I'd like to make a grouped boxplot in plotly in R, but it simply doesn't show up
I'm taking a boxplot that works in ggplot and trying to translate it to r
This is my code
gg <-
credit %>%
group = cut2(savings, g = 4),
fill = cut2(savings, g = 4))) +
geom_boxplot() +
It shows up really nicely in ggplot and then doesn't show at all in plotly
I want to plot a segmented bar plot in ggplot2. Here is part of my dataframe, I want to plot the proportion of output(0 and 1) for each x1(0 and 1). But when I use the following code, what I plot is just black bars without any segmentation. What's the problem in here?
fig = ggplot(data=df, mapping=aes(x=x1, fill=output)) + geom_bar(stat="count", width=0.5, position='fill')
The output plot is here
You need factor variables for your task:
df <- data.frame(x1=sample(0:1,100,replace = T),output=sample(0:1,100,replace = T))
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = as.factor(x1), fill = as.factor(output))) +
geom_histogram(stat = "count")+
which give me:
I am trying to combine a line plot and horizontal barplot on the same plot. The difficult part is that the barplot is actually counts of the y values of the line plot.
Can someone show me how this can be done using the example below ?
x <- c(1:100)
dff <- data.frame(x = x,y1 = sample(-500:500,size=length(x),replace=T), y2 = sample(3:20,size=length(x),replace=T))
counts <- ddply(dff, ~ y1, summarize, y2 = sum(y2))
# line plot
ggplot(data=dff) + geom_line(aes(x=x,y=y1))
# bar plot
ggplot() + geom_bar(data=counts,aes(x=y1,y=y2),stat="identity")
I believe what I need is presented in the pseudocode below but I do not know how to write it out in R.
Apologies. I actually meant the secondary x axis representing the value of counts for the barplot, while primary y-axis is the y1.
ggplot(data=dff) + geom_line(aes(x=x,y=y1)) + geom_bar(data=counts , aes(primary y axis = y1,secondary x axis =y2),stat="identity")
I just want the barplots to be plotted horizontally, so I tried the code below which flip both the line chart and barplot, which is also not I wanted.
ggplot(data=dff) +
geom_line(aes(x=x,y=y1)) +
geom_bar(data=counts,aes(x=y2,y=y1),stat="identity") + coord_flip()
You can combine two plots in ggplot like you want by specifying different data = arguments in each geom_ layer (and none in the original ggplot() call).
ggplot() +
geom_line(data=dff, aes(x=x,y=y1)) +
The following plot is the result. However, since x and y1 have different ranges, are you sure this is what you want?
Perhaps you want y1 on the vertical axis for both plots. Something like this works:
ggplot() +
geom_line(data=dff, aes(x=y1 ,y = x)) +
geom_bar(data=counts,aes(x=y1,y=y2),stat="identity", color = "red") +
Maybe you are looking for this. Ans based on your last code you look for a double axis. So using dplyr you can store the counts in the same dataframe and then plot all variables. Here the code:
x <- c(1:100)
dff <- data.frame(x = x,y1 = sample(-500:500,size=length(x),replace=T), y2 = sample(3:20,size=length(x),replace=T))
dff %>% group_by(y1) %>% mutate(Counts=sum(y2)) -> dff2
#Scale factor
sf <- max(dff2$y1)/max(dff2$Counts)
# Plot
scale_y_continuous(name="y1", sec.axis = sec_axis(~./sf, name="Counts"))
I'm trying to arrange all the plots i.e. barplots that have a common legend in the plotly subplot. I have created individual subplot using ggplotly and hide_legend() doesn't seem to solve my problem. With plotly it is easier to do the same thing but I have to forget about ggplot. Can anyone help me in this matter?
Here is the code describing my problem:
data <- dget("loan_pred.data")
factor_col_names <- names(data)[map_lgl(data,is.factor)]
n<- 1
create_barplot_plotly <- function(feature){
g <- ggplot(data) +
geom_bar(aes(fill=Loan_Status),position = "fill")+
ylab("proportion") + theme_bw()
g <- ggplotly(g)
if (n %% length(factor_col_names)!=1){
g <- hide_legend(g)
n <<- n +1
nrows = 3,margin = 0.06,titleX = TRUE,titleY = TRUE)%>%
I have uploaded the data using dput on Google Drive and edited the code to reduce dependencies.
So SO nailed getting my graph to work, but now i can't get it to print! The end goal is that i need to automate the updating of these plots, so the ggplot and print calls need to be in a function. When i run this code, each file just contains a gray square.
toyfn <- function(plotdata){
plotS1 <- ggplot(plotdata)
plotS1 + geom_bar(aes(x=year,y=value,factor=variable,fill=variable,
order=-as.numeric(variable)), stat="identity") +
geom_line(data=linedata, aes(x=year,y=production))
# First let's make a toy dataset for our stacked plot/line plot example.
year = c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
stocks = c(2,4,3,2,4,3)
exports = stocks*2
domestic = stocks*3
production = c(15,16,15,16,15,16)
# Make 2 df's: alldata is for stacked bar chart, linedata is for plotting a line on top of it.
alldata = data.frame(year,stocks,exports,domestic)
linedata = data.frame(year,production)
# Make alldata 'long' for the stacking
melteddata = melt(alldata,id.vars="year")
You are saving a plot with no geoms. The plot with geoms will display on the screen, but not in the file.
Try this:
toyfn <- function(plotdata){
plotS1 <- ggplot(plotdata, aes(year, value, factor = variable, fill = variable)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(order = -as.numeric(variable))) +
geom_line(data=linedata, aes(x=year,y=production))
ggsave('testprint.png', plot = plotS1)
This is a continuation of the question here: Create non-overlapping stacked area plot with ggplot2
I have a ggplot2 area chart created by the following code. I want the labels from names be aligned on the right side of the graph. I think directlabels might work, but am willing to try whatever is most clever.
link <- getURL("http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25609375/so_data/final.txt")
dat <- read.csv(textConnection(link), sep=' ', header=FALSE,
col.names=c('count', 'name', 'episode'))
dat <- ddply(dat, .(episode), transform, percent = count / sum(count))
# needed to make geom_area not freak out because of missing value
dat2 <- rbind(dat, data.frame(count = 0, name = 'lane',
episode = '02-tea-leaves', percent = 0))
g <- ggplot(arrange(dat2,name,episode), aes(x=episode,y=percent)) +
geom_area(aes(fill=name, group = name), position='stack') + scale_fill_brewer()
g1 <- g + geom_dl(method='last.points', aes(label=name))
I'm brand new to directlabels and not really sure how to get the labels to align to right side of the graph with the same colors as the areas.
You can use simple geom_text to add labels. First, subset you data set to get the final x value:
dd=subset(dat, episode=="06-at-the-codfish-ball")
Then order the data frame by factor level:
dd = dd[with(dd, order(name, levels(dd$name))),]
Then work out the cumulative percent for plotting:
dd$cum = cumsum(dd$percent)
Then just use a standard geom_text call:
g + geom_text(data=dd, aes(x=6, y=cum, label=name))
Oh, and you may want to angle your x-axis labels to avoid over plotting:
g + opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-25, hjust=0.5, size = 8))