CSS Height width for Samsung A11 - css

I want to test my Website in Samsung A11 screen size can anyone tell me its css height and width.
And also how to calculate css height and width using mobile screen resolution.

The resolution of the screen is 720x1560 pixels. You can use flexbox in order to make your content reponsive to different types of screens.


How to stop viewport width of a label from stretching after a certain browser size

I made a small website where width of certain elements are given in vw. It looked all good in my laptop. But when viewed in a 1920 screen, I could see the content is over stretched. I want to know if there is a way to stop viewport width and viewport paddings I have used in my website to stop stretching the elements after a while.
You can achieve this by setting max-width: value to your container in you css file
Also to set diverent styles after certain screen width you can yuse media query
#media(min-width: 1000px){
//your style

How zoom out increase the screen width?

I have laptop screen with resolution 1366*768 pixels , that mean screen width is 1366 pixels and height is 768 pixels , that is fixed when i set my screen resolution to 1366*768, If i have a webpage which have css property
#media screen and (max-width:1366px){
#media screen and (min-width:1361px) and (max-width:1500px){
That mean if device 's screen has a width of 1366px or lesser css1 will apply to that page , and if the screen is larger than 1366px then css2 will be apply , . So for my laptop screen css1 should be applied because it has screen width of 1366px .
At ZOOM:100% , this works fine , But if I zoom out , css2 starts applying , I can't understand how this can be happen , my screen width is fixed, So how Zoom out can increase my screen width , .
I become very confused , I am trying to understand this screen resolution, pixels, zoom, for very long time now ,But can't really understand how they works , please help#
Media queries limit the layout width and if this value is reached (for example by reducing the window, or when viewed on a device with the specified size) is already used by a different style. that is how media queries should work.
When you zoom out you're increasing the viewport size. When media queries refer to screen they're talking about the browser's viewport width, not your physical screen's width.

WooSlider maximum height

I am using WooSlider to display a gallery for each project of mine. Many of my projects are in HD aspect ratio (1280x720) while other older ones are SD (720x540).
The problem I am having is that I would like to make my site width 1280px wide but since WooSlider sets it's size according to the website width, the SD images would be enormous in vertical height (around 960px). The HD images look fine since they remain at 1280x720px.
Since I cannot restrict the width of the slider as 1280 works great for HD images, I thought perhaps it's possible to restrict the height of the slider so that it will crop the gigantic SD images. Cropping would be ok so long as the SD images stay centered within the crop. But I would need the slider to remain responsive so a fixed height won't do.
So is this possible? To restrict the maximum height of WooSlider, while still allowing it to be responsive?
Alternately, if I could check the width of the slider images, I could possibly restrict the height only when images are in SD format, while leaving the HD ones unaffected.
Here is an example of my website at 1024px wide, displaying SD images. As you can see, even at 1024px, the vertical height of the scaled SD images in the slider is very large so at 1280px it would be enormous:
Any suggestions or info welcome.
What does it have to do with php? For me you should just add max-height attribute to wooslider class in CSS.

Container's width adjustment for different devices

I am working on forums and want to make it responsive.
I have kept container's width as 800px.
What should the min-width and max-width be in media queries so that it will work on all devices?
If you want your CSS layout to work on all devices use Fluid-Fluid-Fluid CSS layout.
Instead of writing:
you can use:

Resizing images based on their original size with CSS

I'm making a responsive blog for both mobile and desktop users (all in one). With respect to image resizing, I understand that I can use width:100%; height:100%; so that they scale proportionally depending on the page size, but I've noticed that smaller images upscale to fit the width of the DIV that it is in. Let's say my DIV has a max-width of 640px but an image I include within it in 500px.
What CSS can I use to keep the image at 500px and then scale down proportionally if the resolution width falls below 500px?
The reason I'm asking this is because not all images in posts may be 640px wide.
Set your image max-width property to the actual image size.
Why don't you just set max-width:100% and leave width off.
