I'm referring to the ndarray crate as well as the assert_approx_eq.
My question: Does something like assert_approx_eq exist for ndarray::Array2 etc.?
Currently I'm doing:
for it in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
let (af, bf) = it;
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
This is works, but is sub-optimal.
My question: Does something like assert_approx_eq exist for ndarray::Array2 etc.?
Wouldn't think so, that's quite specific and ndarray doesn't seem to provide anything similar.
for it in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
let (af, bf) = it;
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
You should be able to simplify that a small bit by deconstructing the tuple straight into the iteration:
for (af, bf) in mat_a.iter().zip(expect_mat_a.iter()) {
assert_approx_eq!(af, bf);
This is works, but is sub-optimal.
Syntactically? You can hide the implementation behind a macro of your own. That is basically what assert_approx_eq does, it's nothing magical, it just provides conveniences / convenient defaults, mostly in that it generates an expressive error message on failure, if you look at the code assert_approx_eq!($a, $b) just desugars to:
let eps = 1.0e-6;
let (a, b) = (&$a, &$b);
(*a - *b).abs() < eps,
"assertion failed: `(left !== right)` \
(left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`, expect diff: `{:?}`, real diff: `{:?}`)",
(*a - *b).abs()
Yes, ndarray has the optional feature approx and with it enabled, it supports the approx crate traits and macros.
use approx::assert_abs_diff_eq;
assert_abs_diff_eq!(af, bf);
I'm currently trying to write a function that is generally equivalent to numpy's tile. Currently each time I try to return a (altered or unaltered) clone of the input array, I get a warning about an overflow, and cargo prompts me to increase the recursion limit. however this function isn't recursive, so I'm assuming its happening somewhere in the implementation.
here is the stripped down function, (full version):
pub fn tile<A, D1, D2>(arr: &Array<A, D1>, reps: Vec<usize>) -> Array<A, D2>
A: Clone,
D1: Dimension,
D2: Dimension,
let num_of_reps = reps.len();
//just clone the array if reps is all ones
let mut res = arr.clone();
let bail_flag = true;
for &x in reps.iter() {
if x != 1 {
bail_flag = false;
if bail_flag {
let mut res_dim = res.shape().to_owned();
_new_shape(num_of_reps, res.ndim(), &mut res_dim);
return res;
//otherwise do extra work
return res.reshape(shape_out);
this is the actual error I'm getting on returning res:
overflow evaluating the requirement `&ArrayBase<_, _>: Neg`
consider increasing the recursion limit by adding a `#![recursion_limit = "1024"]` attribute to your crate (`mfcc_2`)
required because of the requirements on the impl of `Neg` for `&ArrayBase<_, _>`
511 redundant requirements hidden
required because of the requirements on the impl of `Neg` for `&ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<A>, D1>`rustcE0275
I looked at the implementation of Neg in ndarray, it doesn't seem to be recursive, so I'm a little confused as to what is going on.
p.s. I'm aware there are other errors in this code, as those appeared after I switched from A to f64(the actual type I plan on using the function with), but those are mostly trivial to fix. Still if you have suggestions on any error you see I appreciate them nonetheless.
Is there a way to chain the read_* functions in tokio::io in a "recursive" way ?
I'm essentially looking to do something like:
read_until x then read_exact y then write response then go back to the top.
In case you are confused what functions i'm talking about: https://docs.rs/tokio/0.1.11/tokio/io/index.html
Yes, there is a way.
read_until is returns a struct ReadUntil, which implements the Future-trait, which iteself provides a lot of useful functions, e.g. and_then which can be used to chain futures.
A simple (and silly) example looks like this:
extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio_io; // 0.1.8 // 0.1.24
use futures::future::Future;
use std::io::Cursor;
use tokio_io::io::{read_exact, read_until};
fn main() {
let cursor = Cursor::new(b"abcdef\ngh");
let mut buf = vec![0u8; 2];
read_until(cursor, b'\n', vec![])
.and_then(|r| read_exact(r.0, &mut buf))
Here I use a Cursor, which happens to implement the AsyncRead-trait and use the read_until function to read until a newline occurs (between 'f' and 'g').
Afterwards to chain those I use and_then to use read_exact in case of an success, use wait to get the Result unwrap it (don't do this in production kids!) and take the second argument from the tuple (the first one is the cursor).
Last I convert the Vec into a String to display "gh" with println!.
In general, I prefer to write initializer functions with descriptive names. However, for some structs, there is an obvious default initializer function. The standard Rust name for such a function is new, placed in the impl block for the struct. However, today I realized that I can give a function the same name as a struct, and thought this would be a good way to implement the obvious initializer function. For example:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pair<T, U> {
first: T,
second: U,
fn Pair<T, U>(first: T, second: U) -> Pair<T, U> {
Pair::<T, U> {
first: first,
second: second,
fn main(){
let x = Pair(1, 2);
println!("{:?}", x);
This is, in my opinion, much more appealing than this:
let x = Pair::new(1, 2);
However, I've never seen anyone else do this, and my question is simply if there are any problems with this approach. Are there, for example, ambiguities which it can cause which will not be there with the new implementation?
If you want to use Pair(T, U) then you should consider using a tuple struct instead:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Pair<T, U>(T, U);
fn main(){
let x = Pair(1, 2);
println!("{:?}", x);
println!("{:?}, {:?}", (x.0, x.1));
Or, y’know, just a tuple ((T, U)). But I presume that Pair is not your actual use case.
