Creating a new variable from the ranges of another column in which the ranges change - R - r

I am a beginner in R so sorry if it is a very simple question. I looked but I could not find the same problem.
I want to create a new variable from the ranges of another column in R but the ranges are not the same for each row.
To be more specific, my data has years 1960 - 2000 and i have ranges for employment. For 1960 to 1980 a teacher is 1 and a lawyer is 2 etc. For 1980 - 1990 a teacher is in the value range 1-29 and lawyer is 50-89 etc. Then finally for 1990-2000, the value range for the teacher is 40-65 and for the lawyer it is 1-39.
I dont even know how to begin with it (teacher and lawyer are not the only occupations there are 10 different occupations with overlapping value ranges for different years - which makes it very confusing for me).
I would appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

Here are a couple of approaches to get you started.
First, say you have a data frame with year and occupation_code:
df1 <- data.frame(
year = c(1965, 1985, 1995),
occupation_code = c(1, 2, 3)
year occupation_code
1 1965 1
2 1985 2
3 1995 3
Then, create a second data frame which will clearly indicate the year ranges and occupation code ranges with each occupation. You can include all of your occupations here.
df2 <- data.frame(
year_start = c(1960, 1960, 1980, 1980, 1990, 1990),
year_end = c(1980, 1980, 1990, 1990, 2000, 2000),
occupation_code_start = c(1, 2, 1, 50, 40, 1),
occupation_code_end = c(1, 2, 29, 89, 65, 39),
occupation = c("teacher", "lawyer", "teacher", "lawyer", "teacher", "lawyer")
year_start year_end occupation_code_start occupation_code_end occupation
1 1960 1980 1 1 teacher
2 1960 1980 2 2 lawyer
3 1980 1990 1 29 teacher
4 1980 1990 50 89 lawyer
5 1990 2000 40 65 teacher
6 1990 2000 1 39 lawyer
Then, you can merge the two together.
One approach is with data.table package.
on = .(year_start <= year,
year_end >= year,
occupation_code_start <= occupation_code,
occupation_code_end >= occupation_code),
.(year, occupation = occupation)]
This will give you:
year occupation
1: 1965 teacher
2: 1985 teacher
3: 1995 lawyer
Another approach is with fuzzyjoin and tidyverse:
fuzzy_left_join(df1, df2,
by = c("year" = "year_start",
"year" = "year_end",
"occupation_code" = "occupation_code_start",
"occupation_code" = "occupation_code_end"),
match_fun = list(`>=`, `<=`, `>=`, `<=`)) %>%
select(year, occupation)


r merge data with different year

I would like to merge two data using different years.
My data are like the below with more than 1,000 firms with 20 years span.
And I want to merge data to examine firm A's ratio at t's impact on firm A's count at t+1.
Data A
firm year ratio
A 1990 0.2
A 1991 0.3
B 1990 0.1
Data B
firm tyear count
A 1990 2
A 1991 6
B 1990 4
Expected Output
firm year ratio count
A 1990 0.2 6
Any suggestion for code to merge data?
Thank you
This should get you started on the dataset, just make sure you do the right lag/lead transformation on the table.
dt.a.years <- data.table(Year =seq(from = 1990, to = 2010, by = 1L))
dt.b.years <- data.table(Year =seq(from = 1990, to = 2010, by = 1L))
dt.merged <- merge( x = dt.a.years
, y = dt.b.years[, .(Year, lag.Year = shift(Year, n = 1, fill = NA))]
, by.x = "Year"
, by.y = "lag.Year")
Year Year.y
1: 1990 1991
2: 1991 1992
3: 1992 1993
4: 1993 1994
5: 1994 1995
6: 1995 1996
7: 1996 1997
8: 1997 1998
9: 1998 1999
How about like this:
A$tyear = A$year+1
AB = merge(A,B,by=c('firm','tyear'),all=F)

