In Blazor, is there a better way to add elements from a list? - .net-core

I'm doing some tests with DotNet 5rc1 and Blazor, and have noticed something that makes me think I'm not doing this right.
I have a demo page (code below) that gives the user a set of buttons and they can click on a button to do a die roll. In the client side C# I then roll the die and prepend the roll string to a list. In the template, I then do a foreach and render the user's past rolls.
The issue is that I've been watching the Websocket messages and each time I add a new element, the message being passed gets larger and larger. This is because the entire list is being re-rendered with each click.
Is there a better way to do this, so that Blazor only inserts the new item in the DOM and sends down a trivial message, rather than re-rendering the entire section of the page? For this example, it doesn't matter much, but if I were building a bigger app with a lot of interactions, I could see this becoming a bottleneck.
Here's the code for my page - this is just a new page in a brand new Blazor project. (My code has more than a 1d20 button, but I removed it from here for brevity.)
#page "/dieroller"
<h1>Die Roller Utility</h1>
<button class="btn btn-primary" #onclick="#(e => RollDie(20))">
<i class="fas fa-dice-d20"></i>
<h2 class='mt-5'>Your Roll History</h2>
#foreach (string roll in rolls) {
#code {
#using System.Threading;
private List<string> rolls = new List<string>();
private void RollDie(int upper)
Random rand = new Random();
rolls.Insert(0, string.Format("1d{0} = {1}", upper, rand.Next(1, upper)));

The direct answer to your problem is to use #key. That is always a good idea when a loop is involved.
The problem is that you need unique keys and your strings don't fit that requirement.
A blunt solution is to introduce a class (not a struct), just to get unique keys. I adapted your code to the following:
#foreach (Roll roll in rolls)
<p #key="roll">#($"d={roll.Upper} {roll.Value}")</p>
#code {
class Roll
public int Upper { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }
private List<Roll> rolls = new List<Roll>();
private void RollDie(int upper)
Random rand = new Random();
rolls.Insert(0, new Roll { Upper = upper, Value = rand.Next(1, upper + 1) });
Using this you do get stable, non-growing WS packets.

Based on #BrianParker's comment above - Yes, you need a key so that Blazor knows which items need to be updated. That Key also needs to be unique, or you'll generate errors with key collision.
Because these are strings, they don't make good keys - therefore I ended up retooling this with a DieRoll class that I could put in a list. Here's the new code behind:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BlazorApp.Pages
public partial class DieRoller
private List<DieRoll> rolls = new List<DieRoll>();
private void RollDie(int upper)
rolls.Insert(0, new DieRoll(upper));
public class DieRoll
public int Roll;
public int DieType;
public DieRoll(int DieType) {
this.DieType = DieType;
public int RollDie() {
Random rand = new Random();
this.Roll = rand.Next(1, DieType + 1);
return Roll;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("1d{0} = {1}", this.DieType, this.Roll);
And here's the new template code at the p tag:
#foreach (DieRoll die in rolls) {
<p #key="die">#die</p>
Obviously this is more complex, but this is what works. The messages from the server are much smaller, and never grow in size.
Also, this might NOT have mattered if I wasn't prepending the items to the List. Appending to the list might have let Blazor understand where the elements were being created easier. But I didn't bother to test that theory.
You can see another example here:

With List.Add the messages size remains the same, so why is List.Insert any different? Presumably it's due to the inherent performance penalty that List.Insert(index: 0) incurs since the underlying array needs to be reshuffled, see here:
To verify this even using List.Insert(List.Count) shows the message size remains the same (as is the case with Add).
If the requirement is to have the last roll on top then an optimal approach would probably involve JavaScript, which defeats the purpose of using blazor server in the first place, however, blazor webassembly doesn't need to communicate with a server to accomplish this since it's all done on the client.