There was a time when having identically named functions was the convention for default constructors; this convention fell out of favour as time went by. It is considered bad form nowadays, probably mostly for consistency. If you have a tuple struct (or variant) Pair(T, U), then you can use Pair(first, last) in a pattern, but if you have Pair { first: T, last: U } then you would need to use something more like Pair { first, last } in a pattern, and so your Pair(first, last) function would be inconsistent with the pattern. It is generally felt, thus, that these type of camel-case functions should be reserved solely for tuple structs and tuple variants, where it can be known that it is genuinely reflecting what is contained in the data structure with no further processing or magic.
When the following is submitted to the compiler
fn main()
let abc = vec![10u, 20u, 30u];
let bcd = vec![20u, 30u, 40u];
let cde = abc.append(bcd.as_slice());
println!("{}", cde);
the compiler emits the following warning:
this function has been deprecated in favor of extend()
How would the equivalent look using extend?
Take a look at the signature for extend:
fn extend<I: Iterator<T>>(&mut self, iterator: I)
Note that it takes self by a mutable reference, and that it doesn’t take a slice but rather an iterator (which is more general-purpose).
The end result would look like this, then:
Or this:
abc.extend(bcd.iter().map(|&i| i))
(Bearing in mind that Vec.iter() produces something that iterates over references rather than values, hence the need for .map(|&i| i).)
I am a little surprised that it is recommending extend, as push_all is a much more direct replacement, taking a slice rather than an iterator:
(Really strugging to title this question, so if anyone has suggestions feel free.)
Say I wanted to do an operation like:
take an array [1,2,3]
multiply each element by 2 (map): [2,4,6]
add the elements together (reduce): 12
multiply the result by 10: 120
I can do this pretty cleanly in underscore using chaining, like so:
arr = [1,2,3]
map = (el) -> 2*el
reduce = (s,n) -> s+n
out = (r) -> 10*r
reduced = _.chain(arr).map(map).reduce(reduce).value()
result = out(reduced)
However, it would be even nicer if I could chain the 'out' method too, like this:
result = _.chain(arr).map(map).reduce(reduce).out(out).value()
Now this would be a fairly simple addition to a library like underscore. But my questions are:
Does this 'out' method have a name in functional programming?
Does this already exist in underscore (tap comes close, but not quite).
This question got me quite hooked. Here are some of my thoughts.
It feels like using underscore.js in 'chain() mode' breaks away from functional programming paradigm. Basically, instead of calling functions on functions, you're calling methods of an instance of a wrapper object in an OOP way.
I am using underscore's chain() myself here and there, but this question made me think. What if it's better to simply create more meaningful functions that can then be called in a sequence without having to use chain() at all. Your example would then look something like this:
arr = [1,2,3]
double = (arr) -> _.map(arr, (el) -> 2 * el)
sum = (arr) -> _.reduce(arr, (s, n) -> s + n)
out = (r) -> 10 * r
result = out sum double arr
# probably a less ambiguous way to do it would be
result = out(sum(double arr))
Looking at real functional programming languages (as in .. much more functional than JavaScript), it seems you could do exactly the same thing there in an even simpler manner. Here is the same program written in Standard ML. Notice how calling map with only one argument returns another function. There is no need to wrap this map in another function like we did in JavaScript.
val arr = [1,2,3];
val double = map (fn x => 2*x);
val sum = foldl (fn (a,b) => a+b) 0;
val out = fn r => 10*r;
val result = out(sum(double arr))
Standard ML also lets you create operators which means we can make a little 'chain' operator that can be used to call those functions in a more intuitive order.
infix 1 |>;
fun x |> f = f x;
val result = arr |> double |> sum |> out
I also think that this underscore.js chaining has something similar to monads in functional programming, but I don't know much about those. Though, I have feeling that this kind of data manipulation pipeline is not something you would typically use monads for.
I hope someone with more functional programming experience can chip in and correct me if I'm wrong on any of the points above.
Getting slightly off topic, but one way to creating partial functions could be the following:
// extend underscore with partialr function
partialr: function (fn, context) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
return function () {
return fn.apply(context, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).concat(args));
This function can now be used to create a partial function from any underscore function, because most of them take the input data as the first argument. For example, the sum function can now be created like
var sum = _.partialr(_.reduce, this, function (s, n) { return s + n; });
I still prefer arr |> double |> sum |> out over out(sum(double(arr))) though. Underscore's chain() is nice in that it reads in a more natural order.
In terms of the name you are looking for, I think what you are trying to do is just a form of function application: you have an underscore object and you want to apply a function to its value. In underscore, you can define it like this:
app: function(v, f) { return f (v); }
then you can pretty much do what you asked for:
var arr = [1,2,3];
function m(el) { return 2*el; };
function r(s,n) { return s+n; };
function out(r) { return 10*r; };
console.log("result: " + _.chain(arr).map(m).reduce(r).app(out).value()));
Having said all that, I think using traditional typed functional languages like SML make this kind of think a lot slicker and give much lighter weight syntax for function composition. Underscore is doing a kind of jquery twist on functional programming that I'm not sure what I think of; but without static-type checking it is frustratingly easy to make errors!