Audio unable to play in Aframe unless the inspector is opened - aframe

I have been working on adding background music to a Glitch project. I followed the documents to create a sound component and set it to automatically play upon running, however, when I try to run the project, the sound does not play automatically on my laptop. I have to open the Aframe inspector and un-pause my project for the music to begin. For some reason, I have not encountered this issue when I tried the same project on my phone. The sound played as expected once the program is up and running. I am not sure what is causing the sound to malfunction but any help is greatly appreciated. Here is the project I am working on:!/animation-animate?path=index.html%3A15%3A23

when working with sounds natively with Aframe, I had the same problem and one of the recommendations that I can give you is to play sounds with the HowlerJS sound library, which is compatible with most frameworks and also compatible with A-Frame
I share their page and the documentation, this library is very easy to use and implement to the project

Autoplay audio on most modern browsers requires user interaction before enabling audio. You can put a div in front of your scene that upon click starts playing your background audio.
Check out a related SO question / answer for video autoplay that should help:
Autoplaying videosphere from A-frame is not working on any browser(Safari/Chrome)
Another user on A-Frame discord provided this example demo:


arcore positional tracking in aframe?

Hi I'm new here and I want to make a WebAR application using A-Frame. I know the basics and all that but one major problem I'm having is being able to walk around in the scene using ARCore running in Chrome. Is this even possible? I found a WebVR application from 6 years ago that solved the problem of positional tracking but the code's so depreciated it doesn't work anymore. I would prefer using ARCore for tracking but if nothing else marker based tracking will work too.
Edit: here's the depreciated code on github
Doesn't use ARCore but instead marker based tracking. Better than nothing I suppose.
As of today, support for ARCore via the web (and thus A-Frame) is only available on Chrome browser with some Android devices.
Here are some great examples of working projects that you can build from:
New features such as image tracking are only available on Chrome Canary (experimental). See this example for image marker tracking:
And associated documentation:

Creating the stereo photosphere without Unity

I'm working on a Daydream app using the Google VR SDK/NDK. To submit the app to Google Play, I need a 360-degree stereo photosphere. I've seen directions for creating this with Unity, but is there any way to create this without Unity?
I've taken a screenshot of the app in stereo mode, but I don't think that will satisfy the requirement.
Google doesn't provide any tools to capture in-app photospheres in non-Unity apps at this time. Some devs produce photospheres in modeling apps like Maya and Blender.
You could always cheat and make your "Daydream 360 degree stereoscopic image" in Photoshop. Just use the same image twice, once on top and once on the bottom.
I think others have already done this, because I have noticed a few wrong looking previews in the store. Where if I close one eye, parts of the image disappear.
If you change your mind and make one with Unity, this plugin worked nicely for me:!/content/38755

Photoswipe working on browser but not on devices

I'm a beginner and I'm trying to use photoswiper in a PhoneGap app. I'm trying to use this example :
that works great in any browser, but just don't work on any device.
When I open, it's like I have a css issue since I don't see any king of style and when I touch any image, I just see it full size but can't swipe to see the next one.
Any help will be appreciated!
May be you should mention all sites with external resources in the WhiteList?

Page change monitor for Safari

I'm looking for an app or add on to use with my ipad that notifies me when a webpage changes. Google chrome has add on for such but I can't find anything for Safari/ipad. Please help!
I have the same problem but have found an app called iChanged lite that appears to do the job but i am in the process of dowloading it.
Good Luck

TV ergonomics in Flex

Im having fun toying with AIR and want to use it to create an application for my TV, but Im coping with a serious & dumb problem : TV ergonomics. Indeed, without a mouse, it is all about focus on elements and moving this focus in a natural fashion.
In HTML this is handled by the browsers perfectly, but in ActionScript Im having a real hard time ! For instance, I don't even know how to have an element on autofocus, so that when I load the app there is already something to click on (without it I just can't interact with my app at all!).
Do you have any idea on the best ways to create a listener for the remote controller arrows and OK button (should be enough) so that I never get stuck in the app ?
So whether you have already struggled with that or if you simply happen to know how to play with the focus and setFocus() parts of Flex, your help is very welcome !
I recommend you look at the Google TV Flash template. It's all about controls and navigation. I'm not sure if this works for Flex as I have not done any gtv development yet.