Using InMemory table as a form datasource in Dynamics 365 f&o

I'm obtaining data from an external service and inserting it into an inMemory table (Table_movieTemp), which I use as a datasource on a form (Form_MovieSearch_ds):
[FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(Form_MovieSearch, FormCommandButtonControl1), FormControlEventType::Clicked)]
public static void FormCommandButtonControl1_OnClicked(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e)
FormDataSource Form_MovieSearch_ds = formRun.dataSource();
System.Collections.IEnumerable data = ClassLibrary1.Program::CallRestService();
var enumerator = data.getEnumerator();
MovieRentalService.TmdbMovie item = enumerator.get_current();
Table_movieTemp.Description = item.Description;
Table_movieTemp.ReleaseDate = today();
Table_movieTemp.Title = item.Title;
Table_movieTemp.Rating = item.Rating;
Table_movieTemp.existsAlready = Table_Movie::exist(item.Title);
while select Table_movieTemp
info(strFmt("Name: %1,", Table_movieTemp.Title));
The while loop I used purely to prove the inserts were succesful.
Afterwards I figure I can call the executeQuery on the form which has my temptable as datasource:
This did not work and when I searched google I found a solution where I have to pass the TempTable buffer so that I can link it using 'setTmpTable'.
So I added the following call before calling executeQuery():
Function on my form:
public void BindTable(FM_MovieTemp _movieTempBuffer)
Now my code compiles and does not generate runtime errors either, but I still don't see any data. Could someone advice what I miss or do wrong?
The use of in-memory tables in forms has been around for 25 years, and you will find several uses in the standard application.
From the CustVendAgingStatistics form:
void calcAgingStatistics(boolean _research)
CustVendAgingStatistics custVendAgingStatistics = CustVendAgingStatistics::construct(linkedCustVendTable, graphData.loadDefName(), graphData.perInvoiceDate());
if (_research)
Another nice example is found here.
The method:
Insert the records in a separate method, return the local buffer.
In the calling method call setTmpData with the return value.
Research the datasource
In your code I see the use of InsertRecordList, do not use that on in-memory temporary tables, it makes no sense.
Also _movieTempBuffer.setTmpData(_movieTempBuffer) does not do anyting useful as it operates on itself.
Also good style is not do a lot in onClicked methods and other event methods, call proper methods to do the hard work instead.

Multiple TrackingParticipants not working, have funny side effects?

We are rying to use WF with multiple tracking participants which essentially listen to different queries - one for activity states, one for custom tracknig records which are a subclass of CustomTrackingRecord.
The problem is that we can use both TrackingParticipants indivisually, but not together - we never get our subclass from CustomTrackingRecord but A CustomTrackingRecord.
If I put bopth queries into one TrackingParticipant and then handle everythign in one, both work perfectly (which indicates teh error is not where we throw them).
The code in question for the combined one is:
public WorkflowServiceTrackingParticipant ()
this.TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
ActivityDefinitionId = "*",
ImplementationVisibility = ImplementationVisibility.All,
Name = "WorkflowServiceTrackingProfile",
Queries = {
new CustomTrackingQuery() { Name = "*", ActivityName = "*" },
new ActivityStateQuery() {
States = {
When using two TrackingParticipants we have two TrackingProfile (with different names) that each have one of the queries.
in the track method, when using both separate, the lines:
protected override void Track(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
Console.WriteLine("*** ActivityTracking: " + record.GetType());
if (record is ActivityBasedTrackingRecord)
never result in the debugger hitting, when using only the one to track our CustomTrackingRecord subclass (ActivityBasedTrackingRecord) then it works.
Anyone else knows about this? For now we have combined both TrackingParticipants into one, but this has the bad side effect that we can not dynamically expand the logging possibilities, which we would love to. Is this a known issue with WWF somewhere?
Version used: 4.0 Sp1 Feature Update 1.
I guess I encounterad the exact same problem.
This problem occurs due to the restrictions of the extension mechanism. There can be only one instance per extension type per workflow instance (according to Microsoft's documentation). Interesting enough though, one can add multiple instances of the same type to one workflow's extensions which - in case of TrackingParticipant derivates - causes weird behavior, because only one of their tracking profiles is used for all participants of the respective type, but all their overrides of the Track method are getting invoked.
There is a (imho) ugly workaround to this: derive a new participant class from TrackingParticipant for each task (task1, task2, logging ...)
I think that this problem isn't caused by extension mechanism, since DerivedParticipant 1 and DerivedParticipant 2 are not the same type(WF internals just use polymorphism on the base class).
I was running on the same issue, my Derived1 was tracking records that weren't described in its profile.
Derived1.TrackingProfile.Name was "Foo" and Derived2.TrackingProfile.Name was null
I changed the name from null to "Bar" and it worked as expected.
Here is a WF internal reference code, describing how is the Profile selected
// System.Activities.Tracking.RuntimeTrackingProfile.RuntimeTrackingProfileCache
public RuntimeTrackingProfile GetRuntimeTrackingProfile(TrackingProfile profile, Activity rootElement)
RuntimeTrackingProfile runtimeTrackingProfile = null;
HybridCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile> hybridCollection = null;
lock (this.cache)
if (!this.cache.TryGetValue(rootElement, out hybridCollection))
runtimeTrackingProfile = new RuntimeTrackingProfile(profile, rootElement);
hybridCollection = new HybridCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile>();
this.cache.Add(rootElement, hybridCollection);
ReadOnlyCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile> readOnlyCollection = hybridCollection.AsReadOnly();
foreach (RuntimeTrackingProfile current in readOnlyCollection)
if (string.CompareOrdinal(profile.Name, current.associatedProfile.Name) == 0 && string.CompareOrdinal(profile.ActivityDefinitionId, current.associatedProfile.ActivityDefinitionId) == 0)
runtimeTrackingProfile = current;
if (runtimeTrackingProfile == null)
runtimeTrackingProfile = new RuntimeTrackingProfile(profile, rootElement);
return runtimeTrackingProfile;

