Allow int numbers in #textboxfor with no comma or point -

So I created a Razor page with a #html.textboxfor that I want to allow only numbers. I changed the type to number, but still, when testing it, it will accept comma and point. I tried some onchange functions to get the value from that textbox, replace all commas or points with nothing, and return to the same textbox. I managed to do that using a second textbox just for testing, but I don't want that behavior. I want the textboxfor to have the same behavior as when I try to type any letters. Which means, do nothing. I just started learning C#/, and I couldn't find anything on google. Maybe I'm not searching for the right names, so any tips or directions on what I should research for would be greatly appreciated.

I actually found something that works perfectly. Just in case anyone wants to use it.
First I created the TextboxFor and removed the number type:
#Html.TextBoxFor(i => i.price, new { #id = "amount", #onInput = "javascript: replaceComma('amount'); "})
Then I added this javascript to replace any non-number char with an empty value:
<script type="text/javascript">
function replaceComma(i) {
var val = document.getElementById(i).value;
val = val.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '')
document.getElementById(i).value = val;
I'm not sure this is the best approach, but it seems to be working now.


Caliburn.Micro multiple element custom Conventions (NumericUpDown.Value,NumericUpDown.Maximum)

I've been messing around with CM conventions trying to understand how they work but i haven't found a decent article somewhere explaining step-by-step how and why.
However I've found a few code snippets that i've been working with with some success.
In this case, however, i don't understand what is going on.
I'm trying to bind a NumericUpDown Value and Maximum to a corresponding ViewModel property. I was able to do it with the following code:
ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<NumericUpDown>(NumericUpDown.ValueProperty, "Value", "ValueChanged");
ConventionManager.AddElementConvention<NumericUpDown>(NumericUpDown.MaximumProperty, "Maximum", "MaximumChanged");
var baseBindProperties = ViewModelBinder.BindProperties;
ViewModelBinder.BindProperties =
(frameWorkElements, viewModels) =>
foreach (var frameworkElement in frameWorkElements)
var propertyName = frameworkElement.Name + "Max";
var property = viewModels.GetPropertyCaseInsensitive(propertyName);
if (property != null)
var convention = ConventionManager.GetElementConvention(typeof(NumericUpDown));
return baseBindProperties(frameWorkElements, viewModels);
However, an here comes the weird part, i can only make one of them to work. That makes me believe that i'm doing some noob mistake somewhere. It almost seems i can only call AddElementConvention and therefor only the last call is executed.
I would appreciate either a help with this piece of code or a reference to some good documentation that could help me with it.
Best Regards
i found out somewhere that CM only allows one convention per item so that's the reason of this behavior...
However since items like ComboBox allows binding for multiple properties (SelectedItem, ItemSource and so on...) i'm not completed convinced...

SDL Tridion GetListKeywords using Anquilla Framework

I'm writing a GUI extension and using the Anquilla framework to get a list of Keywords within a Category. I'm obtaining an XML document for the list of keywords then working with that document within my extension.
My problem is that the returned XML doesn't contain the Keyword's 'Description' value. I have the Title and Key etc.
My original code looks like this:
var category = $models.getItem("CATEGORYTCMID:);
var list = category.getListKeywords();
A typical node returned is this:
<tcm:Item ID="tcm:4-1749-1024"
Type="1024" Title="rate_one" Lock="0" IsRoot="true"
Modified="2012-12-17T23:01:59" FromPub="010 Schema"
Key="rate_one_value" IsAbstract="false"
CategoryID="tcm:4-469-512" Icon="T1024L0P0"
Allow="268560384" Deny="96" IsNew="false"
So I've tried using a Filter to give me additional column information:
var filter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter();
filter.columns = Tridion.Constants.ColumnFilter.EXTENDED;
var list = category.getListKeywords(filter);
Unfortunately this only gives the additional XML attributes:
IsShared="true" IsLocalized="false"
I'd really like the description value to be part of this XML without having to create a Keyword object from the XML. Is such a thing possible?
cough any ideas? cough
I'm afraid you'll have to load the Keyword itself to get the Description.
It's not used in any lists, so it's not returned in the XML.
You could always create a List Extender to add this information to the list, but try to be smart about it since this extender will execute everytime a GetList is called.
Won't save you from having to open every keyword in the list, but you'll be doing it server-side (with Core Service/NetTcp for instance) which will probably be easier and faster than opening each keyword with Anguilla.
In this instance I only need the one keyword, so I simply get it from the CMS. Getting an object in Anguilla is a bit weird, here's the code:
In your main code area:
var selectedKy = $models.getItem("TcmUriOfKeywordHere");
if (selectedKy.isLoaded()) {
p.selectedKy = selectedKy;
} else {
$evt.addEventHandler(selectedKy, "load", this.onselectedKyLoaded);
It's worth noting how I store the keyword in the properties of the item, so I can obtain it in the onselectedKyLoaded function
The function called once the item is loaded
ContentBloom.ExampleGuiExtension.prototype.onselectedKyLoaded = function (event) {
var p =;
var selectedDescription = p.selectedKy.getDescription();
// do what you need to do with the description :)
I resolved this, thanks to the answer here: - Cheers Nuno :)

