I'm new to Julia programming I managed to solve some 1st order DDE (Delay Differential Equations) and ODE. I now need to solve a second order delay differential equation but I didn't manage to find documentation about that (I previously used DifferentialEquations.jl).
The equation (where F is a function and τ the delay):
How can I do this?
Here is my code using the given information, it seems that the system stay at rest which is incorrect. I probably did something wrong.
function bc_model(du,u,h,p,t)
# [ u'(t), u''(t) ] = [ u[1], -u[1] + F(ud[0],u[0]) ] // off by one in julia A[0] -> A[1]
γ,σ,Q = p
ud = h(p, t-σ)[1]
du = [u[2], + Q^2*(γ/Q*tanh(ud)-u[1]) - u[2]]
u0 = [0.1, 0]
h(p, t) = u0
lags = [σ,0]
tspan = (0.0,σ*100.0)
alg = MethodOfSteps(Tsit5())
p = (γ,σ,Q,ω0)
prob = DDEProblem(bc_model,u0,h,tspan,p; constant_lags=lags)
sol = solve(prob,alg)
The code is in fact working! It seems that it is my normalization constants that are not consistent. Thank you!
You get a state space of dimension 2, containing u = [u(t),u'(t)]. Consequently the return vector of the right-side function is [u'(t),u''(t)]. Then if ud is the delayed state [u(t-τ),u'(t-τ)] the right side function can be formulated as
[ u'(t), u''(t) ] = [ u[1], -u[1] + F(ud[0],u[0]) ]
I'm currently switching from Matlab to Python and I have a problem with understanding numpy arrays.
The following code (copied from Numpy documentation) creates a [2x3] array
np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], np.int32).
Which behaves as expected.
Now I tried to adapt this to my case and tried
myArray = np.array([\
[-0.000847283, 0.000000000, 0.141182070, 2.750000000],
[ 0.000876414, -0.025855453, 0.270459334, 2.534537894],
[-0.000098373, 0.003388169, -0.021976882, 3,509325279],
[ 0.000077079, -0.004507202, 0.096453685, 2,917172446],
[-0.000049944, 0.003114201, -0.055974372, 3,933359490],
[ 0.000042697, -0.003833862, 0.117727186, 2.485846507],
[-0.000000843, 0.000084733, 0.000169340, 3.661424974],
[ 0.000000676, -0.000074756, 0.005751451, 3.596300338],
[-0.000001860, 0.000229543, -0.006420507, 3.758593109],
[ 0.000006764, -0.000934745, 0.045972458, 2.972698644],
[ 0.000014803, -0.002140505, 0.106260454, 1.967898711],
[-0.000025975, 0.004587858, -0.263799480, 8.752330828],
[ 0.000009098, -0.001725357, 0.114993424, 1.176472749],
[-0.000010418, 0.002080207, -0.132368251, 6.535975709],
[ 0.000032572, -0.006947575, 0.499576502, -8.209401868],
[-0.000039870, 0.009351884, -0.722882956, 22.352084596],
[ 0.000046909, -0.011475011, 0.943268640, -22.078624629],
[-0.000067764, 0.017766572, -1.542265901, 48.344854010],
[ 0.000144148, -0.039449875, 3.607214322,-106.139552662],
[-0.000108830, 0.032648910, -3.242170215, 110.757624352]
But not as expected the shape is (20,). I expected the following shape: (20x4).
Question 1: Can anyone tell me why? And how do I create the array correctly?
Question 2: When I add the datatype , dtype=np.float, I get the following
*TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'*
but the array isn't intended to be a list.
I found the mistake on my own after trying to np.vstack all vectors.
The resulting error said that the size of the arrays with the row index 2, 3, 4 is not 4 as expected.
Replacing a , (comma) with a dot solved the problem.
I'm walking through a set of nested blocks and want to stop the walk when I've found the value I'm looking for.
For reasons that are beyond the scope of this question, I can't use PARSE for this particular problem, nor use FOREACH as the looper:
walk: func [series [block!] criteria [block!]][
use [value] compose/deep [
while [not tail? series][
value: pick series 1
either block? value [
walk value criteria
(to paren! criteria)
series: next series
I'd like to break out if I find this specific value.
walk [a [b c [d e] f] g] [if value = 'e [return value]]
; returns 'e
However, I'd also like to do operations that don't break out:
walk [a [b c [d e] f] g] [
collect [if find [c e] value [keep value]]
; returns [c e]
Would like to try and solve this for any of the Rebol flavours including Red. Any thoughts as to efficiency (reason I use a block instead of a function), etc. would be welcome too.
