R detect zeroes in ts object - r

Simple question : in R, what's the best way to detect if there is a zero somewhere in a time series (ts class)? I run X13 (seasonal package) on hundreds of time series and I would like to identify those who contain zero values (since multiplicative models don't work when they encounter a zero). If I could detect those series, I could use a IF-THEN-ELSE statement with proper specs for the X13.
Thank you!

You can replace or delete them:
ts <- ts(0:10)
## Deleting
ts[ts != 0]
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## Replacing
replace(ts, ts==0, 1)
#> Time Series:
#> Start = 1
#> End = 11
#> Frequency = 1
#> [1] 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## Detecting
any(ts == 0)
#> [1] TRUE
Created on 2020-10-29 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


Acoustic complexity index time series output

I have a wav file and I would like to calculate the Acoustic Complexity Index at each second and receive a time series output.
I understand how to modify other settings within a function like seewave::ACI() but I am unable to find out how to output a time series data frame where each row is one second of time with the corresponding ACI value.
For a reproducible example, this audio file is 20 seconds, so I'd like the output to have 20 rows, with each row printing the ACI for that 1-second of time.
In fact, I'd like to achieve this is a few other indices, for example:
You can subset your wav file according to the samples it contains. Since the sampling frequency can be obtained from the wav object, we can get one-second subsets of the file and perform our calculations on each. Note that you have to set the cluster size to 1 second, since the default is 5 seconds.
f <- tropicalsound#samp.rate
starts <- head(seq(0, length(tropicalsound), f), -1)
aci <- sapply(starts, function(i) {
aci <- acoustic_complexity(tropicalsound[i + seq(f)], j = 1)
nds <- sapply(starts, function(i) {
nds <- ndsi(tropicalsound[i + seq(f)])
aei <- sapply(starts, function(i) {
aei <- acoustic_evenness(tropicalsound[i + seq(f)])
This allows us to create a second-by-second data frame representing a time series of each measure:
data.frame(time = 0:19, aci, nds, aei)
#> time aci nds aei
#> 1 0 152.0586 0.7752307 0.438022
#> 2 1 168.2281 0.4171902 0.459380
#> 3 2 149.2796 0.9366220 0.516602
#> 4 3 176.8324 0.8856127 0.485036
#> 5 4 162.4237 0.8848515 0.483414
#> 6 5 161.1535 0.8327568 0.511922
#> 7 6 163.8071 0.7532586 0.549262
#> 8 7 156.4818 0.7706808 0.436910
#> 9 8 156.1037 0.7520663 0.489253
#> 10 9 160.5316 0.7077717 0.491418
#> 11 10 157.4274 0.8320380 0.457856
#> 12 11 169.8831 0.8396483 0.456514
#> 13 12 165.4426 0.6871337 0.456985
#> 14 13 165.1630 0.7655454 0.497621
#> 15 14 154.9258 0.8083035 0.489896
#> 16 15 162.8614 0.7745876 0.458035
#> 17 16 148.6004 0.1393345 0.443370
#> 18 17 144.6733 0.8189469 0.458309
#> 19 18 156.3466 0.6067827 0.455578
#> 20 19 158.3413 0.7175293 0.477261
Note that this is simply a demonstration of how to achieve the desired output; you would need to check the literature to determine whether it is appropriate to use these measures over such short time periods.

