mariadb: execute "IN" closure query in update - mariadb

how to update this query in MariaDB?
UpdatewarehouseBinOfItems() {
return `UPDATE producedItem
SET warehouseBinId = ?
WHERE id IN (?)`;
function handling the query:
UpdatewarehouseBinOfItems(id, binId, response, promises) {
return new Promise(async function(resolve) {
new WarehouseSQL().UpdatewarehouseBinOfItems(),
[binId, id],// this is the way i have used that in mysql but in mariaDB this doesn't
//work :(
(error, data) => {
if (!error) {
console.log(`data from & id lenght ${id.length} && ${JSON.stringify(data)}\n`)
} else {
return response
data im passing :
binId = 1,
id =[8273,57037,57038,57039,57040,57047,57048,57049,57050,57051,57052,57053,57054,57137,57138,57139,57140]
The above query works well in MySQL but since I'm trying to move into MariaDB and working on the changes I'm not able to handle query like above :(
any solution please other than looping the function


How to return boolean in Angular

I have a backend method called LikeExists() to verify if a certain user has liked a certain post.
public async Task<bool> LikeExists(int postId)
var post = await _postRepository.GetPostByIdAsync(postId);
var user = await _userRepository.GetUserByUsernameAsync(User.GetUsername());
if (_context.Likes.Where(i => i.PostId == post.Id && i.UserId == user.Id).FirstOrDefault() != null) return true;
return false;
The method works fine in Postman, but it does not do the job in Angular. If a user presses a like button I first want to check if this user has already liked this post. If he has, he will unlike it and the like will be deleted from the database. If he hasn't liked it, he will like it and the like will be saved in the database.
this.postService.likeExists( boolean) =>{ = response;
likePost() {
this.postService.likePost(, this.model).subscribe((response: Like) => {
this.likee = response;
}, error => {
} else {
this.postService.deleteLike( => {
}, error => {
The problem is it always enters the if{} clause and never the else{} clause. The method below returns an Observable. I think the problem is that it must return a boolean. How can I make this work?
This is the method in the postService:
likeExists(postId: number) {
return this.http.get(this.baseUrl + 'like/exists/' + postId);
Try avoiding nested subscription since it will result in an unreadable and hard to maintain code, use rxjs pipes with operators instead, try something like this:
let id=;
let likeExists$ = this.postService.likeExists(id);
switchMap(likeExists => {
if (likeExists) {
// delete like
return this.postService.deleteLike(id);
// otherwise addlike
return this.postService.addLike(id);
res=> this.toastr.success('Success'),
err=> this.toastr.error('Failed')
or even shorter
let id=;
let likeExists$ = this.postService.likeExists(id);
liked => liked ? this.postService.deleteLike(id) : this.postService.addLike(id)}))
res=> this.toastr.success('Success'),
err=> this.toastr.error('Failed')
The problem is that this.http.get is asynchronous, which means that likeExists returns before is being set. You need to wait for the value to be returned in your observable. Refactor your code to something along these lines:
likePost() {
// Check to see if like exists and wait for response from server
this.postService.likeExists( boolean) => { = response;
if ( {
this.postService.likePost(, this.model).subscribe((response: Like) => {
this.likee = response;
}, error => {
} else {
this.postService.deleteLike( => {
}, error => {
Also, this is a nice guide to asynchronous concepts in general. And the RxJS docs have a bunch of helpful information to get started.

Component method fails to assign data that has not yet been fetched by the service

localStorage.setItem("selectedPerson", JSON.stringify(this.pservice.person));
this.http.get(personUrl + id).subscribe(response => this.person = response )
I'm executing setSelectedPerson method from OfficeViewComponent and here's what I'm hoping to happen:
I ask PersonService to fetch the data from api and assign it to it's variable - PersonService.person;
Now that the response is assigned to the service person variable, I'm expecting it to be stringified and saved in localStorage.
But here's what actually happens:
I ask PersonService to fetch the data, PersonService reacts and proceeds with the request, but by the time PersonService.getPerson() is finished, localStorage has already attempted to collect the data from PersonService.person, which - at that time - was unassigned.
I know there is a way to wait until the service method finishes it's work, but I don't know exactly what should I use.
Return the subscription from the service and use it to set data inside it. You don't need any variable inside your service.
officeView.component.ts :
response => {
localStorage.setItem("selectedPerson", JSON.stringify(response));
},error => {
console.log('Error :',error.error)
person.service.ts :
getPerson(id:number) : Observable<any>{
return this.http.get(personUrl + id);
You're right, you should wait until the result is ready.
By then you can call the setSelectedPerson func.
//service func
getPerson(id:number) {
return this.http.get(personUrl + id);
//component func
this.pservice.getPerson(id).subscribe(data => {
localStorage.setItem("selectedPerson", JSON.stringify(data ));
The problem with you code is the early subscribe in service itself, Ideally it should be in the component (at the caller)
officeView.component.ts :
setSelectedPerson( id : number ){
response => {
localStorage.setItem("selectedPerson", JSON.stringify(response));
},error => {
console.log( 'Error :',error.error )
person.service.ts :
getPerson( id : number ) : Observable< any >{
return this.http.get( personUrl + id );
getPerson(id:number) {
return this.http.get(personUrl + id);
and when you calling the HTTP service you should use subscribe