The function combo I was looking for is CATCH/THROW. Once again, using the given function:
walk: func [series [block!] criteria [block!]][
use [value] compose/deep [
while [not tail? series][
value: pick series 1
either block? value [
walk value criteria
(to paren! criteria)
series: next series
I can simply wrap it as follows:
catch [walk [a [b c [d e] f] g] [if value = 'e [throw value]]]
; returns 'e
Some Notes
I want the function to return NONE if there are no matches
I'll just have WALK return NONE (am using ALSO just so as not to leave an awkward trailing none):
walk: func [series [block!] criteria [block!]][
also none use [value] compose/deep [
while [not tail? series][
value: pick series 1
either block? value [
walk value criteria
(to paren! criteria)
series: next series
red does not have a USE function
This introduces a complication as I only want to bind the block to the word VALUE. If I were to rewrite the function as follows:
walk: func [series [block!] criteria [block!] /local value][
do bind compose/deep [
while [not tail? series][
value: pick series 1
either block? value [
walk value criteria
(to paren! criteria)
series: next series
] 'value
Then it also binds that same block to the words SERIES and CRITERIA which would override the binding of any such words from the calling context, e.g.:
walk [some values][series: none probe value] ; results in error
This version avoids binding anything except VALUE and works in Red 0.6.3 and Rebol2:
walk: func [series [block!] criteria [block!]][
also none do bind compose/deep [
while [not tail? series] [
value: pick series 1
either block? value [
walk value criteria
] [
(to paren! criteria)
series: next series
context [value: none]
(Comments on how this implementation differs from what USE does would be welcome.)
And yes, this does not work on Rebol3 Alpha. But neither does the one with the USE. I think it's a THROW issue.
When one has a problem of a matrix inverse multiplication with a vector, as such:
one can take a Cholesky Decomposition of A and backsubstitute b to find the resulting vector x. However, a matrix inverse is sometimes needed when the problem is not formulated as above. My question is what is the best way to handle such a situation. Below, I have compared various ways(using numpy) to invert a positive definite matrix:
Firstly, generate the matrix:
>>> A = np.random.rand(5,5)
>>> A
array([[ 0.13516074, 0.2532381 , 0.61169708, 0.99678563, 0.32895589],
[ 0.35303998, 0.8549499 , 0.39071336, 0.32792806, 0.74723177],
[ 0.4016188 , 0.93897663, 0.92574706, 0.93468798, 0.90682809],
[ 0.03181169, 0.35059435, 0.10857948, 0.36422977, 0.54525 ],
[ 0.64871162, 0.37809219, 0.35742865, 0.7154568 , 0.56028468]])
>>> A =, A)
>>> A
array([[ 0.72604206, 0.96959581, 0.82773451, 1.10159817, 1.05327233],
[ 0.96959581, 1.94261607, 1.53140854, 1.80864185, 1.9766411 ],
[ 0.82773451, 1.53140854, 1.52338262, 1.89841402, 1.59213299],
[ 1.10159817, 1.80864185, 1.89841402, 2.61930178, 2.01999385],
[ 1.05327233, 1.9766411 , 1.59213299, 2.01999385, 2.10012097]])
The results for the method of direct inversion are as follows:
>>> np.linalg.inv(A)
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
When using the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse, the results are as follows(you might notice that to the displayed precision, the results are the same as direct inversion):
>>> np.linalg.pinv(A)
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
Finally, when solving with the identity matrix:
>>> np.linalg.solve(A, np.eye(5))
array([[ 5.49746838, -1.92540877, 2.24730018, -2.20242449,
[ -1.92540877, 95.34219156, -67.93144606, 50.16450952,
[ 2.24730018, -67.93144606, 57.0739859 , -40.56297863,
[ -2.20242449, 50.16450952, -40.56297863, 30.6441555 ,
[ -0.53025806, -85.52146331, 58.55694127, -44.83400183,
Again, you might notice that on a cursory inspection, the result is the same as the previous two methods.
It is well known that matrix inversion is an ill posed problem due to numerical instability that should be avoided where possible. However, in situations where it appears unavoidable, what is the preferable approach and why? To clarify, I am referring to the best approach when implementing such equations in software.
An example of such a problem is provided with another of my questions.
The reason for avoiding inverting matrices has only to do with efficiency. It is faster to solve the linear systems directly. If you think of the problem in your linked question a bit differently, you can apply the same principles.
In order to find the matrix inv(K) * Y * T(Y) * inv(K) - D * inv(K) you can solve the following systems of equations:
K * R * K = Y * T(Y)
You can solve it in two parts:
R2 * K = R1
K * R1 = Y * T(Y)
So you first solve for R1 with your usual method, then solve for R2 (recognise that you can solve T(K) * T(R2) = T(R1) if you have to).
However, at this point I don't know if this will be more efficient than computing the inverse explicitly unless K is symmetric. (There may be a way to efficiently get the decomposition of T(K) from K, but I don't know offhand)
If K is symmetric then you can compute your decomposition on K once and reuse it for the two back-substitution steps and it might be more efficient than computing the inverse explicitly.
My anonymous func test below is executed only once:
repeat i 5 [
print test
] rejoin ["test" i]
I am obliged to name it to be able to execute it 5 times as expected:
repeat i 5 [
test: func[test][
print test
] test rejoin ["test" i]
This is weird. isn't it really possible to use anonymous function in loops ?
Your first code example simply defines the anonymous function five times. It does not invoke it. Add a do and all should be well:
repeat i 5 [
do func[test][
print test
] rejoin ["test" i]