with plot and vcat inside a Julia script

I must be doing something wrong. I have a Julia script (below) that uses both vcat and plot. When I run the script, vcat returns an empty DataFrame. Another function calls plot and no plot is generated.
When I manually type the commands in the terminal window the commands behave normally.
Any help would be appreciated.
f_l = file_list[start_row_num:end_row_num] # Build a dataframe containing the data
len = length(f_l)
tmp_stock_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(f_l[1]))
vcat(s_d_df, tmp_stock_df)
for i = 2:len
tmp_stock_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(f_l[i]))
tmp_stock_df.quote_datetime = map((x) -> DateTime(x, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"), tmp_stock_df.quote_datetime)
DataFrames.vcat(s_d_df, tmp_stock_df)
It's hard to say what you're doing differently when manually typing in the commands, but it seems to me that this code would ever produce the results you're looking for. Apart from the fact that s_d_df is not defined, vcat does not mutate its arguments, and therefore you're never actually adding to your DataFrame:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> df1 = DataFrame(a = rand(2), b = rand(2)); df2 = DataFrame(a = rand(2), b = rand(2));
julia> vcat(df1, df2)
4×2 DataFrame
Row │ a b
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 0.918298 0.343344
2 │ 0.538763 0.188229
3 │ 0.347177 0.385166
4 │ 0.18795 0.98408
julia> df1
2×2 DataFrame
Row │ a b
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 0.918298 0.343344
2 │ 0.538763 0.188229
You probably want s_d_df = vcat(s_d_df, tmp_stock_df) to assign the result of the concatenation.
On a related note, it looks like you just have a list of files f_l with different csv files stored on your system which you want to read into a single DataFrame, in which case you can just replace the whole loop with:
s_d_df = vcat(CSV.read.(f_l, DataFrame)...)
(potentially also use the dateformat = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" kwarg in CSV.read to directly parse the dates when reading in the file).

Julia: read CSV into Vector{T} efficiently / type stability

I have a number of very large CSV files which I would like to parse into custom data structures for subsequent processing. My current approach involves CSV.File and then converting each CSV.Row into the custom data structure. It works well for small test cases but gets really inefficient for the large files (GC very high). The problem is in the second step and I suspect is due to type instability. I'm providing a mock example below.
(I'm new to Julia, so apologies if I misunderstood something)
Define data structure and conversion logic:
using CSV
struct Foo
Foo(csv_row::CSV.Row) = Foo(csv_row.a, csv_row.b)
Using the default constructor causes 0 allocations:
julia> #allocated foo1 = Foo(1, 2.5)
However, when creating the object from CSV.Row all of a sudden 80 bytes are allocated:
julia> data = CSV.File(Vector{UInt8}("a,b\n1,2.5"); threaded = false)
1-element CSV.File{false}:
CSV.Row: (a = 1, b = 2.5f0)
julia> #allocated foo2 = Foo(data[1])
In the first case all types are stable:
julia> #code_warntype Foo(1, 2)
#self#::Core.Compiler.Const(Foo, false)
1 ─ %1 = Main.Foo::Core.Compiler.Const(Foo, false)
│ %2 = Core.fieldtype(%1, 1)::Core.Compiler.Const(Int32, false)
│ %3 = Base.convert(%2, a)::Int32
│ %4 = Core.fieldtype(%1, 2)::Core.Compiler.Const(Float32, false)
│ %5 = Base.convert(%4, b)::Float32
│ %6 = %new(%1, %3, %5)::Foo
└── return %6
Whereas in the second case they are not:
julia> #code_warntype Foo(data[1])
#self#::Core.Compiler.Const(Foo, false)
1 ─ %1 = Base.getproperty(csv_row, :a)::Any
│ %2 = Base.getproperty(csv_row, :b)::Any
│ %3 = Main.Foo(%1, %2)::Foo
└── return %3
So I guess my question is: How can I make the second case type-stable and avoid the allocations?
Providing the types explicitly in CSV.File does not make a difference by the way.
While this does not focus on type stability, I would expect the highest performance combined with flexibility from the following code:
d = DataFrame!(CSV.File(Vector{UInt8}("a,b\n1,2.5\n3,4.0"); threaded = false))
The above efficiently transforms a CSV.File into a type stable structure, additionally avoiding data copying in this process. This should work for your case of huge CSV files.
And now:
julia> Foo.(d.a, d.b)
2-element Array{Foo,1}:
Foo(1, 2.5f0)
Foo(3, 4.0f0)

