How to edit exif in android Q - android-10.0

I want to create an jpg and edit its exif.
Before, I use ExifInterface:
ExifInterface exifInterface = new ExifInterface(filePath)
But in Android Q, I just got a image uri from MediaStore API instead of a file path.I try to use this:
new ExifInterface(inputStream)
But when I call saveAttributes() ,it shows like this Failed to copy original file to temp file
So,is there another way to deal with this problem

I had the same issue. I solved it by updating ExifInterface to 1.3.1 in build.gradle (app):
implementation 'androidx.exifinterface:exifinterface:1.3.1'
Seems to be related with this commit to saveAttributes, as indicated in the release notes:
Fix saveAttributes implementation to keep the image data in MediaProvider


Property 'downloadURL' not found on object of type 'FIRStorageMetadata *' - Getting this error when trying to build a Flutter project

I'm trying to build a Flutter project on Xcode with firebase installed. I'm getting the following error: Property 'downloadURL' not found on object of type 'FIRStorageMetadata *'
This is being caused by the following section in the FirebaseStoragePlugin.m file:
NSString *path = call.arguments[#"path"];
NSDictionary *metadataDictionary = call.arguments[#"metadata"];
FIRStorageMetadata *metadata;
if (![metadataDictionary isEqual:[NSNull null]]) {
metadata = [self buildMetadataFromDictionary:metadataDictionary];
FIRStorageReference *fileRef = [[FIRStorage storage].reference child:path];
[fileRef putData:data
completion:^(FIRStorageMetadata *metadata, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
} else {
// Metadata contains file metadata such as size,
// content-type, and download URL.
NSURL *downloadURL = metadata.downloadURL; <---------------- This line
Since I didn't generate this code, I don't particularly want to edit it as it should really be working out of the box. I've tried to change the method to see whether later versions of Firebase might only accept another function but to no avail. What shall I do in this situation? Should I perhaps try to rebuild the project with a higher version of Firebase or is there a one line fix?
The downloadURL was removed from the StorageMetadata class in May 2018. If your native iOS code still uses that, it's high time to find an updated SDK or update your code to match the documentation on uploading a file and getting its download URL.
If you're using the FlutterFire binding libraries, upgrade to the latest version (as I definitely don't see any reference to metadata.downloadURL in its current code base). If you're using another library, check if the latest version of that solves the problem - or otherwise consider switching to the FlutterFire libraries as those are quite actively maintained.

alfresco - how to add a nodeRef as the new version of another node using java?

Hi I am new to alfresco so i appreciate your help.
I am trying to add a new node ref as the new version of a document while editing his properties.
My scenario
i can create a PDF file with his properties as the content,after updating his properties, I am doing this with behavior/policies NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdateNodePolicy .
example: when i edit the name I can see it inside the PDF file
But this new file needs to be the new version of the file edited, i cant figure how to fix this.
i appreciate yours answer.
thanks in advance.
You're looking for versioning.
Like Curtis mentioned, using API is an option, but Alfresco will do this for you automatically if you set it up that way. Also, creating a new version will not change node's nodeRef.
See the createVersion method from the VersionService API here
My fix:
i just added get the content of the new file and set as the new content of the previous node. like this
void updateVersionWithNewNodeContent(nodeA){ // nodeB is the new version of the file. NodeRef nodeB; nodeService.setProperty(nodeA, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT,nodeService.getProperty(nodeB, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT)); }

Set Program to use LIBXML_PARSEHUGE

I am using the commandline app xmlsec to encrypt and decrypt files. I got an XML File with a node at 40 MB of size.
I already found out i need to set
to parse nodes bigger than 10 MB
Does anyone know how to enable this?
I searched the source code of xmlsec for the Parser init, but couldn't find a way to integrate the option
Do i have to set this inside the source and recompile it? When so, do i have to recompile libxml or xmlsec?
Ok, so i found the solution and post it here just in case anyone needs this sometime
xmlDocPtr xmlSecParseFile(const char *filename){}
Contains this
/* enable parsing of XML documents with large text nodes */
xmlCtxtUseOptions (ctxt, XML_PARSE_HUGE);
Orinigally, the second line is commented out. You have to uncomment it and recompile the tool
You can also activate the parameter via the simplexml_load_string function itself:
simplexml_load_string($xmlString,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_PARSEHUGE);

import a google static map directly in fpdf

I wanted to place a google static map in a pdffile generated by using the fpdf extension.
and used code to make a tempfile first. Using this code. However I run into an error ('can't open image file').
// define the mapurl
$fullURL = '';
// create a tempfile
$tempF = tmpfile();
fwrite($tempF, file_get_contents($fullURL));
//Rewind to the start of file
// place the image in the pdf.
if (!empty($tempF)) {
$this->Image($tempF,$start_x, $this->GetY(),0,100);
fclose($tempF); // remove the tempfile
Note: OP's own answer extracted from the question.
Then I found out it can be done much easier... I don't need to use a tempfile. If I put the url in the image variable and give a format the thing works in two lines.. I don't use the height and width parameters in fpdf because they stretch the image into a unreadable form.
$fullURL = "". \
$this->Image($fullURL,$start_x, $this->GetY(),0,0,"PNG");
Saddly when using this function sometimes the program returns an error. The image could not be found. But when I put the url string in the browser the image shows up fine. Hopefully this is also a minor fallback.
Lets see if I find a solution on the google apis site
For what it is worth I had this problem as well, I found that my server had an outgoing connections manager, this would automatically block the request, I had to add the ip, once this was done it worked fine.
I had a problem similiar to the OP's. I was getting an error when using FPDF and trying to get the static map image from Google Maps and into my PDF. I was getting "FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file". What I did is to register in the Google Developer Console and get an API Key, just like they say in the documentation
Hope this helps.
You can download the image and use it with fpdf
$url =",New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&markers=color:green%7Clabel:G%7C40.711614,-74.012318&markers=color:red%7Clabel:C%7C40.718217,-73.998284&key=".$googleApiKey;
$img = __DIR__.'/img/map.png';
file_put_contents($img, file_get_contents($url));
Hope that this will be helpful

Websphere & Tivoli: NPE while trying to create PDAuthorizationContext

I am getting the following error when I try to start my Application...
[java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.NullPointerException^M
at com.tivoli.pd.jutil.kb$$^M
at com.tivoli.pd.jutil.kb.c(^M
at com.tivoli.pd.jutil.kb.(^M
at com.tivoli.pd.jutil.PDContext.(^M
at com.tivoli.pd.jazn.PDAuthorizationContext.(PDAuthorizationConte^M
I double checked the config file was accessible and I could read it. The code I am using looks as follows...
aC = new PDAuthorizationContext(cFile);
Is there a way to get more information on what is causing the NPE?
More information!!!
After debuging a bit, it appears the issue comes from this code (they use progaurd so it is a little hard to be 100% confident)...
Certificate[] arrayOfCertificate1 = ((KeyStore)???).getCertificateChain("DefaultID");
//Throws Null pointer (presumably because array is null)
Certificate localCertificate1 = arrayOfCertificate1[0];
This appears to be some kind of dependency conflict (guess), because if I just create a sample App using PDAuthorizationContext it works fine.
Problem was related to the PD.jar version that I was using. Although I thought I was using one version I was using another. This was because on version was registered in my WebSphere library (under build path in eclipse). Once the proper library was introduced everything worked.