Postback problem for my custom control load wizard

I have some problem that happens when controls are loaded in init and it still doesn't help me to get proper postback event fired on time.
I am trying to create a rich wizard control that will enable switching, links with description, completely customized steps, integration of substeps - by using dynamic control load that is avoids standard wizard way of loading.
Idea is to have on left part navigation, on right part content, or substeps that are run from right part and that go over whole area.
Download source project
Ok, I re-read the question, and here is what you have to do. You have to re-load these controls on each postback, give them always the same "Id". This can be done in Page_Init or in Page_Load event. And of course, you have to re-attach event handlers on each post back.
Many thanks.. well i found the answer - id was the problem, in load control method. I was doing this wizard.. well most of things work now.
If someone is interested to see how does this works.. there are some updates:
public void LoadSplitViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SplitView;
LoadControl(SplitControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSplit");
public void LoadSingleViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControl(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
public void LoadSingleViewControlAsClear(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControlAsClear(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
private void LoadControl(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
//as i am using steps loaded controls using splitview and substeps controls using single view sometimes viewstate will not be valid so error will be thrown but u can resolve this by using LoadSingleViewControlAsClear that will load below method.
private void LoadControlAsClear(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
/another cool idea i am using for such an wizard is that i am not using viewstate but rather session object for saving values collected over steps. My session object key is generated by authenticated username and pageguid - so u can have many loaded pages and each of them will handle different session object./
public Guid PageGuid
if (PageGuidField.Value == "")
var _pageGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
PageGuidField.Value = _pageGuid.ToString();
return _pageGuid;
return new Guid(PageGuidField.Value);

How to resize columns of DataGrid bound to List<T>, not DataSet?

I'm trying to use a System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid control in my Compact Framework 3.5 Window Mobile Professional 6 SDK based project to show some properties of objects of type Something by binding the DataGrid to a List<SomethingWrapper> instance like this:
public class SomethingWrapper {
private Something data;
public SomethingWrapper(Something data) { = data; }
public string Column1 { get { /* string from */ } }
public string Column2 { get { /* string from */ } }
public class SomethingList : List<SomethingWrapper> {
public SomethingList(IEnumerable<Something> items) {
foreach (var item in items) Add(new SomethingWrapper(item));
Sort((a, b) => a.Column2.CompareTo(b.Column2);
/* ... */
IEnumerable<Something> dataToShow = /* assume this is filled correctly */
SomethingDataGrid.DataSource = new SomethingList(dataToShow);
This seems to work fine: the correct data is shown in the grid with two columns called Column1 and Column2 and sorted on the second column. I want this to be a readonly view of this data, so all is fine.
However, I would like to set column widths and cannot seem to get this to work...
Have tried to obvious: creating TableStyle, creating textbox column style instance per column, adding it to the TableStyle and setting SomethingDataGrid.TableStyle to resulting table style. (This is from memory, or I would also show the exact code I'm using. If needed, I can add that to the question somewhere later today.)
Nothing changes however. I suspect this has something to do with the MappingName on the TableStyle object; all examples I could find yesterday evening seem to be for databinding a DataSet to the DataGrid and setting MappingName to the correct table name in the DataSet. Otherwise, the table style will not do what you expect, which is the behavior I'm seeing.
Question: am I looking in the correct place for a solution to my problem, and if so, what do I need to set TableStyle.MappingName to when binding to a List<T> to show properties of T...?
(Tried to check for possible duplicates, but was unable to find exact matches. Please correct me if I turn out to be wrong there.)
Ah, didn't look well enough after all: duplicate question found. Will try deriving from BindingList<T> and/or using a binding source so I can start calling BindingSource.GetListName(null) to get a MappingName. Hope this will help. If not, I'll be back...
You can do this by creating a DataGridTableStyle
Here is an extension method that I use:
public static void SetColumnStyles<T>(this DataGrid ctrl, T data, params ColumnStyle[] column) where T: class
var ts = new DataGridTableStyle();
ts.MappingName = data.GetType().Name;
foreach (var style in column)
ts.GridColumnStyles.AddColumn(style.Header, style.Column, style.Width);
Then I call it like this:
var newList = queriableData.ToList();
ProductEdit.DataSource = newList;
ProductEdit.SetColumnStyles(newList, new[]
new ColumnStyle("Name", 200),
new ColumnStyle("Manufacturer", 100),
new ColumnStyle("Size", 20)
where newList is a generic list of objects.