creating a dataframe of means of 5 randomly sampled observations

I'm currently reading "Practical Statistics for Data Scientists" and following along in R as they demonstrate some code. There is one chunk of code I'm particularly struggling to follow the logic of and was hoping someone could help. The code in question is creating a dataframe with 1000 rows where each observation is the mean of 5 randomly drawn income values from the dataframe loans_income. However, I'm getting confused about the logic of the code as it is fairly complicated with a tapply() function and nested rep() statements.
The code to create the dataframe in question is as follows:
samp_mean_5 <- data.frame(income = tapply(sample(loans_income$income,1000*5),
FUN = mean),
In particular, I'm confused about the nested rep() statements and the 1000*5 portion of the sample() function. Any help understanding the logic of the code would be greatly appreciated!
For reference, the original dataset loans_income simply has a single column of 50,000 income values.
You have 50,000 loans_income in a single vector. Let's break your code down:
FUN = mean)
I will replace 1000 with 10 and income with random numbers, so it's easier to explain. I also set set.seed(1) so the result can be reproduced.
We 50 random incomes from your vector without replacement. They are (temporarily) put into a vector of length 50, so the output looks like this:
> sample(runif(50000),10*5)
[1] 0.73283101 0.60329970 0.29871173 0.12637654 0.48434952 0.01058067 0.32337850
[8] 0.46873561 0.72334215 0.88515494 0.44036341 0.81386225 0.38118213 0.80978822
[15] 0.38291273 0.79795343 0.23622492 0.21318431 0.59325586 0.78340477 0.25623138
[22] 0.64621658 0.80041393 0.68511759 0.21880083 0.77455662 0.05307712 0.60320912
[29] 0.13191926 0.20816298 0.71600799 0.70328349 0.44408218 0.32696205 0.67845445
[36] 0.64438336 0.13241312 0.86589561 0.01109727 0.52627095 0.39207860 0.54643661
[43] 0.57137320 0.52743012 0.96631114 0.47151170 0.84099503 0.16511902 0.07546454
[50] 0.85970500
Now we are creating an indexing vector of length 50:
> rep(1:10,rep(5,10))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
[29] 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10
Those indices "group" the samples from step 1. So basically this vector tells R that the first 5 entries of your "sample vector" belong together (index 1), the next 5 entries belong together (index 2) and so on.
FUN = mean
Just apply the mean-function on the data.
So tapply takes the sampled data (sample-part) and groups them by the second argument (the rep()-part) and applies the mean-function on each group.
If you are familiar with data.frames and the dplyr package, take a look at this (only the first 10 rows are displayed):
df <- data.frame(income=sample(runif(5000),10*5), index=rep(1:10,rep(5,10)))
income index
1 0.42585569 1
2 0.16931091 1
3 0.48127444 1
4 0.68357403 1
5 0.99374923 1
6 0.53227877 2
7 0.07109499 2
8 0.20754511 2
9 0.35839481 2
10 0.95615917 2
I attached the an index to the random numbers (your income). Now we calculate the mean per group:
df %>%
group_by(index) %>%
which gives us
# A tibble: 10 x 2
index mean
<int> <dbl>
1 1 0.551
2 2 0.425
3 3 0.827
4 4 0.391
5 5 0.590
6 6 0.373
7 7 0.514
8 8 0.451
9 9 0.566
10 10 0.435
Compare it to
which yields basically the same result:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.5507529 0.4250946 0.8273149 0.3905850 0.5902823 0.3730092 0.5143829 0.4512932 0.5658460

Sample function doesn't work well with purrr::rerun and pipe?

I observed some weird behavior in purrr::rerun when it's used with %>% that I couldn't understand.
If I run,
sample(1:30, 3) %>% rerun(4, .)
it will return,
# 1 24 5
# 1 24 5
# 1 24 5
# 1 24 5
clearly it's not what I want.
However, if I run a similar code without %>%, it will actually work as expected.
rerun(4, sample(1:30, 3))
# 17 5 20
# 13 3 6
# 22 25 3
# 20 30 29
I couldn't understand why the behavior is different. Can someone explain? Thanks in advance.
The order in which the functions are called is important. In the first case, you are selecting 3 elements from 30 and calling it 4 times. It is like doing
temp <- sample(1:30, 3)
purrr::rerun(4, temp)
So irrespective if you call it 4 times or 1000 times, the value of temp does not change.
Whereas in second case you are calling sample(1:30, 3) 4 times which gives you different results every time.
magrittr doesn't evaluate the dots lazily. It might very well have, as in this mock pipe (don't use it it will break easily!)
`%foo>%` <- function(e1,e2){
eval.parent(eval(substitute(substitute(e2,list(. = substitute(e1))))))
sample(1:30, 3) %foo>% purrr::rerun(4, .)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 22 25 9
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 14 28 21
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 4 1 25
#> [[4]]
#> [1] 17 2 25
Created on 2019-09-19 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
It is a design choice, probably made to avoid ambiguities and inefficiency when several dots are used.