Agregating and counting elements in the variables of a dataset

I might have not asked the proper question in my research, sorry in such case.
I have a multiple columns dataset:
helena <-
Year US$ Euros Country Regions
2001 12 13 US America
2000 13 15 UK Europe
2003 14 19 China Asia
I want to group the dataset in a way that I have for each region the total per year of the earnings plus a column showing how many countries have communicated their data per region every year
helena <-
Year US$ Euros Regions Number of countries per region per Year
2000 150 135 America 2
2001 135 151 Europe 15
2002 142 1900 Asia 18
Yet, I have tried
count(helena, c("Regions", "Year"))
but it does not work properly since includes only the columns indicated
Here is the data.table way, I have added a row for Canada for year 2000 to test the code:
df <- data.frame(Year = c(2000, 2001, 2003,2000),
US = c(13, 12, 14,13),
Euros = c(15, 13, 19,15),
Country = c('US', 'UK', 'China','Canada'),
Regions = c('America', 'Europe', 'Asia','America'))
df <- data.table(df)
.(sum_US = sum(US),
sum_Euros = sum(Euros),
number_of_countries = uniqueN(Country)),
.(Regions, Year)]
Regions Year sum_US sum_Euros number_of_countries
1: America 2000 26 30 2
2: Europe 2001 12 13 1
3: Asia 2003 14 19 1
With dplyr:
your_data %>%
group_by(Regions, Year) %>%
US = sum(US),
Euros = sum(Euros),
N_countries = n_distinct(Country)
using tidyr
df %>% group_by(Regions, Year) %>%
summarise(Earnings_US = sum(`US$`),
Earnings_Euros = sum(Euros),
N_Countries = length(Country))
aggregate the data set by regions, summing the earnings columns and doing a length of the country column (assuming countries are unique)
Using tidyverse and building the example
df <- tibble(Year = c(2000, 2001, 2003,2000),
US = c(13, 12, 14,13),
Euros = c(15, 13, 19,15),
Country = c('US', 'UK', 'China','Canada'),
Regions = c('America', 'Europe', 'Asia','America'))
df %>%
group_by(Regions, Year) %>%
summarise(US = sum(US),
Euros = sum(Euros),
Countries = n_distinct(Country))
updated to reflect the data in the original question

R Markdown: Transforming pooled cross section data into a panel data set

I am currently trying to transform a cross-sectional data set into a panel data set.
Currently I have a variable called "state" and a variable called "year". I would like to re-arrange the observations, so that they are displayed per state per year and the numbers display averages of the other variables (e.g. income) per state per year respectively.
Anyone has an idea how I could proceed?
Thank you very much in advance!
If I understand your question correctly. The code below should help. It is helpful with questions to add a small example data set, and your desired output.
This answer uses the dplyr package
Example data:
data <- tibble(state = c("florida", "florida", "florida",
"new_york", "new_york", "new_york"),
year = c(1990, 1990, 1992, 1992, 1992, 1994),
income = c(19, 13, 45, 34, 66, 34))
To produce:
# A tibble: 6 x 3
state year income
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 florida 1990 19
2 florida 1990 13
3 florida 1992 45
4 new_york 1992 34
5 new_york 1992 66
6 new_york 1994 34
Code to summarise data (using dplyr package)
data %>%
group_by(state, year) %>%
mean_income = mean(income)
Produces this output:
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups: state [?]
state year mean_income
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 florida 1990 16
2 florida 1992 45
3 new_york 1992 50
4 new_york 1994 34

Grouping and conditions without loop (big data)