Cannot implicitly convert type to List<string>

I am getting the following error, and cant work out why... Can some one please take a look and let me know where i am going wrong.
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List'
below is what i am trying to use, to get a list back so i can use it with Amazon. I have tried to remove the .ToList() bit but nothing seems to work. I am calling an MS SQL view "GetASINForUpdateLowPrices" which returns a list back of product ASIN's
List<string> prodASINs = dc.GetASINForUpdateLowPrices.ToList();
SQL for the view i am using, this may help a little bit more.
FROM dbo.aboProducts
(SELECT aboProducts_1.asin
FROM dbo.aboProducts AS aboProducts_1 INNER JOIN
dbo.LowestPrices ON aboProducts_1.asin = dbo.LowestPrices.productAsin
WHERE (dbo.LowestPrices.priceDate >= DATEADD(day, - 1, GETDATE()))))
What data type is a single ASIN?
Probably your GetASINForUpdateLowPrices is not an IEnumerable<string>. Try this to confirm:
List<string> prodASINs = dc.GetASINForUpdateLowPrices
.Select(e => e.ToString())
When you call your GetASINForUpdateLowPrices, it wont directly return List<string> even if there is only one field in your view. Try the following approach:
List<string> prodASINs = dc.GetASINForUpdateLowPrices
.Select(item => item.AsinFieldName)
Visual Studio IntelliSense should suggest you the property name after typing item.. If the property is not string try to add .ToString() at the end of the property name.
Edit: After your comment, it seems like you need to use it as .Select(item => item.asin.ToString()).
Just use var.
var prodASINs = dc.GetASINForUpdateLowPrices.ToList();
Are you sure that GetASINForUpdateLowPrices.ToList() creates a List of Strings? My best estimation is that it is a generic list of a different type.
To figure out what is going on - Change List<string> prodASINS to be Object obj. Then set a breakpoint to see what List type is actually generated by your ToList() code by checking out the object using the debugger. You can then update your code to move the values into a list of the appropriate type.
You might have to cast the right side of the assignor like this to ultimately get the job done (replacing string with another type if necessary) - List<string> prodASINs =(List<string>)dc.GetASINForUpdateLowPrices.ToList()