Speed of Cleaning Text in R using a Dictionary

I currently have a list of misspellings and a list of corrections, indexed with a 1 to 1 relationship.
These corrections are specific to the work I am doing so I cannot use existing spelling correction packages.
Given a list of strings which I want to apply these corrections to, I have the following code:
for (i in 1:n){
new_text <- gsub(match[i], dict[i], new_text)
new_text <- gsub('[[:punct:]]', '', new_text)
Although this gives the results I want, it takes most of the day to run.
I cannot figure out how to use apply functions because the operations happen in a specific order on the same object.
Is there anything else I can try to speed this up?
Edit: This is the very small test set I have put together to benchmark performance.
match <- c("\\b(abouta|aobut|bout|abot|abotu)\\b","\\b(avdised|advisd|advized|advsied)\\b","\\b(posible|possibl)\\b","\\b(replacment|repalcement|replacemnt|replcement|rplacement)\\b","\\b(tommorrow|tomorow|tommorow|tomorro|tommoro)\\b")
dict <- c('about','advised','possible','replacement','tomorrow')
new_text <- c('be advisd replacment coming tomorow','did you get the email aobut the repalcement tomorro','the customer has been avdised of a posible replacement','there is a replacement coming tomorrow','what time tommorow is the replacment coming')
n <- 5
Running my current code 1000 times on this data gives 0.424 elapsed.
Try the corpus library, using a custom stemmer. The library lets you provide an arbitrary stemmer function. In your case you would use something like the following for your stemmer:
dict <- strsplit(split = "\\|",
c("about" = "abouta|aobut|bout|abot|abotu",
"advised" = "avdised|advisd|advized|advsied",
"possible" = "posible|possibl",
"replacement" = "replacment|repalcement|replacemnt|replcement|rplacement",
"tomorrow" = "tommorrow|tomorow|tommorow|tomorro|tommoro"))
my_stemmer <- new_stemmer(unlist(dict), rep(names(dict), lengths(dict)))
Then, you can either pass this function as the stemmer argument to any function expecting text, or else you can create a corpus_text object with the stemmer attribute (as part of its token_filter that defines how text gets transformed to tokens):
new_text <- c('be advisd replacment coming tomorow',
'did you get the email aobut the repalcement tomorro',
'the customer has been avdised of a posible replacement',
'there is a replacement coming tomorrow','what time tommorow is the replacment coming')
Use term_stats to count (stemmed) token occurrences:
text <- as_corpus_text(new_text, stemmer = my_stemmer, drop_punct = TRUE)
#> term count support
#> 1 replacement 5 5
#> 2 tomorrow 4 4
#> 3 the 4 3
#> 4 coming 3 3
#> 5 a 2 2
#> 6 advised 2 2
#> 7 is 2 2
#> 8 about 1 1
#> 9 be 1 1
#> 10 been 1 1
#> 11 customer 1 1
#> 12 did 1 1
#> 13 email 1 1
#> 14 get 1 1
#> 15 has 1 1
#> 16 of 1 1
#> 17 possible 1 1
#> 18 there 1 1
#> 19 time 1 1
#> 20 what 1 1
#> ⋮ (21 rows total)
Use text_locate to find instances of (stemmed) tokens in the original text:
text_locate(text, "replacement")
#> text before instance after
#> 1 1 be advisd replacment coming tomorow
#> 2 2 …u get the email aobut the repalcement tomorro
#> 3 3 …been avdised of a posible replacement
#> 4 4 there is a replacement coming tomorrow
#> 5 5 what time tommorow is the replacment coming
The results of the stemming function get cached, so this is all very fast.
More examples at http://corpustext.com/articles/stemmer.html