How to backfill new AppSync fields using AWS Amplify

I'm adding a sort field to one of my AppSync tables using GraphQL. The new schema looks like:
type MyTable
#auth(rules: [{allow: owner}])
#key(name: "BySortOrder", fields: ["sortOrder"], queryField: "tableBySortOrder")
id: ID!
name: String!
sortOrder: Int
However, when retrieving a list using tableBySortOrder I get an empty list because the new field sortOrder is null.
My question is, how do I backfill this data in the DynamoDB table so that my existing users will not be disrupted by this new change? With a traditional database, I would run a SQL update: UPDATE MyTable SET sortOrder = #.
However, I'm new to NoSQL/AWS and couldn't find a way to do this except build a backfill script whenever a user logs into my app. That feels very hacky. What is the best practice for handling this type of scenario?
Have you already created the new field in DDB?
If yes, I think you should backfill it before making the client side change.
Write a script to iterate through and update the table. Options for this:
Java - Call updateItem to update the table if you have any integ tests running.
Bash - Use AWS CLI: aws dynamodb scan --table-name item_attributes --projection-expression "whatever" > /tmp/item_attributes_table.txt and then aws dynamodb update-item --table-name item_attributes --key. This is a dirty way.
Python - Same logic as above.
Ended up using something similar to what Sunny suggested with a nodejs script:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
region: 'us-east-1'
// To confirm credentials are set
AWS.config.getCredentials(function (err) {
if (err) console.log(err.stack)
// credentials not loaded
else {
console.log('Access key:', AWS.config.credentials.accessKeyId)
console.log('Secret access key:', AWS.config.credentials.secretAccessKey)
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
const table = 'your-table-dev'
const params = {
TableName: table
const itemMap = new Map()
// Using scan to retrieve all rows
docClient.scan(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('Unable to query. Error:', JSON.stringify(err, null, 2))
} else {
console.log('Query succeeded.')
data.Items.forEach(item => {
if (itemMap.has(item.owner)) {
itemMap.set(item.owner, [...itemMap.get(item.owner), item])
} else {
itemMap.set(item.owner, [item])
itemMap.forEach(ownerConnections => {
ownerConnections.forEach((connection, index) => {
connection.sortOrder = index
function update(connection) {
const params = {
TableName: table,
Key: {
UpdateExpression: 'set sortOrder = :s',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':s': connection.sortOrder,
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
console.log('Updating the item...');
docClient.update(params, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('Unable to update item. Error JSON:', JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
} else {
console.log('UpdateItem succeeded:', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
} get value that promise returns instead of promise { pending }

in i am trying to check if a user exist easily enough to where i can just call
if(checkUserExist(uid) == 'true'){
so i figured out i need to use promises because the function i use to get info from the database is async so i do this
function checkUserExist(uid){
return new Promise(resolve => {
webUser.findOne({ _id: uid }, function(err, uid) {
console.log("USER EXISTS")
console.log("USER NO REAL")
and when i'm trying to use the function like this
if(checkUserExist(uid) == 'true'){
console.log('user does exist getting agents')
agentList.find({}, function(err, docs) {
docs.forEach(function(d) {
socket.emit('newAgent', d.agentName)
}else if(checkUserExist(uid) == 'false'){
console.log('invalid uid ' + uid)
socket.emit('serverError', 'Invalid UID '+ uid)
the returned value is Promise { <pending> }
i am not sure what to do i thought that it was a simple enough task but obviously i don't yet know how to do it. is there anybody out there that can help me out.
promises is a fairly new concept to me and i still don't fully understand how they work should maybe use a library like promisify?
Thanks a ton :)
So, checkUserExist() returns a promise, not a value. That's how you coded it!
And, since the value is obtained asynchronously, you can't return the value directly anyway. See the canonical answer on that issue for more explanation on that topic.
To make your code work properly, you would have to actually use the promise that your function returns:
checkUserExist(uid).then(result => {
if (result) {
agentList.find({}, function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
// decide what to do if there's a DB error here
docs.forEach(function(d) {
socket.emit('newAgent', d.agentName)
} else {
socket.emit('serverError', 'Invalid UID ' + uid)
}).catch(err => {
socket.emit('serverError', 'Error processing UID ' + uid);

Meteor+React getMeteorData not updating with correct data

I'm on the latest Meteor and React. I'm using the mongo $text search feature on the server to filter a query. I'm finding that my local data isn't changing, even though the query is being rerun correctly on the server.
My component looks something like this:
TodoLists = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactMeteorData],
getMeteorData() {
Meteor.subscribe('todoLists', this.props.query);
const todoLists = TodoLists.find().fetch();
//print out 1
return {
// same as:
// return {
// todoLists: TodoLists.find().fetch()
// };
On the server, I have:
Meteor.publish('todoLists', function(query) {
//if no search query
if (!query) {
return TodoLists.find();
const todoLists = TodoLists.find({
$text: {
$search: query
//print out 2
return todoLists;
Interestingly, I found that when this.props.query changes, the publish function on the server does run, and prints out the filtered results to the console as directed (print out 2). However, when I print out the results from the TodoLists.find().fetch() on the client (print out 1), I just get all of the results, as if no filtering were being done.
Is there some reason this code isn't working? Why would the results be as expected on the server, but not correct on the client?