ASP.Net Auto-populate field based on other fields

I've just moved to web development and need to know how i can implement below requirement using and
I have three fields in a form which are filled by users. Based on these three values, i need to auto-populate the 4th field. I have planned to implement this in the following way
Write a separate class file with a function to calculate the possible values for the 4th fields based on 1st 3 inputs. This function can return some where between 1-10 values. So I've decided to use drop-down for 4th field, and allow users to select the appropriate value.
Call the above function in onchange function of 3rd field and take and use the return values to populate the 4th field. I'm planning to get the return values in array field.(Does this need a post back?)
Please let me know how if there is better way to implement this.
You may want to consider doing this with Javascript. You could read and control the fields pretty easily with pure Javascript, or using a nice library like jQuery (my favorite). If you did it this way, no post-back would be required and the 4th field would update immediately. (Nice for your users)
You can also do it with ASP.NET for the most part. "onchange" in ASP.NET still requires Javascript as far as I know, it just does some of it for you. A post-back will definitely happen when you change something.
You need javascript or to set autopostback=true on your form elements.
From a user perspective the best thing is to use javascript to populate the field for display, BUT when the form is submitted use your backend function to validate it. This will make sure the user didn't change the value.
An easy way is to use jQuery for the UI (that way you don't have to worry about long winded javascript and deal with browser compatibility as it's already taken care of for you) and have it call to the server for the data. For the server, your easiest route is to return JSON for looping values.
Include your jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Then add in a handle for the JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function autoPopulate() {
var value1 = $('#ddl1').val();
var value2 = $('#ddl2').val();
var value3 = $('#ddl3').val();
var url = 'path/to/your/file.aspx?value1=' + value1 + '&value2=' + value2 + '&value3=' + value3;
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
data == null ? return false : data = eval(data);
var ddl = $('#ddl4')[0];
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var option = new Option(data[i][0], data[i][1]);
if ($.browser.msie) {
} else {
ddl.add(option, null);
(Yes, I know I used a native loop but I'm little lazy here today :) )
Now, for your server side code you'll want your code your page to return data in the format of:
so something like:
<script type="vb" runat="server">
Private Sub Page_Init()
// get your data
// loop through it and add in values
// ex.
Dim result As String = "[" //start multi-dimensional array
For Each Item As String In data
result += String.Format("['{0}','{1}'],", _value, _text)
result = result.SubString(0, result.Length - 1) // removes trailing comma
result += "]" // closes off m-array
End Sub

Force ASP.NET textbox to display currency with $ sign

Is there a way to get an ASP.NET textbox to accept only currency values, and when the control is validated, insert a $ sign beforehand?
10.23 becomes $10.23
$1.45 stays $1.45
10.a raises error due to not being a valid number
I have a RegularExpressionValidator that is verifying the number is valid, but I don't know how to force the $ sign into the text. I suspect JavaScript might work, but was wondering if there was another way to do this.
The ASP.NET MaskedEdit control from the AJAX Control Toolkit can accomplish what you're asking for.
I know an answer has already been accepted, but I wanted to throw out another solution for anyone with the same problem and looking for multiple workarounds.
The way I do this is to use jQuery format currency plugin to bind user input on the client side. Parsing this input on the server side only requires:
// directive
using System.Globalization;
// code
decimal input = -1;
if (decimal.TryParse(txtUserInput.Text, NumberStyles.Currency,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out input))
parameter = input.ToString();
The only downfall to this is that the user can have javascript turned off, in which case the RegEx validator running server-side would work as a fall-back. If the control is databound, all you have to do is decimalValue.ToString("{0:c}") , as mentioned by others, in order to display the proper currency formatting.
The cool thing about this is that if the user enters the textbox and it shows $0.00 on the client side, the server-side if statement would return false. If your decimal value isn't nullable in the database, just change decimal input = -1 to decimal input = 0 and you'll have a default value of 0.
Another way to do this might be to place the dollar sign outside to the left of the text box. Is there a real need to have the dollar sign inside of the box or will a simple label do?
decimal sValue = decimal.Parse(txtboxValue.Text.Trim());
// Put Code to check whether the $ sign already exist or not.
//Try making a function returning boolean
//if Dollar sign not available do this
{ string LableText = string.Format("{0:c}", sValue); }
{ string LableText = Convert.ToString(sValue); }
string sValue = Convert.ToString(txtboxValue.Text.Trim());
// Put Code to check whether the $ sign already exist or not.
//Try making a function returning boolean
//if Dollar sign not available do this
{ string LableText = string.Format("{0:c}", "sValue"); }
{ string LableText = Convert.ToString(sValue); }
In the .CS you could do a pattern match along the lines of,
string value = text_box_to_validate.Text;
string myPattern = #"^\$(\d{1,3},?(\d{3},?)*\d{3}(\.\d{0,2})|\d{1,3}(\.\d{2})|\.\d{2})$";
Regex r = new Regex(myPattern);
Match m = r.Match(value);
if (m.Success)
//do something -- everything passed
//did not match
//could check if number is good, but is just missing $ in front