I have several observations of the same groups, and for each observation I have a year.
dat = data.frame(group = rep(c("a","b","c"),each = 3), year = c(2000, 1996, 1975, 2002, 2010, 1980, 1990,1986,1995))
group year
1 a 2000
2 a 1996
3 a 1975
4 b 2002
5 b 2010
6 b 1980
7 c 1990
8 c 1986
9 c 1995
For each observation, i would like to know if another observation of the same group can be found with given conditions relative to the focal observation. e.g. : "Is there any other observation (than the focal one) that has been done during the last 6 years (starting from the focal year) in the same group".
Ideally the dataframe should be like that
group year six_years
1 a 2000 1 # there is another member of group a that is year = 1996 (2000-6 = 1994, this value is inside the threshold)
2 a 1996 0
3 a 1975 0
4 b 2002 0
5 b 2010 0
6 b 1980 0
7 c 1990 1
8 c 1986 0
9 c 1995 1
Basically for each row we should look into the subset of groups, and see if any(dat$year == conditions). It is very easy to do with a for loop, but it's of no use here : the dataframe is massive (several millions of row) and a loop would take forever.
I am searching for an efficient way with vectorized functions or a fast package.
Thanks !
Actually thinking about it you will probably have a lot of recurring year/group combinations, in which case much quicker to pre-calculate the frequencies using count() - which is also a plyr function:
90M rows took ~4sec
dat <- data.frame(group = sample(c("a","b","c"),size=9000000,replace=TRUE),
year = sample(c(2000, 1996, 1975, 2002, 2010, 1980, 1990,1986,1995),size=9000000,replace=TRUE))
d<-df[df$year>=y-6 &
df$year<y &
df$group== g,]
summ<-count(dat) # add a frequency to each combination
user system elapsed
3.44 0.42 3.90
My dataset had too many different groups, and the plyr option proposed by Troy was too slow.
I found a hack (experts would probably say "an ugly one") with package data.table : the idea is to merge the data.table with itself quickly with the fast merge function. It gives every possible combination between a given year of a group and all others years from the same group.
Then proceed with an ifelse for every row with the condition you're looking for.
Finally, aggregate everything with a sum function to know how many times every given years can be found in a given timespan relative to another year.
On my computer, it took few milliseconds, instead of the probable hours that plyr was going to take
dat = data.table(group = rep(c("a","b","c"),each = 3), year = c(2000, 1996, 1975, 2002, 2010, 1980, 1990,1986,1995), key = "group")
Produces this :
group year
1 a 2000
2 a 1996
3 a 1975
4 b 2002
5 b 2010
6 b 1980
7 c 1990
8 c 1986
9 c 1995
Then :
z = merge(dat, dat, by = "group", all = T, allow.cartesian = T) # super fast
z$sixyears = ifelse(z$year.y >= z$year.x - 6 & z$year.y < z$year.x, 1, 0) # creates a 0/1 column for our condition
z$sixyears = as.numeric(z$sixyears) # we want to sum this up after
z$year.y = NULL # useless column now
z2 = z[ , list(sixyears = sum(sixyears)), by = list(group, year.x)]
(Years with another year of the same group in the last six years are given a "1" :
group year x
1 a 1975 0
2 b 1980 0
3 c 1986 0
4 c 1990 1 # e.g. here there is another "c" which was in the timespan 1990 -6 ..
5 c 1995 1 # <== this one. This one too has another reference in the last 6 years, two rows above.
6 a 1996 0
7 a 2000 1
8 b 2002 0
9 b 2010 0
Icing on the cake : it deals with NA seamlessly.
Here's another possibility also using data.table but including diff().
dat <- data.table(group = rep(c("a","b","c"), each = 3),
year = c(2000, 1996, 1975, 2002, 2010, 1980, 1990,1986,1995),
key = "group")
valid_case <- subset(dt[,list(valid_case = diff(year)), by=key(dt)],
dat$valid_case <- ifelse(dat$group %in% valid_case$group, 1, 0)
I am not sure how this compares in terms of speed or NA handling (I think it should be fine with NAs since they propagate in diff() and abs()), but I certainly find it more readable. Joins are really fast in data.table, but I'd have to think avoiding that all together helps. There's probably a more idiomatic way to do the condition in the ifelse statement using data.table joins. That could potentially speed things up, although my experience has never found %in% to be the limiting factor.

ddply and adding columns

I have a data frame with columns year|country|growth_rate. I wanted to to find country with highest growth rate in every year, which I did with:
ddply(data, .(year), summarise, highest=max(growth_rate))
and I've got data frame with 2 columns; year and highest
I would like to add third column here, which would show that country that had that max growth_rate, but I can't figure out how to do this.
R> data = data.frame(year = rep(1990:1993, 2), growth_rate = runif(8), country = rep(c("US", "FR"), each = 4))
R> data
year growth_rate country
1 1990 0.82785327 US
2 1991 0.86724498 US
3 1992 0.84813164 US
4 1993 0.35884355 US
5 1990 0.92792399 FR
6 1991 0.08659153 FR
7 1992 0.26732516 FR
8 1993 0.37819132 FR
R> ddply(data, .(year), summarize, highest = max(growth_rate), country = country[which.max(growth_rate)])
year highest country
1 1990 0.9279240 FR
2 1991 0.8672450 US
3 1992 0.8481316 US
4 1993 0.3781913 FR