Avoid memory increase in foreach loop in R

I try to create summary statistics combining two different spatial data-sets: a big raster file and a polygon file. The idea is to get summary statistics of the raster values within each polygon.
Since the raster is too big to process it at once, I try to create subtasks and process them in parallel i.e. process each polygon from the SpatialPolgyonsDataframe at once.
The code works fine, however after around 100 interations I run into memory problems. Here is my code and what I intent to do:
# session setup
# multicore processing.
# assign three clusters to be used for current R session
cluster = makeCluster(3, type = "SOCK",outfile="")
getDoParWorkers()# check if it worked
# load base data
# bring both data-sets to a common CRS
spodf.malha.2007<-spTransform(spodf.malha.2007,CRSobj = CRS(projargs = proj4string(r.terra.2008)))
proj4string(r.terra.2008)==proj4string(spodf.malha.2007) # should be TRUE
# create a function to extract areas
# apply it one one subset to see if it is working
## parallel loop
# define package(s) to be use in the parallel loop
# try a parallel loop for the first 6 polygons
.packages = l.packages) %dopar% {
print(paste("Processing Polygon ",i, ".",sep=""))
here the output is a list that looks like this.
9 10
193159 2567
7 9 10 12 14 16
17 256 1084 494 67 15
3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12
2199 1327 8840 8579 194437 1061 1073 1834
14 16
222 1395
3 6 7 9 10 12 16
287 102 728 329057 1004 1057 31
3 5 6 7 9 12 16
21 6 20 495 184261 4765 28
6 7 9 10 12 14
161 161 386 943 205 1515
So the result is rather small and should not be the source of the memory allocation problem. So than the following loop upon the whole polygon dataset which has >32.000 rows creates the memory allocation which exceeds 8GB after around 100 iteratins.
# apply the parallel loop on the whole dataset
.packages = l.packages) %dopar% {
print(paste("Processing Polygon ",i, ".",sep=""))
# gc(reset=TRUE) # does not resolve the problem
# closeAllConnections() # does not resolve the problem
What am I doing wrong?
I tried (as suggested in the comments) to remove the object after each iteration in the internal loop, but it did not resolve the problem. I furthermore tried to resolve eventual problems of multiple data-imports by passing the objects to the environment in the first place:
clusterExport(cl = cluster,
varlist = c("r.terra.2008","function.landcover.sum","spodf.malha.2007"))
without major changes. My R version is 3.4 on a linux platform so supposedly also the patch of the link from the fist comment should already be included in this version. I also tried the parallel package as suggested in the first comment but no differences appeared.
You can try exact_extract in the exactextractr package. Is the fastest and memory safer function to extract values from raster. The main function is implemented in C++ and usually it doesn't need parallelization. Since you do not provide any example data I post an example with real data:
# Pull municipal boundaries for Brazil
brazil <- st_as_sf(getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=2))
# Pull gridded precipitation data
prec <- getData('worldclim', var='prec', res=10)
#transform precipitation data in a dummy land use map
lu <- prec[[1]]
values(lu) <- sample(1:10,ncell(lu),replace = T)
#extract land uses class for each pixel inside each polygon
ex <- exact_extract(lu, brazil)
#apply table to the resulting list. Here I use just the first 5 elements to avoid long output
table(x[,1])#note that I use x[,1] because by default exact_extract provide in the second column the coverage fraction of each pixel by each polygon
here the example output:
1 2 4 6 7 9 10
1 1 1 2 3 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
2 4 3 2 1 2 2 2
1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10
4 5 1 1 4 2 5 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 4 2 2 4 1 4 1 2
3 4 5 6 8 10
2 3 1 1 2 3