Redefining functions in Julia function gives strange behaviour

Consider the following functions whose definitions contain re-definitions of functions.
function foo1()
x = 1
if x != 1
x = 2
function foo()
function p(t) return t + 1 end
if p(1) != 2
function p(t) return 1 end
foo1() runs without error, but foo() gives the error Wrong. I thought it may have something to do with Julia not supporting redefining functions in general, but I'm not sure. Why is this happening?
I would say that this falls into a more general known problem https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/15602.
In your case consider a simpler function:
function f()
p() = "before"
p() = "after"
Calling f() will print "after".
In your case you can inspect what is going on with foo in the following way:
julia> #code_typed foo()
4 1 ─ invoke Main.error("Wrong"::String)::Union{} │
│ $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │
└── $(Expr(:unreachable))::Union{} │
) => Union{}
and you see that Julia optimizes out all internal logic and just calls error.
If you inspect it one step earlier you can see:
julia> #code_lowered foo()
2 1 ─ p = %new(Main.:(#p#7)) │
3 │ %2 = (p)(1) │
│ %3 = %2 != 2 │
└── goto #3 if not %3 │
4 2 ─ (Main.error)("Wrong") │
6 3 ─ return p │
any you see that p in top line is assigned only once. Actually the second definition is used (which is not visible here, but could be seen above).
To solve your problem use anonymous functions like this:
function foo2()
p = t -> t + 1
if p(1) != 2
p = t -> 1
and all will work as expected. The limitation of this approach is that you do not get multiple dispatch on name p (it is bound to a concrete anonymous function, but I guess you do not need multiple dispatch in your example).

Julia: how to see devectorized code?

I would like to see devectorized code of some expression say here
obj.mask = exp.(1.0im*lambda*obj.dt/2.);
How one could print a generic expression in devectorized form in Julia?
I don't think that what you ask for exists (please proof me wrong if I'm mistaken!).
The best you can do is use #code_lowered, #code_typed, #code_llvm, #code_native macros (in particular #code_lowered) to see what happens to your Julia code snippet. However, as Julia isn't translating all dots to explicit for loops internally, non of these snippets will show you a for-loop version of your code.
julia> a,b = rand(3), rand(3);
julia> f(a,b) = a.*b
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> #code_lowered f(a,b)
1 1 ─ %1 = Base.Broadcast.materialize │
│ %2 = Base.Broadcast.broadcasted │
│ %3 = (%2)(Main.:*, a, b) │
│ %4 = (%1)(%3) │
└── return %4 │
So, Julia translates the .* into a Base.Broadcast.broadcasted call. Of course, we can go further and do
julia> #which Base.Broadcast.broadcasted(Main.:*, a, b)
broadcasted(f, arg1, arg2, args...) in Base.Broadcast at broadcast.jl:1139
and check broadcast.jl in line 1139 and so on to trace the actual broadcasted method that will be called (maybe Tim Holy's Rebugger is useful here :D). But as I said before, there won't be a for-loop in it. Instead you will find something like this:
broadcasted(::DefaultArrayStyle{1}, ::typeof(*), r::AbstractRange, x::Number) = range(first(r)*x, step=step(r)*x, length=length(r))
broadcasted(::DefaultArrayStyle{1}, ::typeof(*), r::StepRangeLen{T}, x::Number) where {T} =
StepRangeLen{typeof(T(r.ref)*x)}(r.ref*x, r.step*x, length(r), r.offset)
broadcasted(::DefaultArrayStyle{1}, ::typeof(*), r::LinRange, x::Number) = LinRange(r.start * x, r.stop * x, r.len)
Ok, eventually, I found for-loops in copyto! in broadcast.jl. But this is probably to deep into the rabbit hole.

Equivalent to R's dput in Julia

Is there a way to convert an object in Julia to a code representation generating the same object?
I am basically looking for an equivalent to R's dput function.
So if I have an object like:
A = rand(2,2)
# Which outputs
>2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0462887 0.365109
0.698356 0.302478
I can do something like dput(A) which prints something like the following to the console that can be copy-pasted to be able to replicate the object:
[0.0462887 0.365109; 0.698356 0.302478]
I think you are looking for repr:
julia> A = rand(2, 2);
julia> repr(A)
"[0.427705 0.0971806; 0.395074 0.168961]"
Just use Base.dump.
julia> dump(rand(2,2))
Array{Float64}((2, 2)) [0.162861 0.434463; 0.0823066 0.519742]
You can copy the second part.
(This is a modified crosspost of https://stackoverflow.com/a/73337342/18431399)
repr might not work as expected for DataFrames.
Here is one way to mimic the behaviour of R's dput for DataFrames in Julia:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> using Random; Random.seed!(0);
julia> df = DataFrame(a = rand(3), b = rand(1:10, 3))
3×2 DataFrame
Row │ a b
│ Float64 Int64
1 │ 0.405699 1
2 │ 0.0685458 7
3 │ 0.862141 2
julia> repr(df) # Attempting with repr()
"3×2 DataFrame\n Row │ a b\n │ Float64 Int64\n─────┼──────────────────\n 1 │ 0.405699 1\n 2 │ 0.0685458 7\n 3 │ 0.862141 2"
julia> julian_dput(x) = invoke(show, Tuple{typeof(stdout), Any}, stdout, df);
julia> julian_dput(df)
DataFrame(AbstractVector[[0.4056994708920292, 0.06854582438651502, 0.8621408571954849], [1, 7, 2]], DataFrames.Index(Dict(:a => 1, :b => 2), [:a, :b]))
That is, julian_dput() takes a DataFrame as input and returns a string that can generate the input.
Source: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/given-an-object-return-julia-code-that-defines-the-object/80579/12
