mdply (or similar) a function instead of for loop - r

I want to generate data from a function iterating over a range of values. The setting is best explained in a small example:
myfun <- function(a, b, sims) {
x = 3/a*b
y = mean(a*rnorm(sims))
return(data.frame(x = x, y = y))
# Output I want:
d <- data.frame(x = 0, y= 0)
d[1,] <- myfun(a=4, b=2, sims = 100)
d[2,] <- myfun(a=4, b=3, sims = 100)
d[3,] <- myfun(a=4, b=4, sims = 100)
# --> With a for loop this is easy
# Using mdply, however, does not work
a <- expand.grid(a=1:3)
d <- plyr::mdply(a, myfun, b=seq(1,100, length=100), sims = 100)

You can use Map :
data <- expand.grid(a = 1:3, b = 1:100)
result <-, Map(myfun, data$a, data$b, MoreArgs = list(sims = 100)))
# x y
#1 3.0 -0.17846248
#2 1.5 0.06837716
#3 1.0 0.01034184
#4 6.0 -0.02898619
#5 3.0 0.10077290
#6 2.0 0.22321839
A similar way would be if you Vectorize myfun. Vectorize is a wrapper around mapply.
myfun_vec <- Vectorize(myfun)
t(myfun_vec(data$a, data$b, 100))
A purrr option :
result <- purrr::map2_df(data$a, data$b, myfun, sims = 100)


