Which timezone is kafka consumer timestamp using and how to change it? - datetime

I'm producing data and comsuming it using Kafka. In the consumer, I print the consumed data using the following code:
consumer = connect_kafka_consumer()
for message in consumer:
print (message)
Here is the output of one line:
ConsumerRecord(topic='states', partition=0, offset=7214, timestamp=1603507387101, timestamp_type=0, key=None, value={'sequence': 1354, 'State': 'WA'}, headers=[], checksum=4012375034, serialized_key_size=-1, serialized_value_size=250, serialized_header_size=-1)
My question is about the timestamp, which I can get using message.timestamp. Which timezone is that? Is default timezone UTC? And how can I tell consumer to change this processing time to another timezone?

that is the epoch time, so it is independent of any timezone. You may convert it to human-readable time using any epoch convertor(online here https://www.epochconverter.com/)


how can I get a custom timezone datetime from utc timestamp with javascript(node.js)

my backend server stores a utc timestamp with python and send it to frontend.
from datetime import datetime
utcTs = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
and then frontend app (node.js) get the utcTs , convert it to locale time (or custom timezone)
I code like this:
because the utcTs is a utc+0 timestamp, how can I initialize a moment object as utc+0, so I can convert it to other timezone easily.
for example, my locale is utc+8.
return a incorrect time.
is there any gentle way? thanks
The timestamp returned from Python's timestamp() method is in terms of UTC-based seconds from the Unix epoch, so you just need to do the same thing in Moment.
// this is in seconds, but creates a moment in local mode
// you need to get it in UTC mode with the .utc(). Adding gives a moment 8 hours later.
// this is how you get it in a fixed offset instead of adding
Since not all time zones can use fixed offsets, the following is a better approach.
// this is incorrect, as the input would interpreted as milliseconds
// this is the correct way for it interpreted in terms of seconds

Using the current date in a Gatling test

I am trying to load test an application using Gatling, and the application needs the current date to be inserted into the test:
.formParam("dateCreation", "07/01/2015 16:48:04")
If it's hard coded it seems to upset the application being tested.
How can I generate the above string at the time of each request? (It's European format - day/month/year)
Scala isn't my strong point. I'm using Gatling 2.0.3.
Use a modern Java date API, like joda-time, or JDK8's DateTime API.
With either API, you'll have to:
first build a formatter for the desired pattern ("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss"). Only build this once and for all as those are threadsafe (unlike Java's SimpleDateFormat).
instead of passing a hard coded value, pass a Session function that fetch the current date and format it. It will look like (pseudo code):
val formatter = ???
.formParam("dateCreation", session => formatter.format(now()))
This way, the formatted date will be computed for each execution of this request.

How do I let moment know the date that I'm giving it is in UTC?

Apologies in advance. Due to the popularity of this library I'm sure the answer is out there but I haven't been able to find it.
I'm getting timestamps back from an api in this format
where this part is in UTC
and this part is the timezone offset
When converting to a moment I can't figure out how to let moment.js know that the time I'm passing it is in UTC.
If I try this
var time = moment('2014-09-27T00:00:00-07:00');
both console logs output the same
however if I do this
var time = moment('2014-09-27T00:00:00-07:00');
It will accurately add 7 hours (my time difference from UTC) log it, remove the time again and log it again.
I've tried
var time = moment.utc('2014-09-27T00:00:00-07:00');
but even then the .local() method doesn't do anything.
What am I missing?
An additional related question... In standard ISO 8601 format is the time string understood to be local time or UTC? With the offset one could convert in either direction, I'm just not sure what the starting point is.

How to set local timezone in Sails.js or Express.js

When I create or update record on sails it write this at updateAt:
updatedAt: 2014-07-06T15:00:00.000Z
but I'm in GMT+2 hours (in this season) and update are performed at 16:00.
I have the same problem with all datetime fields declared in my models.
How can I set the right timezone on Sails (or eventually Express) ?
The way I handled the problem after hours of research :
process.env.TZ = 'UTC'; //whatever timezone you want
in config/bootstrap.js
I solved the problem, you should setting the MySql options file to change timezone to UTC
in the config/connections.js
setting at this
devMysqlServer: {
adapter: 'sails-mysql',
host: '',
user: 'root',
password: '***',
database: '**',
timezone: 'utc'
Trying to solve your problem by setting the timezone on your server is a bit short-sighted. What if you move? Or someone in a different country accesses your application? The important thing is that the timestamps in your database have a timezone encoded in them, so that you can translate to the correct time on the front end. That is, if you do:
new Date('2014-07-06T15:00:00.000Z')
in your browser console, you should see it display the correct date and time for wherever you are. Sails automatically encodes this timestamp for you with the default updatedAt and createdAt fields; just make sure you always use a timezone when saving any custom timestamps to the database, and you should be fine!
The best architecture planning here, IMO, is to continue using Sails.js isoDate formatting. When you're user's load your website/app the isoDate will be converted to their client/browser timezone which is usually set at the OS level.
Here's an example you can test this out with. Open a browser console and run new Date().toISOString() and look at the time it sets. It's going to be based of off the spec for isoDate 8601 (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toISOString).
Now, change your system time to a different time zone or simply change your hour on the time and save (you shouldn't have to reload if you're using chrome console). Run your command in the console again new Date().toISOString() and you'll get an adjusted time appropriate to the time you just changed.
If you'd like to continue on proving to yourself the time Sails.js is appropriate to use, use Moment.js on an isoDate that is stored in your database (created by waterline ORM) like so moment("2016-02-05T22:36:48.800Z").fromNow() and you'll notice the time is relative to your system time.
I've come to grips with not setting a timezone at the app level (I see why the sails authors did it that way), however I've been having a rough time performing a simple date match query. I'd assume that if you create a record using the default blueprint methods (this one containing an extra datetime field over the defaults), passing in a date, that you'd be able to pass in the same date in a get query and get the same record.
For example, let's say the datetime field is called "specialdate". If I create a new record through the api with "specialdate" equaling "06-09-2014" (ignoring time), I haven't been able to run a find query in which I can pass in "06-09-2014" and get that record back. Greater than queries work fine (if I do a find for a date greater than that). I'm sure it's a timezone offset thing, but haven't been able to come up with a solution.

How to set expiry date of a task in Human work flow(BPEL)

I have created a task using Human task API , then I want to set the expiration date for this task.
Please suggest how can I do it. I am not getting any function for this in API.
