Add Thumbnail Support in Wordpress Theme - wordpress

I am building a theme where I need to add Thumbnails for the Category
I have tried this in the theme function.php
function spencer_cat_support(){
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'spencer_cat_support');
I don't know what I am doing wrong here.

I don't think that there is any support in wordpress to add thumbnail to taxonomies like this it is only available for post types and custom post types. You can either write some code to add image support to category or use some external plugin based on which you prefer.
If you prefer writing your own code check this:
If you prefer external plugin check this:


how to customize post meta in wordpress?

currently my theme on WordPress is Neve , and my posts all over the blog shows the following meta info :
where :
1- post title
2- post author
3- post date
4- post category
i want to replace these post meta with similar to this:
for this purpose i have created a child theme and then installed snippet plugin to add php code easily and deactivate it once it is not working . unfortunately i could not find the code that can do the required modifications on that post meta :
can any one provide a full php code to modify all these changes in one time after pasting into snippet ? or if there is another way i can do it ?
You'll have to create a child theme (already done) where you can override the current blog post template, instead of using a snippet plugin. To do this, copy the blog post template file from your theme and add it to your child theme.
WordPress will now read your child theme template instead of your theme's template, and you can easily modify the DOM from there, and shape the layout/text however way you want. (You can use the theme editor built-in in WordPress to modify the new child theme file. No plugin required.)
This is the proper way to modify a post page without plugins, and you can easily grab thing such as a post date, author, etc. via WordPress' built-in function. Example of how to get the author name of a WordPress post in PHP.
As for, 'latest edition' date, I will lend you a snippet I wrote for a client as WordPress. This will return the date at which a post has been modified as long as it is different from the publishing date (tweaks are common right after publication so it's a tad pointless to show a "last edited date" as the same as the publication date).
function current_post_last_edited_date_formatted() {
if(get_the_modified_date() !== get_the_date()) {
return '<p class="last-edited"> Last edited <span class="data">'.current_post_last_edited_date().'</span></p>';
} else {
return '';
The function you see called in the condition are WordPress core functions. =)

Using Jetpack Portfolio Project in WordPress child theme does not call archive custom template

I have a child theme that uses the new Jetpack Portfolio Project custom post type and wish to modify archive.php to display custom results.
I'm using: WordPress v3.9.2; Theme: Child of Point, Jetpack is installed with Custom Content Types enabled, and Portfolio Projects selected in the Settings. (No other plugins that implement portfolio functionality are installed.)
According to the Codex:
Template Files
In the same way single posts and their archives can be displayed using
the single.php and archive.php template files, respectively,
single posts of a custom post type will use single-{post_type}.php
and their archives will use archive-{post_type}.php
and if you don't have this post type archive page you can pass BLOG_URL?post_type={post_type}
where {post_type} is the $post_type argument of the
register_post_type() function.
My understanding is that if you create files called single-jetpack-portfolio.php and archive-jetpack-portfolio.php within the child theme, WordPress will automatically use those files in place of single.php and archive.php respectively.
However, my child theme successfully calls single-jetpack-portfolio.php, but completely ignores archive-jetpack-portfolio.php, instead calling archive.php in the child.
I am stuck for a solution.
From the codex above, adding to the URL "?post_type=jetpack-portfolio" does cause the child theme to correctly use archive-jetpack-portfolio.php, but should I need to be manually modifying every single URL to explicitly specify this? Should WordPress not automatically be detecting this, as it does for the single-jetpack-portfolio.php file? How can I solve this?
I have tried:
Resetting the permalinks in case it was related to that (changing the option in Settings and saving and back again)
Adding an archive.php file to the child in addition to archive-jetpack-portfolio.php (I initially didn't have an archive.php in the child, so it used the parent's archive.php)
Publishing a new Jetpack portfolio project and updating an existing page (I read somewhere that publishing something might trigger Wordpress to see the changes)
Thanks in advance for any help.
I had the same problem described by the OP. When I visited it would use the custom archive template. When I tried to view a project type it defaulted to the regular archive.php. I'm wondering if OP was viewing a project type page without realizing it.
My solution was to create a taxonomy template file. After playing around with it I figured out that
all worked correctly, depending on how specific you wanted to get.
There's more info at the wordpress codex:
Hope this helps someone.
I will be working on this the next days.
You should try this in the child archive.php first lines:
if( is_post_type_archive('jetpack-portfolio') )
get_template_part('content', 'jetpack-portfolio');
elseif( is_tax('jetpack-portfolio-type') || is_tax('jetpack-portfolio-tag') )
get_template_part('archive', 'jetpack-portfolio');
else continue;

Extend existing wordpress plugin

I was wondering if I could extend a existing wordpress plugin. For example adding some new features but without touching the original plugin files. Is this possible?
I found the solution. For example in woocommerce plugin, I need to add some html to the sigle product so I wrote in function.php:
add_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_single_product_my_custom_function', 15 );
function woocommerce_single_product_my_custom_function(){
echo '<p>this is my html code</p>';
unless the original defines hooks to extend, I am afraid this will not be possible. I suggest the way you would do that is copy the plugin directory and give it a different name in its definition

add custom field template to theme admin page

in WP admin how to add the custom field template plugin to a theme page?
it automatically shows in posts and pages but i want this in the theme page. the theme am using is from iwak "creations" portfolio page.
what files do i need to modify to add this?
It's very hard to say what you need to modify without being able to look at the code. Being a premium theme, we can't just download it and take a look.
Having said that, the theme may use the WordPress custom post type functionality. Search the code for a call to the register_post_type function. If it's used, you may be in luck. Either
add 'custom-fields' to the supports argument in that call, or
call add_post_type_support after the post type is registered. The $post_type parameter will be the first value passed to the register_post_type function, and the $supports parameter will be 'custom-fields'.
Daniel, are you using this Custom Post Type Plugin - I've used it before, and the guy who created it is Japanese, so his personal page isn't very useful as far as support for english goes.
I had some trouble with this at first. But what I think you're trying to do is add the custom fields to your new pages you've created, correct?
It's not very straightforward, but once it works it's pretty awesome.
Basically, when you set up the plugin you create these different "Custom fields," right? Well part of that should look like this:
[Custom Field Name]
type = textarea
rows = 4
cols = 40
tinyMCE = true
htmlEditor = true
Ok, so once you've created those "Custom fields" keep note of the part in brackets. You'll add this to your template pages:
<?php getCustomField('Custom Field Name'); ?>
Now when you enter the info in the pages or posts, the content should appear as you've entered it.

Grab images from wordpress media library category

Just picking up wordpress as of late and I am trying to create a homepage slide show. I am creating a custom theme for a client and I want to be able to categorize media in the media library, so I am using this plugin to add categories so I can just pull the images from the "homepageBanner" gallery that I created.
When I pull images from my media library on my template via get_posts(), get_children() or do_shortcodes(), they all don't give me a property on the objects that are returned to determine what category they are in.
I imagine this has been done before (without a plugin), and seems like an incredibly easy task, however where I look and search, all I am finding are plug-ins.
if you are using the media library categories plugin then check out the function get_category_archive located in the media-categories.php. it is used in the taxonomy-media_category.php to pull archived images. you could create a custom function in your themes function.php that does something similar
If you are using the: media-library-categories.1.0.6 plugin, then you can simply do the following to echo out an unordered list containing all your images for a specific media category (replace "11" with the ID of the media category you want to display)
<?php echo do_shortcode('[mediacategories categories="11"]'); ?>