multiple data frames with similar names

I needed to generate array or many data frames from other data frames which only varied in names. This required me to do a lot of copy-paste works. Is it possible that I can make it cleaner but not keep copying and pasting? Follows are two examples from many similar cases of the analysis I am doing now (I will provide codes for reproduction at the end of the question), which I think may be able to make them cleaner with the same approach.
case 1, create an array with data from per_d1,per_d1,per_d3,per_d4,per_d5
perd <- array(dim=c(7,15,5))
perd [,,1] <- as.matrix(per_d$per_d1)
perd [,,2] <- as.matrix(per_d$per_d2)
perd [,,3] <- as.matrix(per_d$per_d3)
perd [,,4] <- as.matrix(per_d$per_d4)
perd [,,5] <- as.matrix(per_d$per_d5)
case 2, create multiple data frames from data with similar names.
dataplot <- dfmak (per_d$per_d1,ge$per_d1$g1,ge$per_d1$g2,ge$per_d1$g3,ge$per_d1$g4,ge$per_d1$g5)
dataplot2 <- dfmak (per_d$per_d2,ge$per_d2$g1,ge$per_d2$g2,ge$per_d2$g3,ge$per_d2$g4,ge$per_d2$g5)
dataplot3 <- dfmak (per_d$per_d3,ge$per_d3$g1,ge$per_d3$g2,ge$per_d3$g3,ge$per_d3$g4,ge$per_d3$g5)
dataplot4 <- dfmak (per_d$per_d4,ge$per_d4$g1,ge$per_d4$g2,ge$per_d4$g3,ge$per_d4$g4,ge$per_d4$g5)
dataplot5 <- dfmak (per_d$per_d5,ge$per_d5$g1,ge$per_d5$g2,ge$per_d5$g3,ge$per_d5$g4,ge$per_d5$g5)
codes for reproduction
N <- 1
CS <- 10.141
S <- seq (7.72,13,0.807)
t <- 15
l <- length (S)
m0 <- 100
exps <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.5, 2)
sd <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.3, 1.8)
names(sd) <- paste("per", seq_along(sd), sep = "")
per <- lapply(sd, function(x){
per <- matrix(nrow = length(S)*N, ncol = t+1)
for (i in 1:dim(per)[1]) {
for (j in 1:t+1){
per [,1] <- replicate (n = N, S)
per [i,j] <- round (abs (rnorm (1, mean = per[i,1], sd =x)),digits=3)
colnames(per) <- c('physical',paste('t', 1:15, sep = ""))
per <- (per)
per <- per [,-1]
per_d <- lapply(per, function(x){
per_d <- abs (x - 10.141)
names(per_d) <- paste("per_d", seq_along(sd), sep = "")
gefun <- function (i){
res <- lapply(exps, function(x){
g <- as.matrix (m0 * exp (-x * i))
for (i in 1:l) {
for (j in 1:t){
g [i,j] <- abs((round (rnorm(1,mean = g[i,j],sd=3), digits = 3)))
colnames(g) <- paste('t', 1:ncol(g), sep = "")
g <-
ge <- lapply(per_d, gefun)
for (i in 1:length(ge)){
names(ge[[i]]) <- paste("g", seq_along(ge), sep = "")
dfmak <- function(df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,df6){
data.frame(stimulus = c (paste0('S',1:3),'CS+',paste0('S',5:7)),
phy_dis = S,
per_dis = c(df1$t1,df1$t2,df1$t3,df1$t4,df1$t5,df1$t6,df1$t7,df1$t8,df1$t9,df1$t10,df1$t11,df1$t12,df1$t13,df1$t14,df1$t15),
trials = rep(1:15, each = 7),
response_0.2 = c (df2$t1,df2$t2,df2$t3,df2$t4,df2$t5,df2$t6,df2$t7,df2$t8,df2$t9,df2$t10,df2$t11,df2$t12,df2$t13,df2$t14,df2$t15),
response_0.5 = c (df3$t1,df3$t2,df3$t3,df3$t4,df3$t5,df3$t6,df3$t7,df3$t8,df3$t9,df3$t10,df3$t11,df3$t12,df3$t13,df3$t14,df3$t15),
response_0.9 = c (df4$t1,df4$t2,df4$t3,df4$t4,df4$t5,df4$t6,df4$t7,df4$t8,df4$t9,df4$t10,df4$t11,df4$t12,df4$t13,df4$t14,df4$t15),
response_1.5 = c (df5$t1,df5$t2,df5$t3,df5$t4,df5$t5,df5$t6,df5$t7,df5$t8,df5$t9,df5$t10,df5$t11,df5$t12,df5$t13,df5$t14,df5$t15),
response_2 = c (df6$t1,df6$t2,df6$t3,df6$t4,df6$t5,df6$t6,df6$t7,df6$t8,df6$t9,df6$t10,df6$t11,df6$t12,df6$t13,df6$t14,df6$t15)
You can try the followings. But the codes, unfortunately, are not short.
Case 1
a <- lapply(per_d, as.matrix)
b <- c(a, recursive = TRUE)
pred <- array(b, dim = c(7,15,5))
Case 2
The data frames will be stored in a list. You still have to extract them using $ or [[]].
# create empty lists to store the outputs
out <- list()
name <- list()
for(i in 1:5) {
a <- per_d[[i]]
b <- ge[[i]][[1]]
c <- ge[[i]][[2]]
d <- ge[[i]][[3]]
e <- ge[[i]][[4]]
f <- ge[[i]][[5]]
arg <- list(a, b, c, d, e, f)
name[[i]] <- paste0("df_", i)
out[[i]] <-, arg)
out <- setNames(out, name)

