"An exception occurred" when hitting RPlumber API from Ubuntu 16.04 - r

I am using RPlumber to create an API that makes some data available to the users of the API. I created an Ubuntu 16.04 server on Linode to host the API.
I have successfully installed R on the server, and all of the libraries, and am able to run the script on the machine with command Rscript file_that_runs_rplumber.R. When I run the script, the command line hangs with:
Running plumber API at
Running swagger Docs at
...so I know that the API is successfully running. I am trying to hit this endpoint from my local machine, not from the Linode server, and so I replace the with my IP address lets say. When I visit, this page does work, and I get the auto-generated RPlumber API docs:
However when I replace /__docs__/ with one of the API's endpoints, I receive the following:
I can see from the command line for the Linode Server that the R code associated with the endpoint is running, however it is simply not being returned to me. Perhaps this is a security issue, that I cannot access the endpoint on my local machine? How can I update the server so that my local machine (and any other machines as well) can access this API?


Running RShiny from a Google cloud platform VM

I've put together an R shiny doc that I want to run on my google cloud platform virtual machine. When I run the script, it works in that it generates a webpage "Listening on". However, when I click on the link generated via the script, I get the error "500. That’s an error."
The script works locally so I don't believe it's an issue with the code.
Here is what I did to make it work. Full disclosure - I have no idea what any of this is, just following the steps in the docs:
install R
install Shiny
clone https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-examples
cd into any of the examples (I chose 050-kmeans-example)
run R -e "shiny::runApp(host='', port=8080)" (8080 is just an example and can certainly be different) to start the server
Receive a message in the console saying "Listening on"
Go back to the GCP and configure a firewall rule to allow communications to port 8080 from the outside world.
Open a new browser tab with external ip address of the VM and append the port (e.g if the VM ext IP is, type in

Setting up public plumber API?

I'm trying to set up a plumber API (0.4.6) on rstudio-server running on AWS Linux, so that our external analytics system can make requests to R. I've got firewall ports open on 8787 (for Rstudio, which is working fine) and on 5762 (for the API, which isn't working). If I kick off a swagger API from within Rstudio, that works fine locally. If I remap the rstudio interface to 5762, that works fine (so not apparently a firewall problem). But we simply cannot find a way to expose a plumber API on 5762.
Suggestions gratefully received…
what IP are you using?
Plumber respond by default on
There are probaly rules in places to prevent you from connecting to localhost from an external host.

Alfresco unable to connect to server http://mydomain:8080/alfresco

i am running alfresco on linux server i am able to access the files from back end but when running http://mydomain:8080/ it gives the following error
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at mydomain:8080.
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
tomcat is running but i still cant figure out what could be the cause of the error.
Could you take a look to a tomcat logs?. Maybe you can find more information about the issue.
Could you check compatibility of your amps files with Alfresco version?
First, try to hit the Alfresco webapp from the local server itself using curl, like:
curl -v -uadmin http://localhost:8080/alfresco
And see what comes back. If you get a 200 or a redirect, try Share next, like:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/share
If you get a 200 or a redirect then both web applications are working fine and this is due to a network connectivity problem between your client machine and the server or a firewall issue.
If curl cannot hit one of the web applications locally, you should inspect the logs ($TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out) to figure out why.
You can also "ps -ef|grep tomcat" to make sure Tomcat is actually running, and you can "netstat -atnp|grep 8080" to make sure Tomcat is listening on the port you think it is.
If all of the firewall and networking tests are fine and the logs have no clues, uninstall the AMPs one-by-one until it starts working again.

Not able to access nginx from outside world

Not able to access nginx from outside the server
I have used ansible role written by me to download nginx on linux machines. But i'm not bale to access that nginx service outside of the server (the one on which it is installed)
You can access the code from above url
I am able to get a welcome page of nginx service running on Centos machines, but can't get anything when i tried to access ip address of machine running on ubuntu 14.04 and having nginx installed on it.
Its simply means nginx port is not opened.
steps to follows:
login to your machine which is trying to access nginx.
if it is windows ,open DOS prompt OR if it is linux, open terminal.
run following command :
Based on output , if port is not open, you can refer following guide to open port:

Meteor 0.9.2 remote connection issue

Not sure if it's just a coincidence or a bug but after updating to 0.9.2 I lost my remote connections to any of my Meteor apps. localhost:3000 works fine but remote access to host:3000 or any other port I try cannot connect.
I had exactly the same symptoms with the new Meteor (, I was able to connect fine on my development server using localhost:3000, but I received an error when attempting to connect to that server using the NETBIOS name (which I have been doing successfully since Blaze). Example URL:
This worked fine before but does not with the latest Meteor.
I was also able to overcome this issue by specifying an IP address and port explicitly in the Meteor server startup command:
meteor --port
What is interesting is that it seems as long as the IP address in the --port parameter matches the private network address of the server, you can still connect to your server using a logical name. In my case, my server is in a DMZ on my private network, and I can use the public domain name to get to the server. I can also use the server's NETBIOS name, both work fine.
I don't fully understand why this would work unless node.js or Meteor is doing some internal comparison. It is certain though that this is a matter of either the Meteor upgrade or the Node.js upgrade.
Use --port:host:port
example: meteor run --port:
Binding to a specific IP seems to solve the problem:
meteor run -p
