how to add suffix url wordpress example (/post-name/images) - wordpress

I want to show post images into a separated page for example blow URL:
At the moment this URL returns a 404 page.
how to show my images in this URL?

WordPress has a get_attached_media() function as Version 3.6, that returns an associative array of all of the images attached to a post.
After that, there are a couple of ways to add the /images path to the URL.
You can use the template_include filter
to check the current URL, unset the is_404 boolean, and pass in a PHP Template.
You can make use of This WPSE Answer to add /images as a "virtual page" using .htaccess and/or WP::parse_request() rules, and load in a PHP template that way
You could instead use query parameters /post-name/?images=true and check for that in your single.php (or equivalent file), and use get_attached_media()
You could instead use query parameters /post-name/?images=true and make use of the the_content filter in your functions.php file, and return the get_attached_media() instead of the content


Appending query parameter to Woocommerce category URL

I'm trying to force display the list view in my Woocommerce store but I can't seem to get it working.
The theme has support for list view and you can force it by appending "?product_view=list" so a category URL becomes:
Instead of the default one:
I added this Rewrite Rule to my htaccess but it doesnt:
RewriteRule ^product-category(.*)$$1?product_view=list
It seems Wordpress ignores this Rewrite rule. Any ideas?
I'm surprised this answer stands as the only one.
Making changes in .htaccess to force this sort of behaviour seems really unnecessary and obviously isn't useful for others trying to solve this issue, especially those users on nginx servers or on shared hosting without .htaccess access.
You should try to fix this in PHP using an action.
Looking at your question, I can tell that theme you have is checking for GET data in the URL bar, which is the ?key1=value1&key2=value2 part of an URL. GET is an HTTP method that you can read about here if you want to learn more.
You can actually set GET data in PHP, and you can safely put this into your functions.php file.
You will want to create a function that simply checks the current page, and if it's a product category page sets the GET data.
At the bottom of your functions.php, you'd want to add something like this:
//Force all category pages to list view.
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content','force_category_list_view', 5);
function force_category_list_view(){
$_GET['product_view'] = 'list';
I actually can't test this, but I think it'd work. Essentially, in the woocommerce template archive-product.php, the first action that runs is 'woocommerce_before_main_content'. What we're doing is calling our function, which checks the page is indeed a product category. If it is, it sets the GET variable as list, which is exactly what the URL is telling the page to do already.
Mainly this is just a better practise than altering your .htaccess, but someone determined could also override that GET data by changing the URL to read ?product_view=list&product_view=xyz I can't imagine this would be an issue in this instance, but in other instances it might be.

Completely custom page in WordPress generated by a plugin

I am writing a WordPress plugin that has an AJAX element to it - blocks of HTML are fetched by the front end from the plugin using AJAX.
I am having difficulty joining up the pieces here, and I suspect it is just a terminology issue. How would I implement a page completely provided by the plugin?
The content of the page will be HTML - the plugin can generate this in response to POST or GET parameters.
There needs to be a route to this page. The route does not have to be user-friendly or a REST style - just some kind of URI that gets to the plugin. Is there perhaps a way to register a custom page with an arbitrary name, without having to create it as a WP post?
I would like all this to be self-contained in the plugin, so should not involve the administrator having to create posts or pages, or have to add anything to the theme.
Ideally I would avoid any URLs that go into the wp-admin directory. End users don't belong in here.
I would strongly suggest referring to
You need to have a php script in your plugin directory that returns what you request, and you need to determine that url at run time for reference in your ajax. The above link gives an example for enqueuing and using wp_localize_script() to provide the url for your custom php script.
wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-script',
plugins_url( '/js/my_query.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery') );
// in JavaScript, object properties are accessed as
// ajax_object.ajax_url, ajax_object.we_value
wp_localize_script( 'ajax-script', 'ajax_object',
array( 'ajax_url' => plugins_url( '/php/myapi.php' ));
Your javascript file will be included on every page and will listen for events on the page which require a block of HTML, as you've described it.
Your file myapi.php then needs to take a request, probably using a query string, get the appropriate content from the wordpress api, and respond with said content, which your javascript will put into place.
To have access to the wordpress api as well though, you have two options:
Force wordpress to run starting with your file, by including wp-load.php. This is probably not the cleanest way.
Set up a custom page or slug to direct to your plugin.
I would advise the second option, and advise a slug, in which case you may find this post helpful: wp_rewrite in a WordPress Plugin
From Jason's comment, based on the link above:
The rewrite rules are mentioned a lot, but are really a distraction -
they just help to make URLs look more "friendly", which was not an
objective here. The key is: register a custom GET parameter; look for
that parameter early in the page rendering process; if you find the
parameter is set, then output/echo stuff and die(). There are a
number of hooks that can be used to look at the parameters, chosen
dependin on how much you want WP to set up and process first.

Iclude php file in wordpress post

How do I include a php page in a wordpress post?
I know how to include in pages, using /* Template Name: templatename */ and select a value from dropdown attributes. I don't know how to achieve this in a post, can you help?
i have file ex.php and i want to display the contents of the file in post article.
The template file for single posts is single.php
Depending on your theme you might have to create it
(for example copy index.php and name it accordingly)

Metalsmith static site generator: How to make the URL of the page: one/two/three?

How to make the URL of the page: one/two/three? This work must be done via a url variable in the template. I use metalsmith-permalinks plugin. I have it hooked up and the pattern is specified as :url.
Later in the template write the url: hello/world. But the web address of this page is converted into a hello-world.
How to make the page address, type hello/world ?
Option :url will replace all characters / on -. Probably the only way in this situation at the moment - create the directory hello/world, and add Metalsmith template file. I had a similar problem and solved it this way.

Wordpress custorm URL variables causes strange redirect

I'm trying to have custom variables in my URL for Wordpress site. I have read up as much as I could find on the subject and so far have the following in my functions page:
function add_query_vars($aVars) {
$aVars[] = "mrdrct";
return $aVars;
// hook add_query_vars function into query_vars
add_filter('query_vars', 'add_query_vars');
And the following on my header page:
if(isset($wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'])) {
$mVar = $wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'];
echo "variable is $mVar <br />";
Just to test out if things are being passed correctly and they are. However, when I use a link with the url variable in it - say - I am not directed to my homepage of my Wordpress site which is set to a static page with a template on it - I am instead directed to a page with my latest posts on it. I cannot figure out why this is happening - any ideas? Hopefully I've explained this well enough.
When WP sees a query string (? after the URL) it will attempt to display matching posts using it's rewrite rules. If no posts match it will show a 404 error - I would guess you do not have a 404.php file, so WP is showing the default which is index.php (see the Wordpress Template Hierarchy for more details on that).
I'm not 100% sure what you want to achieve, but I'd suggest that you need to look at changing the query when $wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'] is set. See the WP Codex for query_posts() for a good place to start, if you are not already familier with it.