Use DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET

I want to bind a List to a GridView on a web page, but override the way the property names display via annotation. I thought System.ComponentModel would work, but this doesn't seem to work. Is this only meant for Windows Forms?:
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace MyWebApp
public class MyCustomClass
[DisplayName("My Column")]
public string MyFirstProperty
get { return "value"; }
public MyCustomClass() {}
Then on the page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
IList<MyCustomClass> myCustomClasses = new List<MyCustomClass>
new MyCustomClass(),
new MyCustomClass()
TestGrid.DataSource = myCustomClasses;
This renders with "MyFirstProperty" as the column header rather than "My Column." Isn't this supposed to work?
When using .net 4 or later you can use gridview1.enabledynamicdata(typeof(mytype)). I haven't looked at all the types you can use there but I know the [displayname("somename")] works well but the [browsable(false)] doesn't omit the column from the grid. It looks like a knit one slip one from MS. at least you can easily rename column names and to omit a column I just declare a variable instead of using a property. It has the same effect...
Just by the way, using the designer to create columns is the easy way out but to just show a different column name takes way to much time especially with classes with many fields.
What SirDemon said...
The answer appears to be no, you can't. At least not out of the box.
The System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView uses reflected property's name:
protected virtual AutoGeneratedField CreateAutoGeneratedColumn(AutoGeneratedFieldProperties fieldProperties)
AutoGeneratedField field = new AutoGeneratedField(fieldProperties.DataField);
string name = fieldProperties.Name; //the name comes from a PropertyDescriptor
((IStateManager) field).TrackViewState();
field.HeaderText = name; //<- here's reflected property name
field.SortExpression = name;
field.ReadOnly = fieldProperties.IsReadOnly;
field.DataType = fieldProperties.Type;
return field;
While System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView uses DisplayName if available:
public DataGridViewColumn[] GetCollectionOfBoundDataGridViewColumns()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
//props is a collection of PropertyDescriptors
for (int i = 0; i < this.props.Count; i++)
if (...)
DataGridViewColumn dataGridViewColumnFromType = GetDataGridViewColumnFromType(this.props[i].PropertyType);
dataGridViewColumnFromType.Name = this.props[i].Name;
dataGridViewColumnFromType.HeaderText = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.props[i].DisplayName) ? this.props[i].DisplayName : this.props[i].Name;
DataGridViewColumn[] array = new DataGridViewColumn[list.Count];
return array;
Unfortunately, while you can override the CreateAutoGeneratedColumn, neither the missing DisplayName nor underlying property descriptor gets passed, and you can't override CreateAutoGeneratedColumns (although you could CreateColumns).
This means you'd have to iterate over reflected properties yourself and in some other place.
If all you care about is the header text in GridView, just use the HeaderText property of each field you bind. If you're autogenerating the columns, you just set the HeaderText after you've bound the GridView.
If you want a GridView that takes into account some attribute you placed on the properties of your bound class, I believe you'll need to create your own GridView.
I may be wrong, but I've not seen any ASP.NET Grid from control vendors (at least Telerik , Janus Systems and Infragistics) do that. If you do it, maybe sell the idea to them.
Are you using .net4, what you need to do is to set enabledynamicdata on the grid view to true.
You can do it now on mvc2. It works just like that