Convert for loops into foreach loops

I want to make the code below more efficient by using the foreach package. I tried it for a very long time but I don't manage to get the same result as when using the for-loops. I would like to use a nested foreach-loop including parallelization... And as output I would like to have two matrices with dim [R,b1] I would be very grateful for some suggestions!!
n <- c(100, 300, 500)
R <- 100
b0 <- 110
b1 <- seq(0.01, 0.1, length.out = 100)
## all combinations of n and b1
grid <- expand.grid(n, b1)
names(grid) <- c("n", "b1")
calcPower <- function( R, b0, grid) {
cl <- makeCluster(3)
## n and b1 coefficients
n <- grid$n
b1 <- grid$b1
## ensures reproducibility
x <- runif(n, 18, 80)
x.dich <- factor( ifelse( x < median( x), 0, 1))
## enables to store two outputs
solution <- list()
## .options.RNG ensures reproducibility
res <- foreach(i = 1:R, .combine = rbind, .inorder = TRUE, .options.RNG = 666) %dorng% {
p.val <- list()
p.val.d <- list()
for( j in seq_along(b1)) {
y <- b0 + b1[j] * x + rnorm(n, 0, sd = 10)
mod.lm <- lm( y ~ x)
mod.lm.d <- lm( y ~ x.dich)
p.val <- c( p.val, ifelse( summary(mod.lm)$coef[2,4] <= 0.05, 1, 0))
p.val.d <- c( p.val.d, ifelse( summary(mod.lm.d)$coef[2,4] <= 0.05, 1, 0))
solution[[1]] <- p.val
solution[[2]] <- p.val.d
dp.val <- matrix( unlist(res[,1], use.names = FALSE), R, length(b1), byrow = TRUE)
dp.val.d <- matrix( unlist(res[,2], use.names = FALSE), R, length(b1), byrow = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(
effectS = b1,
power = apply( dp.val, 2, function(x){ mean(x) * 100}),
power.d = apply( dp.val.d, 2, function(x){ mean(x) * 100}),
n = factor(n))
## simulation for different n
tmp <- with(grid,
by( grid, n,
calcPower, R = R, b0 = b0))
## combines the 3 results
df.power <- rbind(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]], tmp[[3]])
I created a foreach loop in following code. There had to be some changes made. It is a lot easier to return a list then a matrix in foreach, since it's combined with rbind. Especially when you want to return multiple ones. My solution here is to save everything in a list and afterwards transform it into a matrix of length 100.
Note: there is one mistake in your code. summary( mod.lm.d)$coef[2,4] does not exist. I changed it to [2]. Adjust to your needing
solution <- list()
df2<-foreach(i = 1:R, .combine = rbind, .inorder=TRUE) %dopar%{
p.val <- list()
p.val.d <- list()
counter <- list()
for( j in seq_along(b1)){
x <- sort( runif(n, 18, 80))
x.dich <- factor( ifelse( x < median(x), 0, 1))
y <- b0 + b1[j] * x + rnorm( n, 0, sd = 10)
mod.lm <- lm( y ~ x)
mod.lm.d <- lm( y ~ x.dich)
p.val <- c(p.val, ifelse( summary( mod.lm)$coef[2] <= 0.05, 1, 0))
p.val.d <- c(p.val.d, ifelse( summary( mod.lm.d)$coef[2] <= 0.05, 1, 0))
counter <- c(counter, j)
solution[[1]] <- p.val
solution[[2]] <- p.val.d
solution[[3]] <- counter
dp.val <- unlist(df2[,1], use.names = FALSE)
dp.val.d <- unlist(df2[,2], use.names = FALSE)
dp.val.matr <- matrix(dp.val, R, length(b1))
dp.val.d.matr <- matrix(dp.val.d, R, length(b1))
for your comment:
A foreach does work with a normal for loop. Minimal reproducible example:
df<-foreach(i = 1:R, .combine = cbind, .inorder=TRUE) %dopar%{
x <- list()
for(j in 1:3){
x <- c(x,j)

Calculate stderr, t-value, p-value, predict value for linear regression

I'm fitting linear models with and MatrixModels::glm4 (also sparse).
However, these functions return coeff, residuals and fitted.values only.
What's the fastest and easiest way to get/calculate another values such as stderr, t-value, p-value, predict value?
I use the data from example.
I built a custom function summary_sparse to perform a summary for this model.
All matrix operations are performed with Matrix package.
Results are compared with dense type model.
Note have to be evaluated with method = "chol" to get proper results.
summary_sparse <- function(l, X) {
XXinv <- Matrix::chol2inv(Matrix::chol(Matrix::crossprod(X)))
se <- sqrt(Matrix::diag(XXinv*sum(l$residuals**2)/(nrow(X)-ncol(X))))
ts <- l$coef/se
pvals <- 2*c(1 - pnorm(abs(ts)))
list(coef = l$coef, se = se, t = ts, p = pvals)
predict_sparse <- function(X, coef) {
X %*% coef
dd <- expand.grid(a = as.factor(1:3),
b = as.factor(1:4),
c = as.factor(1:2),
d= as.factor(1:8))
n <- nrow(dd <- dd[rep(seq_len(nrow(dd)), each = 10), ])
dM <- cbind(dd, x = round(rnorm(n), 1))
## randomly drop some
n <- nrow(dM <- dM[- sample(n, 50),])
dM <- within(dM, { A <- c(2,5,10)[a]
B <- c(-10,-1, 3:4)[b]
C <- c(-8,8)[c]
D <- c(10*(-5:-2), 20*c(0, 3:5))[d]
Y <- A + B + A*B + C + D + A*D + C*x + rnorm(n)/10
wts <- sample(1:10, n, replace=TRUE)
X <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix( ~ (a+b+c+d)^2 + c*x, data = dM)
Xd <- as(X,"matrix")
fmDense <- lm(dM[,"Y"]~Xd-1)
ss <- summary(fmDense)
r1 <-, y = dM[,"Y"], method = "chol")
f <- summary_sparse(r1, X)
all.equal(, f), ss$coefficients, check.attributes = F)
all.equal(predict_sparse(X, r1$coef)#x, predict(fmDense), check.attributes = F, check.names=F)

