IIS 10 on WinServer 2019 is loading asp.net pages very slow even on subsequent loads - iis-10

My question has nothing to do with the initial page loads. My ASP.NET Web Site is running very slow, on IIS 10. Even when I refresh the page after a load, it takes minutes. What do I need to check?
Application Initialization Module is installed and running
App Pool is using Classic managed Pipeline mode and has Start-Mode set to AlwaysRunning
Preload Enabled in Website's setting is set to true
The same application runs fine on another server running older WinServer and IIS 8. What do I need to check?

This is embarrassing. Posting this answer so I find my own question the next time I run into this again, or someone else runs into this. My application on the other server where it runs, has caching configured so all the database pulls are cached. This new server has no caching set up. Those pulls are so slow, I am finally getting the hang of it.


IIS only processing one request at a time

We have an asp.net web application that works fine in our environment. One of our partners tries to the exact same code in their environment and can only process one request at a time. For example, there is only page that calls a long running stored procedure (5 minutes). If you call that page and the try to open a new page, the new page won't serve until after the first page has completed. We can see the request back up by looking at the worker processes for their application pool. They are running IIS 8.5 on a windows 2012 server. They're also running SQL Server 2016.
The database connection is structured the same as as in our environment. The stored procedure is not wrapped in a transaction. Any ideas what might be causing this behavior?
IIS also can work in the Debug mode, when it is enabled, Asp is limited to processing one request at a time in a single-threaded manner.
Open “InetMgr” or IIS manager, double click ASP under the IIS section of the website. Check the below settings in Asp section.
See the below discussion for more information.
IIS7 - only serves up one page at a time. It's a making me crAzY!

Devexpress grid slow reponse after idle

I'm using devexpress gridview on developing application that users have to view group of row data,my application works fine on development server of visual studio 2010 but when i deploy the application on iis 7.5 performance issue become clear.
when page is loaded on IE for the first time ,application respond normally and ajax calls respond fine,but when application became idle for awhile*(approximately less than 5 minutes)* ,ajax calls responding issue appear (takes 20 seconds for a single request).
note that:
-i review all application pool configurations on iis.
-i notice that when i use Firefox application respond normally but unfortunately i need to use it on IE.
-when i deploy the application locally from my machine (Local IIS) application respond normally.
could any one help please
If you're saying that the response time in Firefox is good then the issue is not IIS.
Devexpress controls are heavy on client (javascript) and can cause delays in page loading (especially if you use jQuery)
I suggest to:
create a test page that has nothing other than the gridview on it.
Enable client script debugging (in IE options)
use IE developer Profiler to see any client errors

How long does IIS retain compiled ASP.NET in cache before needing to be recompiled?

I am testing a piece of software called PowershellASP which lets you run powershell scripts inside an ASP.NET page, which I am driving via IIS 7.
Basically, on my test page, the first time it loads it takes over 60 seconds, which I assume is because the ASP.net needs to compile? It is fast on subsequent loads, except it then goes back to requiring 60 seconds+ if I leave it for an hour or so and then try refreshing the page after an hour... Any insight on the likely culprit for this behaviour (i.e. its "slow" after I try to refresh the page after an hour or so)...
Is this the IIS cache expiring and thus needing to recompile the ASP.NET page I'm trying to load or am I barking up the wrong tree?
regards, ted.
EDITED:To increase the idle timeout of a iis application go to advanced settings of your application pool and change the idle timeout to 0. Default is 20 min. The IIS doesn't exactly compile your application it load it into a worker which can take some time based on your application and the iis settings. After some idle the iis automaticly unload your application to save resources, that is why it takes more time after a while. Ones the app is loaded it runs fast.

Crystal Reports in ASP.NET 2.0 app - report changes not showing

I'm developing an ASP.NET 2.0 application that includes Crystal Reports (version 10, included with VS 2005). Originally, the reports were working properly, both when run from my machine using the ASP.NET development web server, and also when deployed to an IIS server.
I made some changes to the reports and re-deployed the app to the IIS server, but the report changes are not showing up when I run the application (although they are showing up when serving the app locally on my machine). Is it possible the IIS server is caching older copies of the rpt files and not flushing them properly? I suggested this possibility to the guy managing the server, but he said he re-started the app pool and it didn't make a difference. Any ideas?
The report source object has a cache duration(in seconds) property. I think it is set to 60 seconds by default. You can either shorten this and then run the report again or alternatively you can turn it off by another property "enableCacheing". I have had mixed results with turning cacheing off so I usually just use the aspx page to set the property on the report source and lower it to 1 second to refresh the report, and then raise it back up once the cache has cleared.
Double check that the new one didn't get renamed somewhere in the process and the code is still referring to the old one.
What happens if you temporarily remove the RPT file on the web server? If you don't get an error, it's loading the report from someplace else.
Are there subreports involved?

weird slowness in asp.net web app - VS 2008

I compiled my app in release mode. I then went ahead and 'published' the site.
Copies all files and moved them to a staging server with a static ip. Restarted IIS.
Went to another machine and hit my web site. It took about 4 seconds for just the default page, which is pure HTML with no custom framework usage, to show up. What gives???
Sounds like it is just the application pool spinning up. Assuming that you are the first person to hit it after deployment, this isn't uncommon. It appears fine after the first page hit, correct?
If you set the #Page directive variable "Trace=True" does that show you any load times which out out of place? Also, if you are connected to a database, running SQL Profiler for example will show you any database queries which are too slow.
Lastly, I had a strange issue where I had a virtual directory setup which pointed to a directory that didn't exist. The network timeout that ocurred looking it up took a while.