Vectorized approach for the following task

The following code works, but as expected, it takes ages to execute for large vectors.
What would be the vectorised way to accomplish the same task:
x <- seq(0,10,0.01)
y <- seq(0,10,0.01)
df <- data.frame(vector1 = rnorm(10000), vector2 = rnorm(10000), vector3 = rnorm(10000))
m.out <- matrix(nrow=length(x),ncol = length(y))
a <- df$vector1
b <- df$vector2
c <- df$vector3
for (i in 1:length(x)){
for(j in 1:length(y)){
m.out[i,j] <- cor((x[i]*a + y[j]*b),c,use="complete.obs",method = "pearson")
Please see vectorized version below, you can use mapply and expand.grid. To return to wide dataset format you can use dcast of reshape2 package (however it still takes some time):
x <- seq(0, 10, 0.01)
y <- seq(0, 10, 0.01)
# simulation
df <- data.frame(vector1 = rnorm(length(x)), vector2 = rnorm(length(x)), vector3 = rnorm(length(x)))
a <- df$vector1
b <- df$vector2
c <- df$vector3
v <- expand.grid(x, y)
v$out <- mapply(function(n, m) cor(n * a + m * b, c, use = "complete.obs", method = "pearson"), v[, 1], v[, 2])
z <- dcast(v, Var1 ~ Var2)
rownames(z) <- z$Var1
z <- z[, -1]
head(z[, 1:5])
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
0 NA 0.0140699293 0.0140699293 0.0140699293 0.0140699293
0.01 -0.01383734 0.0003350528 0.0065542508 0.0090938390 0.0103897953
0.02 -0.01383734 -0.0059841841 0.0003350528 0.0042062076 0.0065542508
0.03 -0.01383734 -0.0086178379 -0.0035752709 0.0003350528 0.0031310581
0.04 -0.01383734 -0.0099713568 -0.0059841841 -0.0024814273 0.0003350528
0.05 -0.01383734 -0.0107798236 -0.0075458061 -0.0045052606 -0.0018627055

Matrix version of rasterToPoints?

Anyone know of a non-raster method to achieve the following?
d = data.frame(rasterToPoints(raster(volcano)))
x y layer
1 0.008196721 0.9942529 100
2 0.024590164 0.9942529 100
3 0.040983607 0.9942529 101
4 0.057377049 0.9942529 101
5 0.073770492 0.9942529 101
6 0.090163934 0.9942529 101
One way would be to use the row and col command:
df <- data.frame(
x = as.vector(col(volcano)),
y = (yy <- as.vector(row(volcano)))[length(yy):1],
val = as.vector(volcano)
raster rescales the range to 0 - 1, if not specified differently, so we would to have to do this too:
## rescale
df$x <- with(df, (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))
df$y <- with(df, (y - min(x)) / (max(y) - min(y)))
Finally lets check, that the results are the same:
## Using raster df1 <- data.frame(rasterToPoints(raster(volcano)))
cols <- colorRampPalette(c('white', "blue",'red')) df$col <-
cols(20)[as.numeric(cut(df$val, breaks = 20))] df1$col <-
cols(20)[as.numeric(cut(df1$layer, breaks = 20))]
par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(df[, 1:2], col = df$col, pch = 20, main =
plot(df1[, 1:2], col = df1$col, pch = 20, main = "raster")
While the results appear the same visually, they are not. The resolution of the raster command is most likely different, and hence there are different nrows for df and df1.
Faster for large matrices:
x = rep(1:ncol(m), each=nrow(m)),
y = rep(nrow(m):1, ncol(m)),
val = as.vector(m)
